Nicely done. I don't know why so many are ragging on the use of helis. Two or three years ago nobody would have batted an eyelid. The bridge pylon could have been done without it with a bit of patience, but the building in Portland would have been a fucking pain. I can understand the point where you finally say "Nuts to this!" and give yourself a break from the agony of sliding off over and over again (God knows, man).
There were a lot of creative ideas. I particularly liked the bucket shot into the soda cup in Staunten - very creative way to get in there. Some nice precisions (the boat club canopy being one of the best) and a funky soundtrack to top it all off. The editing was a little here and there for me. Sometimes the cam was in too close, and the CC made some stunts look a little dark.
However, a solid effort and it's just nice to see another taxi collab. Good job.