
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Chat & Support => Topic started by: Jason on February 17, 2022, 04:24:49 PM

Title: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Jason on February 17, 2022, 04:24:49 PM
Link removed.

Posted with permission from AllBeast.

Video removed as requested by AllBeast.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 04:25:04 PM
the video looks like deepfake
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Srcry on February 17, 2022, 04:38:55 PM
lol epic. watching.

Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 17, 2022, 04:43:07 PM
To save you guys 20 minutes, he's using save states on a virtual machine. It's basically TAS.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 17, 2022, 04:52:40 PM
I honestly cannot believe, Beast, that you thought that this is legitimate.

Is it a very laborious and tedious process? Absolutely.

Is it still difficult to get a good end product? Of course.

Is it legitmate stunting? In my opinion, absolutely not.

We have, and have always, valued the worth of a stunt as one seperate, whole event. From start to finish, the stunt has been done in one go. There was no checkpoints in between a bump and a landing, or to save the game every couple of frames to maintain a perfect RAD, or anything else like that. It relied on a stunter's wits to do what they had to do quickly, and effectively.

It baffles me that save states do not break replays and interrupt them. But how anyone can possibly think that stunting with this convoluted method be an acceptable form of what we would call 'unmodded' stunting. It goes completely against the spirit of what makes stunting such a rewarding experience for people, for those who have spent many hours of their silly little lives trying to land a stunt as perfectly as they can just to make a little video on the internet for a handful of folk to enjoy and appreciate - I'm amazed you felt any pride in your videos at all knowing you were stunting with such a method Beast. I certainly would not, in your shoes.

You're a clever boy.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 17, 2022, 04:55:35 PM
Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Except that you cannot tell if it was used or not looking at a replay so it kind of does for me. If there was a way to detect it apart from pointing a camera at your screen then that would be awesome. I guess I'll make my Shadowplay save window 1 minute now so that the attempts before that can also be seen. Only other way you can sort of know it's normal.

And no I wouldn't consider this legit, nor fun looking at the video  :unsure: I do applaud you for what you achieved with it though, must've taken a long time and a lot of patience! Just wish you had said it beforehand instead of after two videos which I now did not enjoy but could have. It does mean however that I consider all of the stunts you did 'unlanded' so to say, like the Impossible is Nothing finisher.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 05:01:16 PM
I honestly cannot believe, Beast, that you thought that this is legitimate.
and never didn't think like that, and tried make absurd stunts as much as possible to make people think that something not right, i wasn't hiding and was screaming all the way that i'm using my method
and was watching to my work like to piece of art
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Srcry on February 17, 2022, 05:11:59 PM
Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Except that you cannot tell if it was used or not looking at a replay so it kind of does for me. If there was a way to detect it apart from pointing a camera at your screen then that would be awesome. I guess I'll make my Shadowplay save window 1 minute now so that the attempts before that can also be seen. Only other way you can sort of know it's normal.

And no I wouldn't consider this legit, nor fun looking at the video  :unsure: I do applaud you for what you achieved with it though, just wish you had said it beforehand instead of after two videos. It does mean however that I consider all of the stunts you did 'unlanded' so to say, like the Impossible is Nothing finisher.
Personally I don't even care how illegitimate this method is. It's absurd, and using it in a video without a proper disclaimer is dishonest, but I can appreciate the effort, and be entertained by the discussion it caused. It kind of injected life into stunting, in its own fucked up way.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 05:15:38 PM
Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Except that you cannot tell if it was used or not looking at a replay so it kind of does for me. If there was a way to detect it apart from pointing a camera at your screen then that would be awesome. I guess I'll make my Shadowplay save window 1 minute now so that the attempts before that can also be seen. Only other way you can sort of know it's normal.

And no I wouldn't consider this legit, nor fun looking at the video  :unsure: I do applaud you for what you achieved with it though, just wish you had said it beforehand instead of after two videos. It does mean however that I consider all of the stunts you did 'unlanded' so to say, like the Impossible is Nothing finisher.
Personally I don't even care how illegitimate this method is. It's absurd, and using it in a video without a proper disclaimer is dishonest, but I can appreciate the effort, and be entertained by the discussion it caused. It kind of injected life into stunting, in its own fucked up way.
yes, it was my main goal to breathe a little life into stunting, but my main merit, in my opinion, was to solve many problems, and I solved them on my own without any help
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 17, 2022, 05:20:02 PM
Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Except that you cannot tell if it was used or not looking at a replay so it kind of does for me. If there was a way to detect it apart from pointing a camera at your screen then that would be awesome. I guess I'll make my Shadowplay save window 1 minute now so that the attempts before that can also be seen. Only other way you can sort of know it's normal.

And no I wouldn't consider this legit, nor fun looking at the video  :unsure: I do applaud you for what you achieved with it though, just wish you had said it beforehand instead of after two videos. It does mean however that I consider all of the stunts you did 'unlanded' so to say, like the Impossible is Nothing finisher.
Personally I don't even care how illegitimate this method is. It's absurd, and using it in a video without a proper disclaimer is dishonest, but I can appreciate the effort, and be entertained by the discussion it caused. It kind of injected life into stunting, in its own fucked up way.
I can agree with the last part in a way, and how it's dishonest to not add a disclaimer also. But that bit is where it will ruin stunting for me. Going forwards it will now be difficult to appreciate hard stunts if there is no live footage and the replay date is after today. The burden of proof for a 'clean' stunt has now been raised in my book.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 05:22:39 PM
Not bad, cool to see. This doesn't even come close to "ruining stunting" for me. Seems impressive in its own way.
Except that you cannot tell if it was used or not looking at a replay so it kind of does for me. If there was a way to detect it apart from pointing a camera at your screen then that would be awesome. I guess I'll make my Shadowplay save window 1 minute now so that the attempts before that can also be seen. Only other way you can sort of know it's normal.

And no I wouldn't consider this legit, nor fun looking at the video  :unsure: I do applaud you for what you achieved with it though, just wish you had said it beforehand instead of after two videos. It does mean however that I consider all of the stunts you did 'unlanded' so to say, like the Impossible is Nothing finisher.
Personally I don't even care how illegitimate this method is. It's absurd, and using it in a video without a proper disclaimer is dishonest, but I can appreciate the effort, and be entertained by the discussion it caused. It kind of injected life into stunting, in its own fucked up way.
I can agree with the last part in a way, and how it's dishonest to not add a disclaimer also. But that bit is where it will ruin stunting for me. Going forwards it will now be difficult to appreciate hard stunts if there is no live footage and the replay date is after today. The burden of proof for a 'clean' stunt has now been raised in my book.
you can change date of any file on computer, i know atleast two ways
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Gryzlek on February 17, 2022, 06:41:25 PM
I can agree with the last part in a way, and how it's dishonest to not add a disclaimer also. But that bit is where it will ruin stunting for me. Going forwards it will now be difficult to appreciate hard stunts if there is no live footage and the replay date is after today. The burden of proof for a 'clean' stunt has now been raised in my book.
Technically this doesn't change anything, it's not like this is something that wasn't possible until AllBeast showcased it. For all we know somebody could've been doing this years ago
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 06:43:23 PM
I can agree with the last part in a way, and how it's dishonest to not add a disclaimer also. But that bit is where it will ruin stunting for me. Going forwards it will now be difficult to appreciate hard stunts if there is no live footage and the replay date is after today. The burden of proof for a 'clean' stunt has now been raised in my book.
Technically this doesn't change anything, it's not like this is something that wasn't possible until AllBeast showcased it. For all we know somebody could've been doing this years ago
yep, and my pc from 2007-2008, so for sure i can say it is possible from 2010, because windows xp just doesn't work enough smooth
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: godson on February 17, 2022, 08:08:54 PM
So the stunts aren't being done in one shot starting from the run-up with this method? I don't see a problem with it because its not like it makes any stunt easier to land. Wouldn't be surprised if this was done in the past too.. really interesting method here regardless. I can see why others would consider it modding though.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herb on February 17, 2022, 08:24:50 PM
This is ingenious but also lame. I view it in the same light as TAS speed runs, neat and shows what's theoretically possible but needs their own section.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on February 17, 2022, 09:04:55 PM
In contrary to all the comments that say its "modding", I can say it is just genius. This is what really unleashes the 100% potential of stunting and shows what is possible and what not. AllBeast said he spent over 100 hours on some stunts (with his method), but imagine landing the same stunts without it. Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people? I personally wouldnt even start trying such stunts as seen in his solo (because thats how much hours I think it would take without his method for the average veteran stuner) - this is what makes his work so genius and entertaining. I mentioned this in another post but I will say it again, throughout the years he really did a lot for the community, including new maps, GTA repacks, HD VC etc. etc. even though his "beasty" nature this method is one of those useful things he did for GTAStunting.
I can agree that when using this method, it should be mentioned in credits/outro of the video, but in no way it should be classified as modding. The same guys that say its modding were probably also raging that RAD's method was also modding back in the days. You know how everything new is looked down and neglected - like the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the sun back in the dark ages and many more examples. Same thing with this method. Its just our human nature to stay in our safe zones, everything new to us is "unsafe", "alien" and "scary".  :ajaja:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 17, 2022, 11:33:23 PM
In contrary to all the comments that say its "modding", I can say it is just genius. This is what really unleashes the 100% potential of stunting and shows what is possible and what not.
It's not 'modding', but it's also not 'legit'. You will not see a TAS speedrun get accepted as a normal speedrun.  Can they be entertaining, absolutely. But the separation needs to be clear.

I can agree that when using this method, it should be mentioned in credits/outro of the video, but in no way it should be classified as modding. The same guys that say its modding were probably also raging that RAD's method was also modding back in the days. You know how everything new is looked down and neglected - like the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the sun back in the dark ages and many more examples. Same thing with this method. Its just our human nature to stay in our safe zones, everything new to us is "unsafe", "alien" and "scary".  :ajaja:
This is so dumb. No one is 'scared' of the method, I think most people, me included, want to play around with this. However I don't think you should ever mix this into a normal video. TAS is meant to showcase the limits and push what is practically possible, but by mixing it into a video with normal clips, you're being dishonest. Even if you put it in the outro, because it will be shown under false pretense, and many people won't even watch the outro. Like others have said, this needs it's own section and/or preferably every video title using this should be labeled [TAS]. This is the only way this isn't gonna get out of hand,
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 17, 2022, 11:39:39 PM
In contrary to all the comments that say its "modding", I can say it is just genius. This is what really unleashes the 100% potential of stunting and shows what is possible and what not.
It's not 'modding', but it's also not 'legit'. You will not see a TAS speedrun get accepted as a normal speedrun.  Can they be entertaining, absolutely. But the separation needs to be clear.

I can agree that when using this method, it should be mentioned in credits/outro of the video, but in no way it should be classified as modding. The same guys that say its modding were probably also raging that RAD's method was also modding back in the days. You know how everything new is looked down and neglected - like the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the sun back in the dark ages and many more examples. Same thing with this method. Its just our human nature to stay in our safe zones, everything new to us is "unsafe", "alien" and "scary".  :ajaja:
This is so dumb. No one is 'scared' of the method, I think most people, me included, want to play around with this. However I don't think you should ever mix this into a normal video. TAS is meant to showcase the limits and push what is practically possible, but by mixing it into a video with normal clips, you're being dishonest. Even if you put it in the outro, because it will be shown under false pretense, and many people won't even watch the outro. Like others have said, this needs it's own section and/or preferably every video title using this should be labeled [TAS]. This is the only way this isn't gonna get out of hand,
i don't like you
who put you like admin here anyway?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herb on February 18, 2022, 12:03:26 AM
In contrary to all the comments that say its "modding", I can say it is just genius. This is what really unleashes the 100% potential of stunting and shows what is possible and what not.
It's not 'modding', but it's also not 'legit'. You will not see a TAS speedrun get accepted as a normal speedrun.  Can they be entertaining, absolutely. But the separation needs to be clear.

I can agree that when using this method, it should be mentioned in credits/outro of the video, but in no way it should be classified as modding. The same guys that say its modding were probably also raging that RAD's method was also modding back in the days. You know how everything new is looked down and neglected - like the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the sun back in the dark ages and many more examples. Same thing with this method. Its just our human nature to stay in our safe zones, everything new to us is "unsafe", "alien" and "scary".  :ajaja:
This is so dumb. No one is 'scared' of the method, I think most people, me included, want to play around with this. However I don't think you should ever mix this into a normal video. TAS is meant to showcase the limits and push what is practically possible, but by mixing it into a video with normal clips, you're being dishonest. Even if you put it in the outro, because it will be shown under false pretense, and many people won't even watch the outro. Like others have said, this needs it's own section and/or preferably every video title using this should be labeled [TAS]. This is the only way this isn't gonna get out of hand,
i don't like you
who put you like admin here anyway?
Seems he struck a nerve  :lol:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 12:06:10 AM
In contrary to all the comments that say its "modding", I can say it is just genius. This is what really unleashes the 100% potential of stunting and shows what is possible and what not.
It's not 'modding', but it's also not 'legit'. You will not see a TAS speedrun get accepted as a normal speedrun.  Can they be entertaining, absolutely. But the separation needs to be clear.

I can agree that when using this method, it should be mentioned in credits/outro of the video, but in no way it should be classified as modding. The same guys that say its modding were probably also raging that RAD's method was also modding back in the days. You know how everything new is looked down and neglected - like the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the sun back in the dark ages and many more examples. Same thing with this method. Its just our human nature to stay in our safe zones, everything new to us is "unsafe", "alien" and "scary".  :ajaja:
This is so dumb. No one is 'scared' of the method, I think most people, me included, want to play around with this. However I don't think you should ever mix this into a normal video. TAS is meant to showcase the limits and push what is practically possible, but by mixing it into a video with normal clips, you're being dishonest. Even if you put it in the outro, because it will be shown under false pretense, and many people won't even watch the outro. Like others have said, this needs it's own section and/or preferably every video title using this should be labeled [TAS]. This is the only way this isn't gonna get out of hand,
i don't like you
who put you like admin here anyway?
Seems he struck a nerve  :lol:
not yet, but if i will want i will fuck this forum pretty easy
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herb on February 18, 2022, 12:23:15 AM
Guess gtas should prepare to fuck. Question: was this method also used in Impossible is Nothing?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 12:27:04 AM
Guess gtas should prepare to fuck. Question: was this method also used in Impossible is Nothing?
did you watched video?
yes it was, but not on all stunts
bsm was made without it

finisher also was made 6 times without method, i can swear it by Simon's admin position
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Demo00n on February 18, 2022, 01:31:03 AM
I'm reading this at school lol
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: MV on February 18, 2022, 01:34:26 AM
Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people? I personally wouldnt

e/ what about the lc tankbump?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 01:56:03 AM
Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?
I have. It made landing it after all that time worth it.

Even after someone else used this cheap method to land it before me.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: benadryl on February 18, 2022, 02:02:23 AM
Holy shit what brillant a display of modding :lol: Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli :) Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting :)

Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Jason on February 18, 2022, 02:19:21 AM
not yet, but if i will want i will fuck this forum pretty easy

Please don't do that. <3

Benadryl, these are Brainwavz pads.  :)
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 02:39:13 AM
good to see stunting has finally been solved

surely people would not want to spend hundreds of hours on spots anymore because they've already moved on with their life and have something else going... right?

some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)

fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)

fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?

cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???

Holy shit what brillant a display of modding :lol: Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli :) Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting :)

Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
post from your main account schizo

also can someone post actual video with no reaction that doesnt add anything at all to it ?

another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 02:59:22 AM
Great idea. Definitely TAS category.

In the technical sense not 'modding', but I guess it comes down to popular opinion whether it's modding in a stunting sense.

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 03:08:17 AM
good to see stunting has finally been solved

surely people would not want to spend hundreds of hours on spots anymore because they've already moved on with their life and have something else going... right?

some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)

fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)

fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?

cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???

Holy shit what brillant a display of modding :lol: Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli :) Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting :)

Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
post from your main account schizo

also can someone post actual video with no reaction that doesnt add anything at all to it ?

another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)
If you really want more time to enjoy life, just fuck the fuck off from stunting altogether. Have I helped you gain more free time?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2022, 03:09:01 AM
fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)

fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?

cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???
If you're open about it and label your video/post it in the right section, literally no one would care.

Make videos using the slow road fix, but post it in the modded section.
Fix VC cols if you want, but post it in the modded section.
Fix LC cols if you want, but post it for everyone to use.

This really isn't that hard of a concept to grasp. Plenty of respected people have made modded videos in the past and not gotten shit for it. The thing people actually dislike is the dishonesty. If you're trying to pass something off as legitimate when it's not, then any shit you get for it is totally on you.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 03:09:51 AM
good to see stunting has finally been solved

surely people would not want to spend hundreds of hours on spots anymore because they've already moved on with their life and have something else going... right?

some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)

fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)

fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?

cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???

Holy shit what brillant a display of modding :lol: Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli :) Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting :)

Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
post from your main account schizo

also can someone post actual video with no reaction that doesnt add anything at all to it ?

another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)
If you really want more time to enjoy life, just fuck the fuck off from stunting altogether. Have I helped you gain more free time?
take a break until you stop seething this hard

Fix LC cols if you want, but post it for everyone to use.

that was the plan iirc, as for the rest there is no set label its whatever people generally decide, but all discussion were instantly shut down by jannies ;_)
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 03:15:25 AM
good to see stunting has finally been solved

surely people would not want to spend hundreds of hours on spots anymore because they've already moved on with their life and have something else going... right?

some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)

fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)

fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?

cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???

Holy shit what brillant a display of modding :lol: Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli :) Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting :)

Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
post from your main account schizo

also can someone post actual video with no reaction that doesnt add anything at all to it ?

another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)
If you really want more time to enjoy life, just fuck the fuck off from stunting altogether. Have I helped you gain more free time?
take a break until you stop seething this hard
You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly?

Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.

If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 03:27:33 AM
some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)
You could just argue about what people wrote. Why was what people wrote funny?

And this feels like it's directed at me like the youtube comment you deleted about me being disingenuous, care to elaborate about that?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2022, 03:29:15 AM

Fix LC cols if you want, but post it for everyone to use.

that was the plan iirc, as for the rest there is no set label its whatever people generally decide, but all discussion were instantly shut down by jannies ;_)
Generally full map mods are accepted as not modded, but if you're changing the original map it would count as modded.
This has been the gold standard for pretty much all the games.

Why? Because when people see a map that isn't the main map of the game it's a given that it's obviously a mod. However if people see a stunt done in the original map then there's no obvious tell that something has changed. Thus if you want to change something in the original map, put it in the modded section. Make it obvious. Could we all get together and vote on proper labels for everything? Yes, but this has generally worked fine over the years.

And from what I remember from the LC col fix, people were mad that it wasn't release to everyone. Just to a couple of internal people who then made a video using it, before anyone else even had access to it. That was the problem, not the fix itself.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 03:34:17 AM
Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.

If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.

They were to be fair. Half the stunts that have ever been done on PC are probably in the realm of unrealism if you tried them on console. Dannyes, trainers and so forth are quite literally to make landing the stunt easier. Dealing with health, peds/traffic, vehicle health, water death, vehicle despawns etc etc, all contribute to making a stunt 'difficult'. And hell, we accepted spawning vehicles in weird locations (thinking of PSMs, CSMs, vehicles on roofs etc), because it's technically possible, and opens up more stunting options in return. Even though by default you'd have a horrible time trying to get that vehicle in that position without any outside assistance. This form of checkpointing is essentially the same.

We can't just conveniently ignore that landing a stunt is overwhelmingly about time investment, very little about your 'skill' at playing the game. Hence, difficulty in landing a spot is directly tied to the time involved in setting it up, and putting the attempts in.

Something like 'checkpointing' is more calling into question the spirit of stunting, rather than what makes landing something easier. And equally, our preferred way of actually playing the game. Should stunts by default be landed in one motion from start to end? I'd probably argue yes, because it adds in more variables like your reaction to the game in realtime and such. As well as the fact that reloading VM savestates everytime you want to go back sounds clunky as hell and generally annoying.

I'd also say I've recently considered doing something vaguely similar in pausing the game mid attempt, capturing a video replay, and then using it to assess what I should do next, before unpausing. I struggle to see how that could be considered 'modding' and is probably something I'd be fine with if people were using that in videos. Allbeast's version is a further extension of that in many ways.

Probably the more sensible way forward for this imo would be to have an easier method of doing it (though that might be insanely difficult/impossible with regular game modes). Have a Dannye's style thing that does it with hotkeys, and throw it into it's own bucket of 'checkpointed' videos. People that want to do this can have their fill, and it could be fun to play around with if not for the VM bullshit.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2022, 04:32:43 AM
They were to be fair. Half the stunts that have ever been done on PC are probably in the realm of unrealism if you tried them on console. Dannyes, trainers and so forth are quite literally to make landing the stunt easier. Dealing with health, peds/traffic, vehicle health, water death, vehicle despawns etc etc, all contribute to making a stunt 'difficult'. And hell, we accepted spawning vehicles in weird locations (thinking of PSMs, CSMs, vehicles on roofs etc), because it's technically possible, and opens up more stunting options in return. Even though by default you'd have a horrible time trying to get that vehicle in that position without any outside assistance. This form of checkpointing is essentially the same.
All our current tools are mainly to help us try the stunt faster, be it setup, player health, vehicle damage, no traffic and teleport. However the stunt itself has always been without any sort of help, it has alwasy been raw gameplay. I think save states crosses a new boundary, because the stunt itself is now being aided by tools. Which is why I would consider this TAS and not anything else we've done. I think it's fine, but definitely needs it's own section.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 04:38:41 AM

You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly?

Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.

If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.
that's all fine and dandy, but it's still just your perspective that you are trying to shove down my throat for whatever reason. what it was/was meant to be/whatever is still anyone's interpretation

I'd also say I've recently considered doing something vaguely similar in pausing the game mid attempt, capturing a video replay, and then using it to assess what I should do next, before unpausing. I struggle to see how that could be considered 'modding' and is probably something I'd be fine with if people were using that in videos. Allbeast's version is a further extension of that in many ways.

there were attempts of cutting sa replays and molding them together in sa, which were supposedly successful, this is just a second hand information though - some better informed people than me could probably say more

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 04:40:25 AM
They were to be fair. Half the stunts that have ever been done on PC are probably in the realm of unrealism if you tried them on console. Dannyes, trainers and so forth are quite literally to make landing the stunt easier. Dealing with health, peds/traffic, vehicle health, water death, vehicle despawns etc etc, all contribute to making a stunt 'difficult'. And hell, we accepted spawning vehicles in weird locations (thinking of PSMs, CSMs, vehicles on roofs etc), because it's technically possible, and opens up more stunting options in return. Even though by default you'd have a horrible time trying to get that vehicle in that position without any outside assistance. This form of checkpointing is essentially the same.
All our current tools are mainly to help us try the stunt faster, be it setup, player health, vehicle damage, no traffic and teleport. However the stunt itself has always been without any sort of help, it has alwasy been raw gameplay. I think save states crosses a new boundary, because the stunt itself is now being aided by tools. Which is why I would consider this TAS and not anything else we've done. I think it's fine, but definitely needs it's own section.

The 'stunt itself' imo includes work done to set it up and try it. There's just no argument that an average spot will be equal difficulty, if one person is using Dannyes with everything enabled, the other has damage, traffic, peds, despawning, etc. These things inherantly influence the stunt itself, because the attempts of that stunt will be less consistent and take longer.

there were attempts of cutting sa replays and molding them together in sa, which were supposedly successful, this is just a second hand information though - some better informed people than me could probably say more

Different to what I was considering. But replay splicing was my main suspicion of what beast was doing ye. At least I was in the ballpark.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 04:48:48 AM
nice topic
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 05:02:00 AM

You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly?

Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.

If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.
that's all fine and dandy, but it's still just your perspective that you are trying to shove down my throat for whatever reason. what it was/was meant to be/whatever is still anyone's interpretation

I'd also say I've recently considered doing something vaguely similar in pausing the game mid attempt, capturing a video replay, and then using it to assess what I should do next, before unpausing. I struggle to see how that could be considered 'modding' and is probably something I'd be fine with if people were using that in videos. Allbeast's version is a further extension of that in many ways.

there were attempts of cutting sa replays and molding them together in sa, which were supposedly successful, this is just a second hand information though - some better informed people than me could probably say more
Using your sort of logic, teleporting a vehicle to a roof is an acceptable method of achieving a stunt.

That's how I interpret what you're saying anyway.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2022, 05:03:30 AM
They were to be fair. Half the stunts that have ever been done on PC are probably in the realm of unrealism if you tried them on console. Dannyes, trainers and so forth are quite literally to make landing the stunt easier. Dealing with health, peds/traffic, vehicle health, water death, vehicle despawns etc etc, all contribute to making a stunt 'difficult'. And hell, we accepted spawning vehicles in weird locations (thinking of PSMs, CSMs, vehicles on roofs etc), because it's technically possible, and opens up more stunting options in return. Even though by default you'd have a horrible time trying to get that vehicle in that position without any outside assistance. This form of checkpointing is essentially the same.
All our current tools are mainly to help us try the stunt faster, be it setup, player health, vehicle damage, no traffic and teleport. However the stunt itself has always been without any sort of help, it has alwasy been raw gameplay. I think save states crosses a new boundary, because the stunt itself is now being aided by tools. Which is why I would consider this TAS and not anything else we've done. I think it's fine, but definitely needs it's own section.

The 'stunt itself' imo includes work done to set it up and try it. There's just no argument that an average spot will be equal difficulty, if one person is using Dannyes with everything enabled, the other has damage, traffic, peds, despawning, etc. These things inherantly influence the stunt itself, because the attempts of that stunt will be less consistent and take longer.
By the 'stunt iteself' I mean what we see in the video. Generally videos will not show multiple attempts or how it was setup. So the 'stunt' for everyone but the stuntee is just gonna be that section of the gameplay where no tools are being used. I'm not trying to say that stunting on console isn't harder, that's not my point. I'm literally saying that these are time saving tools. My point is that using save states is on a different level to what we have been doing.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: khaimyk on February 18, 2022, 05:13:11 AM
I can play hecg very easily with this method lol 🐧
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 05:15:29 AM
just for statistics, that last landing on ship grind with rotation taked 500 attempts from me to make it like that, multiple it to 1 minute for try or more and now you can see how "easy" it was
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: khaimyk on February 18, 2022, 05:16:32 AM
just for statistics, that last landing on ship grind with rotation taked 500 attempts from me to make it like that, multiple it to 1 minute for try or more and now you see can see how "easy" it was
I love you dude
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 05:19:17 AM
just for statistics, that last landing on ship grind with rotation taked 500 attempts from me to make it like that, multiple it to 1 minute for try or more and now you can see how "easy" it was
And for the record, I hope I was clear in saying how what you were doing certainly was not 'easy'. But I still feel it isn't right, either, not in terms of what I consider to be legitimate, unmodded stunting.

It still made life easier for yourself in achieving what you were after.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 05:21:03 AM
Using your sort of logic, teleporting a vehicle to a roof is an acceptable method of achieving a stunt.

That's how I interpret what you're saying anyway.

Not really a fair comparison. The stunt is still being 'achieved' by the player. They're just effectively manipulating time to break it down into smaller chunks.  :lol:

By the 'stunt iteself' I mean what we see in the video. Generally videos will not show multiple attempts or how it was setup. So the 'stunt' for everyone but the stuntee is just gonna be that section of the gameplay where no tools are being used. I'm not trying to say that stunting on console isn't harder, that's not my point. I'm literally saying that these are time saving tools. My point is that using save states is on a different level to what we have been doing.

I don't know. I generally work on the assumption that any stuck method you see in a video has had tool assistance. In that sense a tool is being used. And equally savestates are a time saving tool. Regardless the closest analogy to this is segmented speedruns, and those are a seperate catagory, because yeah the method is extremely impactful and not really in the same spirit as single segment runs.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: 64gigsofWolfRam on February 18, 2022, 05:25:08 AM
another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)

Thanks pasha it's always good to hear from a fan.Sadly you wouldn't be able to understand my so called "method" because it requires you to be a real stunter with close to 15 years of experience and never modding a single stunt  :ajaja:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 05:31:41 AM
can we create new category on the forum and name it by my nickname?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on February 18, 2022, 05:33:20 AM
By the 'stunt iteself' I mean what we see in the video. Generally videos will not show multiple attempts or how it was setup. So the 'stunt' for everyone but the stuntee is just gonna be that section of the gameplay where no tools are being used. I'm not trying to say that stunting on console isn't harder, that's not my point. I'm literally saying that these are time saving tools. My point is that using save states is on a different level to what we have been doing.

I don't know. I generally work on the assumption that any stuck method you see in a video has had tool assistance. In that sense a tool is being used. And equally savestates are a time saving tool. Regardless the closest analogy to this is segmented speedruns, and those are a seperate catagory, because yeah the method is extremely impactful and not really in the same spirit as single segment runs.
Which is a fair assumption, but it is only an assumption. For me, whenever I do a stuck method, I will always set it up legit once, so I know that it is possible. If it's a good setup maybe I'll make a save game with it so I can go back to it. I know others who do the same.

And I'm pretty sure this would be categorized as TAS. Segmented is usually done by playing a section in full, usually from one loading zone to another. And hide a cut in-between, I think a segmented stunt would be clip/replay splicing. Just taking the best part of multiple attempts and edit them together into what looks like one continuous clip. This clearly is tools used to create one continuous section of gameplay without any cuts.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 05:50:33 AM
And I'm pretty sure this would be categorized as TAS. Segmented is usually done by playing a section in full, usually from one loading zone to another. And hide a cut in-between, I think a segmented stunt would be clip/replay splicing. Just taking the best part of multiple attempts and edit them together into what looks like one continuous clip. This clearly is tools used to create one continuous section of gameplay without any cuts.

Depends what you consider a 'section' I guess.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: ARS on February 18, 2022, 05:57:13 AM
HL 20:41 run by quadrazid was legendary and still shocking in terms of given attention, patience, skill and invented methods, even tho it was a scripted run, same goes to AllBeast's videos for me, it's one of the best things were made, in my opinion and i respect this kind of art he made.
Im so sad seeing people talk about stunts he did were lamed by using this method - guys, just go and land them, and only when you will land them, talk something. I think you really don't get the point of his videos, if he wanted, he could land more basic stunts and you would never know about this method at all, but it was a gift from genius, it pushed the activity, just bringed the life one more time to debate and speak about something, it was fun for him, but also good for us, and at least from my self, i want to thank him for sharing it and respect him for inventing something new.
About legitimacy of this method, i have no doubts, since you don't touch the game, but also im gonna agree that it should be specified somehow. Anyway, the talk: that the stunt is when you go from start to the end, and checkpoints are not legit in this way is completely bullshit and born from nowhere, guys - don't use dannye's scm or no bush mod, do stunts on default game and be a super pro.
Everyone dreamed, how it could be nice, if he could save the last moment of his cool attempt and make a final result with specially this rotation or something else, now it's real, holy fuck guys..
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 06:21:17 AM
Im so sad seeing people talk about stunts he did were lamed by using this method - guys, just go and land them, and only when you will land them, talk something
Anyway, the talk: that the stunt is when you go from start to the end, and checkpoints are not legit in this way is completely bullshit and born from nowhere, guys - don't use dannye's scm or no bush mod, do stunts on default game and be a super pro
Everyone dreamed, how it could be nice, if he could save the last moment of his cool attempt and make a final result with specially this rotation or something else, now it's real, holy fuck guys..
If you take stunts like the Impossible is Nothing finisher, or the Limitless finisher seeing MaCi's clip, you have lifetime spots that have been tried by people for years. To see them done like this I indeed find lame. It was the cheap way out and the effort of others has somewhat been nullified. They will now be the second person to land it (although I consider it the first). Saying 'go land them before you talk' is a dumb argument because landing stunts like these is incredibly hard. By this logic you also cannot say that you find them impressive, you didn't land them? The topic would have zero replies because nobody has.

Dannye's or no bush mod are not even in the same realm of tools. With these you are stunting attempt by attempt from your starting location and with save states you can replay a certain section over and over again. You just need to get on a grind once and you can try over and over until you don't bail at the end. It's not even close to being the same.

And definitely not everyone dreamed of this, I hate that this is a thing now. You're also in the minority as far as I can tell. It did spark activity here, but was it for good or for worse? I don't think it is for the better.

You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly?

Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.

If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.
that's all fine and dandy, but it's still just your perspective that you are trying to shove down my throat for whatever reason. what it was/was meant to be/whatever is still anyone's interpretation
Maybe if you didn't come out of the gate swinging you will find that people respond to you in a nicer way. You did the exact same.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Sheep on February 18, 2022, 06:56:04 AM
I think stunting should always been like this. Like a game "Linerider" players create insane tech maps with trial and error, saving savestate just before placing another line. Rinse and repeat.
Let's see first if anyone else releases kick ass grind combos or perfect rads 200ft+ p2b's before making sections or throwing modding accusations to every good stunt to come in the future.

Personally I have not used any other tool released in past few years (powersave, autopilot car driver script) and might not even use this one.
Classic stunting, if you want to call it that, is muscle memory now that it feels weird to try pausing game, adding slowitdown/booooring cheats mid grind that it is just a hassle for me.

Beast is innovating to  came up with this. Refreshes the stunting scene a bit. I'm happy.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on February 18, 2022, 07:09:28 AM

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.

Of course I appreaciate stunting (probably more than those pesky 05-06 vets that went inactive for more than a decade and returned only when corona hit  :ninja: ), I just see Beast's method as something like Dannye's SCM and other game enhancements (like no bush mod). It is genius, pushes the limits and cuts time spent on a stunt. This doesnt mean you are skipping "something important from your hobby", as you can see Beast also invested a huge amount of time into his solos.

E: It is still weird for me, that this produces so much hateful comments towards Beast's work, while obvious modders like fckr are being praised.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 07:39:20 AM

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.

Of course I appreaciate stunting (probably more than those pesky 05-06 vets that went inactive for more than a decade and returned only when corona hit  :ninja: ), I just see Beast's method as something like Dannye's SCM and other game enhancements (like no bush mod). It is genius, pushes the limits and cuts time spent on a stunt. This doesnt mean you are skipping "something important from your hobby", as you can see Beast also invested a huge amount of time into his solos.

E: It is still weird for me, that this produces so much hateful comments towards Beast's work, while obvious modders like fckr are being praised.

Well aren't you a lovely little cunt. Unsurprising of course you're on the extreme defensive considering you're a co-collaborator in this shit.

I don't even have any hate towards the videos you fucking melt. I have no idea how hard the spots were using VM savestates, nor do I particularly care. They're novelty videos at most and always have been for me.

And I have no fucking clue why you're constantly trying to redirect onto fckr as if it has any fucking relevance whatsoever in this conversation. I don't know the dude, I've barely watched his vids or tried his spots, and absolutely do not give a fuck whether he modded or not.

Some advice for the next decade of your 'activity' - instead of spending as much of it as possible figuring out how you can delve your nose 1 inch deeper into Allbeasts anal cavity, perhaps consider what you could create that actually has some value to the scene beyond that. Like I don't know, creating and hosting a full fledged database that holds literally all the videos this community has ever produced. Pesky fucking veterans amirite?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 07:45:01 AM

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.

Of course I appreaciate stunting (probably more than those pesky 05-06 vets that went inactive for more than a decade and returned only when corona hit  :ninja: ), I just see Beast's method as something like Dannye's SCM and other game enhancements (like no bush mod). It is genius, pushes the limits and cuts time spent on a stunt. This doesnt mean you are skipping "something important from your hobby", as you can see Beast also invested a huge amount of time into his solos.

E: It is still weird for me, that this produces so much hateful comments towards Beast's work, while obvious modders like fckr are being praised.

Well aren't you a lovely little cunt. Unsurprising of course you're on the extreme defensive considering you're a co-collaborator in this shit.

I don't even have any hate towards the videos you fucking melt. I have no idea how hard the spots were using VM savestates, nor do I particularly care. They're novelty videos at most and always have been for me.

And I have no fucking clue why you're constantly trying to redirect onto fckr as if it has any fucking relevance whatsoever in this conversation. I don't know the dude, I've barely watched his vids or tried his spots, and absolutely do not give a fuck whether he modded or not.

Some advice for the next decade of your 'activity' - instead of spending as much of it as possible figuring out how you can delve your nose 1 inch deeper into Allbeasts anal cavity, perhaps consider what you could create that actually has some value to the scene beyond that. Like I don't know, creating and hosting a full fledged database that holds literally all the videos this community has ever produced. Pesky fucking veterans amirite?
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 07:46:23 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 07:49:08 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 07:51:14 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 07:52:21 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
good, when you will change your nickname i'm waiting
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 07:55:54 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
good, when you will change your nickname i'm waiting

That'll be the day you realize I'm actually kinda on your side.

Might be a long wait.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 07:57:38 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
good, when you will change your nickname i'm waiting

That'll be the day you realize I'm actually kinda on your side.

Might be a long wait.
on my side? ok, then we will have love and baby
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on February 18, 2022, 07:59:22 AM

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.

Of course I appreaciate stunting (probably more than those pesky 05-06 vets that went inactive for more than a decade and returned only when corona hit  :ninja: ), I just see Beast's method as something like Dannye's SCM and other game enhancements (like no bush mod). It is genius, pushes the limits and cuts time spent on a stunt. This doesnt mean you are skipping "something important from your hobby", as you can see Beast also invested a huge amount of time into his solos.

E: It is still weird for me, that this produces so much hateful comments towards Beast's work, while obvious modders like fckr are being praised.

Well aren't you a lovely little cunt. Unsurprising of course you're on the extreme defensive considering you're a co-collaborator in this shit.

I don't even have any hate towards the videos you fucking melt. I have no idea how hard the spots were using VM savestates, nor do I particularly care. They're novelty videos at most and always have been for me.

And I have no fucking clue why you're constantly trying to redirect onto fckr as if it has any fucking relevance whatsoever in this conversation. I don't know the dude, I've barely watched his vids or tried his spots, and absolutely do not give a fuck whether he modded or not.

Some advice for the next decade of your 'activity' - instead of spending as much of it as possible figuring out how you can delve your nose 1 inch deeper into Allbeasts anal cavity, perhaps consider what you could create that actually has some value to the scene beyond that. Like I don't know, creating and hosting a full fledged database that holds literally all the videos this community has ever produced. Pesky fucking veterans amirite?

Nver change GTAS, I can see and feel the anger you used to type this comment with all the inappropriate language you used, I mean its your nerves you are wasting not mine. I can tell you know nothing about me, and I dont care if you do nor you want to know. I am truly entertained and actually glad to see GTAS in its usual state.  :P
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 08:00:01 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
good, when you will change your nickname i'm waiting

That'll be the day you realize I'm actually kinda on your side.

Might be a long wait.
on my side? ok, then we will have love and baby

There's hotter alien stunters on these forums sorry baby.

And they're not surrounded by sycophantic weirdos  :cheersad:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 08:03:11 AM
Nver change GTAS, I can see and feel the anger you used to type this comment with all the inappropriate language you used, I mean its your nerves you are wasting not mine. I can tell you know nothing about me, and I dont care if you do nor you want to know. I am truly entertained and actually glad to see GTAS in its usual state.  :P

"You're not part of this! You went away for so long!"

> Defines me as 'GTAS'

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 08:08:28 AM
can you rename yourself to DEAD Cobra?

Stick to the VM stunting I'm not sure your stand-up career is going to take flight.
did you read logo on last video? game over

I too can spam this topic with meaningless drivel.
good, when you will change your nickname i'm waiting

That'll be the day you realize I'm actually kinda on your side.

Might be a long wait.
on my side? ok, then we will have love and baby

There's hotter alien stunters on these forums sorry baby.

And they're not surrounded by sycophantic weirdos  :cheersad:
fucking Nitzkit, but he also used virtual machine, but just for fun

ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
so, Aries thinked that i can use savestates
in solo
do you think it is possible to everytime save time in vmare?
because in virtual box it is takes forever
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
I dont understand the question
ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
he said virtual machine have save position function
does this function have vmare?
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
You can save the state in which the system was and come back later to it, but the entire OS is saved not just the game
ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
yeah, understandting
so it is possible in that way make stunts, like Aries thinks?
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
It is beyond my understanding, I doubt it it is possible, you would need to hack the memory states of not only the game but the OS from outside the VM which is just double the complexity

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: DeathCobra on February 18, 2022, 08:16:26 AM
fucking Nitzkit, but he also used virtual machine, but just for fun

ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
so, Aries thinked that i can use savestates
in solo
do you think it is possible to everytime save time in vmare?
because in virtual box it is takes forever
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
I dont understand the question
ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
he said virtual machine have save position function
does this function have vmare?
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
You can save the state in which the system was and come back later to it, but the entire OS is saved not just the game
ALLBEAST 06.06.2021
yeah, understandting
so it is possible in that way make stunts, like Aries thinks?
Nitzkit 06.06.2021
It is beyond my understanding, I doubt it it is possible, you would need to hack the memory states of not only the game but the OS from outside the VM which is just double the complexity


So those two could have spotted this over a year ago  :lol:

Besides I was talking about Plethzorb not Nitz  :ninja:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 08:21:32 AM

Would you be willing to invest 10000~ (and probably even more) hours on a single stunt that will be only seen and appreciated by a handful of people?

Maybe one day you'll grow up and appeciate hobbies for their own sake and not as a route to achieve a pitiful amount of internet fame.

Of course I appreaciate stunting (probably more than those pesky 05-06 vets that went inactive for more than a decade and returned only when corona hit  :ninja: ), I just see Beast's method as something like Dannye's SCM and other game enhancements (like no bush mod). It is genius, pushes the limits and cuts time spent on a stunt. This doesnt mean you are skipping "something important from your hobby", as you can see Beast also invested a huge amount of time into his solos.

E: It is still weird for me, that this produces so much hateful comments towards Beast's work, while obvious modders like fckr are being praised.

Well aren't you a lovely little cunt. Unsurprising of course you're on the extreme defensive considering you're a co-collaborator in this shit.

I don't even have any hate towards the videos you fucking melt. I have no idea how hard the spots were using VM savestates, nor do I particularly care. They're novelty videos at most and always have been for me.

And I have no fucking clue why you're constantly trying to redirect onto fckr as if it has any fucking relevance whatsoever in this conversation. I don't know the dude, I've barely watched his vids or tried his spots, and absolutely do not give a fuck whether he modded or not.

Some advice for the next decade of your 'activity' - instead of spending as much of it as possible figuring out how you can delve your nose 1 inch deeper into Allbeasts anal cavity, perhaps consider what you could create that actually has some value to the scene beyond that. Like I don't know, creating and hosting a full fledged database that holds literally all the videos this community has ever produced. Pesky fucking veterans amirite?
I can tell you know nothing about me
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:

And if you're so sure about Fckr modding as you stated multiple times over the years do you have anything to back it up? Because I was in your shoes back when I was in DSS and thought he modded but I trusted you guys way too much. All the people we thought were modding back in the day simply didn't and I'm sorry for being such a cunt back then. Stunters like Stevex, MaCi, Brainkiller and the likes. Fckr's case is no different from where I am standing. I've seen many reps from him when I asked about them, speed checked a few even, attempted quite a lot of them and got good attempts in a short amount of time. I really don't see anything wrong with his stunts. Slightly derailing this topic but it's as good a place as any at this point.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on February 18, 2022, 08:24:29 AM
Alright things are getting a bit needlessly personal between folk, and while I ain't in any position to say so - let's try and keep things civil to an extent, even if there are folk like me who are against such methods like this from existing.

I understand that I'm not an active stunter, and that how I see things may not be the majority. If this is how stunting evolves, so be it. It is up to the current generation to keep it going, after all.

I just personally feel like that people are going to end up using this as an easy way out, rather as a possible 'last alternative'. Beast did push the limits for most of what he did in his videos exploiting this method - I do not trust everyone else would do the same, though. They will see it as a viable method to begin to land their stunts with. Instead of pushing limits they'll be focused on just saving time from exerting more effort than would otherwise be necessary.

I do hope I'm wrong but I can easily envisage people fooling themselves into thinking they're better than someone else was at stunting throughout the years, purely because they utilised such a method when those other stunters never had that luxury to save every frame, have time to dwell and plan their next phase of the stunt etc. For all of Beast's procrastinating about being better than Barney, imagine what Barney would've achieved had he used this method? (And I'd still object to it being against the spirit of stunting too).

So good luck in future videos guys. Have open and honest discussions on how you all see this fitting into modern-day stunting - if the majority are happy with it being considered 'legitimate' and staying in unmodded sections, so be it. If not, perhaps there can be a new section for it (named after Beast, like he'd want). There's a clear appetite for people to dabble in this, after all.

It ain't for me, but contrary to the ignorance of others I'm not one to force my own beliefs and ideals on others - I merely strongly put forth my own views on the matter, and stand firmly by them.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 08:33:35 AM

Using your sort of logic, teleporting a vehicle to a roof is an acceptable method of achieving a stunt.

That's how I interpret what you're saying anyway.

i see. my point essentially is that everything landed to date without it was huge waste of time that could be utilized in better ways and everything landed without it in the future is retarded if you have the knowledge of it

let's break down some bump 2 grind stunt for example.

let's say the chance of you having good enough run up on a stunt is 9/10, then the chance you bump and go in good direction on rail is 11/100, then sticking the grind 1/10 and not bailing at the end of rail/ground 1/2, so the probability it happens is 0,00495% which is really low, in reality it's way lower for any single stunts that's being tried. not accouting for variation that no single bump will be the same, game wont act the same way every single time etc.

the goal at the end of the day is to land something, you optimize it by taking shortcuts, you dont look for a bike around the map, dont have to repair it, load positions instead of driving on your own, get your perfect packer setup and save it/reload it frequently or like in this case - the ultimate time saver - you save your progress and don't have to start from the beginning with abysmal chance of an event occuring. i say ultimate time saver because it renders everything landed without it to date insanely unoptimized and wasteful.

instead of playing the lottery every single time you actually have an impact and can reap the rewards on top of what you've already built

it's just another tool just like dannye main.scm, but this time the jump in time saved is likely bigger than going from ps2 to pc with spawners

Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:

are you trans ? want to make sure I dont use wrong pronouns before responding
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 08:50:11 AM
I just personally feel like that people are going to end up using this as an easy way out, rather as a possible 'last alternative'. Beast did push the limits for most of what he did in his videos exploiting this method - I do not trust everyone else would do the same, though. They will see it as a viable method to begin to land their stunts with. Instead of pushing limits they'll be focused on just saving time from exerting more effort than would otherwise be necessary.
thank you for understanding this
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herb on February 18, 2022, 09:28:18 AM
can we create new category on the forum and name it by my nickname?
Imo this would be the best solution to this all.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Aries on February 18, 2022, 10:06:11 AM
I just personally feel like that people are going to end up using this as an easy way out, rather as a possible 'last alternative'. Beast did push the limits for most of what he did in his videos exploiting this method - I do not trust everyone else would do the same, though. They will see it as a viable method to begin to land their stunts with. Instead of pushing limits they'll be focused on just saving time from exerting more effort than would otherwise be necessary.
thank you for understanding this

So the issue is AllBeast, is you've spend the last however how many months milking this shit pretending you're the best stunter on gods green earth, rather than sharing an exciting modding technique (technically not modding, sure sure whatever) for people to have honest fun with like Gravmod. You've found a "modding" method that can't be detected, and also shown that some people, will hide that they've used it.

The videos are cool, in a gravmod kind of way, why you couldn't have just released them with full transparency I do not know, you just love stirring shit apparently.

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 10:11:21 AM
I just personally feel like that people are going to end up using this as an easy way out, rather as a possible 'last alternative'. Beast did push the limits for most of what he did in his videos exploiting this method - I do not trust everyone else would do the same, though. They will see it as a viable method to begin to land their stunts with. Instead of pushing limits they'll be focused on just saving time from exerting more effort than would otherwise be necessary.
thank you for understanding this

So the issue is AllBeast, is you've spend the last however how many months milking this shit pretending you're the best stunter on gods green earth, rather than sharing an exciting modding technique (technically not modding, sure sure whatever) for people to have honest fun with like Gravmod. You've found a "modding" method that can't be detected, and also shown that some people, will hide that they've used it.

The videos are cool, in a gravmod kind of way, why you couldn't have just released them with full transparency I do not know, you just love stirring shit apparently.

the whole my number 1 thing was a joke
why you think i start landing absurd hard stunts lol
to make people not believe that everything legal and play my mind games
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 10:56:03 AM
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:
are you trans ? want to make sure I dont use wrong pronouns before responding
No, just heterosexual. And why do you care, do you think this is some sort of clever comeback?  :lol: Do you have the same views?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 11:09:37 AM
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:
are you trans ? want to make sure I dont use wrong pronouns before responding
No, just heterosexual. And why do you care, do you think this is some sort of clever comeback?  :lol: Do you have the same views?
no, it's just interesting that you've ran out of arguments after a single post
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Mati on February 18, 2022, 11:30:01 AM
Milosz the fallen angel but the guardian of modded justice  :lol:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 11:44:10 AM
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:
are you trans ? want to make sure I dont use wrong pronouns before responding
No, just heterosexual. And why do you care, do you think this is some sort of clever comeback?  :lol: Do you have the same views?
no, it's just interesting that you've ran out of arguments after a single post
Arguments about what? Literally no idea what you're talking about. Can probably supply some more if I knew what you meant. And no elaborate about your youtube comment about me?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: STREEM on February 18, 2022, 11:50:37 AM

Arguments about what? Literally no idea what you're talking about. Can probably supply some more if I knew what you meant. And no elaborate about your youtube comment about me?

Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:

?????? just openly admit you are not interested in discussing anything but just throwing shit like that around
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 18, 2022, 12:05:38 PM

Arguments about what? Literally no idea what you're talking about. Can probably supply some more if I knew what you meant. And no elaborate about your youtube comment about me?

Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:

?????? just openly admit you are not interested in discussing anything but just throwing shit like that around
Was just an intro to ask him about his views on Fckr since I'm interested in discussing that as you could've seen. And yes that was shit throwing. Are you now finally going to talk about your youtube comment?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 12:19:06 PM
dab88 here, he can make new documentary about this

I will even give an interview with a sincere confession
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: dab88 on February 18, 2022, 12:21:29 PM
This gives me an excrutiating level of second hand embarrassment remembering AllBeast replying to every comment congratulating him on the Limitless topic and making a 45min video attempting to legitimise it before revealing the true "method". How could somebody do that knowing they were essentially deceiving everyone? I guess it's good the charade wasn't kept up forever.

If you can't get attention doing something the right way, just do it the wrongest way possible. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 12:26:19 PM
This gives me an excrutiating level of second hand embarrassment remembering AllBeast replying to every comment congratulating him on the Limitless topic and making a 45min video attempting to legitimise it before revealing the true "method". How could somebody do that knowing they were essentially deceiving everyone? I guess it's good the charade wasn't kept up forever.

If you can't get attention doing something the right way, just do it the wrongest way possible. :rolleyes:
hahha, nice, also you have very good voice
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: dab88 on February 18, 2022, 01:07:54 PM
dab88 here, he can make new documentary about this

Why bother? It's already been made. If you truly think stunting is an art, let me give you a very strong analogy that parallels exactly what you've done.

"Tim's Vermeer" ('s_Vermeer) is a documentary following Tim Jenison's efforts to emulate the painting style and technique of Johannes Vermeer ( Vermeer was a 17th century artist renowned for his realistic depictions of interior scenes with a mastery of capturing lighting effects that was completely unprecedented in that time.

Tim hypothesises that Vermeer painted with the help of optical devices. So, without any formal training or experience in painting with oils, he sets about recreating one of Vermeers most famous works: The Music Lesson. (

After many months of effort Tim finishes the work. The end result is absolutely stunning ( and does indeed look just like a genuine Vermeer.

What does this mean? Tim still puts in months of effort to paint the piece. Even Vermeer required the ingenuinity to use the optical device method and had the ability to create the composition. But it also means anybody can do it.

I'd argue the impact of the piece comes in large part from the audience believing that somebody was capable of producing such works of art without aid, without "methods" that literally anyone could adopt. This is basically the same as what you have done.

Maybe I'm too much of an idealist but once the magic has gone, so does some of the joy.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 01:15:19 PM
dab88 here, he can make new documentary about this

Why bother? It's already been made. If you truly think stunting is an art, let me give you a very strong analogy that parallels exactly what you've done.

"Tim's Vermeer" ('s_Vermeer) is a documentary following Tim Jenison's efforts to emulate the painting style and technique of Johannes Vermeer ( Vermeer was a 17th century artist renowned for his realistic depictions of interior scenes with a mastery of capturing lighting effects that was completely unprecedented in that time.

Tim hypothesises that Vermeer painted with the help of optical devices. So, without any formal training or experience in painting with oils, he sets about recreating one of Vermeers most famous works: The Music Lesson. (

After many months of effort Tim finishes the work. The end result is absolutely stunning ( and does indeed look just like a genuine Vermeer.

What does this mean? Tim still puts in months of effort to paint the piece. Even Vermeer required the ingenuinity to use the optical device method and had the ability to create the composition. But it also means anybody can do it.

I'd argue the impact of the piece comes in large part from the audience believing that somebody was capable of producing such works of art without aid, without "methods" that literally anyone could adopt. This is basically the same as what you have done.

Maybe I'm too much of an idealist but once the magic has gone, so does some of the joy.
atleast his name same with mine
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: kaneda on February 18, 2022, 01:58:53 PM
Okay - I refrained from entering into this topic because I just didn't care. I never commented on Allbeasts vid (Limitless) because I agreed that some of the content of that vid looked highly suspect, and I couldn't honestly praise stunts that I thought were landed illegitimately, but also didn't want to bombard his thread with accusations that I couldn't substantiate beyond a reasonable doubt. So I took the option of not commenting at all, which I felt lousy about because Allbeast DID comment in my thread.

However, now that the reason behind the stunts looking odd and a bit dodgy is out there - I still don't really care. Whether or not this is a 'legit' method for landing a stunt is not for me to say. There seems to be equal opinion either way. If you're willing to go to such extreme measures to simply land a stunt in the pursuit of being the best or whatever...knock yourself out. Personally, I'll opt out of such shenanigans and just be happy to do what I feel like doing, and not give a crap where I stand in the pantheon of Vice City stunters. I've got a long list of stunts that I've given up on completely because I don't know that they're worth the investment.

I'm not sure where I sit on whether or not this is dishonest - it's a grey area for me. As has been mentioned in this thread there have been a shit-tonne of enhancements and tweaks to the game that have made stunting more convenient and much less time consuming. I don't know that anyone stunts with the default game anymore (although if there is - my hat's off to you), so one could consider Allbeasts method just another stage in that evolution. On the other hand, KingJad is right when he says that a stunt is the whole thing. A gymnast can't piece together the best attempts at a whole routine and call it a single routine. That's how I'll look at these stunts from Allbeast - separate pieces of a whole.

Allbeast, I'm not about to tear you a new one. You formulated a method that made it less time consuming to land stuff that you wanted - whatever. I think people's negative reaction to this method is understandable (if a little hyperbolic), and it's exacerbated by your brash grandstanding. Maybe tone that down a bit, acknowledge your method is a little like skipping to the head of the line and people might be a little more open to this.

...that's it.

P.S. I did like some of the idea of a lot of the stuff in Limitless - but that mental barrier of them looking weird is very hard to override.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 02:18:58 PM
Okay - I refrained from entering into this topic because I just didn't care. I never commented on Allbeasts vid (Limitless) because I agreed that some of the content of that vid looked highly suspect, and I couldn't honestly praise stunts that I thought were landed illegitimately, but also didn't want to bombard his thread with accusations that I couldn't substantiate beyond a reasonable doubt. So I took the option of not commenting at all, which I felt lousy about because Allbeast DID comment in my thread.

However, now that the reason behind the stunts looking odd and a bit dodgy is out there - I still don't really care. Whether or not this is a 'legit' method for landing a stunt is not for me to say. There seems to be equal opinion either way. If you're willing to go to such extreme measures to simply land a stunt in the pursuit of being the best or whatever...knock yourself out. Personally, I'll opt out of such shenanigans and just be happy to do what I feel like doing, and not give a crap where I stand in the pantheon of Vice City stunters. I've got a long list of stunts that I've given up on completely because I don't know that they're worth the investment.

I'm not sure where I sit on whether or not this is dishonest - it's a grey area for me. As has been mentioned in this thread there have been a shit-tonne of enhancements and tweaks to the game that have made stunting more convenient and much less time consuming. I don't know that anyone stunts with the default game anymore (although if there is - my hat's off to you), so one could consider Allbeasts method just another stage in that evolution. On the other hand, KingJad is right when he says that a stunt is the whole thing. A gymnast can't piece together the best attempts at a whole routine and call it a single routine. That's how I'll look at these stunts from Allbeast - separate pieces of a whole.

Allbeast, I'm not about to tear you a new one. You formulated a method that made it less time consuming to land stuff that you wanted - whatever. I think people's negative reaction to this method is understandable (if a little hyperbolic), and it's exacerbated by your brash grandstanding. Maybe tone that down a bit, acknowledge your method is a little like skipping to the head of the line and people might be a little more open to this.

...that's it.

P.S. I did like some of the idea of a lot of the stuff in Limitless - but that mental barrier of them looking weird is very hard to override.
like i said before, i watching to my video like to piece of art, i want to see how other people with better software and hardware will try to recreate it, i think most of them will just give up
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: kaneda on February 18, 2022, 02:38:15 PM
The art side of it is fine. The stunts as they play out in the vid are kinda like that, and I don't argue that at all. But I go back to the gymnast analogy. I guess it's a case of agree to disagree. Like I said I'm not about to label this method as modding a stunt, it's more a case of trimming the fat out of a stunt to avoid the 16,000 attempts you have to wade through until you get that one good one.

Just on a sidenote here, I wish your demeanor on the forums was as affable and likeable as it is in that explanation. That's the Allbeast I want to see.  ;)

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 18, 2022, 02:44:45 PM
The art side of it is fine. The stunts as they play out in the vid are kinda like that, and I don't argue that at all. But I go back to the gymnast analogy. I guess it's a case of agree to disagree. Like I said I'm not about to label this method as modding a stunt, it's more a case of trimming the fat out of a stunt to avoid the 16,000 attempts you have to wade through until you get that one good one.

Just on a sidenote here, I wish your demeanor on the forums was as affable and likeable as it is in that explanation. That's the Allbeast I want to see.  ;)
hahaha, i just trolling and have fun, and never taked anything serious, and most of people who know me in real life like me
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Nitzkit on February 18, 2022, 04:14:17 PM
This method is just so deceitful in my opinion. It's almost like making a scene from a movie in small increments and when you don't like a take from the scene you can just reset to that part but not from the beginning of the scene. Quite honestly I can see how by presenting a "polished" stunt this way which would show that the stunt is technically possible it just cheapens the stunt to such a degree that having the audience knowing how it was done makes a potentially great stunt into a mediocre one.  You basically found a zero day vulnerability for stunting and decided to use it on the public.

If you wanna know my thoughts on it, just stop it lol it's lame. You obviously know what it takes to do a stunt properly.

On a technical note, this could make linking replays together quite long (but that's just my mind wondering).
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: MV on February 18, 2022, 05:52:14 PM
Comparisons of this to Dannye's USCM are absolutely insane. Saving & loading warps of a stunt (i.e. velocity, loading a stunt already in progress) and skipping the runup has always been unacceptable, and rightfully so.. you should start at 0. This just takes it to a step further away from genuineness and being authentic.

Excusing the usage of a save state because "the stunt is too hard" is wild to see, considering a) people can simply get lucky and not need to spend hundreds of hours on a spot, b) many people spent a lot of their time & effort trying the very stunts in "Limitless" in a legit manner, and c) at the end of the day, these are possible stunts. I'd rather see these stunts go unlanded and tried for years instead of someone blatantly modding or using a save state to skip the gravity & difficulty of the stunt. THESE ARE POSSIBLE STUNTS. Using save states lowers the difficulty dramatically & renders the landed stunt insignificant, no longer making it appealing nor impressive.

Lastly, if stunts are lamed using save-states, *most* people aren't going to go out of their way to reland it in a legit manner. I get that Biel still relands modded Dan stuff after a decade, but I doubt anyone will try stuff like the LC tankbump for hundreds of hours if it was already lamed, for instance.. what's the point?

e/ it's no different than modding a possible stunt and telling people to just spend hundreds of hours on the spot to land it in a legit way lol, what's the point
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Demo00n on February 19, 2022, 12:11:09 AM
Imo as long as u mention u used it, its fine.
It would be insane to see a collab with people using this method and landing RI-DI-CULOUS stunts
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Diaz on February 19, 2022, 09:51:20 AM
Very interesting method and topic. I have read thru all pages and I believe everyone is partially right. It's another step in the evolution of stunting, like in sport they always find out something that makes the athletes more effective, a new shoe, a new swimming dress and so on, it's about getting closer and closer to reach what is potentially possible. I respect Beast for putting in the hours to land absurdly hard stunts. Let's say a hard stunt takes 1000 hours to land, now he landed a VERY hard stunt that would normally take 10000 hours, but with this method he managed to land it in 1000 hours. The outcome: he landed a better stunt but with the same effort and time wasted (sorry for using this word but I feel it at this point in my life). So from this side, I cannot blame Beast for pushing the boundaries in a new, different way.

But as a man of traditions, I also think it's a grey area and I feel discomfort about these stuff. Completely opposite of what I elaborated earlier, I want to see stunts that are being done the 'classic' way. Using the same example: if you are willing to put those 10000 hours into that very hard stunt, you can reap the rewards, but don't find a shortcut and make that 10000 hours only 1000 and then feel the same satisfaction after landing it. USCM and other mods can be called similar in certain aspects, but not this one. Traditionally, a stunt should be done in one motion including all the reactions you take while doing the stunt. Cutting it to smaller parts just feels different to me.

I could go on debating about this and saying pros and cons but it doesn't lead anywhere. To sum it up, I still appreciate the effort you have put into this Beast, I'm happy that I could see some of the best grindcombos ever, I'm happy that these stunts are at least possible, but I cannot respect or love these stunts as much as the 'normal' ones.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on February 19, 2022, 11:14:05 AM
It's another step in the evolution of stunting, like in sport they always find out something that makes the athletes more effective, a new shoe, a new swimming dress and so on, it's about getting closer and closer to reach what is potentially possible.
Within this analogy I feel like this tool has entered the 'we've given everyone undetectable steroids' realm. Just a matter of time before people execute better grind combo's than we've seen in Limitless. Tool has been public knowledge for 2 days or so now and I've already seen better reps than some of the easier stunts in that video. The hard stuff in that video is still hard with the tool so it's a bit early for those to be beaten.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 19, 2022, 09:16:01 PM
Game Over guys
start New Game
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 27, 2022, 11:24:28 AM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 27, 2022, 01:24:11 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Demo00n on February 27, 2022, 11:41:14 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 07:03:14 AM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herb on February 28, 2022, 07:17:58 AM
I still find this obsession with being "better" than inactive vets strange
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 07:49:11 AM
I still find this obsession with being "better" than inactive vets strange
So childish behavior, obvious inferiority complex, especially in relation to Barney.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 28, 2022, 10:27:57 AM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 03:51:28 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 28, 2022, 04:14:11 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 04:28:13 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 28, 2022, 04:34:26 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Can you tell me which mod I used then? because if you do not know what modding is, then I will explain to you in a nutshell, this is when you modify something in the game to achieve a better result, which I did not do
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 04:35:45 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Can you tell me which mod I used then? because if you do not know what modding is, then I will explain to you in a nutshell, this is when you modify something in the game to achieve a better result, which I did not do
Why is this video deleted?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 28, 2022, 04:47:42 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Can you tell me which mod I used then? because if you do not know what modding is, then I will explain to you in a nutshell, this is when you modify something in the game to achieve a better result, which I did not do
Why is this video deleted?
Which one of? if you are talking about my instructions? it has not been deleted, only the link has been deleted, I thought everyone who wanted to saw it already
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Arnax on February 28, 2022, 04:53:34 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Can you tell me which mod I used then? because if you do not know what modding is, then I will explain to you in a nutshell, this is when you modify something in the game to achieve a better result, which I did not do
Why is this video deleted?
Which one of? if you are talking about my instructions? it has not been deleted, only the link has been deleted, I thought everyone who wanted to saw it already
We need your "instructions" because we don't know how to stunt.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on February 28, 2022, 04:59:18 PM
So Limtless was modded? 🤣

but Barney and Eddman will not land most of this stunts
If they can't land them, then they're modded.  ;D

So Limtless was modded? 🤣
Technically, no. He didn't modify the game directly.
And everything he did is possible in the vanilla game. But you wont be able to do it in a lifetime
I don't give a damn nab. Allbeast says none can land them, only him, because he is Superman.
lol, if someone can't make my stunts doesn't make them modded, it is make them extremly hard

i'm not superman, you can call me from now BeatsAll
and it was funny when you was screaming that Barney and Eddman will land any stunt if they will want, because you didn't know real difficulty of stunts
i was laugh whole day after your words, it is so funny when people act like they know something, but in reallity don't know a shit
I've been trolling from the beginning, but you don't understand anything. The development of the situation since you released a solo, only confirmed my suspicion of illegal stunting, which is a product of the infantile inferiority complex.
no one has the right to judge number 1
the whole video was experiment and troll to see what people will say
so who was the first to start trolling and so it's clear
don't even try to justify yourself by trolling, you're just a fan of Barney and Eddman, and tried to suck them off in front of everyone
hahahahhaha nice try you little rat. You will be remembered as kiddo modder. Hahahahahaha  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Can you tell me which mod I used then? because if you do not know what modding is, then I will explain to you in a nutshell, this is when you modify something in the game to achieve a better result, which I did not do
Why is this video deleted?
Which one of? if you are talking about my instructions? it has not been deleted, only the link has been deleted, I thought everyone who wanted to saw it already
We need your "instructions" because we don't know how to stunt.
yep, i even maked repack called stunt like pro, but removed it,  because i think everyone must have challenge to make it himself
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: jakuba on March 01, 2022, 01:43:10 AM
First of all this topic is amazing.

Second of all how in the name of fuck is it still open is beyond me.

I just found out about it and you have the likes of DC, kingjad even Nitz and Aries drop in. Great stuff. I didnt even see allbeasts solo nor the explanation video Jason has posted. To see the community react and discuss the very nature of stunting in 2022 with some actual OGs shimming in is fantastic.

All that being said and with limited knowlwdge of what the fuck the method is i cant help but to smell extreme toxicity in this thread esp coming from the man himself. It is my understanding that the method was not disclosed beforehand  and allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally? And this whole discussion started because Jason figured things out? Thats just super lame. And all the comments he made about trolling and joking around and what not are too. This forum is over a decade old. Ive been part of it since 2007 and i think allbeasts about the same. 15 fucking years being part of this community. We're past being adults here. We are getting old. And we engage in trolling? Fuck me.

The only reason this thread has not been stopped is because it brought some color back to this forum. But it also showed the true colors some of people here represent. Grow up.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on March 01, 2022, 02:12:08 AM
First of all this topic is amazing.

Second of all how in the name of fuck is it still open is beyond me.

I just found out about it and you have the likes of DC, kingjad even Nitz and Aries drop in. Great stuff. I didnt even see allbeasts solo nor the explanation video Jason has posted. To see the community react and discuss the very nature of stunting in 2022 with some actual OGs shimming in is fantastic.

All that being said and with limited knowlwdge of what the fuck the method is i cant help but to smell extreme toxicity in this thread esp coming from the man himself. It is my understanding that the method was not disclosed beforehand  and allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally? And this whole discussion started because Jason figured things out? Thats just super lame. And all the comments he made about trolling and joking around and what not are too. This forum is over a decade old. Ive been part of it since 2007 and i think allbeasts about the same. 15 fucking years being part of this community. We're past being adults here. We are getting old. And we engage in trolling? Fuck me.

The only reason this thread has not been stopped is because it brought some color back to this forum. But it also showed the true colors some of people here represent. Grow up.
Allow me to correct you on a couple of things, as far as I understand it:

"It is my understanding that the method was not disclosed beforehand, and allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally? And this whole discussion started because Jason figured things out?" - Yes, technically you are correct. While Beast has hinted before that he had a method that was secret to get his stunts, he never did reveal it until very recently, when after so much suspicion from Haywire (as well as others) Beast sent Haywire what his method actually was. I'd highly recommend watching Haywire's video on it if you get the chance to. People had actually guessed he was using this sort of method (Aries and gryzlek for instance) but he denied it at the time, I don't know why exactly.

I'll reiterate once more - what AllBeast has done is not easy, but it is clearly deceptive in how most people view stunting. I feel like there is a place for his method though, just not under unmodded videos. Because I simply cannot accept his stuff as legitimate stunting.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: jakuba on March 01, 2022, 02:18:27 AM
I think Jason deleted the video. Atleast I cant find it. If you do have a link to it PM it to me if you will.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on March 01, 2022, 03:12:58 AM
allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally?

I think Jason deleted the video. Atleast I cant find it. If you do have a link to it PM it to me if you will.
i didn't want to trick everyone, otherwise i would make near to possible stunts, but i maked near to impossible stunts to make people go crazy

he didn't, link in your pm
and i just have fun here, from time to time, even if topic looks angry for you, it is not, atleast i just like to troll people, in virtual and real life and having fun from this
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: jakuba on March 01, 2022, 04:01:15 AM
Just because you're having fun doesnt mean others are as Well.

I watched the video and honestly its not as bad I thought it would be. Definitely something that needs to be disclosed and i can see why people are mad about this method. It looks as though it sucks out any joy one can get from stunting. Like some folks here would like to try it out - me personally no thank you. I do have one question tho. Some of these stunts just dont abide by classical in game handling. Like the speeds of grinding and what not. Are those aspects affected by the constant restarting of the system?
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on March 01, 2022, 04:07:01 AM
Just because you're having fun doesnt mean others are as Well.

I watched the video and honestly its not as bad I thought it would be. Definitely something that needs to be disclosed and i can see why people are mad about this method. It looks as though it sucks out any joy one can get from stunting. Like some folks here would like to try it out - me personally no thank you. I do have one question tho. Some of these stunts just dont abide by classical in game handling. Like the speeds of grinding and what not. Are those aspects affected by the constant restarting of the system?
sorry, i didn't understand question, you can watch my review on my solo, or just give link with time on stunt which look too much strange, i will try to explain
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: jakuba on March 01, 2022, 04:27:43 AM
Sure. So for example the opener. When you transition from grinding to riding On the ledge and loose no speed. How does that work? In fact a lot of time you are maintaing a very high speed while grinding when i would expect you to slow down. Also whats up with the grind near the airport at the carshop. Why is there slow-Mo in the middle. And did you have a save stop just miliseconds before the end? Cause theres no way you wouldnt bail at that angle of approach.

Its all super interesting and i would very much like to see some more behind the scenes footage. This method most obviously benefits stunts that relay on a Quick reaction to unforseen circumstances. Thats how you can pull of those precission landings post grinds. But how did it afect the finisher and straight up big air stuff. I just cant fathom the benefit. Can you walk me through it? When you have to RAD for a mile do you make savestops in the middle? Or just before going On a packer. And then presumably before you hit the edge? Would you make savestops while midair? And how would that help? Super interesting stuff. Had you been more open about it before droping the video or at least 2 videos i guess im sure people would be warmer about the whole thing. But instead it turned ugly real quick. Imagine if danny kept his tool to himself. The questions he would get lol Then he shared a replay with someone and they're like 'mate how are you fucking flying and spawing vehicles and shit?'  This is kinda how this is. Im not sure how keen on spilling the beans you were until Jason called you out.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on March 01, 2022, 04:40:59 AM
Sure. So for example the opener. When you transition from grinding to riding On the ledge and loose no speed. How does that work? In fact a lot of time you are maintaing a very high speed while grinding when i would expect you to slow down. Also whats up with the grind near the airport at the carshop. Why is there slow-Mo in the middle. And did you have a save stop just miliseconds before the end? Cause theres no way you wouldnt bail at that angle of approach.

Its all super interesting and i would very much like to see some more behind the scenes footage. This method most obviously benefits stunts that relay on a Quick reaction to unforseen circumstances. Thats how you can pull of those precission landings post grinds. But how did it afect the finisher and straight up big air stuff. I just cant fathom the benefit. Can you walk me through it? When you have to RAD for a mile do you make savestops in the middle? Or just before going On a packer. And then preumably before you hit the edge? Would you make savestops while midair? And how would that help? Super interesting stuff. Had you been more open about it before droping the video or at least 2 videos i guess im sure people would be warmer about the whole thing. But instead it turned ugly real quick. Imagine if danny kept his tool to himself. Th questions he would get lol Then he shared a replay with someone and they're like 'mate how are you fucking flying and spawing vehicles and shit?'  This is kinda how this is. Im not sure how keen on spilling the beans you were until Jason called you out.
emm, bump to grind to ledge grind to bump to billboard, it was lucky attempt, i wanted make in another way, but it was impossible in another way, so when i maked it, i just start to use this attempt until maked it, about losing speed, or what you saying, it just pefrect timing, but not because me, but because of luck

about grind at sunshine auto, after 1300 attemps and three different version, i said fuck it, and used cheatcode for slowdown and then speed up

about finisher, i haved only saving before p2b, so RAD was one segment, but it was one try of thouthands, which i then recorded and seen which one is better, and from which try to bump, so good thing for me big air, that you need make perfect run up only one or several times, but not every time, on previous solo i haved perfect run up on finisher, which i did once, and never can repeat again

about savings in mid air, i used this only at precisions landings and on ship grind where was rotation

and i wasn't hiding that i'm not usig anything, i was screaming, atleast in discord, that i use my method, and haved fun from trolling people, but like i said, if i wanted make something secretly, i would make it in another way, never scream, never land anything too much unbelivable hard, and just be number 1 for real
but my point was to land something hardcore, too much hardcore for human life, and make all stunts look cool as possible, like i said before it is piece of art, atleast for me
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on March 18, 2022, 05:16:36 AM
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:


There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing. There are many cases where "gay"-kids are becoming normal again only after being taken away from their adoptive parents (i cba to source you rn, google it, but I think the picture pretty much proves this shit). So yes I stand by my point, the children become whatever the parent want them to be, and it is a parent's duty to push them in the right direction.

Sorry for the late reply and bump, I just took the time to find the perfect image for the thing you are defending (representing?)  ;)
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Artifex on March 18, 2022, 07:03:13 AM
Aren't you that gigantic homophobe who thinks people who let their kids be whoever they want is failing as a parent?  :ninja:


There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing. There are many cases where "gay"-kids are becoming normal again only after being taken away from their adoptive parents (i cba to source you rn, google it, but I think the picture pretty much proves this shit). So yes I stand by my point, the children become whatever the parent want them to be, and it is a parent's duty to push them in the right direction.

Sorry for the late reply and bump, I just took the time to find the perfect image for the thing you are defending (representing?)  ;)

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Kingjad on March 18, 2022, 08:31:32 AM
There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing.
Never knew that Adolf Hitler's mum and dad had a hobby of killing jews and invading Poland - learn something new every day.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: FELIX on March 18, 2022, 11:05:45 AM
The Big V I hope you don't reproduce according to your believes then. Nice photoshop montage up there, loved the disgusted kid looking at the geezers knob, not faked at all.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Jason on March 18, 2022, 12:55:11 PM
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Demo00n on March 18, 2022, 01:24:59 PM

Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on March 18, 2022, 08:41:11 PM
There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing.
Never knew that Adolf Hitler's mum and dad had a hobby of killing jews and invading Poland - learn something new every day.

Its funny because you still believe in the holocaust and that 6 mln jews were killed (physically and mathematically impossible for 3 years. There's a chance for you to "learn something new" today as well and that is 2nd grade maths :P )

The Big V I hope you don't reproduce according to your believes then. Nice photoshop montage up there, loved the disgusted kid looking at the geezers knob, not faked at all.

Sorry to disappoint you, I already did reproduce - twice. Now go, the parade is waiting for you  :euro:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: MV on March 19, 2022, 12:48:20 AM
lmao just ban
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on March 19, 2022, 01:17:55 AM
lmao just ban
yes, and let's start with banning you
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Demo00n on March 19, 2022, 01:28:38 AM
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Rainbow on March 19, 2022, 04:52:16 AM
There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing.
Never knew that Adolf Hitler's mum and dad had a hobby of killing jews and invading Poland - learn something new every day.

Its funny because you still believe in the holocaust and that 6 mln jews were killed (physically and mathematically impossible for 3 years. There's a chance for you to "learn something new" today as well and that is 2nd grade maths :P )
I was going to go in here to laugh but this is just sad. Feel sorry for your kids. You probably just think we're all dumb but if all you see if dumb people chances are you're the dumb one yourself.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Herrarge on March 19, 2022, 07:26:41 AM
Its funny because you still believe in the holocaust and that 6 mln jews were killed (physically and mathematically impossible for 3 years. There's a chance for you to "learn something new" today as well and that is 2nd grade maths :P )

Nice homophobia and holocaust denial. Hope you get banned asap.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: The Big V on March 19, 2022, 07:29:03 AM
There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing.
Never knew that Adolf Hitler's mum and dad had a hobby of killing jews and invading Poland - learn something new every day.

Its funny because you still believe in the holocaust and that 6 mln jews were killed (physically and mathematically impossible for 3 years. There's a chance for you to "learn something new" today as well and that is 2nd grade maths :P )
I was going to go in here to laugh but this is just sad. Feel sorry for your kids. You probably just think we're all dumb but if all you see if dumb people chances are you're the dumb one yourself.
Better feel sorry, than being raised amongst gay pedos.
One day if you have an offspring you will think of the good ol' TBV and how damn right he was. Your mind will change in a flash and you wouldnt want none of this plague to be even remotely close to your kids once you get to hold  'em. Cheers and I wish you all the best
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: FIGHTER on March 19, 2022, 09:40:30 AM

Netherlands ->11
Bulgaria -> 54

enjoy your intelligence.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: AllBeast on March 19, 2022, 11:13:49 AM

Netherlands ->11
Bulgaria -> 54

enjoy your intelligence.

according to this list, one can judge the mind of the population, and not a single person
for that matter, Azerbaijan is generally in 84th place, but as you can see, I invented this method, and not other people from more "smart" countries
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: FIGHTER on March 19, 2022, 02:16:56 PM

Netherlands ->11
Bulgaria -> 54

enjoy your intelligence.

according to this list, one can judge the mind of the population, and not a single person
for that matter, Azerbaijan is generally in 84th place, but as you can see, I invented this method, and not other people from more "smart" countries

Netherlands ->11
Bulgaria -> 54

enjoy your intelligence.

according to this list, one can judge the mind of the population, and not a single person
for that matter, Azerbaijan is generally in 84th place, but as you can see, I invented this method, and not other people from more "smart" countries

of course not, but the data confirmed it. Uhm nobody cared probably to invent it.

Also IQ surely defines not only able to solve a problem but shows way more the ability to reasoning.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Turtle Boy on March 19, 2022, 05:04:27 PM
I dunno who banned him but good on ya. I changed his name to FuckWad in the meantime
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Jason on March 19, 2022, 07:17:22 PM
I dunno who banned him but good on ya. I changed his name to FuckWad in the meantime



I've been working on a custom map and practicing different things with this method. I can't say when a video will be released, but it will be under the modded section, and under a different alias to Haywire. Something to look farward to.  :euro:
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: Simon on March 19, 2022, 07:18:37 PM
I think it's time we close this.
Title: Re: The AllBeast Method.
Post by: NEM on March 22, 2022, 02:54:04 PM
I haven't commented on this and it's locked anyway so I'll just leave my thoughts.

I admired you for quite some time and I awlays thought you just raised from the dead and became better than Barney (in a way). When you shared this method I felt cheated. I watched both of your solos many times and just thought of them greatly, but this made me think and think and I came to a conclusion that stunting should be fun first. I wouldn't be surprised if someone figured this out before and just never shared it but I don't know, it just doesnt feel right.

I gotta give it to you, you're one smart motherfucker though and whatever I've just said doesn't change anything about how I think of you as a person, but I just feel weird now rewatching those two solos.
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