
General => News & Updates => Community Videos => Topic started by: puzzLe on October 13, 2024, 12:00:05 PM

Title: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: puzzLe on October 13, 2024, 12:00:05 PM
Colony | 2024 VC Community Video

Hey everyone,

After 4 months of juggling our dedication to this project, real-life responsibilities and other activities, we are finally ready to present you the 2024 Vice City community video.

After first organizing it in 2022 myself, it has passed through multiple hands before it got thrown (back) into our laps, and since Darkstar and I had done AERONAUTS together, we figured another big editing job split between the two of us would be a fun idea.
Since then this video has been nothing short of a grind to complete; from learning how to use Blender and Darkstar Replay Manager from scratch, to having to do so much post-editing work with technical difficulties plaguing you to the point you just want to go lay in bed and do nothing. (Or trying to post this thread and having half of it disappear because of the apostrophe bug)
Another gut punch was the realization that MaCi was not gonna be in the community video.
In 2023 he let me know that he wanted to use the stunt he sent in for the original community video elsewhere, being the SFH video. I was kind of bummed even though I could very well understand that he thought everything took way too long.
But after his untimely passing, that stung all the more. Which is why I have to give an extra shoutout to Cooper and Ltab for providing us with one of MaCi last stunts, and Theonly One for giving his blessing to actually use it, as this will be one of MaCi`s final appearances in a stunting video. MaCi forever.

This project has been a rollercoaster of hype and dread, and honestly if it had not been for puzzLe continuously keeping a positive attitude I do not know if I would have seen it through to the end. I do not really have a lot more I want to say, I just want to thank every single person reading this, you help keep this tiny community alive. So, thank you, and enjoy the video!

A huge thank you to boxXx for making the color corrections, doing some QC and taking the time to do the final render, Rainbow for helping us through the arduous task of selecting replays, sheikah for keeping this project on its feet when I dropped the ball, Sasha Dotterkletch for creating a GTAS cake and Dannye for his support and software. But most importantly, the community: a huge thanks to those of you who have stuck around for years or even decades at this point as hit its 20th anniversary.

We hope you enjoy the video and cheers to another 20!

Colony - YouTube (

Colony - Download (

Review format:

Code: [Select]
00:00 | Intro:

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump:
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump:
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind:
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind:
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind:
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind:
03:51 | Ltab - PSM:
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM:
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG:
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind:
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind:
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B:
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind:
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B:
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec:
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B:
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind:
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost:
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost:
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind:
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec:
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost:
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind:
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG:
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump:
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour:
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump:
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind:
07:18 | Enough - CSM:

07:32 | Intermission:

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind:
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump:
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec:
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind:
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec:
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec:
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec:
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind:
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG:
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost:
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG:
09:37 | Haywire - CSM:
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b:
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump:
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind:
10:11 | Smut - Car grind:
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind:
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision:
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind:
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B:
10:57 | MadX - CSM:
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump:
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec:
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride:
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM:
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind:
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind:
12:17 | ToTy - P2B:
12:27 | Theodore - P2B:
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump:
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM:
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump:
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump:
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence:

13:37 | Outro:

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind:
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG:
14:11 | Enough - Grind:
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec:
14:28 | MadX - CSM:
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM:
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec:
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost:
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM:
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind:
15:38 | puzzLe - ???:
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM:
16:06 | boxXx - CSM:
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump:
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans:
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof:
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind:
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump:
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind:
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind:
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM:

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi:

Overall thoughts:
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Squeak on October 13, 2024, 12:07:54 PM
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Ezraph2001 on October 13, 2024, 12:26:34 PM
oh hey i'm in the video stan loona
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: CRAZYCLOWN? on October 13, 2024, 12:42:34 PM
ARS bonker for sure
I enjoyed

sport wallride and camera 🥲 Wow
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Extrem. on October 13, 2024, 12:49:49 PM
good video and tricks. Sorry, I couldn’t take part.. I hope to take part in the next community video, if there is one of course.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: RedX on October 13, 2024, 12:53:03 PM
Great video! Lots of great stunts and the editing was very enjoyable!

That lighthouse wallride is among my favorite VC stunts of all time, so cool!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: MadX on October 13, 2024, 12:57:13 PM
Amazing video, great job to all of you involved, glad I was a part of it!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: AllBeast on October 13, 2024, 12:58:29 PM (
not my best reaction, but i tried my best
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Srcry on October 13, 2024, 01:24:08 PM
Great job everyone! It has been touch and go at certain points, but I'm glad to see this community still going 20 years strong. The stunt bug runs deep. We'll all probably still be finding new spots and potential stunts no matter what game engine we touch.

The intro gave me the feeling of classic comm vids of the past like Connected, Interlocked, Fracture, etc. I'm glad to see the classic comm vid formula still alive. The stunts were shown crystal clear. I think there was room for a little more artistic expression with the editing, but there was plenty of nice touches and unique camera angles. In the end, it was a thoroughly entertaining 18 minutes. As far as the stunts go, the grabs and grinds are always my favorite, along with Dannye closing it out with some impossible platform jumping skills.

Shoutout to the cake bosses. :lol:
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Theonly_0ne on October 13, 2024, 01:46:17 PM
Wow. Just wow.

I have so much to say about this but I will try to keep myself short. First of all, the editing was dope as fuck. I truly got the old-school-comvid, feeling that I have not felt since Fracture really. The music was spot on and the stunts were amazing. Kinda funny that GTAS has been around for 20 years and we still figure out new spots and techniques. I am  glad I finally got to use my csm and boost as well.
Secondly, MaCi would have loved this. If he was still with us, this would be one of those moments where I would run up to his apartment, crack a cold one, turn of the lights and then be amazed by the new comvid together. Sadly that is never going to happen again. Not gonna lie, I did shred a tear or two during this thing, especially during the outro. Then I found myself laughing at the fact that he would probably bridle at me and call me a little bitch if he saw me weeping like this.
Overall - extremely pleasurable to watch. 10/10, truly.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: TurBo on October 13, 2024, 01:58:28 PM
Wish the stars had aligned for at the very least one contribution, watching now and will make a more in-depth comment later.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Ltab on October 13, 2024, 03:36:43 PM
I'm running outta time to add more to comment, but all i can say is: top notch work guys! i'll enjoy rewatching this, it's been due we had a community video out. Cheers!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Pizzapie on October 13, 2024, 04:26:30 PM
I'm so glad to see new content!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: .Dakar on October 13, 2024, 09:45:57 PM
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: khaimyk on October 13, 2024, 11:28:58 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: morbidxxx on October 13, 2024, 11:45:53 PM
Well, first of all, good job to everyone involved in making this happen! This was such a pleasure to watch, I even got a little bit emotional while watching. The editing, scripting and everything made this video feel like a future classic, in the same vein as Connected and Yeah Baby, which really brought the community feeling together. Stunting wise I cant highlight anyone, because all stunts felt like a part from something bigger, and that made all of them awesome. Its really weird feeling that stunting has been around for so long. I joined the forums when I was 13 years old, and now Im over 30 already :lol:

Anyways, awesome job everyone! I will certainly watch this again and again.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Ezraph2001 on October 13, 2024, 11:59:43 PM
colony review is up go watch here (
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Jason on October 14, 2024, 01:26:06 AM

:) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Dipper on October 14, 2024, 04:03:50 AM

That's crazy! I still can't believe it.

I've grown up with this game and this community since I was a kid. Through my happiness or my sadness, it's still there. I'm thankful for anyone who's made this community alive to this day. Thank you so much.

R.I.P MaCi!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: GI JOE on October 14, 2024, 04:32:35 AM
Crazy video, wish I'd come back sooner to participate.

Camera work was on point throughout and the editing was present, but not distracting. The way you guys edited Sport's lighthouse wallride was actually insanely well executed. The stunt quality was fantastic across the board, everyone's grind game was on point and Dannye...what the fuck man.

The effort and organisation of projects like this is a testament to stunting and GTAS as a whole, it's amazing to see that 20 years on, the magic is still there. Well done everyone.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: TurBo on October 14, 2024, 06:58:22 AM
I'll try to assemble my thoughts about this into a coherent comment that does it justice:

Firstly, the heartfelt tribute was very tasteful and fitting and what an incredible joint effort by the community to produce this mammoth of a milestone video marking our 20th anniversary.

Secondly, Simon and Puzzle smashed it out of the park with their dedication and commitment to the project despite what I'm sure was an innumerable amount of obstacles and setbacks - credit where due, it does not go unnoticed. A mention goes out to Herb too for getting the ball rolling and conceiving this.

It's a delight and a marvel to behold some of the freshness and uniqueness of the ideas as well as the aesthetics of the execution in 2024. Notable stunts for me: sport's wr, dc's saivc double grind combo, box's double ledge and I cannot fail to mention dannye's unique approach to manipulating vc aircraft as well as the mouth-watering and elegantly executed palm boost by Vice Ninja [as a boosting aficionado, what a treat]. Everyone, though, had something of merit to contribute.
Finally, I enjoyed the thematic choice and the symbolism of a ''Colony'' as it fits the bill perfectly for this tight-knit community which has proverbially bound together from across the globe to explore uncharted territory.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: MV on October 14, 2024, 09:50:20 AM
I can't react as I'm sick but just wanted to reach out to you guys who made this video come true and thank you for including my very mediocre stunt that did not deserve a main part spot :P & thanks puzzle for insisting on me landing something for the video. unfortunately I haven't really been motivated to stunt with a heap of projects, both in mapping and in real life, ahead of me but it's nice to be a part of this.

loved everything but the mags & smuts boat/car grinds were my favorites. maci forever.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Artifex on October 14, 2024, 10:54:32 AM
Wew, we got the GTAS yt account back?  :cc_detective:.  Great job guys, it felt like a truly iconic gtas video. Great jobs everyone involved  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Sport on October 14, 2024, 11:10:04 AM
Thanks to everyone who is involved in this community in one way or another. When I was a child watching videos of GTA stunts, I couldnt even think that it would turn into a hobby that would stay with me for most of my life. Thanks to everyone who made the release of this video possible.

I will post a reaction later :). upd: nevermind, the microphone cannot be heard in the background of the video...

I wrote the most interesting moments from the video for me: Interesting idea with an intro. I have a question about the chosen stunt, is it some kind of reference to one of the first stunts in VC or why was it chosen? Just curious. Its also nice to see that I am not the only one who has problems filming multi stunts, just kidding, gj :lol:.

All the guys tried to do they best, but I especially want to highlight: BoxXxs grinds, Jookers ramp2bonk2grind, MaXs construction stunt, DeathCobras double grind, Blazes bonk2spin2grind, Angle.Fires pole2grind, Hedgehogs bsm, SyperDimons saivc hotring stunt, and Dannyes finisher of fucking course ;D.

A few more thoughts: The part with the cake is cute and at the same time scary for some reason :lol:. Cool idea with old gtas sites on billboards. When I landed my stunt in the lighthouse, I thought that the only way to capture it was from a top-down view or vice versa, inside the lighthouse itself, but what you came up with is simply unimaginable. A few more words about this stunt, initially I wanted to do a wallride to grind, but after several attempts I realized that doing a full grind would be very difficult, if not impossible at all. Then during these attempts I accidentally started doing a downward wallride, which turned out to be not particularly difficult. And in the end, I wanted to do a double wallride with leaving the lighthouse for a small grind outside, but it turned out to be difficult to get through the passage, so I gave up and left only the double wallride.

Great job everyone!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Argy on October 14, 2024, 11:31:35 AM
wow this is a heart-touching one, a new release in the offiicial GTAS youtube channel is something you dont see much often :a-cheer: as morbidxxx said this had a warm oldschool feeeling mixed with crazy new ideas.

Im so glad I could participate ♥ HUGE thanks for making this possible, editors and everyone involved ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Enough on October 14, 2024, 06:36:49 PM
happy 20th anniversary gtas :)
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: jooker on October 15, 2024, 01:25:57 AM
Was thinking about a live review, but I saw it so many times already it wouldn't make sense anymore.

So first of all, holy shit, THE channel, so happy about it, seeing comments from old subscribers and stunters, who have left this site a long time ago was just heartwarming, they'd never found it if it wasn't for that channel.

The intro, the editing, the whole atmosphere of the video were flawless, the way those classic bars were sliding\sneaking in in the beginning of the first part was so cool, got me hooked instantly. The overall editing was fresh and clean, treated literally every stunt respectfully, all of them were clearly visible (the lighthouse part was top notch, beside the one of a kind stunt itself, perfection)

Great stunts also, the standouts were enough's huge psmgap2grind, DeathCobra's doublegrind, Rainbow's taxi preci, blaze's sexy bounce2kickorwhatever2grind and ofc Dannye's skimmer magic. My favourite was boxXx's psm2ledge2oneeighty2ledge it was executed perfectly, not sure what was the original idea, feels like you wanted something with the rails too, if not, hats off anyway.

I am also glad that I could be in video again with MaCi, especially on the official channel, truly amazing.

Great job everyone, thank you puzzLe, Simon and sheikah for doing this, this was way more epic, than I expected.  :P
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Dannye on October 15, 2024, 06:05:13 AM
Massive props to Darkstar and puzzLe for taking this project on and nailing it with this fantastic video which has been super enjoyable to watch (and rewatch). Kicking off with that intro was perfect - stylish (man those neon lines and font were super slick) and nostalgic (with bonus points coming from the fact I was watching it on the classic GTAS youtube account!).

There were great stunt submissions all round, with some highlights for me definitely including Max's tank packer/tree to roof, both of boxXx's LC double-grinds (but especially that insane roof grind switch, heck yeah!), Haywire's bridge csm gap, and DeathCobra's wild spinning double grind. On top of that I also definitely enjoyed Rainbow's pizza bus shenanigans, Vice Ninja's zebra tree boost (really all of the taxi stuff in the vid!) and Sheikah's sabre turbo cop hit/roof.

As for the edit both of you did solid work, and chock full of lovely Replay Manager camerawork. Trying to pick an overall favourite section from the main parts, I think I'd go for 5:02-5:55 in part 1 (a great line of stunts with very satisfying cameras and editing), and ofcourse the Lighthouse stuff in part 2 (the semi-transparent front was a genius idea for how to show the stunt without being trapped inside, and a great stunt it was too, and it all fitting the music so perfectly! Ooh and leading into it from the smokestack was neat too). And to pick just a few other cool moments for me: the border lines getting drawn in via the neon at the start, the subtle camera roll used throughout the first part, the match-cut/transition from the boat to the road on the Smut-to-Ltab stunts, the transition into nighttime at the end of Ars' LC prec leading into Max's tank stunt, the use of in-game lightning as flashes on Enough's Grove St psm to grind, how boxXx's crazy rooftop grind was edited so perfectly to the music, the transition into Max's VC construction bump and especially that opening camerawork of it, the use of the secondary shot via the police heli of Khaimyk's voodoo roofing, the birthday flair of the borders in the credits, and lastly the colour swapping on Max's traintracks grind.

It's awesome that we can still be banging out great big community videos here twenty years on, and I'm very happy to have been able to be a part of it, cheers guys!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: bumpinghegehog on October 15, 2024, 10:31:25 AM
What an amazing job you (Puzzle and Darkstar) have done here. The intro is fantastic, both the concept and the execution. The music choice and the fitting editing are genius. I know how much work you both put into this and how much effort went into it. Respect, and thank you! As for the stunts, my favorites are: 04:57 ARS grab precision, 05:13 Enough PSM to grind, 05:50 BoxXx double grind, 07:09 Puzzle ramp to grind, 08:07 Sheikah Sabre police car bump, 10:03 DC doub vc le grind, 13:07 Dannye s crazy ass one-of-a-kind high-speed skimmer freerunning stunt (especially this one was fantastic).

All in all, this gave me such a great community feeling. Truly beautiful, once again thank you for all your hard work, and thanks for keeping stunting alive, even after 20 freaking years. I am proud to be part of this. 

MaCi, forever in our hearts <3
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: DeathCobra on October 15, 2024, 03:51:41 PM
I am once again here with a botched OBS recorded reaction (but it's ok you just see the top left part).

Great effort everyone.

Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Nitzkit on October 15, 2024, 04:48:29 PM
Wow, 20 years! That is crazy to think about. what to say? this video reminded me of the good ol' days where the mood of the video was just so groovy you don't want it to end. Every single stunt was just so well executed and really showed the skills each stunter has.

A couple of mentions I want to say is... The intro, that was so cool...the video turning from a regular TV and morphing into the PC version and then all the effects that came after that along with all the stunts in the area playing along side each other was so cool.

From the time I started stunting I would notice certain trends that happen in videos and it seems (and correct me if I'm wrong in this) but the AirGrabs landings on top of a huge ass roof seemed to be a trend for this one and I'm here for it  ;D

Also who ever came up with the cake idea LOL that was like a fever dream thought but it worked out. Another cool idea I noticed was the wallride in the beach light house and how it was transparent....THAT was awesome.

I'm gonna have to watch it a couple more times to write in all my thoughts. The editing was top notch too. The music choices really matched the vibe of the video.

P.S. thanks for the shout out (I'll edit this post with a detailed one when I get more time, it deserves it)

Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: jooker on October 15, 2024, 11:29:04 PM
Is there anyone willing to create a review template?  :euro:
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Simon on October 16, 2024, 02:50:21 AM
Is there anyone willing to create a review template?  :euro:

Here's a quick one  :euro:

Code: [Select]

Part 1:
03:05 - Sheeptea:
03:13 - Cooper:
03:20 - madvillayo:
03:26 - Sport:
03:35 - Blaze:
03:39 - Smut:
03:53 - Ltab:
04:00 - TheOnlyOne:
04:08 - SuhZin:
04:14 - Sorcery:
04:25 - Skuller:
04:32 - Radioaktive:
04:40 - Argy:
04:47 - Theodore:
04:57 - ARS:
05:03 - Max:
05:13 - Enough:
05:27 - Vice Ninja:
05:39 - Ezraph:
05:49 - BoxXx:
05:57 - Dipper:
06:03 - SyperDimon:
06:20 - jooker:
06:29 - Haywire:
06:40 - Caio:
06:47 - Rainbow:
06:57 - MaCi:
07:09 - puzzLe:
07:19 - Enough:

Part 2:
07:57 - Ltab:
08:06 - Sheikah:
08:14 - TN:
08:19 - BoxXx:
08:29 - Gryzlek:
08:34 - puzzLe:
08:46 - Max:
08:54 - AllBeast:
09:09 - Sorcery:
09:18 - TheOnlyOne:
09:31 - Zero:
09:38 - Haywire:
09:48 - FIGHTER:
09:57 - Cooper:
10:03 - DeathCobra:
10:12 - Smut:
10:20 - MorbidxXx:
10:36 - Nem:
10:45 - Caio:
10:52 - FIGHTER:
10:58 - MadX:
11:05 - Khaimyk:
11:14 - Rainbow:
11:35 - Sport:
11:54 - Ezraph:
12:02 - Blaze:
12:08 - Angle.Fire:
12:21 - Toty:
12:28 - Theodore:
12:35 - Sheeptea:
12:46 - Hedgehog:
12:51 - SuhZin:
12:58 - SyperDimon:
13:06 - Dannye


Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: puzzLe on October 16, 2024, 03:21:28 AM
Code: [Select]
00:00 | Intro:

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump:
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump:
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind:
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind:
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind:
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind:
03:51 | Ltab - PSM:
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM:
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG:
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind:
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind:
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B:
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind:
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B:
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec:
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B:
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind:
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost:
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost:
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind:
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec:
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost:
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind:
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG:
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump:
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour:
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump:
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind:
07:18 | Enough - CSM:

07:32 | Intermission:

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind:
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump:
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec:
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind:
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec:
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec:
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec:
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind:
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG:
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost:
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG:
09:37 | Haywire - CSM:
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b:
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump:
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind:
10:11 | Smut - Car grind:
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind:
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision:
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind:
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B:
10:57 | MadX - CSM:
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump:
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec:
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride:
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM:
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind:
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind:
12:17 | ToTy - P2B:
12:27 | Theodore - P2B:
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump:
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM:
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump:
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump:
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence:

13:37 | Outro:

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind:
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG:
14:11 | Enough - Grind:
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec:
14:28 | MadX - CSM:
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM:
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec:
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost:
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM:
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind:
15:38 | puzzLe - ???:
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM:
16:06 | boxXx - CSM:
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump:
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans:
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof:
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind:
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump:
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind:
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind:
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM:

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi:

Overall thoughts:

A not so quick one (
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Angle.Fire on October 16, 2024, 10:28:25 AM
I am not able to make a live reaction so i'll try my best with review template.

00:00 | Intro: Epic. When Darkstar requested stunts from that certain area i thought i'd be used for some random shots but they were used in the best way possible (my stunt was out of cam so it wasn't visible :D). Honestly i expected we'd have some funny skits for intro like you guys did in Aeronauts but it's fairly understandable to make the intro in more serious way. We're celebrating 20th anniversary and paying our tribute to MaCi. All in all, with the usage of Hans Zimmer and special effects this was really epic.

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: Great opener. Would be really wild if you did prec. Still looking great.
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: Decent stunt for freeway. Nice.
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: Nice find. Doing it with a spin adds extra style points. Well done.
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: Clean execution. Long ledge grinds are always great.
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: Good idea. But interesting choice for a stuck car. Wonder if this could be done all natural.
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: Another decent find. Perfect execution too.
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: Seen this one before. Cool.
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Big. Great job.
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: Pretty wild. Doing grabs after big air is very satisfying. Although grabs without spins doesn't look that fancy. Still amazing.
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: Ah well done. I thought about doing this one but it felt like really old.
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: Sick find. Honestly i expected a stoppie there but no reason to be nitpicking about this.
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: Classic. Well done.
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: Really good. Nicely done.
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: Great stunt. For a moment i thought you were going for the tower. Would be really sick.
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: One of my favourites in the video. Absolutely killer. Great job.
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: Lord of tanks. Good job landing it.
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: Another favourite. Real sick.
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: Fun stunt. Good job.
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: Looking neat. Landing on wheels after flips makes it ten times cooler.
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: Oh dear lord this gave me chills. I thought you were going for the third. What a sick stunt!
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: Great find to land it.
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: Good boost combo. Almost feels like a coincidence but looking great nonetheless
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: This is the type of grinds i fancy the most. Absolutely sick.
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: Again, doing grabs after bigair is pretty sick. Good job lord.
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: Another fun idea. Thought you were going for a grind there.
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: "Budget Dannye" in your own words :D Really enjoyable.
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: Holy fuck. Doing almost 90 degrees dropbump is crazy. You were trully a legend.
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: Perfect execution.
07:18 | Enough - CSM: Very big. And you take the cake for it. Well deserved.

07:32 | Intermission: Idk why it had to be kinda creepy :D

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: Great stunt.
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: Sick. Very enjoyable.
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: Looking cool.
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: Another mindblowing stunt from boxxx. Kinda reminds me Barney's airport ledgegrind.
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: Nice find.
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: Nice prec.
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: Anohter fun idea.
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: Oh i knew this stunt before the video. AB sent it to me for freeway video by mistake. Good stunt.
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG: Classic sorcery owning them grabs. Nice one.
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: Nicely done.
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: Oof this looks tough. Nicely done.
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: Very big. Now go land the gray top part for siasin or may he hunt you in your dreams.
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: Anohter big stunt for freeway. Sick.
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: Amazing find man!
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: I am speechless. Now imagine if you did the prec at the end. This is one of the best in the video.
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: Looking very tough. Great job landing it.
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: Transition from spins to a clean stoppie is wild. Another killer for me. Sick job.
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: Nicely done man. It being natural makes it really cool.
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: Looking stylish with a krail.
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: Damn this is very big.
10:57 | MadX - CSM: Great stunt.
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: I love these voodoo stunts of yours man. Keem them up!
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: Taxi lord back at it. Sick prec.
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: I don't know how can you even do something like this. It's beyond my imagination. You really stand out with this in entire video.
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: Nice find
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: Crazy. Wish you did more on the grind though.
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: My stunt :) This was a stunt challenge shared in Discord and i landed. I think this is the lamest execution for it but bumping the light pole is really random. But i think it's still cool since execution was clean.
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: Big. Good job.
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: Classic.
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: Ooh this was really great. Wonder if you were going for top.
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: Very good.
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Another classic. Good job landing it with Sanchez.
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: Amazing find!
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: You are a mad man!

13:37 | Outro:

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: Looking good with krail.
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: Hell yea. Nicely done.
14:11 | Enough - Grind: Probably super old.
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec: This one could've been in main part tbh. Nice one.
14:28 | MadX - CSM: Another stunt that could've been in main part.
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Good one
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: Very sick.
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: Ah damn this could've been much better if it weren't upside down. Still looking good.
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: Another classic. Good job landing it.
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: I did not expect that turn around. Very sick!
15:38 | puzzLe - ???: Haha nice. So you were going for psm to bonk the pole for roof i assume. Would've been sick.
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: Fighter landed this so many times that it became an outro stunt. Crazy. Someone prec the top one day...
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: Oh damn very close. Could've been one of the best stunts ever landed easily.
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: Ah close for top part. Looking sick.
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: Sick. These out of box stunts are really a sight.
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: Sick stunt. I think you said you landed it without bail. Shame it didn't make into video.
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: Fun stent.
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: Why is this in outro again :) Great stunt.
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: Probably super old. Fun spot though.
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: Very stylish.
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: Another biggie. Looks sick with spins.

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: I wish i was here in this community way earlier to meet you back then. We had absolute blast trying to land your stunts and you were always ahead of your time. Hope you are watching this from up there. Rest in peace buddy.

Overall thoughts: As i stated earlier in discord chat; After more than a decade of stunting, one of my ultimate goals have been achieved. I am in a community video. And you could argue all day but this is the goat of Community Vids. My special thanks to Darkstar, Puzzle and sheikah for not letting go of this.

I have never been in a community with so much kindness and helping. Very proud to be part of this. Happy 20th Anniversary! Hope we can do this next year and in coming years as well.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: jooker on October 16, 2024, 01:33:18 PM
Thanks for the template guys! I'd like to focus on the stunts mainly.

00:00 | Intro: Instant classic, sorry can't say more, it's perfect

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: great banger for an opener, a high standalone building and a bike, great choice to start with
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: cool one, thats a nice distance for that heavy boy
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: stylish, nice execution
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: literally the same as above, cool way to get on the ledge
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: buttery smooth landing on the rail, loved that
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: I'm not really into squalo stunts, that was a long grind though well done :cc_detective:
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: theres always a new way to land those tanks, nice one   :P
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: got some retro vibes from this
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: didn't expect the MAG, it was badass already
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: perfect execution
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: lovely combo
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: I feel like I've seen this before, p2bs never get old  :P
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: loved this one, great runup, great execution
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: felt like a V stunt, good find
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: I love precis, badass combo
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: you've really maxed out these tank p2b's holy shit bro  :D
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: I've mentioned before, one of my favourites, gotta love that huge gap especially before such a long grind like that
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: again, never been a fan of taxi boosts, it was nice though  :P
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: same  :lol:
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: so great and fluid, that bump at the end of the stunt made me crave for a preci, or a little more grind there
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: loved this one actually, the execution was just flawless
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: boosts  :ninja: this one was a double though, so, nice
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: was so glad when I finally landed this shit
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: MAGs are just making the OG spots better I guess  :P nice on dude
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: think I've seen this before as well, good one
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: guess you had fun with this, how thell did you come up with this idea
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: no words, great man, great stunt and a great way to edit it
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: perfectly executed, I am almost sure that traffic light was a bitch while you had close calls
07:18 | Enough - CSM: I'd love to try it, had this idea way back, but couldn't stuck the regina, this one feels flat too, nice height and gj landing that building :P

07:32 | Intermission: ATS - Apparition intro vibes for me, love it

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: great find, love the triples :wub:
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: never understood how to get these timings right, well done dude
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: it was alright:)
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: my favourite, flawless execution :a-cheer: (that camera pan at the switch was great too)
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: been trying that one too when I was attempting the double grind on the beachside, glad to see someone landing it, gj :P
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: haven't seen a preci landing on that thing before, lovely
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: great runup and landing, I feel like there are more opportunities  :ninja:
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: loved the spin on the rail
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG:so many MAGs here  :lol: good one too
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: another boost, still can't get to like them:(
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, nice vertikalitas
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: boxXx owns this building, nice height, wonder if it's possible to land the right side
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: staying there must have been a bitch, cool one
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: cool as well ( so many freeway stunts  :lol: )
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: one of my standouts, stylish af
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: looked fun, even if I'm not really into car stunts
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: this one really had a retro vibe, nicely done
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: lovely bump
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: I think this is old too, whatever, perfect execution
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: holy, this was some height for the freeway, congrats
10:57 | MadX - CSM: bit floaty, maybe it's just the rendering, nice one though!
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: not my thing, but that was a great height as well
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: these boosts are exceptions, I love the precis with every vehicle, great landing mate
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: one to remember, very nice execution, one of a kind stunt for sure, also great way to show it, hats off Simon to you too
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: it was okay:)
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: one of my favourites, it was sexy as hell
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: pretty nice find, and execution, even if the camangle change looks dope, it did ruin it for me a little bit
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: noice, is it new?
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: it was okay:)
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: that seems like a bitch place to land, nice one! how about the roof?
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: sexy
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Barney owns this, but good to see it with a sanchez
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: almost like a SA infy stunt, nice!
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: no words lmao, genius

13:37 | Outro: home

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: I liked this one more than the main ones, wish the grind was a bit longer
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, good job
14:11 | Enough - Grind: think it's old too and the execution was a bit meh, but nice!
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec:same thing
14:28 | MadX - CSM: reminds me of hugo's P2B from Trinity, nice
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: retro one for sure:)
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: cool  :P
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: not sure what to think about this one, nice preci I guess  :lol:
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: old, but pretty
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: wow this one had phases, unexpected for sure  :jajaja:
15:38 | puzzLe - ???: lul
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: is that a new place to stuck the ambulance? nice landing
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: it was okay:)
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: not the biggest FBI bump I've ever seen :lol:
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: dude, you had fun I'm sure
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: that was sad, but nice :a-cheer:
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: reminds me of DJ Marchello, good job Maxy
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: coolio
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: a lil preci at the end would have been a chefs kiss
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: retri again, like it
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: nice spin there :D

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: great to see him for one last time:) thank you for including him!

Overall thoughts:
Instant classic, well done everyone!

Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Ed on October 16, 2024, 02:19:44 PM
Hey, it's so great to see the community. Loved the video, stunts, people, and what's more loved the tribute to Maci. I don't stunt anymore, but this video remembered me of the old days. Can't review anymore, all the video is legendary. Does anyone have a download link?
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Cooper on October 17, 2024, 05:16:23 PM

Amazing job everyone, loved the editing, the stunts, the intro, everything. I love you all. Stunting for life ;D
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Mati on October 19, 2024, 02:37:01 PM
very enjoyable as every community vid
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Sheep on October 21, 2024, 05:55:46 AM
00:00 | Intro: So this is where you needed stunts from the area. Can't see them all at one go but there are some classics in there!

02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: Happy to be opener in this wonderful 20 year anniversary video :wub:
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: Classic Cooper stunting. Nice.
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: Okay stunt. Short'ish grind sadly
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: Long grind! Nice.
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: Is the car stuck necessary here? Very nice.
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: Smooth execution to the end. 10/10
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: Cool one. Collisions really helped you there
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Big sanchez stunt.
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: Damn, that MAG was unexpected, but little did I know it was the theme of this video and you started it! Nice!
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: Classic Sorcery grind!
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: Nice find.
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: Big rotation to big roof. Awesome.
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: Owning with the SAiVC grinds lately. Nice find!
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: Combo bumping with freeway! Nice!
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: More grabs! This is one of my fav stunts.
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: Classic Max rhino stunting.
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: Also one of my favorite stunts. Nice air time to long grind!
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: Nice find!
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: Back 2 back cool taxi stunts. These both were easy looking but still impressed me.
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: Nice combo!
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: Looks tough to get vertical bump here. Nice!
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: All taxi stunts in this video are super cool and here is another one!
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: Hella stylish. 10/10
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: Another MAG from csm. This I kinda expected to see after SuhZin's stunt, and believing you wouldn't send an old stunt to comm vid without a twist.
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: Very nice!
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: Kinda random for my taste, but still you nailed it!
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: Nice tribute to MaCi, filming him in more detail than rest. Love you MaCi! :wub:
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: No bail at the end wow. Clean stunt.
07:18 | Enough - CSM: Enough landing bangers in this video. Sick stunt!

07:32 | Intermission: Why did he steal the cake!

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: Clean triple grind!
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: Big bonk! Classic sheikah stunt.
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: Nice prec landing.
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: Maybe the ugliest stuck setup right here, but what you landing from it was amazing!
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: Cool prec!
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: Nice find to land this prec!
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: Nice find!
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: Big runup for this one. Cool grind.
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG: The second I saw Sorcery driving towards this roof, I knew you would MAG it. Classic!
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: Another nice taxi boost!
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: MAG's keep happening! Sick execution
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: Biig bump. Siasin has something cooking here afaik.
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: Fighter delivering the big freeway stunts recently. Well done!
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: Cool stunt.
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: Spin action! Nicely executed and no bail at the end obviously.
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: Forums tribute with a nice car grind by none other than Smut, car king!
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: Cool one.
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: Damn nice.
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: Cool one.
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: Like I said, big freeway stunts! Good job landing this.
10:57 | MadX - CSM: I tried to land this with bsm setup, now I feel stupid not thinking csm. Good job landing this one!
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: Cool one.
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: Saw the original version with cool transition. Should've been in this video but yeah. Nice taxi stunt again!
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: One of the coolest shot in recent memory of gta videos.
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: Cool one.
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: Sick! Sadly the grind part is short, but you nailed it.
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: Nice find!
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: Sick!
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: Nice!
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: Top landing is impossible without any stuck methods. Landing and staying on the roof edge was tough.
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: Nice find!
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Nice!
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: Classic SyperDimon stunt.
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: Just madness. How did you came up with this? Skimmer parkour to prec is only what Dannye would come up with. 10/10 I also like how the music ends and the plane explodeds at the same time.

13:37 | Outro: First sound effect scared me a bit!

13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: Nice.
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: Classic Sorcery stunt.
14:11 | Enough - Grind: You owned this video pretty much. Nice find!
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec: Classic stunting!
14:28 | MadX - CSM: Looks like it got MAG potential. Next time tho!
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Nice!
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: This was MaCi's spot. He either wanted to land with multiple stoppies to prec or no multi ledge grinds, which is way cooler but harder to pull off. MaCi gave me his blessing to use this stunt anyways, so thanks MaCi!  :wub:
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: Seen multiple landings from you in this spot. Upside down was kinda bummer but still prec'd it!
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: Nice!
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: Expected prec landing, but continued grind was nice touch.
15:38 | puzzLe - ???: Randomness. Tbh outros needs more of these kind of blooper stunting!
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: We never made it to prec, brother.
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: Precin this would've been sick!
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: Classic Hedgehog stunt.
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: Yeah you would bound to get different results here. Ledge grind was nice by the plane!
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: Nice!
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: I want these changing sparks in the main game when stunting. Is it possible?
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: No twist here, but still nice landing.
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: Nice!
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: Nice!
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: Nice!

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: Miss you buddy :wub:

Overall thoughts: Classic community video vibes. Everyone did something cool for this video and editing was pleasure to watch. Happy anniversary GTAStunting!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Arnax on October 24, 2024, 06:57:11 AM
Good vid.
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Max_ on October 24, 2024, 09:30:21 PM
Hats off to both simon and puzzle for pulling this one off. You can see the effort that was put into this project and I'm so glad that we got to witness another community video these days.

This has to be the comm video with the most grabs ever :cc_detective: Everyone came through with some nice contributions and it was cool to see radioaktive pop up unexpectedly with a sick stunt too. Some standouts that need mentioning are boxxx's triple grind in lc, such a sick find and execution (also loved the cam angle on his 2nd part stunt with the front to backside grind), Sport's wallride and the genius lighthouse editing, Enough's stunts, jooker's bounce 2 grind, Caio's lc nat bump (surprised no one has thought of that before), puzzle's lc grind, Gryzlek's clean grind 2 prec, Cooper's freeway double bump, DC's grind combo (such a sick execution with the rotation and the tail bump for the grind transition), blaze's bounce 2 grind and Dannye's finisher which was just the right stunt to finish the video off being one of the pillars of the community and a beacon of creativity all these years.
Editing was great, cam angles were all nicely crafted and the songs created a nice comm vid vibe! I also loved the intro, a great representation of how vc stunting has progressed over the years and Maci's tribute at the end was touching. I was also surprised to see the Sattva billboard in the video haha I must have forgotten to replace the original bb texture when I sent that vc version which I also don't remember haha :ninja: but it's a nice easter egg either way
Thanks for this! To many more years of stunting
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: Diaz on October 26, 2024, 01:13:21 AM
It's always great to see such big projects finally being released. This is not an exception, a typically remarkable community video if you ask me. I loved the intro and all the genuine ideas throughout the video. Stunts were on a high level, I would not like to highlight anyone or any stunts, a community video is not even about this I believe. The most important that a lot of guys gathered together even in 2024 and produced a brilliant video. It shows that stunting still gives joy to some of us which is nice.
Shoutout to the organizers/editors for making this happen, I know it could be hard nowadays to find motivation to finish a project, especially such a big one, so thank you for finishing this project. Also it was great to see Maci one last time.
Overall this was an amazing experience, thanks for everyone who contributed in any way!
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: J.Mario on January 13, 2025, 08:30:32 PM
Title: Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
Post by: NEM on March 06, 2025, 06:53:21 AM
I really appreciate the effort put into this video and I'm very glad to be a part of it :wub: good job everyone involved and sorry for the late reply. I don't really have time for stunting these days, but I saw the video when it came out and never really got around to make a comment about it. This really felt like a true community video and it's so nice to see everyone still kicking it!
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