Stunt Crew Network => Wasteland Heroes => Hall Of Fame => WH Chat & News => Topic started by: marklund on September 24, 2005, 08:40:43 AM
Hey guys, I need to say that I'm sorry, but I'm leaving WH because of the unactivityness in the crew. Nothing seems to happen and no one is active at MSN or the board. I've been working with stunts for a crew vid, but I'll now use them for a solo vid instead. I think I'll stay solo in the future, so this doesn't need to come up again. I haven't really felt that I'm a part of this crew, because of the lack of activity.
I hope we still can be friends, Calcos and Comaboy. I don't wanna lose you. Where is Comaboy anyway? :(
Good luck with the crew guys!
- Marklund
Damn, I was hoping to see a new WH vid with you in it Marklund... :(
Good luck as a solo stunter.
P.P.P.P.S. Join TMS :)
good luck man.
GL dude.
Good luck, Mark!
P.S. Join GVT :)
P.P.S. Don't join TMS, they steal other's "P.S."s :)
I've been working with stunts for a crew vid, but I'll now use them for a solo vid instead.
The Heroes Return San Andreas first :nono:
don't know if it was offical that i was a member of WH, but since neither calcos or comaboy has been online for some weeks i'm leaving WH, i'm gona audition for XSA soon.
Sorry coma and calcos but if u guys aren't active there is no WH and then i can't be a part of it, i hope that maby we can work together later in the future
.. but were you ever in wasteland heroes?
This topic will be a bitter return for them.. don't you think?
I didn't even know, that marky was WH member :lol:
No, there wasn't any posts or something about it, so It wasn't well known. :(
I knew that :unsure:
You were in the crew?!?!? lmfao
Good luck being a solo. Being in a crew is easier to create stunt vids imo, but it can work the other way around if the crew creates stunt vids every week or so.
You made the exact same decision I did. :D
I left TMS meh a week ago.. Good luck man!! :)
You made the exact same decision I did. :D
I left TMS meh a week ago.. Good luck man!! :)
you left for a different reason.
we are active B)
Ah. Well. Good luck.
There has definately been happening alot with WH the last weeks. People have joined and almost immediately left, Taclite isn´t the leader anymore and now Comaboy seems to be gone(?).
Maybe it´s time for an update, can you please let us all know who the members of WH are (I´m sure not everyone is clear on this point...).
I'm confused :blink:
WH gone inactive when they finally got added to the crew network :lol:
Join Us Now :P
WH gone inactive when they finally got added to the crew network :lol:
Nah, comaboy's supposedly editing a new vid. But, not here yet... Oh well.
GL man on your solo venture
Shame...but Coma's absence is a mystery at the moment. It'd be nice for one last hurrah with the WH lads before you leave to pursue other things. You've still got 4 (??) members who are still here and you all could easily put together something for us.
Whatever the case...good luck to you both.
coma's on a holiday, he told me a while ago. I thought he would tell u guys.
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lol j/k :P :P
good luck markie :D
GL mark, come to XSA, we were going to ask you to join after Pep left but before we had a chance, you joined WH. Anyway, looking forwards to a solo :)
... Ok guys! Stop allready with the invites, I won't join any crews anyway. I'll stay solo. ;P
... Ok guys! Stop allready with the invites, I won't join any crews anyway. I'll stay solo
This is your choice and we respect it... fucking moron :side:
[span style=\'color:yellow\']Thanks to Daf-fy! for the sig[/span]
lol, j/k :lol:
Haha sweet Werewolf, and Good luck being solo Marklund.
im scared of marklund now from impulse's sig :P
aww man i wanted to see a vid...
well good luck going solo