Greendead: Okayish tank bump in a pretty straightforward area. You had no spin off it but you did have a nice looking flip. The landing was alright I guess in that it was a roof (with a kinda smallish surface area) landing, although it wasnt a very high roof. The distance off the bump was nothing special, but it was alright.
Fox: Another okayish tank bump in a similar location to Gd's. I guess yours was quite the oposite: instead of a flip and no spin, you had no flip and some spin. Ground-grabs can sometimes make a stunt look better (in that they add another aspect to the stunt), but on this occasion, to me, it kinda made it worse since it 'looked' like you could've landed fine without it - although I guess in regards to making it a combo of stunts it was kinda okay to watch.
My Vote: Both similar stunts in similar location, both with about the same height, both having one little extra bit on the end (roof landing/ground grab). Greenie had a smooth flip to roof, while Fox had a decent spin to not-so-smooth ground grab'ed landing. Hard to say which one I prefer. I think I am gonna give my vote to Greendead, but only just. To me Greendeads seemed like a better stunt - I dont really know what else to say. Now, a few closing words: tank bumps are a great stunting friend, they can provide for some really interesting and unexpected stunts due to the unpredictability of the bump. They also don't take much to set up - just look for a small ramp or bump and chuck your tank behind it, then go for gold. Keep that in mind next time you go stunting, as the airport is not the only place to do them, there are many many other locations as well. Ofcourse this was a short time-limited challenge so I don't blame you for choosing to try a stunt at the airport. One more thing, Fox, keep trying that bump you submitted earlier, that was a sweet stunt, and would look pretty cool if landed with some nice rotation.