We need you guys!Since now, Pure Stunting Server (yeh, the pinned one) is fully open to recive stunt maps you guys made!
Simple as that: make a good stunt map in MTA, and send it to us. also dont forget to mention how hard the map is. if we like it, and it doesnt break any rules, we will accept it. you can allways keep updating it and sending us the new map.
PICTURE WITH INFOWe are hoping to fill all the green areas with stunt maps.
Retyping the rules for submitting:
- The map must be located in one of the green areas. red areas are already taken- Your map can also be located above the city, in any location you want, cept above other stunt maps
- Maps shouldnt interfere with the original map.- Make sure the road doesnt produce rad-bumping- PM the maps to me