"They took our dota, so we're taking their TF2 and making it even more casual". Even the sniper class isn't about aim. "We don't want people to die instantly" yet they gave reaper an auto-aim AoE like the demon hunters strafe out of Diablo 3.
Basically they took TF2 and made it even more casual, yet they imply it's serious business through limiting it to 6v6. "We didn't feel like it was possible to make a difference in bigger teams", meanwhile you can one-man-army a 12v12 TF2 server and carry it completely. Unless they balance it better than their other games, it's gonna be a shit show. An FPS game not about aim, but about proper use of ultimates that can completely shit players over, not because of their lack of skill, but because that one guy pressed 4.
Game looks kind of fun, I have a strong dislike for turrets and shit in games, so we'll see how that turns out. But I'll try it out for sure
Casualization. Not one but three turret classes, one entirely being sentry in itself. Oh, and of course some fat tumblr feminist had to point out the obvious. I SEE YOU HAVE SUCH A VARIETY OF RACES, ARE YOU GONNA MAKE MORE WOMEN? I'm surprised nobody got mad at the cultural appropriation. The egyptian lady has generic egyptian marks under her eye, the indian guy has monk beads and the indian lady has a diamond on her forehead, much like the red dots used in religion.
All that aside, I doubt it's gonna take much off, like heroes of the storm never did. Meh title with some Quality of Life changes, but in general not an interesting game. TF2 wont have to fear a thing. Especially without public servers. I spent 3 years playing on the same CS 1.6 server, made friends, joined a clan. Matchmaking these days are people you don't exchange a word with or have a fun experience with, unless you add them and talk all day. There's no casual way to talk with people and meet them again.