The thing that moderators like get their own section?
If you had actually watched the Anime discussion topic you would see that I wasn't really keen on the idea myself. But enough people in the Anime topic brought it up, with some arguments. So I brought the idea to the staff in which most people agreed. And it was created. It wasn't much more than that.
Candy eh, that's one topic. You wouldn't need a section for that, sure there is different candy but there is no harm talking about all of them in the same topic, and you can make a topic of it if you want. Anime however, that's hundreds and thousands of topics in one, imagine cramming all game discussions into one topic, or all movie/series discussion in to one topic. It just doesn't work, you have spoilers, and trying to discuss 10 shows with different people at the same time. It's a mess that wasn't easy to work with.
1. It's not fair - Why not? People were passionate about something, asked for a section and got it. I'm sure the same thing would happen if it was something else. Just like we got Movie/TV, Music and sports.
2. Makes no sense - Why not? Some members of this society wanted to discuss something. This section here is just as fair as any of the other sections that don't have Gtastunting videos.
3. Not the right place - Again, why not? Why would you deny people that are part of the community to discuss something that they like? or rather, why deny Anime and allow live action movies/series?
Candy sounds stupid, true, Anime sounds stupid for some people, true. This is why we made it so that anyone who wants can view it, but those who don't want to don't have to. Hence we were hoping to please both parts.
This should be obvious, rage messages are exactly that, rage. Personally I don't want to see a topic filled with hate and rage, it makes this community look bad and I believe that members are better than that. That's why we ask to take your rage or accusations to pm's or whatever. You can still be mad, but just don't show it to everyone. And we all know throwing one accusation will lead to a lot of heated discussion, which is why we also would like people to take that through pm. It derails a topic so fast it's almost sad. Sure it's still about the video, but it's not fun going through 5 pages of accusations, not for the maker and not for the reader.
I don't really see your comparison
Anime section > Engages people in discussion around their favorite anime shows/movies (Much like the Movie/TV section I might add)
Rage > Raging, which leads to more raging. Not particularly fun to read.