
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Topic started by: NEM on July 02, 2021, 09:00:19 AM

Post by: NEM on July 02, 2021, 09:00:19 AM

Hello everyone! Introduction of this video is not needed I suppose as many of you have been impatiently waiting for this and I don't blame you! It's been quite some time since the editing process started, but I feel like it was worth the wait when you get to see it. It originally started out as a fun collab as I didn't really think I could collect many stunts so some stunts might not be at the level of today's standards (if there's any), but I don't really care, my dream was to get many of the ATS members involved in my video - which brings me to mentioning that this truly IS my last Vice City collab. The reason for that is, I've organized numerous projects not just in VC and it's just too time consuming to organize a video this good line-up wise and I don't really think I can get a better video done in the future and if I ever released something worse than this that'd defeat the purpose of what I've been trying to acomplish with my videos. For those who haven't seen my previous Vice City projects, I'm just gonna insert them here chronologically so you can check them out before watching this >> EXSEQUOR (, UNEARTHED (, SELFLESS (, FINAL CALL (, DYSTOPIA (, SATAN EXTRA (;topicseen#new), ALMOST FREE (;topicseen#new), MIAMIFICATION (;topicseen#new)

This doesn't mean I'm quitting stunting, I just don't feel like making videos of my own anymore. There was this feeling ever since naming my VC best of ''Almost Free'' to make a final chapter of my collab adventure and so here it is. With that being said, at first I intended to edit the video myself as I did with Dystopia and its sequel Satan Extra, but honestly I got a bit lazy and Ezraph seemed like the obvious choice as he's made a huge progress and became a really great editor in my eyes, so I thought he could give my final project a little bright spark. For me this was always about making good videos, getting lots of people from all around the world together and I really enjoyed it as stunting's always been a huge part of my life, even if I wasn't the greatest stunter.

Thank you everyone involved and whoever helped me with any of my projects, especially Blaze, AllBeast and Dev. Hope you'll enjoy the video!

Ezraph's words
First off, I just want to thank Nem for the opportunity to fill up my hard drive, eventually losing space and having to use my C:/ drive instead to record more because it took like about 2 months to finish the video and having about 35-50 stunts in the video means more cines and some shit. Special shoutouts to Blaze and AllBITCH for the mapping, I also had to take part and do the mapping as well. And again, this video wouldn't be finished without any motivation, that being listening to the new TWICE EP and other k-pop shit. Nothing else. I spent like about 2 months and I really wanna edit the fucking birthday collab so here's the video in all its glory. :wink:

Anyway, it's a pleasure to see this drop and I'm just happy of the outcome. Expect another collab coming in I guess this month :smile:

Ezraph editor of the year 2021 when, I guess?

Edited by

Stunts by
AllBeast, Aries, Biel, Blaze, Dannye, Demon, Ezraph, Faiz, FIGHTER, Flat Face, Fugitive, Haywire, Hedgehog, jooker, kaneda, khaimyk, Kingjad, Krypton, Ktulu, MaCi, Max, Maxpower, mordbidxxx, Nem, Nitzkit, NS, Promagic, Ruiner, Sheeptea, Shifftee, Silw, SkilZ, Skuller, Smut, Sorcery, Sport, The Big V, Theonly_One, Toty, VenomX, wviMis, Xtramus, ZeRo, ZeroX

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Post by: AllBeast on July 02, 2021, 09:04:40 AM
1st, will make live review
Post by: Lex on July 02, 2021, 09:11:55 AM
Second! Ill drop review dsoon
Post by: Ezraph2001 on July 02, 2021, 09:15:38 AM
THIRD COMMENT forgot to mention that this video is not in 1080p which is FUCKING unusual especially for nem, my apologies
Post by: Bixel on July 02, 2021, 09:24:32 AM
nice atmosphere, great stunts and editing goes along nicely. Video made my mood for the day. Best collab !! :wub:
Post by: toty on July 02, 2021, 09:40:52 AM
Great video, love the music choice good job everyone for landing stunts in 2021. Maci, allbeast & NS pwned this.
On the edit Ezraph you did a great job the stunts are well paced, right amount of screen time and no unnecesary cam angle.
I expected a stunts by neo & baron  :(
 ;D ;D ;D
Post by: NEM on July 02, 2021, 09:57:54 AM
I'd like to add that the guy dubbing the UFO saucer is Nitzkit
Post by: Ezraph2001 on July 02, 2021, 10:14:36 AM
Post by: NEM on July 02, 2021, 10:51:50 AM
Added the review template for the people who won't be recording live reactions :(
Post by: Blaze on July 02, 2021, 12:03:20 PM

Post by: toty on July 02, 2021, 12:24:43 PM
Intro: From satan extra to stunters heaven. Why everyone live at Ocean View  :hmm:

1:34 shifftee saivc natbump 2 tree prec: I really like vertical bump and that one was really well executed. 7/10
1:42 flatface saivc bsm 2 beach: Water gap <3 6.5/10
1:51 ezraph vc zebra boost 2 blue hell 2 barracks: Now with the review template I understand what happened on that stunts 6.5/10
2:01 kaneda lc drop bump: Damn kaneda!! Great stunt 7/10
2:11 demon lc stoppie 2 ledge grind: Good stunt 6/10
2:21 ktulu saivc bonk 2 cork 2 grind bail: Not enough spin and bail at the :(
2:27 skuller vc csm 2 ship prec: Good use of the csm to land a "special" location. How do you stuck the car there ? 7.5/10
2:33 faiz vc psm thingy: Not my kind of stuff
2:39 kingjad lc packer 2 pole bump: I was searching for a way to land there and it was right in front of my eyes. Good job. Your bike is sexy <3 6.5/10
2:45 dannye saivc ramp 2 double grab 2 barracks: Great double airgrab I expected a third one 6/10
2:52 khaimyk saivc hotring airbump: 6/10
3:00 toty lc natural bump:
3:10 max saivc ledge grind 2 rail grind thingy: Excelent combo
3:20 wvimis vc ambulance csm: Great csm 8/10
3:32 allbeast vc psm 2 grind 2 bump: You improved your own stunt, execution was perfect, big water gap 10/10
3:41 theonly_one lc  ramp 2 skimmer bump: luky pwned this with a csm to the higher roof sadly

3:51 interlude 1:

4:24 skilz saivc p2b 2 ledge grind 2 rail grind: great double grind too bad you didnt have enough speed for the 2nd 6/10
4:35 venomx vc natbump 2 prec: great prec 6/10
4:44 aries saivc psm 2 ledge grind: great ledge 6.5/10
4:52 promagic saivc ramp 2 ledge grind: not enough spin :(
5:03 nitzkit vc bonk 2 cork 2 grind: UFO 7/10
5:12 morbid vc psm 2 bb grind: soooo slick, the spin oh shit 10/10
5:19 sorcery vc sanchez air grab: You still find way to grab on that spot, haha 6.5/10
5:25 maxpower vc sanchez natbump: Great bump 6.5/10
5:31 krypton and maci vc psm: Jesus that was huge 9/10

5:51 interlude 2: Really liked that part. Great way to show the lineup

7:41 sheeptea saivc psm: great psm
7:54 zerox vc bsm 2 bb grind: bb grind are always great 6.5/10
8:01 nem vc csm 2 bb grind: great use of the terrain + a great bb grind 8/10
8:08 ruiner saivc p2b: Great vertical p2b 8/10
8:13 jooker vc drop bump 2 prec: not my kind of stuff
8:19 nem lc infy bump 2 spin 2 wallride 2 bump 2 grind: that was an unexpected combo good job 8/10
8:30 zero vc ledge grind 2 spin 2 rail grind: great stuff right here 8.5/10   
8:35 blaze vc wallbump 2 spin 2 rail grind: 10/10
8:40 maci vc palm bump 2 prec: That was an unexpected bump and to the top of the bulding, I really love that 11/10
8:48 the big v vc freeway natbump 2 prec: freeway natbump <3 10/10
8:53 smut vc squalo barracksbump 2 prec: squalo prec afterward damn 10/10
8:59 shifftee saivc bsm 2 bb prec: great prec 6.5/10
9:04 silw vc hotring ledge grind 2 bump 2 roof: not my kind of stuff
9:10 sport saivc hotring double bump 2 prec: huge airtime for an hotring 8.5/10
9:15 haywire saivc stoppie2grind: not enough
9:21 kaneda saivc p2b: clean execution on that
9:27 xtramus vc skimmer upside down billboard grind 2 mall prec: excelent skimmer control 10/10
9:34 biel lc packer 2 tree bump: good job landing the higher roof 6.5/10
9:41 fighter vc pole bump: that was huge for a pole bump 8/10
9:49 fugitive lc freeway packer2bump: great packer bump with a freeway 6.5/10
9:56 NS vc csm: Never though I would see another pcj on that roof 10/10
10:06 hedgehog lc finisher: Good finisher 9/10

10:31 outro: Fun little story with that stunters heaven that you keep till the end good job on that.
Post by: AllBeast on July 02, 2021, 01:25:36 PM
Post by: jooker on July 02, 2021, 02:26:55 PM
E: Blaze, my bike was made by Szuhos

This is my first full review I guess. See? This is how much it means to me, fuck yeah, let's do it

Intro: I always loved these short movies, good job on this one  :a-cheer:

1:34 shifftee saivc natbump 2 tree prec: Perfect trajectory, loved it
1:42 flatface saivc bsm 2 beach: nice distance
1:51 ezraph vc zebra boost 2 blue hell 2 barracks: I never liked taxi boosts, except for some precis, but this falling out of the map isn't one of them, sorry
2:01 kaneda lc drop bump: I'm not even allowed to review my favourite stunter's stuff, lovely bump, is it new? I've tried it in the past
2:11 demon lc stoppie 2 ledge grind: bit basic from you, but I appreciate grinds
2:21 ktulu saivc bonk 2 cork 2 grind bail: feel sorry for that bail, I expected some more rotation after the bounce though, still cool
2:27 skuller vc csm 2 ship prec: fuck, I wanted to try this, but can't get the Danger CSM done, well done man!
2:33 faiz vc psm thingy: it's okayish
2:39 kingjad lc packer 2 pole bump: yay
2:45 dannye saivc ramp 2 double grab 2 barracks: good o' ATS grabbies, lovely
2:52 khaimyk saivc hotring airbump: car stunts are also not my cup of tea, sorry
3:00 toty lc natural bump: I'm not sure if that's old or not, the other bump on the right has been raped like 10 times, nice trajectory, well done!
3:10 max saivc ledge grind 2 rail grind thingy: my favourite :wub:
3:20 wvimis vc ambulance csm: good find, always a pleasure to see that roof being landed
3:32 allbeast vc psm 2 grind 2 bump: why did you cut the ending out Ezraph?  :L perfect bump, been thinking about landing that small building this way
3:41 theonly_one lc  ramp 2 skimmer bump: the spot is old, not with skimmer though, so it's okayish, still good to see you back

3:51 interlude 1: 2x

4:24 skilz saivc p2b 2 ledge grind 2 rail grind: not sure if this was your original idea, was fun
4:35 venomx vc natbump 2 prec: nice runup
4:44 aries saivc psm 2 ledge grind: gotta love curved ledgegrinds
4:52 promagic saivc ramp 2 ledge grind: gotta love straight ledgegrinds
5:03 nitzkit vc bonk 2 cork 2 grind: sexy bounce, ATS quality, 10/9 aliens would've hit their head by doing that
5:12 morbid vc psm 2 bb grind: wish it was a bit longer, liked it though
5:19 sorcery vc sanchez air grab: good to see you having an airgrab done for the first time, finally (*SD voice* Nice!)
5:25 maxpower vc sanchez natbump: it was okayish
5:31 krypton and maci vc psm: nice psms, nice cinematography also

5:51 interlude 2: now this wAs The Shit, amazingly well done

7:41 sheeptea saivc psm: I'm still not familiar with SAiVC spots that much, it was cool
7:54 zerox vc bsm 2 bb grind: perfectly done
8:01 nem vc csm 2 bb grind: that setup and runup was goulash with real meat, awesome
8:08 ruiner saivc p2b: nice height
8:13 jooker vc drop bump 2 prec: didn't like this one
8:19 nem lc infy bump 2 spin 2 wallride 2 bump 2 grind: cars..stunts..carstunts.. meh, that spin was fun, PARKOUR, somehow I doubt that this grind was intentional  :P
8:30 zero vc ledge grind 2 spin 2 rail grind: smoothest execution in the video, perfect
8:35 blaze vc wallbump 2 spin 2 rail grind: oh christ, nice one man
8:40 maci vc palm bump 2 prec: my second favouite
8:48 the big v vc freeway natbump 2 prec: not enough muscle flexing there, but it's okay, the stunt was really nice
8:53 smut vc squalo barracksbump 2 prec: boat stunts are also not my type, but nice height
8:59 shifftee saivc bsm 2 bb prec: Ezraph show us the endings I beg you, especially at precis
9:04 silw vc hotring ledge grind 2 bump 2 roof: cool idea
9:10 sport saivc hotring double bump 2 prec: okayish
9:15 haywire saivc stoppie2grind: decent execution
9:21 kaneda saivc p2b: I mean, why would you try to bump from below the glass  :lol:, it was fun though
9:27 xtramus vc skimmer upside down billboard grind 2 mall prec: I liked this one, even if I'm not the fan of skimmer stuff
9:34 biel lc packer 2 tree bump: nice trajectory and landing there
9:41 fighter vc pole bump: niceish
9:49 fugitive lc freeway packer2bump: niceish
9:56 NS vc csm: bit weird, but nice, how did you stuck that regina, stepsis?
10:06 hedgehog lc finisher: decent finisher

10:31 outro: like finishing a good series, bittersweet, good job

Overall I loved the editing man, apart from skipping the ending of some stunts (including mine  :lol:) the colors and cinematography was terrific, guess the songs were Nem's idea, thank you for these

Good job everyone, especially Nem!

E2: wishing for a 1080p version
Post by: Ezraph2001 on July 02, 2021, 02:37:29 PM

Almost all the songs were Nem's idea. (songs i chose are songs from twice, tobacco, boards of canada, eraserheads)
I didn't use Vice studios or Sanny because I don't have any free time to learn how to code like a cutscene, and it would have been great if allbeast made like a cutscene scripting thing on the bar skit for example. It's just them spawning and not do anything else, you just decide the angles.
Datamoshing on some of the clips, thought I was gonna have too many datamoshing effects, but nem was like nah so I removed almost all the clips that have like datamoshing transitions in them.
The sorcery billboard at morbid's psm2bb grind has references to one of sorcery's stunts from way back
I did not eat my dinner only to fucking finish the video
That studios bit before the 3rd part, did you know Nem actually asked me to recreate the samehada part like in lagoon about 12 years ago?
I once decided to go 21:9 but again, Nem told me to go 16:9 so I went with it
Nem made Kingjad open a fiverr account during the making of this video. HAHAHAHA

i didn't credit Nitzkit as one of the voices, and yes i cut the landing part of allbeast's stunt. sorry

anyway, thanks for watching that video, it's been a while since i edited that SFH remake, but sometimes i couldn't find any time to use my PC. I started editing that video when my room was like STILL in the middle of renovation and my room isn't even done yet as of now.

I'm typing this at like 6 am now and I still haven't slept I'd probably be dead and everybody around me will be happy

Post by: luli guy on July 02, 2021, 06:01:40 PM
all (king) had the best stunt
Post by: Jason on July 02, 2021, 07:11:09 PM

:) :) :)
Post by: Biel on July 02, 2021, 08:13:25 PM
Really fun watch, I loved the astmosphere of the video, Nem never disappoint in organizing good collabs!
The finisher was a bad choice in my eyes + the abusing of datamoshing spoiled the video a bit, but despite that, the video was really solid.

Toty natbump should have been the finisher imo, it was much better than the csm. :ajaja:
Good job to everyone involved, specially Nem and Ezraph :mellow:
Post by: Silw on July 03, 2021, 12:53:21 AM
Wow, this is out. Big shout out to Maci for landing that palm bump without a packer assist. Never thought this would be possible. This should have been the finisher. I agree with Biel about the bad finisher choice. I would have taken Totys natbump or Allbeast perfected grind for pre and Macis natbump for finisher. Better choice to give natural stunts a chance instead of boring csm‘s. As I‘m hating pn csm‘s I really liked the landing of Skullers ship csm,that was really hard I guess because of the angle of the platform.

Blaze, Nem, Jooker, Aries, Morbidxxx, ZeroX, Smut, Maci were the guys that really rocked this video for me.

Really loved the Story thing in between, was really well edited.

But I have to say one negative thing about the editing. Why you cut the landings of stunts so fast? Or even don‘t show them?

Some Examples are.

Allbeast grind
Ktulu‘s bonk to grind
Faiz psm
Morbidxxx psm grind
Blaze bonk to grind
Shifftee‘s bsm to prec? Don‘t even know if he land that prec because of that cut

Post by: NEM on July 03, 2021, 01:44:13 AM
Thank you everyone a bunch for all the comments :wub: especially the reviews even if not live I really appreciate the time you put into it. Shout out to Jason for making a live review despite having a hangover that's something I wouldn't do :lol: and I enjoyed yours and Blaze's in particular (Still havent seen AllBeast's, because I have to hold on for a bit before watching the same video again XD)

Also thanks Blaze for showing a little bit of behind the scenes, that was cool to watch!

I expected a stunts by neo & baron  :(

It's not like I haven't tried that but both are just out of reach and I don't think they even want to be approached :(

8:19 nem lc infy bump 2 spin 2 wallride 2 bump 2 grind: cars..stunts..carstunts.. meh, that spin was fun, PARKOUR,

Well the whole thing wasnt intentional but once I got onto the wallride, what else would I be aiming for :lol:

As there were some concerns about the finisher, well the finisher was kinda picked a while ago and honestly that's an old spot that until now hasn't been landed (correct me if I'm wrong) but I remember this spot since day one and the angle is a real bitch.
Post by: MtS on July 03, 2021, 04:27:56 AM
that was a very pleasant watch

as it has been said here its defo great to see some old faces in a stunt video again and i really dig ezraph editings

gj nem, ezraph and everyone involved
Post by: Plani on July 03, 2021, 08:14:47 AM
That was pretty awesome. I loved the cutscenes, especially the Lagoon one. It was really well done and brought some nostalgic feelings. The overall atmosphere created by those little stories was really remarkable. The stunting part had its ups and downs but it was cool to see some old names in action. Props for reuning all those folks in one video again. My favorite stunt was MaCi's, that was impressive! Everybody did a good job stuntingwise. It was enjoyable.

Good job. :cc_detective:
Post by: Skuller on July 03, 2021, 09:38:10 AM
Don't really have much to say. Another great collab organized by Nem! Sadly this is the last one, well I think there won't be anything better than those VC collabs from now on so good job Nem, don't think anyone else would be able to do dem organizations like you! Dedication always pays off! :) Another great editing by Ezraph aswell, I really like the 3rd part song! Story was cool too! And as for the stunting here - it was enjoyable all over the time! Good job everyone envolved! :a-cheer:

2:27 skuller vc csm 2 ship prec: Good use of the csm to land a "special" location. How do you stuck the car there ?

2:01 kaneda lc drop bump: I'm not even allowed to review my favourite stunter's stuff, lovely bump, is it new? I've tried it in the past
Sadly it's old by Max.
Post by: legendz on July 03, 2021, 02:13:12 PM
Great video! I had lot of fun whilst watching it :D Intro, interludes and outro were all very entertaining.

Stunts I like: 2:13 creative, 2:28 nice landing here, 2:45 caught me off guard haha, 3:01 very big should've been the finisher imo, 3:10 creative again, 3:36 looks cool and unexpected(I wish I could have seen the landing as well in this case..), 4:47 very smooth grind, 5:36 looks big gj both of you, 8:04 I like the conception for some reason :D gj, 8:15 stylish, 8:36 awesome one of my favourites, 8:40 very cool, 9:00 I guess you landed it xd nice stunt and the finisher.

About editing: Some cool masks here and there, but you could be even more precise :jajaja: Lots of cool angles but you should've definitely shown some stunts from different angles imo, especially the landings. The datamosh effect is a cool effect, but I don't really think it fits with this type of music. Other than that I enjoyed the editing :) The vibe was definitely there, which made the whole video very very amusing. Felt like a movie at some parts, which I admire.

Overall cool video Nem & Ezraph, thanks for made it happen and good job everyone involved :wub:
Post by: NEM on July 04, 2021, 12:29:37 AM
2:01 kaneda lc drop bump: I'm not even allowed to review my favourite stunter's stuff, lovely bump, is it new? I've tried it in the past
Sadly it's old by Max.

And now it's old by kaneda too! :wub:
Post by: Rainbow on July 04, 2021, 04:07:51 AM
.. and honestly that's an old spot that until now hasn't been landed (correct me if I'm wrong) but I remember this spot since day one and the angle is a real bitch.
Well Ruchy apparently landed it with a limo(?) as the CSM vehicle in the original challenge topic but then Barney came out swinging and said it doesn't count because it's Ruchy and he thinks he mods (to be fair he does have some really odd executions on some of his stunts, like all of his VC carpark landings). Quite a well known topic in my mind but maybe not. Will make a longer review later but I enjoyed the video  :)

Really enjoyed the editing, very entertaining and nice camera angles. You're really turning yourself into a great editor with your last few videos! But those K-pop billboards, seriously?

About the stunts, my favorites were Toty's natbump, Max' doublegrind right after, natbump from VenomX, Nem's bb grind with the csm stuck on the wall because that was a neat idea, Jookers dropbump2palm, Zero's doublegrind, Maci removing the packer and landing that palmbump naturally, Silw's car stunt and NS' csm.
Post by: FTO on July 05, 2021, 01:33:46 AM
Nice one with many old names involved. Good times indeed.
Post by: Shifftee on July 05, 2021, 08:58:47 AM
Heeeyyy, glad to be back!  :euro:
I really enjoyed the video, loved the story and interludes, great editing overall apart from cut landings(I deffo feel like my bsm2prec was a bit wasted), great choice of music too! And, of course, some pretty cool stunting from the boys!  :cc_detective:
Post by: Krypton on July 06, 2021, 12:39:20 AM
Thanks again Nem for putting together this unique line up that wouldn't have happened if it were not for you. Ezraph did an outstanding job, a collab of this scale doesnt happen over night so i understand why it took so long.

I am a big fan of your editing and camera angles Ezraph, you didn't disappoint here. This is just my taste, but I am a less is more kind of guy. I feel your special cam angles would have even more of an impact if you didn't use them on almost every stunt. Cause your free hand cam angles are rather good too. Other than that the songs weren't really for me but you made them look decent. Good job dude.

Stunts I really liked was Shifteee's opener, Dannyes double grab, Toty's LC bump, Max's double grind, Aries ledge grind, and NM's CSM was cool cause its probably the only way that roof is gonna be landed from there. but overall stuntwise it was a good watch :ajaja:

Little insight into MaCi and I's PSM; we were both trying for the top and came to the conclusion because of the angle and the building in the way that it wasnt going to happen. Only way would be to bump up from the lower ledge, and we said fuck that lol and MaCi had the cool idea of sending these in as a double stunt as we both landed the lower part. Ezraph made it look really cool too if I might add, awesome camera work.

Thanks again Nem and Ezraph, we will see if this is the last last stand by Nem ;D
Post by: NEM on July 06, 2021, 03:33:48 AM
Thank you guys for the kind comments love you :wub: and huge sorry again to Shifftee for his poorly cut stunt :wacko:
Post by: Fugitive on July 06, 2021, 04:18:24 AM
I don't do video commentaries, ever, but thought I should take the time to properly comment on this, while also reminiscing about the old days. Apologies if I appear ignorant in my commentaries, I'm not up to date with much that has happened to stunting after 2008.
Shoutout to Nem for organizing this and making me feel part of this community again.
Post by: Diaz on July 06, 2021, 05:32:22 AM
Very enjoyable and somewhat touching video. It was so cool to see this many names in a video, especially those old guys back in action again! Good job Nem for gathering people together for years, I can imagine how much energy and time it takes to dig up people from old times. It almost felt like (another) community video for me, the video was less about the stunts and more about the stunters. But I still would like to highlight my favourite stunts:
Max' insane doublegrind (amazing use of terrain and especially SAiVC, the second grind was totally unexpected
Maci' stunts - he always delivers and usually owns the videos he is in
Dannye's double grab
Toty's bump2wallkick2roof - unexpected but so good
Nem's BB grind at 8:05 - although its a stuck method, still it was placed to an unusual place and overall I found this stunt interesting, great use of terrain, smooth grind at the end
Blaze' spinny grind at 8:37 - rare to see such stylish grind
Silw's car stunt at 9:05 - you used the edge of the roof so well to be able to bonk the pole and land on the higher roof - could not see this coming
NS csm2roof - that was high, also cool runup, I hope this one was still new
I thought NS got the finisher but when I saw there is another stunt after that I expected something huge and brilliant, the finisher kinda lacked that wow factor for me, should have chosen another one in my opinion.

Ezraph did a great editing, he has really developed in this area a lot. The songs were well chosen and the voice acting, the intro and the interludes all helped to create such fun atmosphere, it felt like an ATS video. And that's what really matters, having fun and enjoying stunting and that way you can produce stuff that others will enjoy, too. Thanks for the experience guys!
Post by: NEM on July 06, 2021, 08:09:20 AM
Wow Fugi thank you for a half an hour reivew, that was really a great listen! That's exactly how reviews should be done in my eyes and I really enjoyed all the little comments between stunts, talking about your memories and views of things. Thanks a lot to you and also Diaz for a detailed comment, love you guys :wub:
Post by: Shifftee on July 06, 2021, 11:00:52 AM
Wow Fugi thank you for a half an hour reivew, that was really a great listen! That's exactly how reviews should be done in my eyes and I really enjoyed all the little comments between stunts, talking about your memories and views of things. Thanks a lot to you and also Diaz for a detailed comment, love you guys :wub:
Couldn't agree more, that was great! I noticed people have started creating these reaction videos and I've seen a fair few! But nobody actually takes time to comment on anything, nevermind every stunt. Top lad, Fugitive!
Post by: Nitzkit on July 07, 2021, 04:52:49 PM
Nice it's finally out!

I really enjoyed watching this video. The vibe and music I thought fit well with how many stunters were in it. There were some really creative stuff that came out of this video, actually too many for me to want to write lol.

This one is a keeper!  ;D
Post by: luli guy on July 07, 2021, 06:30:49 PM
amazing, back to 2008
Post by: NEM on July 08, 2021, 01:51:49 AM
Thanks dude I'm really glad you enjoyed the video :mellow: hopefully kaneda and Dannye will watch it soon too
Post by: Dannye on July 08, 2021, 03:48:25 AM
An impressive project Nem/Ezraph - and I quite enjoyed watching it - I can't imagine the work involved in putting it all together, great work to both of you, and everyone else involved! It was cool to see such a large collection of stunts from so many stunters, and the music selection tied it all together nicely, giving it a fun vibe. I'm happy that I could be a part of it - I was in a classic air-grab mood that day and had good fun playing around with that spot, so it's sweet to see that stunt get a home here.

Some misc highlights for me, stunt-wise, included Max's fence grinding antics, Aries's psm 2 grind, and shifftee + jooker's tree landings. Some editing-related highlights included: seeing a hint of that first stunt over the video title, the opening angle for theonly_one's LC skimmer bump, the shared/transition shot between the freeway and boat junkyard stunts, and starting the credits off with the remainder of Nem's grind (also a cool stunt!) along with the cool camera angle/movement used to capture it. It also looks like a great deal of effort must have been spent on the various scripted interludes throughout the video, so hats off to those involved in the planning and execution of that! Ooh, also, seeing the list of stunters at the end labelled as 'cast of characters' was cool.

Good stuff!
(I also watched Fugitive's video too, and found that quite fun and interesting, cheers for that!)
Post by: Actarus on July 08, 2021, 03:03:52 PM
Thanks for time travel! I enjoyed watching this video with beautiful camera angles. My favorite stunts were Shifteee's opener and Toty's LC bump.

The only thing I liked less is the weird colors bleeding and that make look like an old damaged VGA cable.

Great job everyone involved!
Post by: MaCi on July 09, 2021, 10:34:58 AM
First of all I gotta give it to you Nem for your persistance to get this little bandyball rolling into a...well, medicine ball is the biggest ball I can think of.
I recall this being just a funky little summer collab from the start and I didn't have anything at all landed for a very long time, but somehow in the end you managed to suck two stunts out of me and I'm very happy to have been a part of this beautiful video :)
That leads me to Ezraph's editing which I think was really well done and especially the cinematics. Both the stunting part and that funny little story. Cool angles there and awesome effects and shit. And yeah, I also didn't enjoy that data-mosh effect but it looked kinda cool on Khaimyk's SAiVC stunt. Maybe use it a bit more...less in the future  :lol: Or more "lagom". And sure, it's too bad you cut out some of the landings but it's just a minor thing as I really enjoyed everything else.
I also like that you can use such an "extreme" CC & timecyc without making it look weird. I guess the soundtrack helped out with that, simply a great fit. Cool songs.
On to the characters. My god, in 2021 it's so fucking amazing to see guys like Fugitive & ZeroX(!!1), and all those 15 year old farts still lingering.
I'm also really fucking glad to see Shifftee again  :wub:
Anyway as usual everyone had cool stuff and my favorites are;
Kanedas's drop bump, Skuller's boat CSM, MaxXx's crazy ass grind O.o, AllBeast getting assfucked by Haywire whilst doing that insane grind to bump, SkilZ' fluke debbolgrend ;P, Aries' cork2ledgegrind, ZeroX's BSM to BB grind, Nem's CSM to BB grind, jooker's drop bump to palm prec  :blink: & Hedgehog's finisher.
Also I loved Sorcery's imitation of Neo  :lol:

Post by: Sport on July 13, 2021, 11:25:25 AM
Amazing vid guys! ;D Stunts are so good that I even don't want to comment on any of them separately, only just want to praise Smut for finding another squalo wall scratching spot, gj :mellow:. Awesome intro, outro and Lagoon reference moment. Also nice to see old names here. Well done!
Post by: PM on July 14, 2021, 03:13:00 PM
Post by: NEM on July 15, 2021, 04:56:58 AM

Thank you Filip that means so much :wub: and anyone who's commented you all are just awesome, keep stunting!!
Post by: SkilZ on July 15, 2021, 03:32:34 PM
@NEM:  Another great video from you and it's always a pleasure to be a part of it you know jow much i love to be in a video with old stunters, thank you for everything you did for the VC  part

Great job overall Ezraph did a good job with the editing keep it up !
Post by: kaneda on July 18, 2021, 10:08:00 PM
I'm a bit late on this, so sorry for that. Thoroughly enjoyable vid all around. I love the laid back editing and musical choices. There's nothing better than a stunt vid that just makes ya continuously say "...nice...oh, nice...sweet one...", and this vid was one of those - it's like the Big Lebowski of stunt vids.

I'll be up front and say my contributions were a matter of "Uh...what have I got...?". I would have loved to land some more "...nice...oh, nice...sweet one..." stunts, but time's not on my side of late. Regardless, I was happy to contribute something and be in such fine company.

Great work, to everyone involved.

(ZeroX, even? really did get in everyone's ear)
Post by: Kingjad on July 20, 2021, 12:29:59 PM
Whoops, thought I'd commented already on this. Good mix of humour and quality stunts from a plethora of older and newer faces. Very well edited too although that sorta corrupt-style footage when you go from one shot to next, it's hard to see that as a genuine effect and more like just Vegas being Vegas and arsing things up for the editor - if you were indeed going for that effect, it was very well done, and did work a couple of times.

Post by: ARS on July 21, 2021, 04:27:19 AM
Big respect for such a grandiose organization, all of these last projects from you were so dedicated and this one is same dedicated to gtas fully.
I was really glad too see people of hall of fame once again and i have no idea what you did for them to get at least one .rep from every of them lol.
Same respectation goes to editor, who came from weird clip maker to such a great editor, I loved the whole job, nicely done, Ez.
Post by: Ezraph2001 on July 21, 2021, 07:23:51 AM
Big respect for such a grandiose organization, all of these last projects from you were so dedicated and this one is same dedicated to gtas fully.
I was really glad too see people of hall of fame once again and i have no idea what you did for them to get at least one .rep from every of them lol.
Same respectation goes to editor, who came from weird clip maker to such a great editor, I loved the whole job, nicely done, Ez.

Whoops, thought I'd commented already on this. Good mix of humour and quality stunts from a plethora of older and newer faces. Very well edited too although that sorta corrupt-style footage when you go from one shot to next, it's hard to see that as a genuine effect and more like just Vegas being Vegas and arsing things up for the editor - if you were indeed going for that effect, it was very well done, and did work a couple of times.

Great job overall Ezraph did a good job with the editing keep it up !

Thanksies ily
Post by: Fugitive on July 21, 2021, 09:08:02 AM
i have no idea what you did for them to get at least one .rep from every of them lol.
Nem has his own secret ways.
*zips pants*
Post by: NEM on August 01, 2021, 01:01:17 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm still sad Sorcery himself hasn't commented on this :cheersad:
Post by: Ruiner on August 04, 2021, 04:11:29 AM
Epic :a-cheer:
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