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Messages - Sheep

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VC Chat & Support / Re: Collision Fixing: Modded or Overdue?
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:35:48 AM »
We had this debate on RU community long time ago, just as for a conclusion, it would be nice if we had a fully fixed version of  each map and we could use this version as default stunting version and never back to questions like: "how the fuck he landed this, if on my version of gta it has no collision?"
I think Danger and Dev are from Russia and they both (or at least one of them) landed some taxi boosts in VC where you would normally fall through the roof, but they fixed the collision to stay on it. I moved it to modded section, because that what it was; modding. Only after they shared their col files I think Simon moved it back to un-modded. 4:00

VC Stunting Challenges / Re: Hoff's easy challenge game
« on: April 17, 2021, 04:52:43 AM »
Damn, Sanchez grinds are harder than I thought.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Collision Fixing: Modded or Overdue?
« on: April 16, 2021, 01:26:44 AM »
edit/ I remember someone (luli comes to my mind idk) landing a long ass invisible grind on top of a mountain (i think?) on the LC beach near cortez mansion, am I tripping or does anyone else remember it too? lol
Gavran and this thing right here?


ATS Video Releases / Re: ATS - The Fantabulous 4
« on: April 01, 2021, 04:24:20 AM »
I totally forgot it's April Fools today and you guys release a video.

Good vibe. Loved the scooter pool prec editing part, that was really clever :)
Also lost Aries finisher as a spot.

GTA Modding / Re: SA Tree lods fixed
« on: March 28, 2021, 03:33:25 AM »
Stupid ART for banning me on GTAS discord, good job you little fuck
You are using the wrong discord server if you see Art.

VC Chat & Support / Re: VC Throwback II
« on: March 20, 2021, 08:50:34 AM »
So soon? I send you something for sure

DSS Video Releases / Re: DSS - Eradicate [2021]
« on: March 17, 2021, 03:38:36 AM »
Woah absolutely fucking sick crew video!
Hey Flippa <3  :wub:

DSS Video Releases / Re: DSS - Eradicate [2021]
« on: March 16, 2021, 08:32:03 AM »
My stunt review. I also commented on my stunts, so read it and DM me if you want clips or reps or something :)

Intro: AllBeast worked on this so many times adding more and more members. Nice one!

0:34-0:43 Smut - PCJ Natural bump 2 roof
Insane natbump. I can only imagine how hard is it with short run up where you have to turn. Perfect opener!
0:44-0:51 Faiz - PCJ CSM 2 roof
Massive jump! Not sure how far this is bump might be a record!
0:52-1:00 Krypton - PCJ Natural bump 2 roof
Tricky runup to clean bump and land. Smooth stuff man
1:01-1:05 Oliver - PCJ Pole bump 2 palm
Very random, but hey you nailed it!
1:06-1:12 Sheeptea - PCJ Drop bump 2 billboard
I did this ages ago to just the play area and I think Jubito said the bb is possible. I randomly went back to this spot and did this. Grind might be possible, but angle can be tricky.
1:13-1:22 Streem - Taxi boost 2 prec roof
Like Rainbow said; "Someone lamed this with a helicopter" and it was me years ago. Apparently it was done by SyperDimon so I'm sad we let one old stunt in. Still very hard to pull of so well done. :ajaja:
1:23-1:33 Skuller - PCJ CSM 2 grind
The grind is alright, but did you try it naturally?
1:34-1:38 Faiz - Sanchez bump 2 wallride 2 crane
When I checked the stuff members sent for this crew vid, I was like "this is old" and then BAM you wallride to the top! Nice one!
1:39-1:47 The Big V - Rhino ramp 2 rhino csm 2 wallride 2 roof
You crazy man. Big ass bump and landing is clean!
1:48-1:54 Skuller - Hotring popped tires double bump 2 roof
Yeah everyone knows Nem's landing on this already. I can't recall seeing this in the beta video, so why even send it to the main version? Filler stunt.
1:55-2:01 Sheeptea - PCJ csm 2 gap 2 containers
Again Rainbow asked if I landed the lower parts; Yes I did. I believe the ship chimney is only thing left to land, or any grinds there is.
2:02-2:11 Smut - Dodo upside down precision pass 2 precision
You handled that Dodo so well. Good landing!
2:12-2:22 Krypton - PCJ drop 2 grind 2 wallride 2 grind
Shame you didn't have time to finish the stunt. Still kickass stunt!
2:23-2:31 Oliver - Taxi boost 2 hit 2 boost 2 precision
Clever way to get angle and speed to boost from that tiny wall and even landing a prec is sick!
2:32-2:40 Sheeptea - Sanchez ramp 2 bump 2 bridge precision
Old spot I've been trying on and off for some time and finally nailing it. Fun fact! I landed this and the taxi red prec from 30 minutes from each other. :euro:
2:41-2:48 SkilZ - PCJ Side p2b 2 ledge grind
Glad you are part of this video. Cute grind, but nothing really special.
2:49-2:57 Krypton - PCJ bump 2 ledge grind 2 precision
Insane. One of the best stunts in this vid. Absolutely loving it.
2:57-3:02 Smut - PCJ bump 2 pool ledge grind
Hmm.. didn't you do something like this before? Smooth grind
3:03-3:14 Oliver - Zebra boost 2 precision
Must be a fluke, cuz nobody in their minds would try and nail this over and over. Sick that you landed it!
3:14-3:22 Faiz - PCJ police bump 2 roof
Massive spin and air across the road landing the roof. Nice one!
3:23-3:29 Nem - Hotring popped tires double bump 2 ship
Crazy long bump! Hotring popped stuff isnt that impressive, but the air time makes this stunt for me.
3:30-3:36 Bixel - PCJ bump 2 billboard
Weird ass angle, but you managed to pull something out of it. Nice one!
3:37-3:44 Sheeptea - PCJ csm 2 stadium
After reading comments I've come to realize I maybe should have done the grind part of it. Shame on me.
3:45-3:58 Krypton - PCJ skimmer csm 2 roof top
Wow, insane. There aint much of pcj landings on this roof so good fucking job!
3:58-4:08 SkilZ - PCJ p2b 2 roof top
Now this instead is hardcore as fuck! Glad you finally landed it for the video! (Share that grind in some other video, ok? :ninja:
4:09-4:15 Faiz - PCJ natural bump 2 roof
Again massive distance bump from you this time naturally. Nice!
4:16-4:29 Faiz - PCJ psm 2 roof
I tried this and it seems tricky with the angle. Well done!
4:30-4:39 Oliver - Taxi bigbang 2 Rhino hit 2 precision
Now this blows my mind :cc_detective: Cant believe you found something crazy like this and land the prec smoothly as it goes just tiny bit over the edge of the roof. Also one of the best stunts in the video for me.
4:40-4:51 Sheeptea - Zebra boost 2 hit 2 taxi boost 2 precision
Found this spot a bit earlier than landing my sanchez stunt, so after that I went back for this and nailed it!
4:52-5:00 The Big V - Rhino packer swing 2 double bump 2 wallride 2 roof
You tread rhinos like its a pcj. Very nice!
5:01-5:09 Sheeptea - PCJ p2b 2 roof
Beta videos finisher. Glad it isn't since this landing with a 360 is my third time landing this spot, so it devalues imo. Not that impressive anymore, eh?
5:10-5:16 Skuller - Zebra taxi boost 2 rock precision
Nice boost! Too bad you didn't sent more boosts :cc_detective:
5:17-5:23 Sheeptea - CSM 2 roof 2 tower precsion
Tricky one to land I must say. You can probably bonk the edge of the roof I ramped and bounce on the bell tower, but this came up easier. I have similar bail like this, using the windows as kicker to get ramp speed.
5:24-5:33 Oliver - Taxi backwards boost drop 2 boost 2 precision
Best stunt in the video. Tricky "runup" to small barely taxi sized prec. Insane one!
5:34-5:38 Skuller - PCJ p2b 2 precision
Nice p2b you got there!
5:39-5:45 Streem - PCJ p2b 2 roof
Wow! Vertical as heck. Good job.
5:46-5:52 Turok - PCJ wallhit 2 grind 2 ledge grind
Cute little double grind you got there!
5:53-6:00 Sheeptea - PCJ side p2b 2 bridge precision
Fun fact! Krypton was trying to remake WH - Neuralgia and he had one of boxXx side p2b to bb stunt left. I tried it and accidentally landed the bridge. :ninja:
6:01-6:06 Smut - PCJ drop 2 double grind
The drop is new. Nice addition to it!
6:07-6:13 Skuller - PCJ csm 2 precision
Clean precision. Maybe with a sanchez next time?
6:14-6:21 AllBeast - PCJ bsm 2 roof
BSM king. Nice air time.
5:22-6:27 Krypton - PCJ ramp 2 psm 2 billboard
Kinda fillerish imo. Runup is tricky so I give you that its harder than it looks.
6:27-6:32 Niger - PCJ side p2b 2 chimney
Devalues SkilZ csm landing here, but nice that its done with p2b finally.
6:33-6:38 Smut - PCJ ramp 2 psm 2 roof
Like I said, the runup and setup might not be the most legit way to play the game, but who cares. This spot is amazing and cant believe you found something like this.
6:38-6:46 Oliver - Zebra boost 2 bump 2 gap 2 roof
Taxi stunt from you I expected to land the prec. Tricky stunt, so maybe next time. Not a pre-finisher imo.
6:46-7:00 luli - PCJ p2b 2 billboard top
Lost my finisher to this, but hey this is way cooler than generic p2b. Well done!

Outro: Biggest gap stunt ever! Music is spot on!

Stunts: 9/10. Fillers should go next time :) Including my stupid stadium landings without grinds.

Edit: 9/10. Cam angles were kinda misleading like the last 3 stunts (not including finisher). If you cutted away some of the filler stunts, you might had enough time to give them a second angle.

Overall: 9/10

DSS Video Releases / Re: DSS - Eradicate [2021]
« on: March 13, 2021, 12:43:24 PM »
Krypton, I love you. :wub:

More detailed comment later (I just want to be on first page)

DSS Video Releases / Re: [VC] ALL OUT - Faiz & Skuller
« on: March 07, 2021, 05:24:07 AM »
Ah, so this is what you meant if I wanted to make trio. I didn't have enough stunts to participate.
Faiz originally wanted to release finisher at the same time with me, so I guess I can just post my version here on the comments:

Very good video overall. Both of you guys are stunting machines, producing quality stunts even for a leftover video.

VC Chat & Support / Re: 🔥 SKYWARD 4 🔥 Taxi Collab Organisation
« on: March 05, 2021, 03:55:05 AM »
Sent something.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey all
« on: February 26, 2021, 04:00:45 AM »
Hey welcome

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