Very nice for a first video man, you had some sweet idea's like the freeway stucky stoppie on the rooftops and the pcj bump 2 ledge grind. Some very old stunt's in there brought it down a tad bit, so I'd suggest downloading some older videos to get familiar with new/old stunts more.
Umm, honostly, not to be rude, but I don't care if the stunts were old or not. I just did them, pointing that I had whatever skill level needed to pull them off.
Well done to you Krow, hope you stick around and such, and well done to Devision for editing it.
For the time being your stuck with me! I'll try to get better, and I'd like you thank Devision agian for editing :3
cool first vid man, and i was on the thanks to
'Course. I've known you since like... the first week I joined, back in August. And You've seemed to support me the whole time, as well as helped.
Good first video, I enjoyed it . The editing was a little wierd, I know Aries is probably gonna post and say this as well, but try to keep the camera more behind the bike so that you can see what's going on.
*points to Devision*
nice one Krow, you have the ability to spot tricky combos which really helps you in stunting
Its not to hard, I just look for somthing, and do it. I don't care if it's already been done *shrug*
Holy crap. I actually lost a stunt to this guy
Victory!! [/sarcasm]
btw sweet first vid , does he have an account here or what?
Maybe I do