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Messages - Demonfade

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VC Stunting Challenges / Bump 2 Wallbump 2 Roof
« on: December 02, 2007, 09:42:23 PM »
Why even argue? The point is this is impossible without cheats.

VC Stunting Challenges / Bump 2 Wallbump 2 Roof
« on: November 29, 2007, 06:39:35 PM »
It's impossible EXPLAINED VERSION.

You see... you'd have to bump quite a bit higher than the building to even bonk back to it. Therefore you'd have to bonk about a 1.5 higher than the actual building with a tremendous wallbonk and since you need that much of an angle straight up how much ever fucking height it is I can judge just by the picture that you can NOT get enough of a bonk no matter how much height you get off this really.

You could get 200ft and still not bonk enough.

XSA Video Releases / The End...
« on: November 29, 2007, 06:34:35 PM »
Quote from: corevil
sad to accept u're tired of stunting mate
and i would have been the first to post here considering how much i love you


EDIT: all links expireds  
Check my bump post.

XSA Video Releases / The End...
« on: November 27, 2007, 09:32:54 PM »
I like THEFTman's post
I like the video
I like Job For A Cowboy

I like his post because I usually don't read posts on here anymore due to the forums being full of people I could give a rats ass about so I understand and no prob for the upload I need it for my database I am working on, I need someone to make a template for me.

I liked the video because it had a pretty good variety of stunts at the point of it being made. Thanks for letting me be in it

I liked using Job For A Cowboy - Entombment of a Machine for the video Job For A Cowboy I enjoy their style of music.

Don't be hatin'.

XSA Video Releases / The End...
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:19:34 PM »
I got a working link for this awesome video.

Stunt Video Database / Demonfade
« on: November 27, 2007, 10:20:38 AM »
I have decided I would like re-create my database and would appreciate any help towards it, I'll keep it updated regularily. Thanks.

On a side note, I am missing many links and if you have a video of mine on youtube or anywhere I don't know about that would be appreciated if you PM me or tell me on MSN about it. So I don't have to re-upload all my videos for the most part.

I have collected most of the links and uploaded Taxilicious and The End, they now have known links at TGA.
I would like it if I send someone the wordpad file I've typed it up on to put it into HTML PM me or hit me up on MSN thanks.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Masquerade II
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:53:40 AM »
I like your variety, something most people lack.

Add me on MSN if you end up seeing this.

[email protected]

If you are someone on the forums I have a real good idea of who you are. I don't care though if you are I'd just like for you to approach me so I can discuss a thing or two with you.

@finallight's comment: 95-98% of the forums are going to be biased if you made a video like this, you knew it back when you made comatose so don't leave out facts.

VC Stunting Challenges / P2b to precision landing
« on: November 25, 2007, 01:02:58 PM »
Delirium has either done this or landed on it and fell off I really can't remember but he's came close to the even higher part.

[ZS] Video Releases / UnorthodoX
« on: November 23, 2007, 09:37:59 AM »
Quote from: Boo
I was back then in ampt, i was even on the old gta forums on gtaplanet shit, im older gtaer than most of u, u all shud obbey my every command.
There are still people here who are older than you...

WEREWOLF would be one of the oldest stunters other than myself that I know of.

Quote from: PlethZorb
Yo whats the point of 'claiming' this was all your spots. Gets lame/tedious. xD

Your challenges are always the best.

I proclaim Demonfade the best official challenger the boards have seen.
Thank you, Arigato, Gracias and Merci to you.

Quote from: Torque
Quote from: Feron
Quote from: Torque
Then why do you care so much to share that with us? Maybe its just the first person he seen try it? Fuck dude you don't need to act like your sweet as fuck because you cant even complete a fucking easy grind that you have been trying for years apparently.
That first reply was to Boxxx's post.

Just because I tried a stunt a few years back and let DF post it as a challenge doesn't mean I've been trying it whenever I get a chance to open up LC.

You love to talk ahead of your time, I'd love to see you land even two of your modern day stunts without your precious dannye's scm, ghost town or any other bullshit you take for granted.
Torque if they had the patience for that they need a life outside of this hobby...

Especially since they think stunting is luck and just try something for hours till they get it hehe.

Quote from: boxXx
Aries was the first one to try this
That's nice, how do you know?

How do you know someone on another forum didn't try this years ago?

Just GTFO man  

Haha I thought they were cool but I didn't make the pic, Torque did man.

The 360 then grind I've never seen in a video  . But I've seen the stairs 2 grind in over 25.  

Anywhos do this challenge and check out the new LC one.  

 . Hit the curb with any bike and grind the blue fence indicated.

1st place: __________
2nd place: __________
3rd place: __________

Alright Torque lets see you do this man.

This is what I mean by exploit an old spot.

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