
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - IV => IV Unmodded Videos => Topic started by: Lex on March 25, 2023, 10:25:25 PM

Post by: Lex on March 25, 2023, 10:25:25 PM
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Please react!

I'm writing to let you know that after much thought and consideration, I've made the difficult decision to quit my long-time hobby. While it's not an easy choice to make, I feel that it's the right one for me at this time.

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported me and cheered me on throughout the MANKIND Series. Your encouragement, kind words, Inspiration have meant to me and have helped me to stay motivated and focused.

I will always cherish the memories I've made while pushing myself to limit, and I'm grateful for the experiences and lessons it has taught me. But as I move forward, I'm excited to explore new passions and opportunities and to see what the future holds. As I dream to be a painter and Concept Artist.

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and for being a part of this journey with me. kindness and buds will always be remembered and appreciated.


It might be bad or not, I appreciate what I've done. Due to a limited tools and mods to make it right, But I hope everyone appreciate it.

For the Guest

I would like to thanks maiikool for the patience and effort to support the series as we push the limit of the game, we are proud of it. and to Nocrashk which is the hardest contact to find but thanks to bilibili I found you, and please unblock me now. anyway thank you to both of you <3

Code: [Select]
0:54 - Packer to bump to terrace:

1:09 - Lex's Natbump to Roof:

1:38 - Nocrashk's - Railbump to Marco Prec:

1:50 - Maiikool's  P2B to CAConditioner prec:

1:58 - Lex Natbump 2 rooftop:

2:03 - Maiikool's P2B to Walride to Silo:

2:10 - Lex's Curb bump to 2 Grind:

2:18 - Maiikool Wallride to Grind:

1:44 - Lex's Hexer 4x Grind:

2:56 -Lex's Upward Grind to drop double bump to grind:

3:05 - Maiikool's P2B to Bigair top:

3:18 - Nocrash's Double Bump to top:

3:22 - Natbump to Hospital Top:

3:31 - Maiikool's P2B to Cargo Chimney:

3:43 - Oversized back tankbump:

3:14 - Skimmer bump by the water:

3:25 - Icecream bump to prec:

3:34 - PSM MAG:

3:43 - PSM grind bonk grind:

3:59 - Lex's NRG ledge grind:

4:12 - Lex's Box double bump to rooftop:

4:20 - Lex's Drop bump to Pylon Prec:

4:35 - Lex's Natbump to Upward Grind to Prec:

4:59 - FINISHER:


Post by: SyperDimon on March 25, 2023, 10:37:20 PM
Post by: Ezraph2001 on March 26, 2023, 12:03:11 AM
Post by: Jason on March 26, 2023, 01:05:48 AM

:) :) :)
Post by: VaNilla on March 26, 2023, 06:37:55 AM
Sick video man, this is easily one of IV's best videos if not the best stunt wise. I always wanted to land that prefinisher but I didn't spend enough time on it, amazing stunt! Great editing too man, well done! I hope there's more to come from the GTA IV stunting community in the future ;D :ninja:.

UPDATE: I've watched this 5 times now to make sure I remember all the stunts, instant classic! The credits mentions a "camera nolimit" mod, is it openCamera or some new version? :happy:
Post by: Lex on March 26, 2023, 07:21:20 AM
Sick video man, this is easily one of IV's best videos if not the best stunt wise. I always wanted to land that prefinisher but I didn't spend enough time on it, amazing stunt! Great editing too man, well done! I hope there's more to come from the GTA IV stunting community in the future ;D :ninja:.

UPDATE: I've watched this 5 times now to make sure I remember all the stunts, instant classic! The credits mentions a "camera nolimit" mod, is it openCamera or some new version? :happy:

It was actually a openCamera mod, but since it's not available anymore/anywhere, I emailed OpenIV to request a mod like opencamera and thankfully they accepted the request and sent me the mod with the name "IV Camera nolimit" so I just used it instead
Post by: Erney on March 26, 2023, 09:13:01 AM
Would be nice if you could do review template, I am not able to do live one now. Anyway those grinds and big airs were freakin' amazing.  :wub:
Post by: Angle.Fire on March 26, 2023, 01:26:40 PM
Dont mind me making weird faces when the bike is bending instantly mid air  :D I can't comprehend iv physics

Beautiful work
Post by: .Dakar on March 26, 2023, 02:50:53 PM
finally lol
Post by: DeathCobra on March 26, 2023, 03:16:14 PM
Nice video :jajaja:

Have almost no idea how hard these were, but looked sick.
Post by: Lex on March 27, 2023, 02:14:34 AM
Post by: Diaz on March 27, 2023, 01:01:36 PM
This is some next level IV stunting, it's just a shame we could not get to see more of this in the history of GTAS. The grindcombos and the last 2 stunts were mindblowing, but namely the bridge grind2bonk2grind and the prefinisher were the absolutely best. It was nice to see others joined you as well.
Editing and the song were also good, it was a really entertaining video and I kind of did not want it to end. Hoping to see some more IV action sometime.
Good luck in the future dude!  :)
Post by: Lex on March 27, 2023, 04:35:08 PM
Nice video :jajaja:

Have almost no idea how hard these were, but looked sick.

Packer bump is the hardest I can say, since within 20 tries you only get a atleast 1 chance of jumping to it. so getting to the bump like the finisher is only once every an hour, but worth trying for 8 years.
Post by: Erney on March 28, 2023, 10:32:58 AM
Full rev by ern

0:54 - Packer to bump to terrace: Good opener, at first I was thinking that you hitted tree before roof bump, I'm rewatching this video while making review, so I noticed you actually just did an oridinary p2b. Good stats! ;)

1:09 - Lex's Natbump to Roof: Masiive one, I liked how you controlled bike in the air to avoid ugly physic which gta iv is known for.

1:38 - Nocrashk's - Railbump to Marco Prec: Precision landings are not common thing in iv so this spot gained exstra point's from me, cool find :)

1:50 - Maiikool's  P2B to CAConditioner prec: Massive p2b from those railways fences, cool one, landing on prec was tight too!

1:58 - Lex Natbump 2 rooftop: Basic one, well it's okey too, at leeast it's high another hight roof

2:03 - Maiikool's P2B to Walride to Silo: Beautiful wallkick to perfect flip, crazy one!

2:10 - Lex's Curb bump to 2 Grind: God damn, that was so sick, flawless execution on that wall, you had enouh speed to switch into another ledge, well love it! :)

2:18 - Maiikool Wallride to Grind: Sick find, gotta be pain in the ass with that physic, you nailed it so smootly. /sick

2:31 - Lex's Hexer 4x Grind: Come on man, that was just next level grinding! :P

2:56 -Lex's Upward Grind to drop double bump to grind: That's probably, in my opionion best stunt ever landed in iv engine, damn, wonder how much time this painkiller took too land, execution was so brilland and that spot itself is so unique, props!

3:05 - Maiikool's P2B to Bigair top: Huge air, this assisting car which you're using for bumps kinda remind me about csm in vc, seems like you getting massive stats from it. Cool one too.

3:18 - Nocrash's Double Bump to top: I don't know how hard that stunt is, but it don't impressed me, just too basic imo.

3:22 - Natbump to Hospital Top: Another proper landing of high building, cool

3:31 - Maiikool's P2B to Cargo Chimney: Great one!

3:57 - Freeway grindcombo: Holy shit, those freeway ledge grinds looks so damn smooth.  :mellow:

3:14 - P2B to roof bump to  ledge grind on the roof: Man, that's another sick one, I never thought that there will be somebody who gonna land them grind so neat, insane.

4:09 - Icecream bump to prec: Very good double bump  :jajaja:

4:20 - Bump to prec:  Sick find, dope execution. Lovely flip aswell ;)

4:34 - Bump to ledge bump to crane top: Maaan, this is killer, I loved how you grinded/ bumped or whatever to get into that preci.

4:59 - Finisher:  Right stunt for finisher, I remember it was an old gtas challange which I saw long time ago on the forums, great to see it landed, you did it best way it could be done. ;)


Pet" by A Perfect Circle - I really like this song, been a while since I heard that, decent choice.


Really suprising, Short and good intro with some nice takes of panorama of the city and few better objects which you nailed in the video, classic presentation of the vehicles, after that I expected to see some crazy car stuff too, but unfortunatly there wasn't any. :(
CC had onslaught look/feeling and prolly I know why you choosed A Perfect Circle for that. Overall, cam angles were really great with cool and simple transitions and cinematic view.

5/5 - One of the best, if not the best IV video stuntingwise.

By the way:

Pay attantion next time while you doing review template, had to fix it many times, which was so annoying. :D

Oh and almost forgot to point it out, so - it looks a bit like a collab not solo, but it was  great watch indeed.  :euro:

Post by: Faiz on March 28, 2023, 07:42:16 PM
it was ;) FTO  :P :P-
awesome work, from Lex and of course from two special guests! how did you get Nocrask on the bike and start bumping epicness all around? tell me PLEASE !!! stunts are so big that I feel like GTA 5 in some scenes.  :wub:
Post by: FTO on March 30, 2023, 07:26:30 PM
it was ;) FTO  :P :P-
awesome work, from Lex and of course from two special guests! how did you get Nocrask on the bike and start bumping epicness all around? tell me PLEASE !!! stunts are so big that I feel like GTA 5 in some scenes.  :wub:

:lol: Great to see it finally landed more than a decade later.

Couldn't even imagine the time and effort you put in this video, mate. Most of the stunts were astonishing especially the last two stunts. Very well done!
Post by: Skuller on April 02, 2023, 12:08:58 PM
Awesome! :a-cheer:

Every stunt was great! Double grind, pre-finisher & finisher are the ones I remembered for sure! Was pretty surprised to see Nocrashk here. Editing was great too so it was a really enjoyable video! :P Thanks for mentioning me in the credits and as I see you decided to quit, so I wish you all the best in real life Lex!
Post by: Lex on April 05, 2023, 10:25:53 PM
Thanks guys!

Every stunt was great! Double grind, pre-finisher & finisher are the ones I remembered for sure! Was pretty surprised to see Nocrashk here. Editing was great too so it was a really enjoyable video! :P Thanks for mentioning me in the credits and as I see you decided to quit, so I wish you all the best in real life Lex!

Yes! It will be a long journey for my long time dream to be a Concept Artist!

Thanks again for being such an awesome friend and for making me feel so appreciated and to everyone. <3
Post by: Lex on April 06, 2023, 02:03:21 AM

:lol: Great to see it finally landed more than a decade later.

Couldn't even imagine the time and effort you put in this video, mate. Most of the stunts were astonishing especially the last two stunts. Very well done!

Yup, It has been a long time since the challenge was posted, this year have been a relief for me! It was worth putting so much time <3
Post by: Sport on May 01, 2023, 04:52:14 AM
Holy shit man you have exceeded my expectations, i have seen your previous solos but this is amazing! This is absolutely one of my favorite videos in gta4. I don't know why you care about the editing, it's great, the music, the camera angles, everything is amazing! All the stunts are great, but most of all I liked the double grind on the bridge, I just went nuts ;D. Good job man :ajaja:!
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