GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Chat & Support => Topic started by: Herb on May 04, 2024, 06:24:06 AM
With the recent and untimely passing of our brother in stunting Maci, people have suggested a tribute video would be a nice way to show our respect and admiration for one of the best stunters and all around good guy the forums have had. So if you want, reland 1 or a few of his stunts and send it to me. Anyone can join and multiple people can reland the same stunt.
Link to his gtasdb:
Deadline: June 3rd
Editor: Cooper
Sheikah (3)
DC (3)
MadX (3)
Rainbow (2)
ZeRo (2)
Ezraph (5)
Ltab (3)
Puzzle (3)
Darkstar (2)
All Beast (2)
Skilz (2)
Angle.Fire (2)
KhaimyK (3)
Sport (3)
Max (3)
TheOnlyOne (3)
Skuller (1)
Destraq (1)
Dannye (1)
Fighter (1)
ARS (1)
Morbidxxx (1)
Doksa (2)
Smut (3)
Sheeptea (3)
Gryzlek (1)
I'll have a crack at the Hymen p2b and Fish market sign p2b.
Count me in of course
I'm in
Seems apt, count my participation.
Definitely will try some :)
I'll try to land something for sure!
add me
sended one stunt for now
i'll redo maci's guest stunt from wasting time and maybe try a couple stunts
I’m in ofc
Im in.
I'll give it my best. Still weirded and bummed the fuck out. RIP Alex
Add me, i will land something
Add me pls sir
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
i think he missunderstand concept, he wanted send his own stunt
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
You gotta reland one(or more) of MaCi-s stunts.
Add me too please, I'd love to do something for this.
I have wallride to ledgegrind but im afraid its not good stunt
You gotta reland one(or more) of MaCi-s stunts.
Yea this, lex
Will check everything sent so far tomorrow. Thanks to everyone participating
I am in
will try something
sa stunts included right?
Please add me.
sa stunts included right?
I was thinking that game engine wasn't specified hehe. I can't edit the SA part if its gonna exist
sa stunts included right?
I was thinking that game engine wasn't specified hehe. I can't edit the SA part if its gonna exist
I posted it in the vc section so I assumed people would grasp it was a vc video :cc_detective:
sa stunts included right?
I was thinking that game engine wasn't specified hehe. I can't edit the SA part if its gonna exist
I posted it in the vc section so I assumed people would grasp it was a vc video :cc_detective:
Oh I didnt realize, my bad
I'm in!
Count me in! For MaCi!
That's so sad. RIP MaCi.
I am gonna try and land something for this too
Stopped by, shocked to hear the passing of Maci, he has always seemed to be a good guy. A nice touch from you guys to gather together and make a tribute video for him, it's these moments when I see the bright side of this forum, when stunters act like a family, kind of. Wishing the best for this project!
Updated 1st post. Deadline is June 3rd now.
2 weeks until deadline
I wish everyone well with this project, damn man, MaCi was a good guy, sad news :(.
Sad news, R.I.P. MaCi.