
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Topic started by: Jason on June 15, 2022, 08:52:37 AM

Title: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Jason on June 15, 2022, 08:52:37 AM

Collab organized by Smut, and edited by Haywire!

The Big V
Turtle Dick

This was a real blast to edit, straying away from my usual heavy metal editing and trying something fresh. Lots of fun pieces chucked in here and there. It was really tough fitting everything in though!

Remember, film your reaction!
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: SyperDimon on June 15, 2022, 09:01:22 AM
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: khaimyk on June 15, 2022, 09:20:25 AM
 ;D Vice Stunt fornever
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: 64gigsofWolfRam on June 15, 2022, 10:00:50 AM
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Angle.Fire on June 15, 2022, 10:24:22 AM
Nice stuff from everyone and all but...

Where am I? It's the second time I'm not included where I was told I would be.

There won't be a third time. This is humiliating.

Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: DeathCobra on June 15, 2022, 10:42:15 AM
dling... 5kbs  :(

Face reveal/reaction thing when I have the time later today

(here) (
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Sport on June 15, 2022, 11:33:41 AM
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Blake on June 15, 2022, 12:33:59 PM  :cheernutz:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: CheS on June 15, 2022, 12:50:43 PM
Good-looking! Haywire's editorial style this time is very light and fun,this seems to be my first time participating in the collab of the gtas organization :L
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Jason on June 15, 2022, 02:35:54 PM
Nice stuff from everyone and all but...

Where am I? It's the second time I'm not included where I was told I would be.

There won't be a third time. This is humiliating.

I didn't include your replay because you fell off halfway along quite an easy grind... I get that you're still pretty new, but everybody is capable of putting in the work.

Thankyou for the reactions so far everyone.   ;D
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Smut on June 15, 2022, 02:48:12 PM
Thanks for putting it so nicely together in such a short amount of time Jason, I really appreciate it! Also thanks to all, who contributed to this project. It really brought a smile into my face seeing so many guys still rocking in VC, both oldies and youngsters producing high quality stuff. I've had enough from stunting for now, but I'll come back from time to time and hope to see more projects like this being done in the future. Keep them coming, guys!
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: VaNilla on June 15, 2022, 09:29:09 PM
Fucking nice, well done to Smut for organising and Haywire on that dope editing. The stunts were cool, I thought Smut's opener was great, Dannye's ideas are always appreciated, Rainbow's polebump to precision was satisfying, wviMis' packer to stoppie to grind was well thought out, Krypton's casino combo looked smart, I really liked Faiz's creative roof ramp to CSM, cool to see Turtle Dick back in VC again following the NU days, Morbidxxx's wallspin to bonk to grind was super smooth, Haywire's ledge grind to bonk to grind was snazzy, and Fighter's bump to parking gap was impressive too. CheS stood out most with some sick stunts, I'm also glad to see a VC based member of the inverted cabbie boosting tribe :ninja:. Shame Kingjad didn't grab that grind at the end, I chuckled at the editing there too :P.

Speaking of which, I enjoyed Haywire's editing a lot, it reminded me of the fun focused days of old, with steadfast camera angles, concise pacing, varied transitions, and lots of crossfades to keep things flowing smoothly without necessarily waiting for the mathematically conducive moment to cut. Those interludes reminded me of DARKAN's best of with the fighting scene for some reason, old touches like these show that you're thinking about how to evolve beyond worn out structures that settle in over time by looking to the past for inspiration (and it works :mellow:). Highly enjoyable, keep it up guys! :a-cheer: :cheernutz: :a-cheer: :cheernutz:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Rainbow on June 16, 2022, 02:19:42 AM
My favourites were the opener, CheS' upside down boost (freescroll wheel or some rapidfire technique?), Fighter's BSM because I don't understand how that even happened like that :lol:, Morbid's cool wallbonk spin to grind, Haywire's grind combo even though you didn't finish the grind, Max' rhino gap in the credits and Zero's pizzaboy grind at the end but a slight ehhhh that you fell like 1ft before the end.

Couple old stunts like Faiz' bump to the pizza sign (done by Mythic), Ezraph's rooftop stunt and Smut's grind to precision maybe not technically but it's just the mirrored version of Krypton's Eradicate stunt.
Overall very enjoyable video from a stunting point of view, nicely organised Smut :jajaja:

Edit was awesome. As you said it was not your usual song choice but you nailed it. And that credits song is so catchy I better not watch that again for a couple days haha. Really enjoyed the camera's you picked.
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Sheep on June 16, 2022, 02:39:30 AM
Kick ass stunts by every one and then there is me with leftover stunt from Skyward 4 :cheersad:

Good to see Turtle Dick in VC action. :ajaja:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: AllBeast on June 16, 2022, 05:07:26 AM (
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Plani on June 16, 2022, 07:09:20 AM
Such an enjoyable video. I liked everything about it. Haywire, your editings take me years back but at the same time they're so fresh. I loved it. Good job guys ❤️ keep it up
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Ezraph2001 on June 16, 2022, 09:13:31 AM
Here's a reaction video couldn't do some finishing touches but whatever

Kudos to Jason and Smut for this cool ass collab
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: puzzLe on June 16, 2022, 03:08:34 PM

Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Kingjad on June 16, 2022, 04:03:37 PM
Just to clarify something: Turtle Dick gave me that replay like a year ago (when we were doing the Delta re-make). He's not back or anything.
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Herb on June 18, 2022, 01:37:37 PM
Bump. Need more reacts  :euro:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Krypton on June 18, 2022, 01:45:55 PM

Thanks for inviting me Smut. Big props to haywire for creating something special here.
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: NEM on June 19, 2022, 04:33:53 AM
Lovely fun collab! I'm sorry I couldn't land anything, I just lack motivation to open the game lately :(

surprised to see morbidxxx again in a video, very nice :wub:

skuller psm in saivc very very very nice

rainbow vc prec very goode

ezraph epic stunter

Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Dannye on June 19, 2022, 06:22:49 AM
Awesome edit Haywire, it was all put together so well, making for such a fun watch that just made me wanna fire up the game and do some more stunting myself. The shot of ARS's hotring leaving the airport roof was so satisfying I think I could watch just that bit over and over (ditto the start of Faiz's rooftop csm stunt), also starting Skuller's double-grind with that low-angle shot was sweet, as was the framing on Sheeptea's taxi landing, and the look of the camera in the intro shots - really all the camerawork was lovely! I had a good chuckle watching how you worked in mine and Kingjad's bail stunts, and again with the swapping over to the PCJ nametag in my credits stunt. Also the way the intro lead into the video's title reveal, and the use of the bike audio heading into the start of part 2, were both really nice.

Stunts were all solid! A few favourites of mine being Rainbow's polebump to precision, Fighter's BSM 2 roof (particularly how it kisses the wall as its going over), Morbidxxx's + Haywire's bonking and grinding into grinds, and Max's backwards tank stunt (it's cool seeing the tank used that way, and the way it wrapped up so neatly at the end with the turn-around upon hitting the tree was perfect). Quite a number of grind combos/precisions too which was impressive, and I'm always a fan of seeing other guys landing in the back of trucks.

Cheers for running this project Smut, and Haywire on the edit, it turned out great guys, I'm stoked to have been a part of it!
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Skuller on June 19, 2022, 01:34:08 PM
Was a very nice watch! Awesome editing by Haywire and great stunts by all stunters who took a part! Really liked the intro camera angles + songs in the vid! Only a little letdown for me was that some of the credits stunts could've been used in the main part but oh well it's no big deal! Once again good job all and thanks for all the nice reactions on my stunts! :a-cheer:

Here's a reaction video couldn't do some finishing touches but whatever
9:55 is old by Lance with different runup from the mall.
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Diaz on June 21, 2022, 04:05:20 AM
Such a great video guys, it was good stuntingwise and I also loved the mass of people participating in this  :P The jumpyjumpers showcased a big variety of stunts, my favourites were probably the grindcombos. Everyone did decent and it's yet another enjoyable VC video in 2022 so props for keeping it alive guys. I just wish there was even one video that's SA  :unsure:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: ZeRo_ on June 21, 2022, 07:07:00 AM
I've been away from stunting for a couple of months and I gotta say it was a real joy to come back to this video. :wub: Love the amount of stunters who participated, and with some solid stuff too! Everybody did a great job, my favourites were Smut's opener, Sorcery's midair grab & 3x grind, Wvimis' stoppie to grind, Rainbow's polebump (even though the grind is old it was still a super clean execution), Krypton's SAiVC line and Morbid's grind combo.

The editing was also very pleasant, loved the pacing and the clean camera angles with some sick ones mixed in too (like the one on ARS' airport hotring stunt). It's also fun to see you try out something different from your usual style, like you mentioned in the first post.

So yes, thanks to Smut & Jason for putting together this lovely video and also every stunter who contributed - let's keep the VC scene alive for a little bit longer! :jajaja:

Next collab when? :cc_detective:
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: NEM on June 22, 2022, 03:46:06 AM
da vi go tura  :euro:

What does this mean please?
Title: Re: DATURA - Smut's Collab
Post by: Cooper on April 16, 2023, 05:59:56 PM
10 months late but I'm gonna post anyways :P

I enjoyed this one, and I really dig Jason's editing style and in this case the jokes in it (I also liked the hotring skins lmao). I'm always too lazy to comment or point out my favorite stunts so I'm just going to say that they where nice, stylish and fun. Also it's crazy to see mid 2000's stunters kicking spots.

'denied didn't get back on the bike' I thought the same thing haha
I said this tons of times but I'm glad that stunting is still going on
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