
Stunt Crew Network => Modus Operandi => Modus Operandi Public Section => Topic started by: MtS on October 22, 2023, 01:05:03 PM

Title: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: MtS on October 22, 2023, 01:05:03 PM
Magnum Opus

Hello everyone.

As some of you know, Modus Operandi has been working on a final video ever since Noire was released.

The time has come for the release of the video, almost 10 years after Magnum (almost, but not exactly).  :wub: Max :wub: finally finished editing and it's here, the man has outdone himself.

We would like to thank every single past and present member from MO and everyone who's been a friend to the crew. It's been a blast!

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Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Demo00n on October 22, 2023, 01:05:54 PM
Everything has to end.
Good work everyone involved
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Plani on October 22, 2023, 01:09:44 PM
What the fuck
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: MV on October 22, 2023, 01:16:14 PM
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: TurBo on October 22, 2023, 01:38:29 PM
Downloading with utmost exigency.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Cooper on October 22, 2023, 01:43:01 PM
operation mode
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Afterlife on October 22, 2023, 01:54:24 PM
hats off. that was great.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Rainbow on October 22, 2023, 02:10:03 PM
Seen most of it but the parts I didn't see yet were even better than I expected. Great way to go out and absolutely stellar job Max, not only for the editing which was bonkers but also for landing both of the spots I showed you far too quickly yet again :P Thanks to fckR for the help on my first stunt, I was an idiot and did the run-up the wrong way round. And also thanks for that Sanchez spot that you let me have, loved that one. Will make a longer review with my favourite stunts but I'll have to rewatch it a few times and that might take a few business days with this video length.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: AllBeast on October 22, 2023, 02:24:20 PM (
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Ezraph2001 on October 22, 2023, 02:35:38 PM
holy mother of Park fucking Gowon this video is finally out.

Max, you did it again :wub: your creativity in this video and the song choice for this i fucking dig. even the credits part. reminds me of "When Everything Dies". love that the airgrab2prec on the outro was done in console (my guess is it's done in ps2 EDIT: it's done by sorcery on an xbox, good job dude) which makes it sick.

good job MO, and all the best!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Jomra on October 22, 2023, 02:43:48 PM
just wow
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: DeathCobra on October 22, 2023, 02:53:21 PM

Maybe give it 15m to process  :lol:

Some additional thoughts whilst I was rendering out a spliced version (OBS fucked me); I really like how this video showcased the variety of styles from different members. Historically there have been crews where the members had somewhat distinct styles (TD infernus bumping, Madmax Pizzaboy stuff, etc). But I think MO exemplifies those different styles more than any. And this video captured that really well. Sorcery had his grab to grinds, Fighter his P2Bs, Vice shit.

The editing and scripting also showcased that as well, tbh. In some ways MO feels like a continuation of what ATS did. No surprises there's many ex-ATS folk in here as well. Which is also cool. Dannye continues to baffle and amaze me, coincidentally. What a gem.

I hope some of you continue stunting even if in a very casual way. But can also understand if not. For me TMS ending was an unequivocal cue to retire for good. So can empathise with that.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: TurBo on October 22, 2023, 02:54:01 PM
I'll begin by stating the obvious: we owe Max the world for once again not only delivering a scintillating and captivating piece of complete work worthy of real life accolades and at a standard that is not often seen around here with scrupulous attention to detail drawing from works of several older members like Samurai and the likes whilst also maintaining a completely fresh and unadulterated approach to his work. This here not only is what we'd all envisioned in our minds as far as the multi-layered and eclecticism goes - it transcends our wildest dreams in a proper, non-metaphorical way. I am absolutely stumped by the sheer volume of work and the fluidity of the whole piece as though it had not been many different parts stitched together but a seamless meld of everything we've done over the past 5 or so years.

Likewise, the stunting - as the name would indicate - probably our magnum opus and what a way to put on a display with such a broad range of stunting methods and approaches manifold. It truly lives up to its name and does it justice. I am proud to have been able to both partake and manage a substantial contribution this time around. Everyone was brilliant, wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Kingjad on October 22, 2023, 03:06:35 PM
I was there to help kill off TMS.

I was there to help kill off ATS.

I was here to help kill off MO.

No idea how I keep appearing in these 'final' videos haha, this has been a LONG time in the making. But just like an ice cold pint of Guiness, good things come to those who wait.

Superbly crafted, brilliant variety of stunts, a very enjoyable video. I finally got to land the rhino on the ring, too.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: MV on October 22, 2023, 03:13:27 PM  :)

English was forgotten. All I can say is this was a great sendoff. Incredible cinematography and editing, as well as the top tier creativity and prodigal stunting.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: SyperDimon on October 22, 2023, 03:47:32 PM

video blocked on you tube due to music. this is one of the reasons why I now edit my videos often without music...
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Cooper on October 22, 2023, 03:53:04 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Hell of a movie. Amazing job everyone, specially Max for editing almost 40 minutes of video and everyone who participated in the making. Stunts are top quality from everyone, and also I'm very glad to see legends kicking it. Honored to be part of this, I could say I spawned just in time :P

stunting for life
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: balsam on October 22, 2023, 06:34:15 PM
It was great, indeed.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Argy on October 22, 2023, 06:35:57 PM
Hats off to Max, you literally made a movie out of this, the amount of effort put into this is inspiring, im just glad I met people like you ♥

stunting wise I had a fucking blast as MO has us used to, you guys rock thanks for what you have done all these years ♥
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Jason on October 22, 2023, 07:52:48 PM

Perfection. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Lex on October 22, 2023, 08:55:53 PM
Cool video rainbow and gryzlek along with bangers from zero and krypton was insane, but everyone did great.

Wvmis you fucking rock, damn you!! <3

edit was excellent and but music is muted in youtube, dont know why tho

gonna download it later on at night
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Skuller on October 23, 2023, 04:40:34 AM
In the past I promised some of you to make my first review ever on this crew video, but I'm gonna skip that part cuz you're not gonna like it.

All I can say is that MtS was the best stunter in MO and he got my respect! :)
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: FIGHTER on October 23, 2023, 05:31:53 AM
In the past I promised some of you to make my first review ever on this crew video, but I'm gonna skip that part cuz you're not gonna like it.

All I can say is that MtS was the best stunter in MO and he got my respect! :)

:( we were waiting for your review!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Skuller on October 23, 2023, 06:16:30 AM
In the past I promised some of you to make my first review ever on this crew video, but I'm gonna skip that part cuz you're not gonna like it.

All I can say is that MtS was the best stunter in MO and he got my respect! :)

:( we were waiting for your review!
Okay I may do it later.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Herb on October 23, 2023, 07:55:15 AM
The greatest gtas production ever. The edit was simply phenomenal. All the stunts were great and really showed the variety of minds in the crew. It's been a fantastic ride with you guys  :wub:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: bumpinghegehog on October 23, 2023, 10:16:37 AM
okay what the F!

I don't know where to begin. This was absolutly insane. One of the peaks in GTAstunting if you ask me.
Allmost 36 minutes?? damn guys thats beyond insane!
I've been laughing out loud by the dialogue many times, Jason should be an actor man, damn this was good. (nice bike!). the humor in this is sooo god! also the messing around with the intro got me laughing every time xd.
Stunts are fucking solid, edit alltrough the entire video was on point, the feeling of watching an old vhs tape was there! i'm in love with the editing...

I could have made a reaction video but all you guys would be seeing is me gazing at the screen lost for words.

Best shit ever, my deepest respect for the efford that has gone into this.
love you guys :wub:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: imbaA on October 23, 2023, 10:52:50 AM
Holy shit! I watched the whole video with my mouth open. That was way above of my expectations. Dannye and Zero just were a beast. All of you guys take stunting to a new level. I don't know what to say man. It was perfection. Sad to see this was end of the line for MO.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Sabotage on October 23, 2023, 11:03:31 AM
ridiculous stunts, killer soundtrack, tons of fun. thanks to jason for getting me looped in and thanks to the rest of the boys for letting me be a part of this one
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Plani on October 23, 2023, 11:57:26 AM
Well, this was one of the best GTAS videos ever produced. No doubt about that. It wasn't just a common stunting video, it was a whole different experience. It was like watching a movie, i was totally immersed.

35 minutes. Holy shit. The amount of work put on that, from stunting to the editing. Just mindblowing. The cam angles were so well thought, just beatiful editing work from a mind that know stunting and how to make it look good and interesting. I was on the edge of my seat the whole video, waiting anxiously to see what was coming next.

Those cutscenes snippets that you put between the parts were goddamn hilarious :lol:

One of the best VC videos ever editingwise. If not THE best. Herculean work. Massive.

This video doesn't feel like a crew video to be honest and that's not a bad thing. Far from that. This video feels like a celebration... A celebration of stunting in the VC engine. You guys managed to gather the best minds of the scene when it comes to creative stunting, some legendary old school fellas that still kick some asses and some of the best hardcore bigair-ish stunters. Just incredible. It couldn't go wrong. This video has it all! That's the best part.

I don't want to point any particular stunt i liked more because i don't want to be unfair to anyone. I think every single one of the stunters featured in this video made it. From the ''easiest'' stunt to the best. Congratulations to everybody. It must feel so goodamn nice to be a part of this piece of stunting history.

But i can't finish this one without sending a shout out to my brazilian comrades MtS and Donfikeegd (Caio). You guys are my heroes.

Good job MO and don't quit stunting you bastards
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Scavenger on October 23, 2023, 12:59:26 PM
Masterpiece  ;D
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: heat'o'stunter on October 23, 2023, 02:02:22 PM
Great work by everyone involved!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: MtS on October 23, 2023, 04:05:03 PM
Thank you everyone for the kind words so far!

Max put subtitles on youtube and made a srt file (link on the first post).

I also would like to thank Lior for the hotring spot, I knew you were close so many times so it was pretty cool of you to share it (it was a team effort, really). <3

If anyone wants to do a full review template, please do!  :euro:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Dannye on October 24, 2023, 02:33:46 AM
Outstanding! The scripting and the entire edit was so impressively detailed, its impossible to even imagine how much work was involved to pull it all off. The constant fantastic, creative camerawork was an absolute joy to watch. And on top of all that it was funny too: that truck-taxi swap got me good, and after seeing the standard game opening way too many times it was a pleasure to revisit twisted versions of it instead. The video 'calibration' sequences were really impressive too, almost unsettling (in a good way, if that makes any sense, hah!) - on encountering the first one it made me think of the game Immortality. At the risk of going on forever I'll settle for highlighting just one more specific aspect for now: the power lines passing by to the music at 4:45-4:50, it was so extremely satisfying to me that I'd have loved the video even if it ended right there... But then there was half an hour(!) of beautiful and clever stunts afterwards, and it made me love it even more - you guys rock, I could watch them all over and over (and have done so a few times already), really amazing stuff. Thank you all so much for inviting me to be a part of it, it could not have turned out better, y'all put on one hell of a show!

Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: metalsoad2 on October 24, 2023, 07:30:49 AM (

my first video reaction on the forum  :P
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: VaNilla on October 26, 2023, 10:29:53 AM
I was so hyped for this guys, I've waited years for my favourite VC crew to come back, and here you are with your final video, it feels like a big moment in VC's history. I was maybe too hyped, because my hopes and dreams were for something to match Cenotaph or come close to it, so I was both filled with immense satisfaction but also ridiculously high expectations, which led to slight disappointment my first time watching through. Then I watched it again, and again, and yeah, you know where this is going. Modus Operandi delivers a classic, I just love this video, it's the best VC crew video ever made, and easily in the top 5 best VC videos of all time.

Magnum Opus consists of top class stunts, and one of the best edits we've seen in the stunting community. Difficulty, check. Skill, check. Creativity, check. Variety, check. Consistency, check. I don't want to spotlight too many stunts so I don't disappoint anyone, therefore I'll just mention my five absolute favourite stunts; ZeRo's legit landing of Boo's spot (BIG); Fighter's wallride to precision (SMOOTH); Knapman's ramp combo to bridge grind (SICK); Max's Rhino SAiVC SSM to bigass building (TIGHT); and Krypton's curvy CSM prefinisher (WOW).

Kingjad finally nailed the Rhino ring too, respect man! Rainbow showed me his spinny bump 5-6 years ago as well, I'm glad he listened to my advice and went with the spinny variant (if he remembers our conversation :ninja:).

Max's edit was full of dedication and mastery, just wonderful, and I loved what he did with TurBo's Borgnine grind boost to tracks boost to BB landing, that truck fake out was genius. Little details like the dreamlike distortions, the slow motion highlights, the time of day modulations during Gryzlek's fire station grind, the power lines syncing with the music in the intro (missed that, shoutout Dannye), the basketball's cadence building up to the hip hop section, the sneaky UFO interlude, the ATS Absurd influence with the graffiti textures, everything demonstrates fastidious passion for the final product. The music was dope too, and it was great to see some tracks from GTAS members in the mix.

I don't want to be a downer, but I wasn't a fan of the story sections. I have respect for the time it takes to code the SCM files and everything, and I loved how you paid tribute to ATS and commented on the struggles of stunting as we get older, but I just felt like these sections didn't serve the stunts at all, because the narrative wasn't compelling. It was also difficult to understand the dialogue at times, the subtitles shouldn't be a necessity. I know it's fun to work on this stuff, but I just felt like you were mixing something that's amazing (the stunts) with something that's lethargic (the story), and it made the video feel bloated, so I've been skipping through these sections on subsequent viewings. I didn't want to say anything, but I figured I should be honest since that makes for better feedback. I don't think telling a story in a stunt video is a bad idea, I actually think if done right, it would be brilliant, but I'm not sure I've ever seen it done well by this community :P.

Moving swiftly on to the conclusion... sorry for my comments on the story stuff :ninja:. This video is brilliant, I think you all should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. Who would have imagined something so fantastic like this would be made when Vice City was released 20+ years ago? Thanks for the memories, see you down the line :euro:. Spelllllllllbound!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Arnax on October 27, 2023, 01:15:44 AM
Beautiful video, you've managed to unify all the aspects of stunting (creativity, technique, variety, difficulty...) that are required for perfection. My favorite thing about this video is that all the executions were flawless. Editing was great also although intro was a bit too long for my taste. I'm not 100% sure if all the stunts are new, it seems like I've seen a few of them before, but it doesn't matter, I may be wrong. Great job guys!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Ltab on October 27, 2023, 01:39:14 PM

just speechless right now, it should finish uploading in a bit :)
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: JustCaus3 on October 28, 2023, 05:32:35 AM
In all aspects just monster of a video by a legendary bunch of people! Felt like watching something from hollywood and the level of- everything just puts a smile on your face. Superb stuff MO :D
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Diaz on October 28, 2023, 08:33:09 AM
I was ready to give it a watch, had like 30 minutes spare time but now I feel bad for postponing this, I will be back soon and watch it. Until then, seeing the length of the video and some of the comments, I expect one of the best stunt video experiences of my career  :a-cheer:

Edit: just watched now and I feel completely blown away by this video. It's very rare that I don't feel like watching a stunting video rather a movie, kind of. This is a great example of that, furthermore it might just be the most 'complete' stunting video ever. So usually I start with rating the stunts but this time I have to say big props for creating this masterpiece Max and everyone else involved (scripting, voice acting, etc.). The parts had so different soundtracks but you Max mastered all of them editingwise, it's also something I really admire.

About stunting, it was also top notch. As many mentioned before, it's the great mixture of stunting styles, ideas and the overall variety of stuff that makes this video (and the crew) unique. MO really gathered some of the best minds of the VC scene together into one team. I loved the huge stunts and the smaller, creative stuff as well. To mention a few, the stunts that totally stood out for me are Zero's huge natural doublebump, Max's insane rhino landings (especially the SAIVC one with the skimmer stuck), Knapman's neverending grind combo, Krypton's huge and unexpected PSM at the bank and Dannye toying with caddys and the ice cream van. Oh, and Mts's hotring doublebump2prec, that's gotta be one of the tightest VC car stunt ever.

All in all it was one of the most well-crafted stunting videos ever, surely a different kind of experience. It is a proper way to go out, but I hope to see you guys again in action in the future. Until then, take care!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Madmax on October 30, 2023, 04:45:06 PM
I was there to help kill off TMS.

I was there to help kill off ATS.

I was here to help kill off MO.

No idea how I keep appearing in these 'final' videos haha, this has been a LONG time in the making. But just like an ice cold pint of Guiness, good things come to those who wait.

Superbly crafted, brilliant variety of stunts, a very enjoyable video. I finally got to land the rhino on the ring, too.

What could the common denominator be? :P ;)
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Krypton on October 31, 2023, 01:32:18 PM
Well, its finally out!

First off, I have to thank Lior and Mateus for inviting me in. I'm honoured to be a part of the MO line of videos in without a doubt the best one of the bunch. Really appreciate it guys, it was a blast.

Also have to thank Maci for the spot of my first stunt (LC ledge grind) and Faiz for the setup to the VC bank PSM.

Alright about this monster of a video. Max, I know how long you spent on this and did it ever pay off. Sure I have a bit of bias because im in the video, but this has to be one of the most polished, quality and quantity, best produced videos I have ever seen. The cam angles are orgasmic. Each part has its own vibe, and you mastered it. Thank you Max for dedicating all the time you did to this, Its one for the books.

Stuntwise I almost feel bad singling out any stunts because everybody killed it. Everybody was right in their wheelhouse doing what they do best. Though here are some of my favourites; Gryz's Fire house grind was the perfect execution, Max's natural gap2grind was a great find, Zeros triple curb bonk2grind was a great find as well, Mateus had a couple... your ramp 2 pool bump 2 grind was such a nice find and great execution and then your car stunt prec has to be in the conversation for one of the best car stunts ever landed, Vice Ninjas car gap 2 prec was such a killer, Rainbows double grind was a banger... I know you landed it before barneys in the same area which makes it even better in my books, Knapmans ramp combo 2 bridge grind was one of my favs... glad I pushed to have the in the video, Jasons bsm 2 tree bonk 2 prec was insane accident or not, Dannyes taxi grind 2 boost 2 grind is so underrated, FIGHTERs massive LC side p2b to one up Macis was nuts, Turbos Faggio prec combo is such a nice find and perfect execution, every single one of Wvimis's stunt were killer cant even pick one and Joes SAiVC back bump MAG 2 grind is one of your best MAGs thats saying a lot. I could go on and on and on... there are so many amazing stunts in here.

This video has so much re-watchability, you can watch it 5 times and keep finding new things. Cant give enough props to Max and MtS for throwing so many easter eggs in here. Was great seeing Bark, Cooper,  Kaneda, Kingjad, Sabotage and VenomX make an appearance.

Little side note about my double drop bump 2 prec in VC... as much as i would love to say that was on purpose, it was a total fluke. I was going for the bigger drop bump missing the second one but that happened and thought it was too cool to keep going for the original. Here is a clip of what I was going for

Cant give this video enough praise. So proud to be a part of it and share the screen with all of you. Max, you are a wizard and an artist. I know many of you are hanging your hat after this one, but hope to share the screen with all of you once more, and if not... thanks for the good times fellas.

Also, keep the reaction vids coming they are so cool to watch!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: jakuba on November 02, 2023, 03:59:50 PM
I'll start with the negative. Spellbound. How dare you?!  :lol: I wanted to use it since forever. I do think you could have used more transitions and more dynamic cam works (on that track) But whatever. Fantastic edit overall. I wouldnt mind a 101 on how to do shit like wvmis + zero shot. Or all the slowdowns. Im so out of touch with the methods. Like is it all pre- written and then double shot and overlayed? And how anyways.

Fantastic vibes yall. Loves the soundtrack. Loved the colors. Amazing cam work. Lovely shit.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Joshua on November 04, 2023, 06:15:52 PM
i would have never called 2023 being the year that some of the greatest stunting vids ever would be posted. thanks for this masterpiece
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: godson on November 09, 2023, 06:14:40 PM
Wow. This was incredible, great job guys you all killed it!
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Hoff on November 12, 2023, 12:54:27 PM
Cool video guys! :euro:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: bLADE on November 12, 2023, 03:27:56 PM
What a watch. Beautiful video with top notch editing and very enjoyable stunts.
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: SkilZ on November 15, 2023, 04:45:37 AM
Magnificent video, one of the best ever released on Vice City

Everyone did a huge job, lots of variety, each part has its own atmosphere

Max did a fantastic job with the editing, i prefer not to imagine how much time you spent on it for such a long video ( same for all the scripted parts )

Good job everyone and thank you for this beautiful video

Sorry for not posting sooner
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Viper on November 15, 2023, 06:50:42 AM
Awesome! Lots of creativity from everyone here. I was happy to see lots of different types of stunts, and very pleasantly surprised by Dannyes' Skimmer stunt in SA. That's just not something I would ever think of :) I like Fighter's massive bump to the building top in LC as well; that felt intense on the way up! You all did a great job :a-cheer:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Danger on November 27, 2023, 11:54:00 AM
Damn, this video inspired me to open this fucking game again and find some new good spots :D
Amazing video! Good job! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Bark on December 11, 2023, 07:00:20 AM
Just unbelievable, the scripting, the stunts, how well the editing goes with each song. This is no doubt the most beautiful stunting video ever made. It is an honor to be a part of this magnificent piece of art, I've watched it two times now and I have been at the edge of my seat both times. Huge huge thanks for using my song in the credits, i've dreamt of one of my songs being used in a stunting video and I am glad that it got to see the day.

MO forever <3
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Ezraph2001 on December 11, 2023, 08:55:30 PM
I've dreamt of one of my songs being used in a stunting video and I am glad that it got to see the day.

Damn bark, your song kicks fucking ass (so is sorcery's)
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: Turok on December 24, 2023, 11:39:07 AM
Hello guys! I haven't logged in gtas in 2-3 years since I became inactive again but after The Big V told me on discord about the release of your final video, I quickly decided to add it in my "to do" list and tonight I got the chance to watch it. I'm not going to do a detailed video review but more of a free style appreciation post that encompasses your entire crew lifetime in the past 10 years. In those 10 years you became a big if not the greatest source of inspiration for me and I owe you so much for that. As someone with a more natural and creativity focused approach in stunting (in a crew that has always gravitated towards bigairs and stuck methods) I've been always very fond of your stuff. Your first CV will always remain my favorite and it's probably something like one of my top 5 most watched videos. The ones that followed didn't disappoint either. And now the last one, the cherry of the cake, the magnum opus  :mellow: a great title choice for sure guys! I don't know if the common folk knows it but you clever b*stards had a clear idea since the very start of how many crew videos were to be made until the end of MO. That sequence is dictated by the number of letters in the 1st CV "Magnum" (each following video title picking the next letter). And now we're at the final "M", the sixth masterpiece. The attention to detail doesn't stop here. Y'all made sure to prepare a nice scripted intro for this CV that inevitably touched my veteran stunter soul. Times have changed, we've moved on with our lives but the love for the craft is always there.. which hits with nostalgia so good  :ajaja: Now the stunting itself in this one is top notch, with lots of stuff that I consider my cup of tea. There are some stunts that some of you showed me like back in 2018-2019 and I'm so happy to see them finally witness the light of day. There were however occasionally some less impressive spots here and there but that didn't overshadow my overall experience while watching it. It sure was a long one but 7 years have passed since Noire so it was expected. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Modus Operandi for everything that you accomplished and for everything you did to me. Thank you for all the fun and all the good vibes. Shout out to my old pals Max, Zero and Rainbow and especially to the latter who had to deal with me constantly spamming him with spots throughout the years asking weather they were new or not (don't blame me for my insolence mate, your brain is a faultless stunting database)  :lol: that's all from me. I wish you all great success in all areas of life but most importantly stay healthy, happy and safe ❤️
Title: Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
Post by: RedX on February 09, 2025, 02:37:22 PM
Unbelievable stuff. Edit: fuck I wrote a long ass post from mobile and it all disappeared apart from the two first words >:( in short then: max you made one of the best edits ever, which is a huge part of why this is perhaps my favorite stunting video of all time. Everyone was amazing and should be proud of having been part of this masterpiece
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