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Messages - Demonfade

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Group 3 / SnowMan vs. mAsTeR
« on: April 19, 2008, 12:20:17 AM »
Snowman:Well I've been doing gaps and such since as long as I can remember and that is not a bad one. Great height and distance. However my vote would've gone to you if you perhaps cork or krailed and landed on the street would've been extremely nice and I really dig gaps.

mAsTeR:Right off the bat I liked that you didn't use an extreme amount of speed to get up to that roof and the bonk off the "light" may I add was terrific and realtive good height for the turn having to be made into the grass, quite inventive and new to me.

Therefore my vote goes to mAsTeR.

VC Stunting Challenges / The Bastard Poles
« on: March 25, 2008, 07:52:15 AM »
Ahhh yes someone please land number 1... I tried it a long time ago and came very close but it'd look so nice because there isn't many surrounding buildings. Try it from the other direction . I nearly scraped the edge.

GTASL 4 / GTA Stunting League 4 Sign up
« on: March 17, 2008, 02:36:47 PM »
Quote from: finallight
You are letting demonfade be a judge? What the hell is wrong with you? It boggles my mind how so many of you people seem to admire him. He's a modder, cheater, lier, and an arrogant tosser! You drink his piss up like it's lemonade.

What the eff? Hex is denied cause Boxxx did his stunts once, but you let Boxxx in, and godson.  Demonfade has done Delirium's stunts, but you let him be a judge. Snowman has also been accused of modding, I think, but he's in too.  

This stuff is messed up.
Delirium I have as a friend in person. Something you know nothing of. I do not modify my game or cheat in my videos.

Then you just bash me and speak of something you know nothing of hey there Mr.Comatose? Where as he very clearly fucked with the very game he was let out of and is now back in.

I've never cheated and all my stunts can be done without mods and I use frame limiter on for starters also unbiased unlike yourself there and post opinions as facts why don't you run for president.

Just because I pissed you off years ago and you still havn't cleared your mind of it boggles me so you just come on here and bash me. Just leave or shut the fuck up about it seriously. That's all this is about, I know it and you know it but no one else does seriously be less of a bitch about it and maybe talk to me on msn instead of having me blocked like you have for the past couple years. So get your fucking facts straight and that pole out of your ass.

This topic wasn't intended for conversation so now I apologize and am done with it, peace.

VC Tutorials / Red Grab & Front Grab Tutorial
« on: March 16, 2008, 02:45:55 PM »
This isn't new.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / The Pole Positions
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:48:07 PM »
Original song by Matthew Good, very good video. Great display of showing that you know how to pole bump.

Now do some more and shove it in with variety.

GTASL 4 / GTA Stunting League 4 Sign up
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:22:24 PM »
Mr.Magic you really don't know what your talking about.

That's all I'm gonna say because your a waste of my time.

The Marketplace / Alexey89 - Stunting Liberty?
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:17:05 PM »
This is on filefront VIA the vid-reupload topic I requested it WAY back and Daffy kindly up'd it.

VC Stunting Challenges / ZeroX challenges
« on: March 12, 2008, 08:51:45 AM »
No doubt they are, I've tried 1 and 4 before. However in 1 you actually grind the part lower so that should help a little bit haha. 4 I have also tried without a packer. I'll give them all a whirl though.

GTASL 4 / GTA Stunting League 4 Sign up
« on: March 12, 2008, 08:29:31 AM »
Quote from: Mr.Magic
Quote from: Sweet
Quote from: Mr.Magic
Quote from: Brulla
Ofthemountain (first alternate)
I'm not saying this cus I'm his friend and fellow crew member, but he would most definitly be a great main judge seeing as he has a slightly different perspective on stunting than most. Also he's the type of person that can keep a promise. If he was chosen main judge then he would be there for every match, I'm sure of that.
I know you wouldn't be saying this if you weren't his friend/crew member. He will live with being first alternate, I think, and most likely will be a judge in quite a few matches anyways. If someone wants to offer their main judge spot, that's all well and good, but I don't think that you should try and convince brulla and kingjad to force someone to give their spot up. Don't worry about it too much.
Obviously you don't know me, homey, I'm all about justice. I'm convinced he would be a great judge, therefore I want to stand up and give the organizers my opinion. To make a good judging squad you need variety so that the decisions are not biased because of narrow-mindedness. So in my opinion the judges, based on the volunteers, should be the following: Demonfade with his historical/veteran perspective, Juan because he basically does any type of stunt, Ralleee for his attraction to more stats demanding stunts, ofthemountain for his creative approach on stunting and last but not least Brulla for his admiration to stunts involving other vehicles than bikes.

Also I think all of them pays attention to the creativeness of a stunt, more or less, which is in my opinion the most important aspect of a stunt. Now what I've just said is completely based on my experiance with those five, it might be true, it might not.

Another valid point is that you're hypocrits. You wont let UtterGarbage stunt because you're afraid he wont be active. But you'll let Demonfade and Docta Luv judge, even though they have been on and off the forums a bunch of times. I know I'm contradicting my statement about that I'd like to see Demonfade as a judge, but I'm assuming your opinion on active respectively unactive people now, which is not the same as mine. Yes Sweet, OTM could probably live with being a backup judge but I'm not down with that when I know he'd make a fabolous main judge.
"I am also a well rounded stunter which loathes variety and creativity, along with other great fellows that used to be on here I (founded) some stunt combos/techniques. I also do pay attention to stats as you said... don't you worry your pretty little head I will take absolutely everything into consideration. If the rest of you don't that's your decision."

Also I think all of them pays attention to the creativeness of a stunt, more or less, which is in my opinion the most important aspect of a stunt. Now what I've just said is completely based on my experiance with those five, it might be true, it might not.

"That wasn't very nice."

"I take long periods of breaks and they are planned {almost all the time}. But if you didn't notice I've been more active than I have in years lately. I don't even know Ofthemountain so no judgment on him personally however why is he on a pedestal?"

VC Stunting Challenges / BSM
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:47:20 PM »
Quote from: Rod
Jaja landed from that double bump
Who hasn't?  

Stunt Video Database / Vid re-upload requests
« on: March 07, 2008, 01:10:03 PM »
Dude I hope someone has this,


Collaboration between Aenima and Nightkid.

GTASL 4 / GTA Stunting League 4 Sign up
« on: March 07, 2008, 07:35:39 AM »
Demonfade = Judge

VC Stunting Challenges / lol, maybe old?
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:11:09 PM »
Looks new to me, I don't even have LC though.

« on: March 06, 2008, 06:39:05 PM »
Thank you Alex, I'm an odd element on the forums  

I kind of agree with others on this, I should hope this league doesn't take quite as long as the last one. Same with the video you are "waiting for" I'm not really waiting for it. I mean you could piece it together in your head even, we saw all the clips obviously so we could just start this up but your choice ultimately I suppose haha.

[ZS] Chat & News / Ask ZS
« on: March 05, 2008, 07:37:36 PM »
That's very true I remember what Daffy and I did. But he did start much sooner.

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