I want to present you a nice little internet site :
www.tf2lobby.comAt this site you register yourself and get a code that you put in your profile . After that you can log-in and either create a lobby or make an lobby yourself with the settings you'd like .
Example :
Fair Fight
Standard + Utilities
No crits / spread
When you start the lobby it will configure the best server for you (in order that you chose the best
dedicated available) . Now you only need to wait until the server gets filled and the game can start and will be locked with a password .
The code can be put somewhere random in your profile . It just needs to be there somewhere You wonder what PUGs are ? PUG's are
Games mostly with the well-known scrim roster . That means 2 scouts , 2 soldiers , 1 medic and 1 demoman but you aren't forced to take this line-up , it's just that Those 4 classes aren't situational and fit every situation .
Once you registered give me a call on steam and I may open a lobby for us
Team Fortress 2 (
Credit goes out to :
The TF2lobby Team
Valve and those who provide servers