like the title sais, whats your favorite MultiPlayer game? mines no doubt resistance fall of man, it rarely lags and even when it does that barely affects the killing so.. even if your lagging you'll get decent kills and if your a good player you can still come 1st. (unlike any of the gta's online.. IV even though i have faster downloads than most i can hardly get kills even though im shooting some guy in the head as he runs past, he turns around and shoots me once and kills me.. in Rfom i rarely get slaughtered)
its also just a shitload of fun it kinda reminds me of halo but i hate halo, this is 1000x more fun.
whats yours?
EDIT: oh, hay lets post a video of online play for our games to show people what we mean
this guys close to my level. but im a better sniper also there are heaps more guns n such but its best to find what one works best for you and stick with it.