Mr Magic's stunt showed his skill. This is the kind of that you can only do if you're experienced at stunting.
Yeah, I suppose that's true. Well skill n skill... It's not the hardest stunt I've ever done but it is the kind of stunt where the stunter's involvement is necessary throughout the
whole stunt. Those stunts are the ones I enjoy to do the most and I'm glad the judges didn't think I went out of line, some wouldn't even call my submission a stunt.
Good match, Fighter. It's a shame you had to use that packer, without it I'm sure it would've been a more suspenseful match. I'd like to thank Fighter for taking the SL seriously, the judges and organizers and everyone who liked my effort! I really think this SL is runnin smooth, and I'm not just sayin this cus I've got 12 points now.