
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Topic started by: Jason on May 25, 2021, 02:20:40 AM

Title: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Jason on May 25, 2021, 02:20:40 AM
First off, a big thankyou to fckR for putting this edit together. I really enjoyed watching this, very creative camera work and cuts.  :jajaja:

This is a reel of stunts that didn't make it into the original collab, which was quite a number of replays, so rightfully they've been turned into a video. There are also a couple of spots from the Junkyard map.

Enjoy! (hopefully it isn't blocked in your region..)
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Srcry on May 25, 2021, 02:50:32 AM
Editing was fucked up good, lots of nice touches to go along with the chill soundtrack. Everyone came through with cool stunts. ZeRo made great use of the rail with that freeway double grind. The blocky architecture of the maps sure made for some nice taxi precs, with an infy prec thrown in at the end for good measure. Major shout out to Haywire for the map conversions. If you build it, they will come stunt
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Lex on May 25, 2021, 02:55:20 AM
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Krypton on May 25, 2021, 02:55:47 AM

Should have said it more but editing was so good. Amazing job Fckr.

Going off what Sorcery said, thanks for the hours of fun Jason. Can't wait for more ;D
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Rainbow on May 25, 2021, 02:58:36 AM
The opener, invisible ramp bsm from Max, Krypton's boost2pipe (and all other boost2precs in this video by others), both Sorcery's freeway double grinds with the 180, his PCJ double ledgegrind at 3:13 and Zero's freeway doublegrind were my favorites.

I watched Vultures before watching the B side and where the first video is mostly big airs this B side is nearly all tech stuff which I really enjoyed. The videos complement each other nicely in that sense. Also really liked the relaxed atmosphere in the video with nice camera angles everywhere. Would've been an even better video if you had included 2-3 stunts of your own because I bet you have a bunch of them in this map  :cc_detective: Also thanks for the rainbow  :ajaja:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: AllBeast on May 25, 2021, 03:25:15 AM
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: NEM on May 25, 2021, 04:24:43 AM
Woah I almost forgot I landed those, that was a very pleasant surprise. The song wasn't something I'd think I was gonna enjoy but it worked really well and it gave the video a very different atmosphere. If I had to pick my favourite jumps it'd be firstly Sorcery's freeway double grind - very well executed, most of Krypton's stunts, Max's faggio stoppie, ZeRo's infernus wallride, Rainbow's finisher which almost made me laugh because of the unique nametag LMAO. The camangles and cuts were perfect, so was the variety of stunts. I wish there were more collabs made in cutom maps. Awesome job Jason thank you for this video!
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Minq on May 25, 2021, 04:40:58 AM
Enjoyable Video  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Erney on May 25, 2021, 06:58:09 AM
Amazing editing, loved soudtrack.  :neen:

Opener & finisher and Sorcery's stuff owned.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Herb on May 25, 2021, 08:13:19 AM
Great vid. I actually dig the stunts in this way more than Vultures
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: MV on May 26, 2021, 07:09:18 AM
Lovely edit, fckr did a great job with enveloping the atmosphere for this vid. Nice to see more grinds on this map, love the more technical stuff that the map has to offer

Edit: nice camerawork too!
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Ezraph2001 on May 26, 2021, 07:48:47 AM
What can I say? This a great video.

Lovely edit, fckr did a great job with enveloping the atmosphere for this vid. Nice to see more grinds on this map, love the more technical stuff that the map has to offer

Edit: nice camerawork too!

What inspired him to do all this, honestly he can be as good as me holy shit.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: SyperDimon on May 29, 2021, 10:24:52 PM

Rainbow why you not made full wall ride on this spot?
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Max_ on May 30, 2021, 08:20:32 PM
This was awesome! I've seen most of those stunts before but I liked the creativity overall
Also did I forget to send my junkyard stuff? :ninja:
The edit was great, I liked how you switched into the second part with the sunny rain timecyc and the pace of the vid made it enjoyable to watch
the song choices were neat as well
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: Cooper on October 14, 2021, 06:56:13 AM
Loved the editing and the map itself n.n my favorite stunt was the taxi pipe landing. Enjoyed it and makes me wanna stunt
Title: Re: ...VULTURES - SIDE B...
Post by: khaimyk on January 07, 2022, 07:11:54 AM
somebody help i need link map side B :((
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