
General => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 10:51:05 AM

Title: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 10:51:05 AM
Hi guys. I know some of you have been wondering why I disappeared a few years ago. I wanted to wait until I was ready to come back to say something about this, but honestly, I'm still really struggling, and I don't want to risk saying nothing.

I sent a message to Nomad Union about some of this a couple of years ago, which I think they have seen, but I don't know if the details have spread outside of the team, so here I am.

I was working super hard on Nomad Union's crew video between 2015-2018, with the goal of making the best stunt video of all time. I was pushing myself to the absolute limit, and the whole team landed great stunts, but despite us making an awesome work in progress version of the video in 2016, I wanted more, and I felt compelled to make it flawless. I should have settled for what we had and polished it to something I felt comfortable releasing, but I went far beyond what was necessary, which I think was very disheartening for the rest of the team, and I can't apologise to them enough for dealing with my perfectionistic pursuits.

I have also been suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts since I was about 16 years old (I'm 28 years old now). It's been tough, and I was coping well for the longest time, but I was very stressed, especially whilst working on the Nomad Union crew video. To give you some idea of the harm I was doing to myself, it usually takes me about 20 hours maximum to land my best stunts, but for this video, I spent half a year landing my most difficult stunt (about 800 hours of attempts), and I have done similarly unhealthy things in the past, like staying up 48 hours straight to finish SUPERNUVA in a mad rush. The team told me to think about my health in both cases, but I couldn't help myself.

When 2018 began I started having complications with my skin. It was mildly frustrating at first, nothing serious, but it was getting worse and worse, and I wasn't happy, because I had much less time to spend doing what I wanted to do. Fast forward to December 2018, and GTA V gets a major update with brand new stunting vehicles, but whilst testing the files for differences versus the previous version, I noticed that something was wrong with my PC. Long story short, I needed to buy new SSD's, back up all my files, and reinstall everything, with no capability to work on the Nomad Union crew video or test the update during this time. I started doing that, but I was stressed out of my mind. My skin went into meltdown, it took the light out of my life, and I couldn't mentally face dealing with this every single day, whilst also working on the video and researching the update for the stunting community, given the sheer amount of time these things take. That is why I decided to stop visiting GTAStunting for a while, and completely disengage from the gaming community until I was okay.

I thought I would vanish for a couple of weeks or months at most, I have done that in the past when the stress was too much. But my skin and my mental health never got better, things only got worse, and although I was managing my skin issues to some degree, I was constantly thinking about killing myself. Thankfully I never attempted to do so, and I think that's because deep down, I knew that I still had something to share with humanity, and so as painful as it was, I persevered. I started to realise that I needed to sort the rest of my life out before coming back, and that's exactly what I have been doing since I disappeared. I'm happy to say that I'm making good progress, and I have also made a complete plan for my future stunt videos, after which I will finally stop stunting, and move on with my life. I have actually come up with a bunch of VC/SA/IV/V spots in my head and written them down, despite not having my own working PC at the moment :ninja: (I'm writing this on my iPad). I don't think I'll be back until summertime, but I'm not out of the woods yet, and I still have dark days, so I'm writing this message now, while I know I still can. I'm sorry for worrying everyone that was wondering what happened, I hope that you understand.

While I'm owning my mistakes, it's time to say something I wanted to say for a long time. I have done a lot of thinking while I have been away, and I don't want to live a life where I maintain lies for the sake of fear and vanity. I started stunting around 2006 when I was 12 years old, but I mentioned in 2010 that I modded many VC/SA stunts during my early years of stunting. I have been asked about specific stunts from this time, and I have mostly been honest in saying which were legitimate and which were not. However, there are two stunts that I never had the balls to apologise for, because I was called out so publicly, and I was scared that I'd never have the chance to build a legitimate future in this community if I told the truth.

MeetMyMeat was right, my StopWatch finisher from 2008 was modded. I want to say sorry for gaslighting everyone, it was stupid, it was disrespectful, and it always weighed heavily on my heart. Nobody was falling for my bullshit, and I was often asked about it over the years, which hurt me, because I went to such lengths to grow as a person and stay legitimate since I was called out, and I wrongly felt that I deserved to move on. So I'm ashamed to say that in 2017, I surreptitiously made a topic defending myself, where I live recorded legitimate landings maintaining my RAD over the grass, knowing that because it is possible that way (both to land on the roof with FL on and land in the water with FL off), and I knew some stunters who landed it this way too, that it would confuse people into thinking it was possible without doing it like that. I have no excuses, just sorrow that I didn't man up from the start.

The same thing is true of what I'm about to say, something you may not have known. Biel and Promagic asked me a while ago if my Oracion finisher was modded, and they were absolutely correct. I landed this stunt sometime in 2009-2010, because I lost my NRG landing to someone else, but despite not modding anything since those years, I mindlessly sent it to Scavenger (who organised the video) sometime around 2012 or so. I actually asked D4rksh4doW not to use it in 2013 when I realised what I had done, saying I wanted to use it elsewhere as an excuse, but I think the video was almost done, so if my memory serves me correctly he didn't respond (he can absolutely confirm this if he still has his Skype logs). When Biel and Promagic asked me about it, I tried to sidestep the subject and I hoped they wouldn't notice. Sadly I think it worked, or at the very least, they had bigger things to worry about, so it was never mentioned again. I know I could have said nothing about this, but I have always felt extremely guilty about it, because I know it was a horrible thing to do, especially since Oracion was dedicated to PK, who was supposedly living with cancer (I know there was some controversy about whether he was or wasn't, but I believe him). I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and I don't blame anyone who feels like I don't deserve it.

I am so sorry that I let everyone down with these two stunts. I don't know how the community will respond, but I do know that I would never forgive myself if I didn't take public responsibility.

Now for something positive? I haven't seen many stunt videos since I disappeared, because I didn't want to distract myself from sorting my life out, but there are a handful that I have stumbled upon, and I don't want to spam up old topics, so I would like to shoutout some that spring to mind! I can't watch everything again right now, and I'm purely commenting from memory, so yeah, sorry for not giving more detailed feedback :ninja:.

I'm sorry for the long post, I had a lot to get off my chest. I don't know if anyone cares, but I don't know a better way of saying what I had to say. Like I said, I don't know when I will be back, but I do know that I'm still living in dark times, and I don't want to risk saying nothing.

I still won't be signing into Discord/Steam or anything like that for now, I know there's way too much for me to catch up on whilst I'm busy getting my shit together. However, I may sign into GTAStunting from time to time, so if you want to talk you're best off sending me a private message, though I may not see it for a while. I'm sorry. Sayonara.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Rainbow on March 09, 2022, 11:40:51 AM
My day has gotten a lot better and glad to hear you're doing better. Will definitely send a PM tomorrow!
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Simon on March 09, 2022, 11:44:22 AM
So glad you're doing okay and that you're on the up and up. Take the time you need man and give us a good hug once you drop by the discord.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: OrangeW on March 09, 2022, 11:46:51 AM
I'm so glad you're okay. Thank you for the update, and I hope things continue to get better for you, I missed you!
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: SlayerUK on March 09, 2022, 11:48:13 AM
Welcome back! :ninja: *GASP*
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Demo00n on March 09, 2022, 12:40:54 PM
i dont like reading so ye
Welcome back Vanilla ;D
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Jomra on March 09, 2022, 12:58:23 PM
You filthy modder! Cool to see you back and big respect for talking about your struggles. You should definitely look at CONTRA. Video was released at the end of 2019 and marked the end of streems and arts stunting existence. It's in the modded section because of art and streem fucking around with sacc, ramps and handling but you have a guest appearance in it! :D streems bonzai 2 is cool too but all stuff is modded in there(art and streem provided a bunch of screenshots and replays proving that both of them modded their stuff) the videos are still cool to look at don't get me wrong
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: DeathCobra on March 09, 2022, 01:05:50 PM
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Evolve Shadow on March 09, 2022, 01:16:09 PM
Reading this really made my day. So happy you felt like you could share this. I and so many others have so much to thank you for. You really have inspired so many of us to stunt and to keep trying to push the boundaries of these great games. And to hear what you said about the Evolve videos and my edit really feels incredible coming from someone I have always looked up to. Wish you all the best and hope to see more of those crazy ideas of yours   :lol:
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: plak on March 09, 2022, 01:31:26 PM
This guy is not justanotheraccount.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 01:37:24 PM
I had so much anxiety about posting this, my heart was beating out of my chest. Thanks for the messages so far, you've slightly put me at ease :happy:. I have seen CONTRA Jomra, but I haven't seen Bonzai 2. I originally landed my stunt for Rusch to use in Anomaly, but it didn't make it, so when Art asked me for a guest stunt to his solo in 2017/2018, I figured I'd send it there :P. I was trying to land the top of the ship for a while but I never landed it, however I guess it's actually better the way I did it, since it has more shock value :euro:. I think I'll keep checking the topic over the next few days, but I'll probably go crazy if I constantly come looking back so we'll see. Keep up the good stunts guys, ciao for now :wub:.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: TurBo on March 09, 2022, 02:30:24 PM
I've missed our talks dude, but quietly I'd been rooting for you. I'd heard murmuring but did not want to pry, I am pleased to learn things are better and apologise if I ever was a nag regarding this and that, lol.

The praise and appreciation mean so much, I am so grateful you enjoyed it and I will without digressing hint that there's more where it came from.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 02:39:17 PM
Nah man, I was the nag. I'm just glad everyone got to see how awesome you are ;D.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: MV on March 09, 2022, 02:41:01 PM
Really glad to hear from you, and I'm wishing the best in your recovery. Prioritize you and your health first, the community will still be here waiting whenever you feel confident in you and your health.

It's been a very long time since we've talked, back in the days of Skype + stunting on PSA, but there isn't any time that went by without thinking about how you were doing. You were almost like a mentor & a good friend of mine early on in this community when I didn't really fit in. Take care of yourself dude. Really glad that you're still around
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: jakuba on March 09, 2022, 02:44:47 PM
I hope youre doing aight. I think a lot of us at some point have been there. Rock on.

No that it really matters but what about that stunt that build on Avalanche finisher?
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 03:12:13 PM
No that it really matters but what about that stunt that build on Avalanche finisher?

1000% legitimate, the live landing was recorded to be scrutinised :P. I didn't spend 80 hours on it for giggles :ninja:. I think I have the 30 minutes of attempts leading up to it in the same Shadowplay recording on my PC, same with the naval base top from the same video. Artifex has a couple of my fail attempts too on Discord I guess, if anyone would like to check :euro:.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: jakuba on March 09, 2022, 03:48:01 PM
Well for whats its worth you did land some of the Best stunts ever. And i know we are adults now and it is a niche hobby but you do get to cherish that. Kind of sad you had to cheat despite being one of the greats but i guess with mental issues everything goes out of wack. Reminds me of insta ppl being pinnacle of looks and still restoring to PS. I hope it doesnt hurt your feelings.

Again good on you for coming clean and taking care of youself.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 09, 2022, 03:55:15 PM
Thanks man. I'm headed off to sleep, but I just want to say that I'm sorry for disappearing and making such a big wall of text upon coming back. Toodles :happy:.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: dab88 on March 09, 2022, 08:29:05 PM
Good to see you back and hear you're doing better. Take care of yourself dude
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Scavenger on March 09, 2022, 11:53:48 PM
Welcome back Paul  :cheernutz: I know how you feel like 'cause i got through mental break downs too. It's very strong to tell that! I hope you doing well and take your time! You can not rush perfection. Mental health is very important!

I would love to see a solo with all of these GTA games from you, but as told already take your time  :)
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Blaze Stunting on March 10, 2022, 12:02:55 AM
blessed to see you're in good health again and still getting better  ;D
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Herrarge on March 10, 2022, 04:32:01 AM
All the best to you. You've been my favourite stunter always. Thanks for all the good memories.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Joshua on March 10, 2022, 05:30:04 AM
wow, what a post!

I found a lot of relief reading this, as myself and plenty of other users view you as a staple of the community. When I think of GTAS, I think of you along with a few other guys. I'm glad to hear that you're braving the storms of your journey buddy. I found the bit where you mentioned your desire to share what you have to offer with humanity especially striking.. Also got a good laugh from the idea of you theory-crafting stunts while away from a pc lol.

Much love to you, and everyone  :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: foresttravesty on March 10, 2022, 05:55:28 AM
Happy to see you
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Avi on March 10, 2022, 08:41:16 AM
I've always known you that you accuse everyone of mods but respect that you are now admitting to yourself the things you did illegally.

I always wondered if the opener here is modified
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 10, 2022, 09:23:51 AM
Thanks for the comments guys, I don't feel like I deserve some of them but I appreciate you all nonetheless :P. Yeah Avi it is, though that's been common knowledge for a long time now. I've decided I'll check the topic once a day for the next couple of days and then bounce out, I don't want to get too distracted by GTAS stuff until I'm ready to come back. But I do appreciate the responses, I thought I'd get a lot of hate for disappearing and everything. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Artifex on March 10, 2022, 10:40:18 AM
Welcome back Paul, good to hear you're doing well. Thanks for being honest. Hopefully there's brighter days ahead :)!
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Viper on March 10, 2022, 11:00:29 AM
Paul it's been a long time! We did get your message back in 2020. It worried us quite a bit. I wish we could have communicated with you. We are your friends, and if you felt disconnecting with everyone was the right thing for you to do at the time, we support your decision. Any resentment or toxicity you worried about just isn't here, we miss having you around.

Hoping your health continues to improve. Keep a positive outlook, and fight your way through to the other side. It would be wonderful to hear from you again on discord, and have a voice chat someday.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 10, 2022, 12:23:28 PM
Thanks man, I'm sorry for everything nonetheless. Soon I hope so too, but we know what happened last time I thought I'd take a couple of months to be healthy again, so yeah, just know that I'm trying really hard to sort everything out and I've missed you all too :happy:.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Demo00n on March 10, 2022, 01:11:34 PM
I wish you the best of luck
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Sheep on March 11, 2022, 12:37:44 AM
Hey man. We never talked much before, but I always admired you.

Hope you get better soon.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Insan on March 11, 2022, 06:49:01 AM
We don't know each other, I've seen about you, you were, are, and will be a great stunter, prioritize your recovery, mental health is very important.
Hope you float again!
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: FELIX on March 13, 2022, 06:03:06 AM
Always good to hear from people that were gone for years. Good luck for coping with all those problems.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: VaNilla on March 13, 2022, 07:58:54 AM
Thanks again for the comments. I'll stop checking GTAStunting for a while now, but I feel better having visited again. Good luck to everyone with everything you're doing! Hopefully I'll be back around summertime, see you down the line :euro:.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Demo00n on March 13, 2022, 11:51:21 AM
Cya :lol:
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: PM on March 13, 2022, 03:45:09 PM
hey mate, I was wondering what happened to you. glad you showed up, I would like to chat sometime (for example on discord).

I wish you nothing but the best.
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: Diaz on March 14, 2022, 08:50:37 AM
Good to hear from you again, I remember there were lot of speculation about your disappearance. Also respect for admitting all these stuff, better late than never. But you really shouldn't feel this bad about this, it's just a game after all and I know (and just read) how much it has meant to you, but it's just a hobby at the end of the day. What we think about you and you modding should not be important to you, there are much more significant things in life to concentrate on. I personally never had such mental problems, but if I had ever had, I would not have hesitated for a minute to stop doing this. So being healthy should be your top priority and coming back to stunting and to the forum is of less importance. As others already said, just take your time, this forum and we will be here whenever you are ready, we don't seem to leave anytime soon  :lol:
Title: Re: Wilderness
Post by: legendz on March 16, 2022, 12:05:34 AM
Hi there! I've always been a fan of your stunts and I can't wait to see more and more from you :jajaja: However, health is priority, so take your time and when you are ready come backkkkkk!!!  Wish you the best :wub:
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