
Stunt Crew Network => Dark Side Stunters => DSS Video Releases => Topic started by: Bixel on May 15, 2021, 03:00:22 AM

Title: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Bixel on May 15, 2021, 03:00:22 AM

Short intro, stunts in this video speaks for themselves, so I'll only talk about the editing of the video. As per my previous projects every time I edit a stunt video, my general approach is to avoid cookie cutter vegas style. I tryed to be as clean as possible in this project, but still use current gen techniques. I really enjoyed working on this video the music, the stunts, the dark atmosphere is all so fitting in my notion of stunting.The topic image was made by AllBeast if you couldn't tell already.

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Youtube icon will lead you to the youtube video with bad encoding, but for the love of god if you want to make a cool live video review, just download it from my google drive (click on the google drive icon)

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Template for review:
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF:
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND:
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND:
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND:
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: 
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND:
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM:
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND:
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND:
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND:
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF:
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF:



Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 03:00:51 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: NEM on May 15, 2021, 03:01:49 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Jason on May 15, 2021, 03:27:39 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Ezraph2001 on May 15, 2021, 03:34:29 AM

all i can say is astonishing
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: alieNboy on May 15, 2021, 03:42:06 AM
that opener :wub: amazing grinds you got there, I was expecting a little bit more big air stunts but can't say I was disappointed from what I see. my fav would be the wallride2bbprec :o loving the edit aswell
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on May 15, 2021, 03:50:19 AM
damn pure alien!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Srcry on May 15, 2021, 03:56:41 AM
Barney actually stunted with style, something very lacking with the approach to most of the stunts in this video in my eyes. Some nice grinds with out of this world rotation, but still nowhere near the level of fckR. The only maneuver in my eyes that came close to ripping stunting a new asshole had to be the tank ring grind. That was wild.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Sheep on May 15, 2021, 04:04:47 AM
Lost finisher Kapp

Well executed grinds and taxi stunt is not lamed which is nice.
I think pre-finisher choice was bad because that park gap 2 precision was really unexpected for me.

Editing was good with all cam angles and dark atmosphere.

Full review later.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Bixel on May 15, 2021, 04:07:24 AM
Barney actually stunted with style, something very lacking with the approach to most of the stunts in this video in my eyes. Some nice grinds with out of this world rotation, but still nowhere near the level of fckR. The only maneuver in my eyes that came close to ripping stunting a new asshole had to be the tank ring grind. That was wild.

oh yea the guy with the poped tire that can land any roof with pcj ? Lazies excuse for being a shitty tier modder. Dont dare compare him ever again to any of the dss line up, you are a laughable bitch for commenting in such a way
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: NEM on May 15, 2021, 04:18:01 AM
I mean, fckr even admitted modding to me multiple times and threatened me to either delete the stunts or he'd make a big fuss about it. I do believe Beast spent quite some time on the stunts and comparing him to someone who cuts corners is just not fair.

By the way I remember someone once mentioning that changing the handling in some way in VC makes grinding waaay easier and I wouldn't be surprised if that was fckr's case.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Artifex on May 15, 2021, 04:19:22 AM
 Well, hell. The tank stunt and finisher were really sicko  :o. I remember coming really close to the finisher myself. Overall the stunts are great, good job Beast.

The editing was not my taste at all but it felt very DSS-like. I don't get the Barney memes though, should've left that out.

Great vid overall
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Silw on May 15, 2021, 04:32:09 AM
This video was such a suprise for me today. You made me really laugh at the part with Barney‘s Head in that Easter Egg Building. Aswell on that double grind with Kingjad on the bike.  :lol: There were so much unexpected moments that got me and I thought no way this is gonna happen. I feel bad for Kingjad, you just killed his spot with something much cooler than just landing the prec on the ring. The finisher shocked me aswell, finally it‘s done. Don‘t know how much pain in the ass that was I‘ve tried it sometime but never came even close or couls get a good bump out of it. Editingwise it was very good the only thing I didn‘t liked about it was that there were too much blur effects. I think that it didn‘t fit well with this kind of song and I prefered here more rough effects that would carry the vibe of the song more.

I‘ll give this a 10/10 you killed it both.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Rainbow on May 15, 2021, 04:44:13 AM
Will do a full review later, but the whole macroing debate started over you prevented me from enjoying the video. That and being an asshole with the tank2ring in HECG. Good stunts, MO lost two I think, but I wish someone else had landed the finisher.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Jomra on May 15, 2021, 05:40:03 AM
Great video with some outstanding stunts like the tank grind or the finisher but I do agree with srcry about style. Really good stunts for the most part but I don't think this can compete with what Barney did and I don't know why you made this about Barney when it's your solo. The editing while being decent didn't really catch my attention and the song didn't do it for me either. If your goal was to crush Barney's level of stunting you didn't succeed but if your goal was to create a sick ass solo, probably one of the best we've seen the last years, then you sure did succeed with that. Good job mate.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 05:55:49 AM
Will do a full review later, but the whole macroing debate started over you prevented me from enjoying the video. That and being an asshole with the tank2ring in HECG. Good stunts, MO lost two I think, but I wish someone else had landed the finisher.
i didn't use macro in this video, but i used it in first landing in hecg
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on May 15, 2021, 05:58:42 AM

Doing live reviews is weird. My video recording bugged out near end so had to loop a bit frustratingly. But yah it's what AllBeast wanted.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: maXpoWer on May 15, 2021, 06:29:17 AM
gj bro they are really beautiful  :wub:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: SyperDimon on May 15, 2021, 06:33:12 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: legendz on May 15, 2021, 06:52:54 AM
Damn what a video :o Fucking nice stunting here Allbeast, I loved the majority of the stunts and as others mentioned the rhino grind, cabbie prec with that very unexpected execution and the finisher stood out. To be honest, I pretty much liked these too: opener, 1:04, 1:39, 2:16, 3:13, 4:00, 4:13 and 4:40. Editing was nice overall, it was enjoyable. Good job boys :mellow:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Ezraph2001 on May 15, 2021, 07:30:56 AM

I made this reaction video while my new room is almost done XDDDDD #spoiler
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: VacaLBH_ on May 15, 2021, 08:04:28 AM
What a nice vid!, all the stunts are top level, my favorite was the grind with the tank, simply spectacular, the edit & the song are very good too, nice job!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 08:29:15 AM

I made this reaction video while my new room is almost done XDDDDD #spoiler
too much cuts for live review, and some stunts cuted, but thank you
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 15, 2021, 08:30:14 AM
lol this guy landed all these stunts that easily top Monolith in less than 2 months with around 10h dedication a day for most of the stunts and some of you guys act like you have a horse dildo shoved somewhere deep down what the actual fuck of a toxic community (some of you) have become  :|

I wish someone else had landed the finisher.
The spot is more than a decade old, with probably 99% of GTAS knowing about it and at least half of the community tried it at least once. So your wish would've never been fulfilled if it wasn't for AllBeast  :cc_detective:
Why are you not as surprised right now, like for example at Daffy's finisher in the last WH vid? Where the spot was also as old as stunting and everyone knew about? Why you go personal about landed stunts? :neen:

Barney actually stunted with style, something very lacking with the approach to most of the stunts in this video in my eyes. Some nice grinds with out of this world rotation, but still nowhere near the level of fckR. The only maneuver in my eyes that came close to ripping stunting a new asshole had to be the tank ring grind. That was wild.

I wont even go in details about this post filled with salt. I'll just recommend to apply cold at the burn. You can read the first part of my post for more details. Keep believing that fckr is clean (while he admitted to modding) and keep doing them little grabbies, cheers  :)

I don't know why you made this about Barney when it's your solo.
lol dude exactly it's his fucking solo, he can do whatever the fuck he wants and he has the balls and the skills to do so. Mind you that AllBeast did (and keeps doing) much more for this community than Barney ever did, except for releasing couple of top solos, which as we can see got topped. It might not seem so with his attitude, but Beast fucking cares about this community and I think he shows it by constantly making stunting easier/accessible/convinient for everyone - his stunting repacks, different map mods that got converted or improved for stunting, HD VC/LC and so on and so forth.
AllBeast is a different beast, if you haven't noticed yet and if your player model gets raped or killed by him you should feel happy about it.

Really good stunts for the most part but I don't think this can compete with what Barney did
lol you really think so? Wallride to top bb landing - Barney landed it with gravity, Beast landed it clean. Finisher - Barney spot - Beast landed it in a matter of days. Not to mention the other standouts and unique style stunts that not only come close to Barney, but surpass his level. My suggestion is that you shouldnt hop on the "metoo" train and so easily believe some people above you that come to take their daily dump in a stunting thread with so much dedication involved, instead the OP and the stunter would be much more pleased if you did a full review/live reaction to express your thoughts on every stunt like they deserve.


You know my thoughts about the final result guys  ;D I'll do a review and a live reaction and promised tomorrow. Having a fever today

Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Aries on May 15, 2021, 09:21:43 AM
lol this guy landed all these stunts that easily top Monolith in less than 2 months with around 10h dedication a day for most of the stunts and some of you guys act like you have a horse dildo shoved somewhere deep down what the actual fuck of a toxic community (some of you) have become  :|

I wish someone else had landed the finisher.
The spot is more than a decade old, with probably 99% of GTAS knowing about it and at least half of the community tried it at least once. So your wish would've never been fulfilled if it wasn't for AllBeast  :cc_detective:
Why are you not as surprised right now, like for example at Daffy's finisher in the last WH vid? Where the spot was also as old as stunting and everyone knew about? Why you go personal about landed stunts? :neen:

Barney actually stunted with style, something very lacking with the approach to most of the stunts in this video in my eyes. Some nice grinds with out of this world rotation, but still nowhere near the level of fckR. The only maneuver in my eyes that came close to ripping stunting a new asshole had to be the tank ring grind. That was wild.

I wont even go in details about this post filled with salt. I'll just recommend to apply cold at the burn. You can read the first part of my post for more details. Keep believing that fckr is clean (while he admitted to modding) and keep doing them little grabbies, cheers  :)

I don't know why you made this about Barney when it's your solo.
lol dude exactly it's his fucking solo, he can do whatever the fuck he wants and he has the balls and the skills to do so. Mind you that AllBeast did (and keeps doing) much more for this community than Barney ever did, except for releasing couple of top solos, which as we can see got topped. It might not seem so with his attitude, but Beast fucking cares about this community and I think he shows it by constantly making stunting easier/accessible/convinient for everyone - his stunting repacks, different map mods that got converted or improved for stunting, HD VC/LC and so on and so forth.
AllBeast is a different beast, if you haven't noticed yet and if your player model gets raped or killed by him you should feel happy about it.

Really good stunts for the most part but I don't think this can compete with what Barney did
lol you really think so? Wallride to top bb landing - Barney landed it with gravity, Beast landed it clean. Finisher - Barney spot - Beast landed it in a matter of days. Not to mention the other standouts and unique style stunts that not only come close to Barney, but surpass his level. My suggestion is that you shouldnt hop on the "metoo" train and so easily believe some people above you that come to take their daily dump in a stunting thread with so much dedication involved, instead the OP and the stunter would be much more pleased if you did a full review/live reaction to express your thoughts on every stunt like they deserve.


You know my thoughts about the final result guys  ;D I'll do a review and a live reaction and promised tomorrow. Having a fever today

The only 2 people I've seen posting anything particularly toxic is Bixel and yourself.

Enjoyed the video, but also found the Barney fixation weird.

You're right, AllBeast can do whatever he wants, it his solo. Also, if someone doesn't like it then they are free to say that, without you being "Super AllBeast Defender" and resorting to bitchy little insults.

For everybody in this thread, keep it civil, we can all have different opinions here without acting like children.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 15, 2021, 09:33:23 AM

The only 2 people I've seen posting anything particularly toxic is Bixel and yourself.

Now I know some people have more sympathies to other people around here, which is normal like any other community, but tell me truthfully how would you feel if you spend many hours on a stunt (fuck, not any other stunt, a stunt that beats stunting) and you get a reaction like "I wish someone else landed it"? If that shit isn't toxic, then you shouldn't have any negative claims against my post.  ;)

For everybody in this thread, keep it civil, we can all have different opinions here without acting like children.

I agree about keeping it civil though, but some guys really try to spark a fire right from the first page. And these weren't opinions, more like straight up attacks affected by AllBeast's appearance and liking/disling him as a forum member, not judging and giving an opinion on the stunts

You're right, AllBeast can do whatever he wants, it his solo. Also, if someone doesn't like it then they are free to say that, without you being "Super AllBeast Defender" and resorting to bitchy little insults.
Dont put labels on me, and tell me what to do when someone else if clearly spitting on the hard work of a friend, ok? I never went with such attacks on videos produced by said guys and always try to keep a nice tone in their stunting threads. So please, said guys, be objective with your opinions if you want the same in return
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Aries on May 15, 2021, 09:41:06 AM

The only 2 people I've seen posting anything particularly toxic is Bixel and yourself.

Now I know some people have more sympathies to other people around here, which is normal like any other community, but tell me truthfully how would you feel if you spend many hours on a stunt (fuck, not any other stunt, a stunt that beats stunting) and you get a reaction like "I wish someone else landed it"? If that shit isn't toxic, then you shouldn't have any negative claims against my post.  ;)

For everybody in this thread, keep it civil, we can all have different opinions here without acting like children.

I agree about keeping it civil though, but some guys really try to spark a fire right from the first page.

I mean, it's not nice to say "I wish someone else landed it", I agree with you there. But at the same time, I spent years stunting and getting better, joined ATS and had people in the announcement thread saying how I wasn't good enough etc, so I know how it feels for people to shit on accomplishments, it's not nice but they are entitled to their opinion, it's a tough one dude.

Thanks for agreeing about keeping it civil, hopefully we can all do that.

AllBeast, the tank grind was sexy af, and some of the grinds, especially the exploding bike one, were sweeeeeet.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Plani on May 15, 2021, 10:00:44 AM
That tank grind is probably one of the best stunts ever landed. My hats off to you mr. I loved the triple grind on the boat too, so unexpected :) you are on another level right now. Song wasn't my taste but the editing was neat.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Minq on May 15, 2021, 10:09:15 AM
What great solo the tank circle grind and wallride 2 bb were my favorites.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: UndeadX on May 15, 2021, 10:25:36 AM
Definitely a good video but it would have been even better without all the hype and weird barney references in my opinion. To be honest, this video doesn't touch Monolith, but hats off for landing the rhino grind and the finisher as well as some of the other stunts. It's obvious you put a lot of work into the stunts so props for that
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Faiz on May 15, 2021, 10:28:07 AM
Holy shit ! this is truly a masterpiece/epic/legendary  -----My reaction  :

Yep! AllBeast worked so hard with his alien power he managed to land those inhuman stunts in just a very short time :D hat down  :cheernutz: :cheernutz: :cheernutz: ,  his skills is definitely bigger than luck XD :D , I Loved every single stunt, but what really special to point out are Rhino grind, PCJ wallride to BB prec, PCJ ramp to ramp to prec in LC park, Taxi double boost to prec , PCJ creative explosion double grind, and ofc finisher those are so innovative almost Impossible stunts which prove that " Impossible is nothing " to AllBeast hahahaha :D :jajaja: :D ,

Bixel's editting it's so awesome those GFX elements and those smooth transitions are very eye-catching along with the music give the feeling of modern but also very old-school

Overall: to see a solid quality VC stunting in the year 2021 it's just so precious I'm so satisfied, happy, grateful enjoyed it a lottttttt !!  Awesome job guys

Absolute 100/10
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 15, 2021, 10:40:38 AM

The only 2 people I've seen posting anything particularly toxic is Bixel and yourself.

Now I know some people have more sympathies to other people around here, which is normal like any other community, but tell me truthfully how would you feel if you spend many hours on a stunt (fuck, not any other stunt, a stunt that beats stunting) and you get a reaction like "I wish someone else landed it"? If that shit isn't toxic, then you shouldn't have any negative claims against my post.  ;)

For everybody in this thread, keep it civil, we can all have different opinions here without acting like children.

I agree about keeping it civil though, but some guys really try to spark a fire right from the first page.

I mean, it's not nice to say "I wish someone else landed it", I agree with you there. But at the same time, I spent years stunting and getting better, joined ATS and had people in the announcement thread saying how I wasn't good enough etc, so I know how it feels for people to shit on accomplishments, it's not nice but they are entitled to their opinion, it's a tough one dude.
I see where you are coming from, but you compare 2 different things. One opinion, is more personal attack, the other is opinion regarding a level of stunting. And while 50 ft BSMs weren't that much of an eye catcher even in 2005, I do agree that everyone is entitled on their opinion and I also express my opinion on their opinion, so whats the problem?
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: TurBo on May 15, 2021, 10:40:53 AM
Phenomenal solo if done cleanly, always appreciated your help to me with stuff I required and having known you for a while I know exactly what type of dedication you put into your craft. I will leave it at that as I better not provide my opinion regarding all of the pettiness and childish shit-throwing as well as the insecurity on display as to not soil the topic further.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: MV on May 15, 2021, 11:14:06 AM
Futile comparisons previously mentioned aside, what an incredible video. Hats off for the fact that someone finally landed that finisher.. I was kind of expecting it due to the hype. Loved the wallride2bb prec, double grind with stuck infy (didn't see that second one coming at all, nice work Bixel), cabbie prec, finisher & pre-finisher.

Atmosphere encapsulated by the weather, CC, editing and song choice was spot on. Definitely did these stunts justice :ajaja: great work.

Didn't see the Barney stuff overdone tho, let allbeast have fun
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 11:33:46 AM
Phenomenal solo if done cleanly, always appreciated your help to me with stuff I required and having known you for a while I know exactly what type of dedication you put into your craft. I will leave it at that as I better not provide my opinion regarding all of the pettiness and childish shit-throwing as well as the insecurity on display as to not soil the topic further.
i will not say, what i want say to stay nice and cool

Futile comparisons previously mentioned aside, what an incredible video. Hats off for the fact that someone finally landed that finisher.. I was kind of expecting it due to the hype. Loved the wallride2bb prec, double grind with stuck infy (didn't see that second one coming at all, nice work Bixel), cabbie prec, finisher & pre-finisher.

Atmosphere encapsulated by the weather, CC, editing and song choice was spot on. Definitely did these stunts justice :ajaja: great work.

Didn't see the Barney stuff overdone tho, let allbeast have fun
thank you
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on May 15, 2021, 11:34:43 AM
I mean if anyone has a right to be a bit annoyed about the video, isn't it me?

But my live reactions were exactly that, some stunts I enjoyed seeing and it's a very good stunt video. For some reason the rhino grind hasn't struck me as much as I think it should. Beast was wanting to be the very best and the video is a very solid effort, but for whatever reason it's not been as powerful on me as he maybe would've wanted it to be.

I don't believe Barney or me were necessary to have cameos in this for people to be impressed with some of the stunts. This is a video where the quality of stunts are capable of doing all the talking but because of the type of personality allbeast has, splits people on here from admiration to anger.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 11:40:29 AM
I mean if anyone has a right to be a bit annoyed about the video, isn't it me?

But my live reactions were exactly that, some stunts I enjoyed seeing and it's a very good stunt video. For some reason the rhino grind hasn't struck me as much as I think it should. Beast was wanting to be the very best and the video is a very solid effort, but for whatever reason it's not been as powerful on me as he maybe would've wanted it to be.

I don't believe Barney or me were necessary to have cameos in this for people to be impressed with some of the stunts. This is a video where the quality of stunts are capable of doing all the talking but because of the type of personality allbeast has, splits people on here from admiration to anger.
people make only one bad thing, take everything too much serious, i have fun, but people don't, it is like i cuted their balls and don't give them back, they really looking like that for me
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: jooker on May 15, 2021, 11:56:09 AM
Holy shit.
This was brutal, loved every bit of it, well done man! :a-cheer:
Happy to see that wallride2bb finally landed, pre-finisher was my favourite.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: ARS on May 15, 2021, 01:30:27 PM
I will be short, wallride to prec, tank grind, finisher, zebra boost with prec and grinds with spins/bonks were crazy, loved all stuff from the video, every stunt was executed well and fully what i really respect! All i can say that Barney is Barney and Beast is The Beast, this video is not beat Barney's video, because this video is different and style is different, but still, the level of skill and ideas is on same place, both of them are too good in this game.
here is live video i did specially for AllBeast, there is no eng subs, but if someone interested in see my ugly face, u r welcome xd
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: MaCi on May 15, 2021, 03:01:34 PM
First reaction :)
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 03:23:42 PM
thanks everyone for reaction, really loved them
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: luli guy on May 15, 2021, 03:40:39 PM
this video is definitely better than monolith, it just had more impact because it was released in 2010

damn kids, did allbeat offend your mama?  :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on May 15, 2021, 04:11:56 PM
this video is definitely better than monolith, it just had more impact because it was released in 2010

damn kids, did allbeat offend your mama?  :lol:
I'm sorry I can't conform to your feelings, I guess?

I was very complimentary, in case you missed it. But I stand by my comments - it didn't make me feel like other videos did. Both from back in the day, and in more modern times. But this will be subjective.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Srcry on May 15, 2021, 04:14:03 PM
Looks like the DSS cheerleading squad is salty that not everyone agrees with the face melting factor of the video. If this video "pwns Barney" in your eyes, that's cool, no one is going to change your mind and that's fine. When Barney released videos, was he ever trying to "pwn Allbeast"? Or was he just landing and grinding things in ways that people never saw coming at all because it came naturally to him.

Why not just land hard stunts for the sheer enjoyment of it? Do you people really care about who's "the best"? All rhetorical questions really. This post is just rhetorical, no need to respond to it. :D

edit in response to below: You've done a fantastic job of trolling, and I will admit maybe I myself am the one taking things too seriously. :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 04:18:59 PM
Looks like the DSS cheerleading squad is salty that not everyone agrees with the face melting factor of the video. If this video "pwns Barney" in your eyes, that's cool, no one is going to change your mind and that's fine. When Barney released videos, was he ever trying to "pwn Allbeast"? Or was he just landing and grinding things in ways that people never saw coming at all because it came naturally to him.

Why not just land hard stunts for the sheer enjoyment of it? Do you people really care about who's "the best"? All rhetorical questions really. This post is just rhetorical, no need to respond to it. :D
why take this so serious?
it is just fucking game, and my trolling, was just for fun
if anyone can say that he or she can produce something better, come on do it, and maybe i will even become guest in that video
i cuted Barney head, but you guys started bitching, like i cuted real head from someone near to yours heart
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on May 15, 2021, 04:26:35 PM
Alright, I get wanting to own Barney (seen by many as 'the best') by taking his head.

But what the fuck do I have to do with anything haha
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on May 15, 2021, 05:20:53 PM
Looks like the DSS cheerleading squad is salty that not everyone agrees with the face melting factor of the video. If this video "pwns Barney" in your eyes, that's cool, no one is going to change your mind and that's fine. When Barney released videos, was he ever trying to "pwn Allbeast"? Or was he just landing and grinding things in ways that people never saw coming at all because it came naturally to him.

Why not just land hard stunts for the sheer enjoyment of it? Do you people really care about who's "the best"? All rhetorical questions really. This post is just rhetorical, no need to respond to it. :D
why take this so serious?
it is just fucking game, and my trolling, was just for fun
if anyone can say that he or she can produce something better, come on do it, and maybe i will even become guest in that video
i cuted Barney head, but you guys started bitching, like i cuted real head from someone near to yours heart

The solo was great, I know it in the first place that all the hype was troll and joke, I find some barney (respect) fanboy bitching about the hype it made.

anyway great solo and looking forward for another one. I'm gonna be a good guy for now temporarily
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: FIGHTER on May 15, 2021, 05:50:48 PM
lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later (
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Gryzlek on May 15, 2021, 06:50:16 PM
Cool easter heads eggs and really good stuff all around, all the double/triple grinds in particular were great but i have to point out that tank grind. fucking ridiculous, had me laughing while watching it. Ever since seeing BK grind about 1/3 of the ring i've been wanting to see it grinded fully but i never would've thought it'd be done with a motherfucking tank, upside down. Truly only an alien could some up with that idea and figure out that it's something feasible to try too. And of course congrats for nailing the "holy grail" of LC.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Max_ on May 15, 2021, 10:32:38 PM
you did hype the video up by a lot so it's a given that my expectations would not be met easily, after all it's subjective
but there were good stunts throughout, standouts were lc ship triple grind, the finisher and rhino grind (which I thought was a fluke at first)
I was not a fan of the grabs after some stunts to avoid bailing, some old stunts felt out of place like kingjads grind (I get that you included that just for the sake of blowing up kingjad but it just decreased the quality of the video overall) and the barney references didn't do it for me
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: .Dakar on May 15, 2021, 10:35:18 PM
Pretty cool solo beast  :mellow:
I love that tank grind and that runup on the ice cream factory was cool
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 15, 2021, 10:51:21 PM
Cool easter heads eggs and really good stuff all around, all the double/triple grinds in particular were great but i have to point out that tank grind. fucking ridiculous, had me laughing while watching it. Ever since seeing BK grind about 1/3 of the ring i've been wanting to see it grinded fully but i never would've thought it'd be done with a motherfucking tank, upside down. Truly only an alien could some up with that idea and figure out that it's something feasible to try too. And of course congrats for nailing the "holy grail" of LC.
thanks, i was trying to be with tank position during grind, upsidedown too, something like this (

lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later (
nice, good work

you did hype the video up by a lot so it's a given that my expectations would not be met easily, after all it's subjective
but there were good stunts throughout, standouts were lc ship triple grind, the finisher and rhino grind (which I thought was a fluke at first)
I was not a fan of the grabs after some stunts to avoid bailing, some old stunts felt out of place like kingjads grind (I get that you included that just for the sake of blowing up kingjad but it just decreased the quality of the video overall) and the barney references didn't do it for me
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video
it was my old idea from 2011, and DSS know that
i have old clip too with that idea from 2016, when started try it again (

I liked how many people understood "right" the words in the logo correctly, and trying to fuck me as hard as possible
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 16, 2021, 12:08:54 AM
0:09-0:17 PCJ PSM 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRABP: You landed it with bail before, its a cool way to do a grab at the end. Its imposs not to bail and stucking on the grind is probably not an option with such a huge speed. So gj, a worthy opener
0:18-0:33 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 GRIND: 2nd time someone lands this grind in a new way. It seems hard to get this one cause the model itself is invisible and its higher than the texture of the fence.
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF: Huge ass BSMs are your trademark. Love the krails in the air. Massive stunt
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Awesome combo, I like how you hit the ice cream ball and rotates you just in the right direction for the ledge grind
0:51-0:57 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: An improvement with the further ledge grind and a fast as fuck airgrab. The rotation between the two grinds makes it even sweeter.
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Owned Daffy here. Great execution.
1:07-1:22 TAXI BOOST 2 BOOST 2 PRECISION: Unexpected twist. One of the best taxi stunts to this day.
1:23-1:38 PCJ GRIND 2 EXPLOSION 2 GRIND: Unique idea much better than a csm there. The master of stunts with explosions. Also shows that you are supposed to bail at the end with such speed
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND: Respect+ for grinding this uphill grind until the end. Slowly but surely. Top
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: fuck! just fuck! Not sliding off is a pain in the butt and you nailed it perfectly. Now I dont think there are any new natural ways left to land this roof, this was the final boss.
2:04-2:11 PCJ FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: The texture at the transition from the first grind to the 2nd makes the stunt hard cause you basically dont see where the 2nd grind is.
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND: One of the best stunts landed. As a tank whore I admire your unique way of thinking about stunts. You told us that its possible to do one or two more circles around but the replay would be cut short. But I think 1 full circle is more than enough. I like how you turn the turret sideways while doing the grind. Flawless!
2:38-3:00 PCJ BUMP 2 BONK 2 GRIND 2 BACKWARD GRIND: crazy spins before the grind. And the actual grind was NUTS! Going uphill then downhill. Awesome idea.
3:01-3:12 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: another stunt that owns Barney, the ledge grind addition at the end  makes the stunt complete in every aspect. Starting from the ground and finishing on the ground.
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM: Oh yeah this was my idea xD im surprised you managed to land it so fast.
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND: Unexpected surprise with the transition to the 2nd grind.
3:42-3:50 PCJ KINGJAD IN FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: Stunting lesson with AllBeast - how to properly do a double grind there.
3:51-4:00 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 BILLBOARD: Another stunt that ownd Barney. Looks so much better without grav mods! Also one of the stand outs in the video.
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND: FUCKING HELL! I really love this one - the distance, the first grind, the spins in the air before the 2nd grind. Another flawless and VERY-VERY-VERY beautiful stunt.
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND: I love transverse grinds. They add that extra bit of hardness and good lookingness to the stunt.
4:25-4:47 PCJ RAMP 2 RAMP 2 PRECISION: From the entrance right to the very end of the park - a walk in the park done right. I dig the spins at the landing on the fence.
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF: one of your oldest spots in this video. I remember you showed me this in like 2012 or something. Glad you managed to land it. Very tricky angle and runup.
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF: And you totally owned Barney with this one. Totally worth the finisher, and you really took off the burden of this stunt from anyone ever trying it and failing to land it either on the roof itself or at its edge. A true beast

Stunts: As I stated earlier the stunts were landed in a matter of 2-3 months. AllBeast is one dedicated motherfucker and is very good at his craft - and that is owning every stunt he ever tries. There were many times where other crew members were in doubt that AllBeast could land a particular stunt, and in the next day BOOOM - there you go. He takes any challenge, and for the time that he accomplished this solo I really do think it tops Monolith.
Beast can land both technical and big air stunts, in this video the grinds and technical stuff were slightly more than the big airs, and that is one of the reasons some of you expected more "air" probably.

Intro: Bix never fails to deliver short cool intros with cool effects and use of 3D. I like the look of the alien model and how you rendered it and mixed it with the DSS logo.
Main: Smooth camera movements, great cam angles and use of effects and transitions. Cool easter eggs as well (its Bixel's trademark to place them all around in a video). Also good song choice that fits the stunts.
Outro: Calm and spacey ending of the video. Cool song choice.

Overall: Overall, this video tops Monoloth, until Barney returns with another solo. Until then AllBeast is today's active Barney. GG WP NO RE, end of story.  :ninja:

I also did a live reaction, will upload it soon.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Bixel on May 16, 2021, 01:32:23 AM
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video

this stunt had nothing to do with you, even I tryed it for Morgoth, we had it in the spot section for a while now, nobody even mentioned you or knew you had the idea. Also i asked Beast to land it and had the edit on hold for the 2 stunts before finisher.  Also mad respect for landing it, its a really REALLY hard stunt.

lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later

Shouldn't have kept it for 2 years, rush yar editors more :D
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Arnax on May 16, 2021, 01:37:17 AM
Great ideas, perfect executions, tank grind is one the best stunts  ever.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Skuller on May 16, 2021, 02:29:36 AM
Impossible is nothing indeed!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: FIGHTER on May 16, 2021, 03:41:17 AM
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video

this stunt had nothing to do with you, even I tryed it for Morgoth, we had it in the spot section for a while now, nobody even mentioned you or knew you had the idea. Also i asked Beast to land it and had the edit on hold for the 2 stunts before finisher.  Also mad respect for landing it, its a really REALLY hard stunt.

lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later

Shouldn't have kept it for 2 years, rush yar editors more :D

its not THAT special though, so im ok with it. Landed it in hour or so :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Rainbow on May 16, 2021, 04:14:54 AM
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video

this stunt had nothing to do with you, even I tryed it for Morgoth, we had it in the spot section for a while now, nobody even mentioned you or knew you had the idea. Also i asked Beast to land it and had the edit on hold for the 2 stunts before finisher.  Also mad respect for landing it, its a really REALLY hard stunt.
What does that have to do with anything? If I am trying a stunt and then I hear/see that you landed it I stop trying it, that's just what you do. You don't start trying to land it even harder so you can release it before the other person.

Now for a review of the stunts

0:09-0:17 PCJ PSM 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: Nice to see the grind, dislike the fact that you needed an airgrab though which kind of ruins it for me personally. Think you had better openers for the video as well but it's solid.
0:18-0:33 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 GRIND: I'd have preferred it if you kept the original textures, I like seeing that invisible grind. Again, just personal opinion. Nice grind.
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF: Knew this was possible from a fluke attempt trying the BSM from Feron, cool to see it done. When it comes to a classic BSM2roof you seem to be the man to beat for sure and it cannot be an Allbeast video without one  :cc_detective:
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Great doublegrind, really enjoyed seeing it!
0:51-0:57 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: Again great doublegrind, think I even like this one better except for the airgrab which I didn't like. Looking at the way you landed I'm not even sure if you would've bailed, those backwards landings against walls often result in a landing.
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: I thought this was old at first but then when I really started thinking about it I don't think it is. Second grind wasn't the cleanest with the backwheel grind but it is a great stunt nonetheless. Nice job  :jajaja:
1:07-1:22 TAXI BOOST 2 BOOST 2 PRECISION: Personally my favorite stunt of the video, not just because it is a boost. I tried (and 'landed' with a hop on the roof) a precision on the first roof from this boost and sometimes on a fluke attempt I'd get a similar attempt as you, actually fell off the precision you landed once. Were you actually going for this one or were you trying the first roof? Doesn't really matter though since it's epic. I was sure I was going to lose a stunt but instead my stunt got destroyed  :euro: Well done, weeeelll done.
1:23-1:38 PCJ GRIND 2 EXPLOSION 2 GRIND: Very creative idea, loved it. Did you use a grenade to set it on fire? Since that happened while you were on the bike and I didn't see you shoot.
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND: Not a fan of this, feels too simple but it's probably harder than it looks. Didn't one of the Chinese stunters do this before or am I mistaken?
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: Great old spot, very good job!  :a-cheer: Don't like how the camera angle didn't show the stunt too well in my opinion but I have played this game long enough to know exactly what it is.
2:04-2:11 PCJ FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: Bailed this grind a few times in 5-10 minutes a few years back but didn't like how it looked with the collision you have to fall through. Camera angle and the fire made it look somewhat nice though but I'm not a fan. Not the same standard as some of the stunts before in this video.
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND: I want to preface this by saying what you did with HECG wasn't funny. You might've not taken it very seriously or were just 'trolling' but that just not nice man and you probably understand that. Dick move. Having said that, this tank grind is awesome  :jajaja: If it wasn't for the unexpected taxi landing this would probably be my favorite. How many times did you grind it before you got the full circle?
2:38-3:00 PCJ BUMP 2 BONK 2 GRIND 2 BACKWARD GRIND: Didn't like it much. Not the full grind, even though I understand that's impossible from here. Guess I just dislike the spot/idea but the execution of it was nice.
3:01-3:12 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Great execution and a great stunt, really liked it. Great job  :)
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM: Kind of meh to be honest. Feel like you just put this in for the Barney meme but the stunting level decreased because of it. This is credits material not the impossible is nothing kind of theme you were shooting for.
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND: Two old stunts in a row isn't very exciting, sorry. Stylish way to avoid going into the water with that spin at the end I'll give you that.
3:42-3:50 PCJ KINGJAD IN FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: Again just a meme, stunting level decreased because of it.
3:51-4:00 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 BILLBOARD: Sadly Fighter lost it as you saw, think it took him around 30-40 minutes. Guess we can still use it anyway because why not. And all the DSS people saying Barney needed gravmod to land it, he actually started one staircase further back IIRC which is completely impossible without gravmod. Regardless this is much better anyway, great job on landing it  :) And nice execution.
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND: Awesome stuff. Really old idea that I don't think anyone really tried. Was a nice surprise to see it in here, very very nice! And such a nice execution as well.
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND: Looks a bit like a standard ramp2grind, nice stunt but too simple as a stunt and idea compared to other stunts.
4:25-4:47 PCJ RAMP 2 RAMP 2 PRECISION: What were you actually trying to land here? The house? I was expecting something to happen and the entire combo ended on a random looking wall. I get that it would be hard to land or redo but it felt like a fluke that happened when you were trying something else. Good stunt I guess but didn't like it for that reason.
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF: If you knew Max had landed this and went out to land it regardless just to release it before him that's just another dick move. I prefer his execution too sadly. Good job on landing it since it seems quite hard but meh.
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF: Godlike stunt, nothing else to say about it really. I never tried it much, maybe 3 hours total or so and had a few good attempts but I never enjoyed trying it. Do you have any replays saved of good attempts you had? Would love to see a bail montage of this with the landing at the end, would make an entertaining video  :jajaja: Again, sick job on this stunt must've taken quite a long time to land. I don't take my earlier words about it back though.

Stunts: 9/10 I think. It was a combination of really really good stuff combined with filler/credits/meme stunts. Luckily there were more good stunts than those others.

Editing: I really enjoyed the editing in terms of effects, transitions and colors. Really felt like a good production and I didn't see anything I didn't like in those departments. You worked with the song nicely, just great job. The one thing I didn't like were the camera angles though since every angle felt the same. Very static, always the same distance to the bike, etc. Couldn't have hurt to sometimes back the camera up a bit or use some rotation. And personally I have never been a fan of the Beast/Terminator kind of player models when it comes to watching stunt videos because it just looks weird to me but it didn't really impact me as much in this video. It's part of the story of the Beast now and I don't want to see a video of you with a regular Tommy model anymore  :neen:

Overall: I kind of expected a lot because of the enormous amount of hype surrounding it, and a few of the stunts do life up to the hype but quite a lot of the more simple grinds (and the meme stunts) didn't. Combined with the HECG and prefinisher situation I just enjoyed the video less than I could've. I also don't get the DSS circlejerk about this being better than Monolith/Homunculus, just drop it it's sad. This is a awesome solo from Allbeast and it should just be seen as such. It's awesome and it rocks. You landed some amazing stunts, the song was great and the editing was nice. Will definitely rewatch it a bunch over time  :ajaja:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Skuller on May 16, 2021, 04:15:17 AM
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video

this stunt had nothing to do with you, even I tryed it for Morgoth, we had it in the spot section for a while now, nobody even mentioned you or knew you had the idea. Also i asked Beast to land it and had the edit on hold for the 2 stunts before finisher.  Also mad respect for landing it, its a really REALLY hard stunt.

lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later

Shouldn't have kept it for 2 years, rush yar editors more :D

its not THAT special though, so im ok with it. Landed it in hour or so :lol:
Would like to comfirm only: Both dropbump and bb landing were entirely his spots as far as I know. He had no idea that bb stunt was already old from you but unreleased so he just landed it and at the end his stunt happened to be released first.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: NEM on May 16, 2021, 04:26:08 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Omma! on May 16, 2021, 05:24:03 AM
I don't know whats up with all the drama going on and  I don't get it.
The video was badass as I expected, better than Barney solos? Personal taste, it sure is on the same level.
My personal favorite stunts were that zebra boost at 1:20 (totally didn't expect the 2nd boost), and that precision at 4:44, really seems a pain in the ass to land. Of course the finisher aswell, finally this spot has been landed, perfect execution  :cc_detective:
Overall really high level of stunt with great grinds, props for pulling this off.
Music choice was not my taste but I really liked the editing, gave that extra badass feeling to the video gj Bixel.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: FTO on May 16, 2021, 06:31:58 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Scavenger on May 16, 2021, 06:33:55 AM
Bruh  :o that tank grind is sick and that finisher is brutal  ;D
Nice solo  ;D
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 16, 2021, 06:35:15 AM
thanks everyone for bad and good comments, let's make atleast 20 page topic
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 16, 2021, 08:38:04 AM

It turns out when I record on full screen youtube the video becomes laggy, oh well, "enjoy" different frames and the sound after the intro of the live reaction  :lol:

Heres a real life picture of the logo to compensate for that:
( (
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on May 16, 2021, 08:57:44 AM
Is tee top of pre finisher possible? Or no?
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: luli guy on May 16, 2021, 09:03:42 AM
Is tee top of pre finisher possible? Or no?

what he landed was barely possible, so no
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Bixel on May 16, 2021, 09:36:00 AM
Is tee top of pre finisher possible? Or no?
probably if you pop your front tyre you can land the higher building behind
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 16, 2021, 09:40:47 AM
Is tee top of pre finisher possible? Or no?
probably if you pop your front tyre you can land the higher building behind

Cheers for the good joke
( (
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 16, 2021, 09:47:27 AM
Is tee top of pre finisher possible? Or no?
i think Barney, if will return, will do that
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: FIGHTER on May 16, 2021, 12:41:10 PM
also the fact that you landed the pre-finisher just so you could release it before me as you knew I landed that stunt a while ago and planned it for a video doesn't help with my perception of this video

this stunt had nothing to do with you, even I tryed it for Morgoth, we had it in the spot section for a while now, nobody even mentioned you or knew you had the idea. Also i asked Beast to land it and had the edit on hold for the 2 stunts before finisher.  Also mad respect for landing it, its a really REALLY hard stunt.

lost the BB stunt, landed it in 2019, wil do a review later

Shouldn't have kept it for 2 years, rush yar editors more :D

its not THAT special though, so im ok with it. Landed it in hour or so :lol:
Would like to comfirm only: Both dropbump and bb landing were entirely his spots as far as I know. He had no idea that bb stunt was already old from you but unreleased so he just landed it and at the end his stunt happened to be released first.

oh, i didnt mean it that way, the spot was solid but obvious, so im suprised its released in 21.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: PM on May 16, 2021, 01:33:05 PM
best solo ever for me
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Turok on May 16, 2021, 02:14:56 PM
Big props for the finisher man! I've never tried this spot but I've seen enough bails and sad lads throughout the years to know how nerve wracking it can be. My favorites were the cabbie double boost near the vc construction site and the prefinisher (gotta love that packer runup extension). The amount of double and tripple grinds was unexpected but I loved it! Great touch of variety and style. All in all happy to be a team mate of such a skilled relic that you are.  :euro: :cheernutz:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 16, 2021, 02:20:27 PM
best solo ever for me
i thinked everyone will say that, but looks not this time, thank you

Big props for the finisher man! I've never tried this spot but I've seen enough bails and sad lads throughout the years to know how nerve wracking it can be. My favorites were the cabbie double boost near the vc construction site and the prefinisher (gotta love that packer runup extension). The amount of double and tripple grinds was unexpected but I loved it! Great touch of variety and style. All in all happy to be a team mate of such a skilled relic that you are.  :euro: :cheernutz:
thank you

i wanted to see more live reaction, because when someone really see something first time emotionals are the best
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Ruiner on May 16, 2021, 04:04:40 PM
Astonishing 10/10 :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Turok on May 17, 2021, 08:01:39 AM
best solo ever for me
i thinked everyone will say that, but looks not this time, thank you

Big props for the finisher man! I've never tried this spot but I've seen enough bails and sad lads throughout the years to know how nerve wracking it can be. My favorites were the cabbie double boost near the vc construction site and the prefinisher (gotta love that packer runup extension). The amount of double and tripple grinds was unexpected but I loved it! Great touch of variety and style. All in all happy to be a team mate of such a skilled relic that you are.  :euro: :cheernutz:
thank you

i wanted to see more live reaction, because when someone really see something first time emotionals are the best

That's true man. I've noticed that many stunters started doing it in the last one or two years and it looks very fun but I'm just too busy lately to even consider doing it. I had to watch your solo from the toilet  :lol: I can only assure you that I'll be rewatching it many more times because it's just so good in all aspects.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: bumpinghegehog on May 17, 2021, 08:50:38 AM
Would do a live reaction for you but i've seen it about 10 times now so yeah..
Dude.. this video is the best solo i've seen in a loooooong time! I am so damn impressed! The absolute mindblowing stunts, this sick soundtrack and this editing man... i dont personaly know you but man i love you.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 17, 2021, 08:55:59 AM
Would do a live reaction for you but i've seen it about 10 times now so yeah..
Dude.. this video is the best solo i've seen in a loooooong time! I am so damn impressed! The absolute mindblowing stunts, this sick soundtrack and this editing man... i dont personaly know you but man i love you.
thanks, atleast you can make review style reaction, and say what you think or what can be maked better maybe, anyway everything up to, i like read good comments, and when i see bad comments, i make check to my deathlist notepad
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: burn on May 17, 2021, 02:36:31 PM
Hi there ! Here is my review from Twitch ! Goodjob AllBeast and Bixel
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 17, 2021, 03:00:53 PM
Hi there ! Here is my review from Twitch ! Goodjob AllBeast and Bixel
thanks, that was unexpected to see live review from you

i can say you have fast eyes and good brain, nice
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Bixel on May 17, 2021, 05:27:55 PM
Hi there ! Here is my review from Twitch ! Goodjob AllBeast and Bixel
Thank you, means alot  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: kaneda on May 19, 2021, 02:44:03 AM
At a point in time when doing a solo is becoming a more daunting task, this vid shows it's not impossible - that didn't start out as a pun on the title by the way, but it turns out it was.

Some really creative grinds were the standout for me. A little disappointing that some ended with a saving grab - these are probably intentional, but it detracts just a teeny bit. However, there are also a tonne that are slick and well-executed. Some schmick taxi stuff in there to give the vid a bit of variety, and one insane Rhino stunt that looks like a serendipitous chain of events but also looks like it was by design - whatever the case it looked cool as shit.

While edited nicely, the music just didn't do it for me. I know this is a personal thing, and others most likely thought the music was bitching (do kids still say 'bitching'?), but it felt...dare I say it - outdated. There was a time when just about every vid released had this style of music (hell, I was in several), so for me the screeching ear-rape has gotten a little...well...irritating. Again - personal preference. The editing itself, removed from the music was energetic and couple the energy of the stunts with the energy of the music nicely. I normally don't like the super long angles, but they were incorporated well here.

High energy, nice creativity...just a little loud.

P.S. While I'm not going to get too involved in the negative vitriol that's kinda crept into this thread, I have to say that it's a little disappointing. This is all meant to be fun...right? Remember that we're a community, and the world really doesn't need another toxic gaming community that people just get fed up with. Ya bunch of wankers!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 19, 2021, 06:37:28 AM
At a point in time when doing a solo is becoming a more daunting task, this vid shows it's not impossible - that didn't start out as a pun on the title by the way, but it turns out it was.

Some really creative grinds were the standout for me. A little disappointing that some ended with a saving grab - these are probably intentional, but it detracts just a teeny bit. However, there are also a tonne that are slick and well-executed. Some schmick taxi stuff in there to give the vid a bit of variety, and one insane Rhino stunt that looks like a serendipitous chain of events but also looks like it was by design - whatever the case it looked cool as shit.

While edited nicely, the music just didn't do it for me. I know this is a personal thing, and others most likely thought the music was bitching (do kids still say 'bitching'?), but it felt...dare I say it - outdated. There was a time when just about every vid released had this style of music (hell, I was in several), so for me the screeching ear-rape has gotten a little...well...irritating. Again - personal preference. The editing itself, removed from the music was energetic and couple the energy of the stunts with the energy of the music nicely. I normally don't like the super long angles, but they were incorporated well here.

High energy, nice creativity...just a little loud.

P.S. While I'm not going to get too involved in the negative vitriol that's kinda crept into this thread, I have to say that it's a little disappointing. This is all meant to be fun...right? Remember that we're a community, and the world really doesn't need another toxic gaming community that people just get fed up with. Ya bunch of wankers!
thanks for good words i think

and wanted say to everyone, all stunts was made like i want, no flukes or something, i tried what i want and maded what i try

funny to see some disapointing in people minds, but i think most of stunters getting borred of stunting and can't more enjoy by stunts, because i really don't know how even make something more difficult than this to make anything even better, i have some ideas, but they to much hardcore, and i think even if i would land them, people will dissapointed, it is funny and sad at same time
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: NEM on May 19, 2021, 07:22:00 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 19, 2021, 07:41:05 AM
thanks, good review with some nice thinking
about 1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF
it wasn't made with sanchez in that way, it was made in different way
you can see it there
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: NEM on May 19, 2021, 07:42:12 AM
Yeah thats the video! Good effort then Beast! :euro:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: SkilZ on May 19, 2021, 07:48:23 AM
Definitely one of the best solo ever

You were a real machine for this video

My favorite stunts are the BSM at 0:47 (I had tried it for Eradicate but no luck: :D ), double boost 2 prec, the grind + explosion + grind at 1:40, the rhino grind of course, the triple grind on the boat, the double grind at 4:14, the pre-finisher and of course the finisher who completely destroys LC

For the editing Bixel really did a good job I liked the song was really cool the songs of Arch Enemy are not easy to edit imo

Great job both of you guys
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on May 19, 2021, 10:26:12 AM
At a point in time when doing a solo is becoming a more daunting task, this vid shows it's not impossible - that didn't start out as a pun on the title by the way, but it turns out it was.

Some really creative grinds were the standout for me. A little disappointing that some ended with a saving grab - these are probably intentional, but it detracts just a teeny bit. However, there are also a tonne that are slick and well-executed. Some schmick taxi stuff in there to give the vid a bit of variety, and one insane Rhino stunt that looks like a serendipitous chain of events but also looks like it was by design - whatever the case it looked cool as shit.

While edited nicely, the music just didn't do it for me. I know this is a personal thing, and others most likely thought the music was bitching (do kids still say 'bitching'?), but it felt...dare I say it - outdated. There was a time when just about every vid released had this style of music (hell, I was in several), so for me the screeching ear-rape has gotten a little...well...irritating. Again - personal preference. The editing itself, removed from the music was energetic and couple the energy of the stunts with the energy of the music nicely. I normally don't like the super long angles, but they were incorporated well here.

High energy, nice creativity...just a little loud.

P.S. While I'm not going to get too involved in the negative vitriol that's kinda crept into this thread, I have to say that it's a little disappointing. This is all meant to be fun...right? Remember that we're a community, and the world really doesn't need another toxic gaming community that people just get fed up with. Ya bunch of wankers!
thanks for good words i think

and wanted say to everyone, all stunts was made like i want, no flukes or something, i tried what i want and maded what i try

funny to see some disapointing in people minds, but i think most of stunters getting borred of stunting and can't more enjoy by stunts, because i really don't know how even make something more difficult than this to make anything even better, i have some ideas, but they to much hardcore, and i think even if i would land them, people will dissapointed, it is funny and sad at same time

What a conclusion  :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on May 19, 2021, 10:40:43 AM
i have some ideas, but they to much hardcore, and i think even if i would land them, people will dissapointed, it is funny and sad at same time

Amen to that :sleep:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 20, 2021, 01:55:49 AM
ok, made my long ass live "reaction"
talked some back story about all stunts, which i remmebered, that's why it is that long
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Krypton on May 21, 2021, 07:06:39 AM
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 21, 2021, 08:44:57 AM
thanks, best review i even seen, really liked part where you hoped from chair and then thrown apple to monitor
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Erney on May 22, 2021, 02:41:17 PM

Sometimes my voice is too quiet, I've set music too loud. Hope you will hear what I'm talking anyway  :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 22, 2021, 03:30:20 PM

Sometimes my voice is too quiet, I've set music too loud. Hope you will hear what I'm talking anyway  :lol:
thanks, i probably understand everything
can you send me link and time from which history of violence stunt you was talking about, will be nice to see
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Reynard The Fox on May 23, 2021, 05:04:30 AM
What will poor Barney think if he happens to visit the forum and looks at the frontpage? Your tendency to use and abuse other people's skins and player models remind me of a certain episode of Black Mirror. Anyways...

I really loved the video and there were some truly amazing stunts in there. I disliked the two double grind variations at Cherry Poppers. The ship grind combo was great, but these kinds of stunts never seem very eventful to me.

The best stunt was the tank grind, which immediately lands in the category legendary for me. It also is nice that you went around exactly once. The double grind assisted by a stuck infernus that started at the airport was amazing. I remember I tried getting the first grind back in the day which was already not very easy. The park combo was also amazing as you cleared the whole park in one go! The finisher was amazing for me as this once again a spot that everybody has tried atleast once (and probably got close to it), so everybody feels a sense of relieve seeing this landed.

This video is great, but it is diminshed by the seemingly random grinds. I applaud your effort in this day and ago to put this much effort into a stunting video. The apparent fixation on being better than Barney certainly ruined the mood of the video for me. The intro and outro felt like watching a shitty youtube gaming channels intro and felt a little out of place. The rest of the video's editing and music were great and really suited the stunts.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 23, 2021, 05:20:44 AM
What will poor Barney think if he happens to visit the forum and looks at the frontpage? Your tendency to use and abuse other people's skins and player models remind me of a certain episode of Black Mirror. Anyways...

I really loved the video and there were some truly amazing stunts in there. I disliked the two double grind variations at Cherry Poppers. The ship grind combo was great, but these kinds of stunts never seem very eventful to me.

The best stunt was the tank grind, which immediately lands in the category legendary for me. It also is nice that you went around exactly once. The double grind assisted by a stuck infernus that started at the airport was amazing. I remember I tried getting the first grind back in the day which was already not very easy. The park combo was also amazing as you cleared the whole park in one go! The finisher was amazing for me as this once again a spot that everybody has tried atleast once (and probably got close to it), so everybody feels a sense of relieve seeing this landed.

This video is great, but it is diminshed by the seemingly random grinds. I applaud your effort in this day and ago to put this much effort into a stunting video. The apparent fixation on being better than Barney certainly ruined the mood of the video for me. The intro and outro felt like watching a shitty youtube gaming channels intro and felt a little out of place. The rest of the video's editing and music were great and really suited the stunts.
thank you, i really like to see different opinion about video, even if they not that good how i expected
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Caio on May 23, 2021, 10:01:16 AM
I watched this video multiple times and have some mixed feelings about it:

First things first. Editing, music, intro... that was all great, Bixel did a great job, and I kinda like this 'brutality' aesthetic that we usually see in DSS videos.

Now with stunting, there were some really fucking bangers in this video:
-The tank ring grind, this was one of the best stunts I've ever seen. Period.
-The finisher. Classic spot that I bet dozers of stunters were trying.
-The double grind with the exploding bike. Nice use of that mechanic, I really really liked it.
-The triple grind at the ship. I don't know if the third grind was intentional, but only the double would be enough for a mention. If it wasn't, you did great in adjusting for it!
-Wallride2BB precision and the doublebump. Such oldschool style stunts.
-That grind on the rail over the dam (not the second stunt, the one with the krail). We don't usually see that breing grinded and you nailed it.
-Cherry Poppers box bump. Another stylish stunt, I really like these kind of bumps.

Okay, there were a lot of stunts that I liked, but there were a lot that I didn't, and given the context of the video (especially that you're making it look like your beating Barney), it needs to be mentioned.
-Those airgrabs at the end of grinds. They just look cheap. I imagine that landing the first grind properly must be a pain but the grab just takes away the main impact of the stunt.
-Some grinds were pretty cheap and were not on par with the rest of the stunts in the video: the Cherry Popper ones seemed... fluked; the movie studio grind (that curb bump, I just can't dig them); and the boat grind to grind (just two easy combos that don't really fit into the video).
-The Barney and Kingjad diss stunts. I don't really know the context of these disses, they just seem out of place and the stunts were really not on par with the rest as well.

Overall, it's a nice video and I really like seeing stunters still pushing the limits of VC/LC, either with bigairs or combos. I'm sure you had a lot of fun doing this video and that's the spirit of stunting. IMO, I just don't think the whole "dacaptating barney and blowing up kindjad" thing is nice, if you just used a theme focused on yourself (like Monolith or Annihilation), it would have been much cooler.

And lastly, 'prepare to fuck" is proably the best meme post of GTAS history haha
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 23, 2021, 10:14:21 AM
I watched this video multiple times and have some mixed feelings about it:

First things first. Editing, music, intro... that was all great, Bixel did a great job, and I kinda like this 'brutality' aesthetic that we usually see in DSS videos.

Now with stunting, there were some really fucking bangers in this video:
-The tank ring grind, this was one of the best stunts I've ever seen. Period.
-The finisher. Classic spot that I bet dozers of stunters were trying.
-The double grind with the exploding bike. Nice use of that mechanic, I really really liked it.
-The triple grind at the ship. I don't know if the third grind was intentional, but only the double would be enough for a mention. If it wasn't, you did great in adjusting for it!
-Wallride2BB precision and the doublebump. Such oldschool style stunts.
-That grind on the rail over the dam (not the second stunt, the one with the krail). We don't usually see that breing grinded and you nailed it.
-Cherry Poppers box bump. Another stylish stunt, I really like these kind of bumps.

Okay, there were a lot of stunts that I liked, but there were a lot that I didn't, and given the context of the video (especially that you're making it look like your beating Barney), it needs to be mentioned.
-Those airgrabs at the end of grinds. They just look cheap. I imagine that landing the first grind properly must be a pain but the grab just takes away the main impact of the stunt.
-Some grinds were pretty cheap and were not on par with the rest of the stunts in the video: the Cherry Popper ones seemed... fluked; the movie studio grind (that curb bump, I just can't dig them); and the boat grind to grind (just two easy combos that don't really fit into the video).
-The Barney and Kingjad diss stunts. I don't really know the context of these disses, they just seem out of place and the stunts were really not on par with the rest as well.

Overall, it's a nice video and I really like seeing stunters still pushing the limits of VC/LC, either with bigairs or combos. I'm sure you had a lot of fun doing this video and that's the spirit of stunting. IMO, I just don't think the whole "dacaptating barney and blowing up kindjad" thing is nice, if you just used a theme focused on yourself (like Monolith or Annihilation), it would have been much cooler.

And lastly, 'prepare to fuck" is proably the best meme post of GTAS history haha
thank you
about this one
and the boat grind to grind (just two easy combos that don't really fit into the video)
it is not that easy combo, and i think nobody will repeat it so clean like me
i just wanted make this double grinds with natural method, i can place infernus and double grind with it, but i wanted make some variation

and like i said before, all stunts wasn't flukes, i made only i wanted

i decapitated Barney for hype, and i have balls to do it, if anyone think that he can compare with me? lol, i accept any challenge
Kingjad already know that i'm on totaly different level of stunting
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on May 23, 2021, 10:32:06 AM
Kingjad already know that i'm on totaly different level of stunting
I find it greatly amusing my presence in this video is a negative, it's a bit of a self-own :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: puzzLe on May 23, 2021, 11:01:36 AM

Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 23, 2021, 11:26:17 AM
Kingjad already know that i'm on totaly different level of stunting
I find it greatly amusing my presence in this video is a negative, it's a bit of a self-own :lol:
you must respect me, if only because I killed you in style, without the cruel bullying that I inflicted on other stunters

thanks, was nice to watch, good thing i don't have wife or i would kill you with my knife
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: godson on May 24, 2021, 08:54:49 AM
Really good ideas in this solo. great job.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: BlackTear on May 26, 2021, 10:42:05 AM
my opinion on vice city stuff might not be very useful or worth anything, but i will comment anyway. this was sick. there were like 3-4 stunts that felt like fillers compared to the rest, but apart from that every stunt was brutal.

this is clearly one of the best vice city solos ever, but it does not beat barney's homunculus or decerto by fckr (no idea if that's clean, since some people said it's modded). your stuff was just a little too less stylish to keep up with them, but that is just my own opinion and this is still better than anything that has been released the last few years.

one thing i completely disliked is the fact that this video seems to be used to prove that the stunting here is better than barneys. i might have missed the joke, but this is completely unnecessary showing off. the stunts alone should speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 26, 2021, 12:03:03 PM
my opinion on vice city stuff might not be very useful or worth anything, but i will comment anyway. this was sick. there were like 3-4 stunts that felt like fillers compared to the rest, but apart from that every stunt was brutal.

this is clearly one of the best vice city solos ever, but it does not beat barney's homunculus or decerto by fckr (no idea if that's clean, since some people said it's modded). your stuff was just a little too less stylish to keep up with them, but that is just my own opinion and this is still better than anything that has been released the last few years.

one thing i completely disliked is the fact that this video seems to be used to prove that the stunting here is better than barneys. i might have missed the joke, but this is completely unnecessary showing off. the stunts alone should speak for themselves.
do you have skin for vice city? i need it for new stunt
i discovered new stunt method - p2b from head
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on May 26, 2021, 04:05:54 PM
my opinion on vice city stuff might not be very useful or worth anything, but i will comment anyway. this was sick. there were like 3-4 stunts that felt like fillers compared to the rest, but apart from that every stunt was brutal.

this is clearly one of the best vice city solos ever, but it does not beat barney's homunculus or decerto by fckr (no idea if that's clean, since some people said it's modded). your stuff was just a little too less stylish to keep up with them, but that is just my own opinion and this is still better than anything that has been released the last few years.

one thing i completely disliked is the fact that this video seems to be used to prove that the stunting here is better than barneys. i might have missed the joke, but this is completely unnecessary showing off. the stunts alone should speak for themselves.

+1 for this
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on May 26, 2021, 04:14:18 PM
my opinion on vice city stuff might not be very useful or worth anything, but i will comment anyway. this was sick. there were like 3-4 stunts that felt like fillers compared to the rest, but apart from that every stunt was brutal.

this is clearly one of the best vice city solos ever, but it does not beat barney's homunculus or decerto by fckr (no idea if that's clean, since some people said it's modded). your stuff was just a little too less stylish to keep up with them, but that is just my own opinion and this is still better than anything that has been released the last few years.

one thing i completely disliked is the fact that this video seems to be used to prove that the stunting here is better than barneys. i might have missed the joke, but this is completely unnecessary showing off. the stunts alone should speak for themselves.

+1 for this
looks like i need invent new method, double bump from double heads
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Minq on May 27, 2021, 04:38:58 AM
SO overwhelmingly overwhelming... GOSH!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Actarus on May 28, 2021, 03:33:15 AM
AllBeast, here offers us his best video edited by Bixel. This video had reached such a frenzied pace that stunts seem more spectacular, which highlights impressive stunts that match well with effects used. The music, which is certainly a safe bet, adapts perfectly to the video and the desired vibes. Stunts was great despite the lack of variety, too much grinds for my taste. Like many, my favorite is the tank ring grind.

Great job to AllBeast and Bixel. Thanks for pushing the limits of current stunting.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: FIGHTER on May 28, 2021, 12:22:39 PM
0:09-0:17 PCJ PSM 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRABP: Didnt like the grab
0:18-0:33 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 GRIND: Nice find, liked this alot. gj
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF: Great bsm, had this spot in mind. Good job nailing this.
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Sick stunt! Nonetheless great stunt.
0:51-0:57 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: Nice you did the double grend, didnt like the grab.
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Great double grind, wasnt this old btw?
1:07-1:22 TAXI BOOST 2 BOOST 2 PRECISION: Sick boost, liked this one
1:23-1:38 PCJ GRIND 2 EXPLOSION 2 GRIND: Sick stunt again! Took awhile i guess!
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND: Awesome, hard as fuck. Good job finishing the wall
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: NNice, had (as everyone) this spot for ages in my head, didnt try it. gj
2:04-2:11 PCJ FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: if new, good job.
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND: Legendary stunt from now. Sick idea and execution
2:38-3:00 PCJ BUMP 2 BONK 2 GRIND 2 BACKWARD GRIND: probably hard, didnt like the stunt tho
3:01-3:12 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Great stunt, liked the execution!
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM: meh
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND: below your standards :D didnt like it
3:51-4:00 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 BILLBOARD: Good job landing it too, wasnt that hard tho
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND: Best stunt from the video for me, great fucking job getting this done. Have thought about it, but never tried becasue i will probably fail
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND: Didnt like it
4:25-4:47 PCJ RAMP 2 RAMP 2 PRECISION: feels random for me.
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF: Great spot and landing
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF: Good job sticking to this stunt, I have been close many times. Didnt impress me as much as the tank grind and the ramp 2 double grind

Stunts: 8/10

Editing: Good, didnt like the song
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: JustAdam on May 30, 2021, 04:08:59 AM
It's lit!  :ninja:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: TrYp on June 03, 2021, 11:09:27 AM
Watched this video days ago while being high as fuck and it was so - I wanted to find a word for it first but now I really cant - and I couldn't even write a comment either.
Now I am high again, but this time I will write my thoughts about stuff and this video because it deserves it in my opinion.

Back in the days when at least myself, but I guess most of us took this shit seriously you released a solo called Annihilation which was one of the first videos that inspired me to start VC stunting. I even wanted to do a remake and I was stunging for it for months but obviously I never managed to finish it because I have never been that good. Heck we didn't even get to know each other ever but that is because of your personality I think. You had a clear and strong vision and you were promoting yourself as "hello there, here is a solo video I made that beats Barney come look at it" and you were - correct me if I am wrong on this one - demolished by the community where it clearly was an outstanding solo video of that time. It proved that you are at the top of those guys who take this ancient video game to a whole new level. Now after that I admittedly didn't follow your carreer, but I think you hadn't pull anything that proved my vision.

And here we are, basically at the end of this video game's capability, because you probably maxed it out. Landing the finisher obviously proves that I am right. I am not gonna do a reaction video or write a full review, because I am too lazy and I don't really care about this anymore but those are just my thoughts. Obviously this is not a perfect video because I genuinely think it has some fillers, but god damn, the tank grind, and the LC park double ramp 2 precision are probably the cleanest, sickest, best executed stunts I have seen in the past 10 years, as well as the ramp 2 double grind using the explosion which is just beyond most of our creativity.

I read through the first 4 or 5 pages of the comment section and I was a little bit shocked, then I realized this community will probably never change even though we got a lot older. And I repeat, A LOT OLDER. I simply don't have the lifestyle of being able to open a single video game even when I have a lot of free time.

That being said, and if anyone read it this way through, I just wanted to say that this video brought out this comment from me which is huge because not a single one was able to do it in the last 10 years. Even though seing ZeRo releasing probably the same level of video recently was the most warming moment for me and the Hungarian stunting community, if such thing still exists, it surely did once upon. I didn't even write a detailed comment on that video just because how little I care about this anymore.
By the way I had a best of video edited a year ago by a guy who was kind enough to do it for me, but I didn't even release it.

Sorry for bringing too much personal stuff into this comment, but I guess watching a video and having feelings released from the watcher's mind is not a bad thing at all.

oh and Ps. I was suprised by most of you mentioning Monolith as the best solo video of all time. When did this become a fact? :ninja:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 03, 2021, 11:18:37 AM
Watched this video days ago while being high as fuck and it was so - I wanted to find a word for it first but now I really cant - and I couldn't even write a comment either.
Now I am high again, but this time I will write my thoughts about stuff and this video because it deserves it in my opinion.

Back in the days when at least myself, but I guess most of us took this shit seriously you released a solo called Annihilation which was one of the first videos that inspired me to start VC stunting. I even wanted to do a remake and I was stunging for it for months but obviously I never managed to finish it because I have never been that good. Heck we didn't even get to know each other ever but that is because of your personality I think. You had a clear and strong vision and you were promoting yourself as "hello there, here is a solo video I made that beats Barney come look at it" and you were - correct me if I am wrong on this one - demolished by the community where it clearly was an outstanding solo video of that time. It proved that you are at the top of those guys who take this ancient video game to a whole new level. Now after that I admittedly didn't follow your carreer, but I think you hadn't pull anything that proved my vision.

And here we are, basically at the end of this video game's capability, because you probably maxed it out. Landing the finisher obviously proves that I am right. I am not gonna do a reaction video or write a full review, because I am too lazy and I don't really care about this anymore but those are just my thoughts. Obviously this is not a perfect video because I genuinely think it has some fillers, but god damn, the tank grind, and the LC park double ramp 2 precision are probably the cleanest, sickest, best executed stunts I have seen in the past 10 years, as well as the ramp 2 double grind using the explosion which is just beyond most of our creativity.

I read through the first 4 or 5 pages of the comment section and I was a little bit shocked, then I realized this community will probably never change even though we got a lot older. And I repeat, A LOT OLDER. I simply don't have the lifestyle of being able to open a single video game even when I have a lot of free time.

That being said, and if anyone read it this way through, I just wanted to say that this video brought out this comment from me which is huge because not a single one was able to do it in the last 10 years. Even though seing ZeRo releasing probably the same level of video recently was the most warming moment for me and the Hungarian stunting community, if such thing still exists, it surely did once upon. I didn't even write a detailed comment on that video just because how little I care about this anymore.
By the way I had a best of video edited a year ago by a guy who was kind enough to do it for me, but I didn't even release it.

Sorry for bringing too much personal stuff into this comment, but I guess watching a video and having feelings released from the watcher's mind is not a bad thing at all.

oh and Ps. I was suprised by most of you mentioning Monolith as the best solo video of all time. When did this become a fact? :ninja:
thank you, maybe one day someone can push limit a bit more
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Nitzkit on June 03, 2021, 06:04:56 PM
I've not read anything of what anyone else has said nor was I aware that this had been released. Anyways aside from my ears bleeding from that singer swallowing the microphone lol :lol: All I gotta say is that the stunts in this video were top notch quality, I really did enjoy them. I literally laughed out loud during the tank upside down grind on the ring. That was just fucking fantastic!

When it came to the grinds in this video I thought they were all really explosive...literally you made shit blow up lol. That was very creative. 

Hey man even if you seem like a dick from time to time, that was a fun video to watch so props for making it entertaining. I've tried that finisher myself (the one barney bailed on) and its a bitch.

but FFS pick a better song next time! lol i kid...i kid was that interior in VC? has that always been there? I don't wanna turn VC on to find out...
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: I0000days on June 04, 2021, 07:28:09 AM
I don't get it. You're claiming you're better than / as good as Barney or something? Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man. Also your precision landings are random as fuck. You jumped over an entire park just to land on a fence? You have got to be kidding me... You're 5 years behind where Barney was 5 years ago. Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D

Also, the music is trash. The dynamic range of that song is so low it sounds pleasant to my ears, like a pop song. Choose an album next time that has an average DR of more than 7 -
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 04, 2021, 09:10:04 AM was that interior in VC? has that always been there? I don't wanna turn VC on to find out...
yes, but without Barney's head of course

I don't get it. You're claiming you're better than / as good as Barney or something? Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man. Also your precision landings are random as fuck. You jumped over an entire park just to land on a fence? You have got to be kidding me... You're 5 years behind where Barney was 5 years ago. Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D

Also, the music is trash. The dynamic range of that song is so low it sounds pleasant to my ears, like a pop song. Choose an album next time that has an average DR of more than 7 -
wow, what a nice comment, i have only two question for you. First from what time you started sucking Barney's dick?
Second, who the fuck are you?
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Minq on June 04, 2021, 09:17:37 AM was that interior in VC? has that always been there? I don't wanna turn VC on to find out...
yes, but without Barney's head of course

I don't get it. You're claiming you're better than / as good as Barney or something? Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man. Also your precision landings are random as fuck. You jumped over an entire park just to land on a fence? You have got to be kidding me... You're 5 years behind where Barney was 5 years ago. Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D

Also, the music is trash. The dynamic range of that song is so low it sounds pleasant to my ears, like a pop song. Choose an album next time that has an average DR of more than 7 -
wow, what a nice comment, i have only two question for you. First from what time you started sucking Barney's dick?
Second, who the fuck are you?


Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 04, 2021, 09:23:31 AM was that interior in VC? has that always been there? I don't wanna turn VC on to find out...
yes, but without Barney's head of course

I don't get it. You're claiming you're better than / as good as Barney or something? Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man. Also your precision landings are random as fuck. You jumped over an entire park just to land on a fence? You have got to be kidding me... You're 5 years behind where Barney was 5 years ago. Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D

Also, the music is trash. The dynamic range of that song is so low it sounds pleasant to my ears, like a pop song. Choose an album next time that has an average DR of more than 7 -
wow, what a nice comment, i have only two question for you. First from what time you started sucking Barney's dick?
Second, who the fuck are you?

I knew that only the person who modded his tricks, can honestly evaluate my solo
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: I0000days on June 04, 2021, 11:09:18 AM
I knew that only the person who modded his tricks, can honestly evaluate my solo

Yes, I have modded about 27% of my "tricks", also, that happened in San Andreas, very rarely touched Vice City. I had fun doing it! I don't see how that's important tho. 95-99% of the people here can't replicate your stunts, does that mean their appreciation or critique is irrelevant to you?

Also, implying that my comment wasn't "nice". By chance, were you a spoonfed single child? I don't give a shit about your feelings lol. Are you new on the internet? Nobody owes you a thing. I only laid down the truth - you compared yourself to Barney, but your stunts, whilst above average to great, can't hold a candle to his. You're just a big-air stunter with a twist, that's 10 years too late to get his recognition.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 04, 2021, 11:14:58 AM
I knew that only the person who modded his tricks, can honestly evaluate my solo

Yes, I have modded about 27% of my "tricks", also, that happened in San Andreas, very rarely touched Vice City. I had fun doing it! I don't see how that's important tho. 95-99% of the people here can't replicate your stunts, does that mean their appreciation or critique is irrelevant to you?

Also, implying that my comment wasn't "nice". By chance, were you a spoonfed single child? I don't give a shit about your feelings lol. Are you new on the internet? Nobody owes you a thing. I only laid down the truth - you compared yourself to Barney, but your stunts, whilst above average to great, can't hold a candle to his. You're just a big-air stunter with a twist, that's 10 years too late to get his recognition.
lol, you have great constructive criticism

i would love to meet you, cut your balls with my knife, then put them to your mouth, and then shake you like coctail
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: I0000days on June 04, 2021, 11:16:08 AM
i would love to meet you, cut your balls with my knife, then put them to your mouth, and then shake you like coctail

Doesn't that make you gae?
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 04, 2021, 11:18:53 AM
i would love to meet you, cut your balls with my knife, then put them to your mouth, and then shake you like coctail

Doesn't that make you gae?
no, but giving unfounded criticism, that's what being gay
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: I0000days on June 04, 2021, 11:28:09 AM
i would love to meet you, cut your balls with my knife, then put them to your mouth, and then shake you like coctail

Doesn't that make you gae?
no, but giving unfounded criticism, that's what being gay
Hey, impossible is nothing for you. You can probably live up with unfounded criticism!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 04, 2021, 11:33:07 AM
i would love to meet you, cut your balls with my knife, then put them to your mouth, and then shake you like coctail

Doesn't that make you gae?
no, but giving unfounded criticism, that's what being gay
Hey, impossible is nothing for you. You can probably live up with unfounded criticism!
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: The Big V on June 04, 2021, 11:39:11 AM
Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man.

The double grind with the infernus assistance is a legendary spot, dude. If you find this boring, its no wonder you modded your stunts. And where the fuck did he stuck a tank? The finisher isnt a stuck method if you imply that. In any case, the finisher was originally Barney's spot, which he failed to land at his greatest times, ya summerfeg.

But no matter how much you cry, Barney is long inactive and All Beast is kicking ass in the year of 2021. FACTS  :P

Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D
So let me get this straight, you took a shit on his solo out of jealosy or for whatever butthurt reasons you have, but you gave him a pat in the back that his stunting isn't bad after all. Here's my recommendations for ya - keep modding, bullshitting and doing fake accounts, you're obviously better at that than at stunting  ;)
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: I0000days on June 04, 2021, 11:58:10 AM
The double grind with the infernus assistance is a legendary spot, dude. If you find this boring, its no wonder you modded your stunts. And where the fuck did he stuck a tank? The finisher isnt a stuck method if you imply that. In any case, the finisher was originally Barney's spot, which he failed to land at his greatest times, ya summerfeg.

But no matter how much you cry, Barney is long inactive and All Beast is kicking ass in the year of 2021. FACTS  :P

Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D
So let me get this straight, you took a shit on his solo out of jealosy or for whatever butthurt reasons you have, but you gave him a pat in the back that his stunting isn't bad after all. Here's my recommendations for ya - keep modding, bullshitting and doing fake accounts, you're obviously better at that than at stunting  ;)

Barney is long inactive? Well, he probably has a real life, like most veteran stunters, why is that important? He failed to do a big-air stunt that All Beast managed to land? Big deal, by that logic, he has landed another 50 others that All Beast didn't to make up for it. With big-airs, it's a matter of how much free time and luck you have really, skill comes in last.  :cc_detective: I don't care that much about Barney or anything, I only compared this dude with him because he is the one who did it first, unjustifiably, cause he'll never be nearly as relevant of a stunter (like I said, 10 years too late). The only thing All Beast is kicking is a dead horse on a forum that's as limp as a snail's dick.

Also, I didn't take any shit at his solo, but at his arrogant attitude. I stated that, for me, it's "above average", which means it's a positive take, whether your sensible little heart likes it or not. Yes, this is GOOD. G-O-O-D. Crucify me for it if you want.  :lol:
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Kingjad on June 04, 2021, 02:10:46 PM
Nobody's right or wrong in their opinions, that's precisely why they're opinions - they're what YOU think.

Behave yerselves, it's embarassing.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Minq on June 05, 2021, 09:46:21 AM
Honest full review by Minq

0:09-0:17 PCJ PSM 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRABP: Amazing stunt the grab is the cherry on top
0:18-0:33 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 GRIND: Cool stunt, but didn't barney landed something similar?
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF: Sick stunt
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2  GRIND: Sick double grind
0:51-0:57 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: Cool stunt as well (grabs ftw)
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: nice!
1:07-1:22 TAXI BOOST 2 BOOST 2 PRECISION: Unexpected as hell good job I love the stunt.
1:23-1:38 PCJ GRIND 2 EXPLOSION 2 GRIND: good stunt
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND: looks hard but not really that good
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: Great one
2:04-2:11 PCJ FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: Nice double grind
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND: Probably the best stunt in the video. Looks super creative and outstanding.
2:38-3:00 PCJ BUMP 2 BONK 2 GRIND 2 BACKWARD GRIND: cool stunt
3:01-3:12 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Nice tripple grind
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM: Looks really bad to be honest
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND: okay stunt
3:51-4:00 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 BILLBOARD: Banger stunt
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND: Good stunt, but car stuck isn't that cool
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND: okay stunt
4:25-4:47 PCJ RAMP 2 RAMP 2 PRECISION: I have to share baselines opinion about this one.
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF: sick stunt
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF: Cherry on top amazing stunt

Stunts: 9/10

Editing: 8.5/10 

Overall it was really amazing and one of the best solos of all time

Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Radioaktive on June 05, 2021, 12:17:33 PM
Weird flex.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on June 05, 2021, 12:24:13 PM
Honest full review by Minq

0:09-0:17 PCJ PSM 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRABP: Amazing stunt the grab is the cherry on top
0:18-0:33 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 GRIND: Cool stunt, but didn't barney landed something similar?
0:34-0:43 PCJ BSM 2 ROOF: Sick stunt
0:44-0:50 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2  GRIND: Sick double grind
0:51-0:57 PCJ BONK 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 AIRGRAB: Cool stunt as well (grabs ftw)
0:58-1:06 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: nice!
1:07-1:22 TAXI BOOST 2 BOOST 2 PRECISION: Unexpected as hell good job I love the stunt.
1:23-1:38 PCJ GRIND 2 EXPLOSION 2 GRIND: good stunt
1:39-1:54 PCJ PALM BUMP 2 GRIND: looks hard but not really that good
1:55-2:03 PCJ DOUBLE BUMP 2 ROOF: Great one
2:04-2:11 PCJ FIRE GRIND 2 GRIND: Nice double grind
2:12-2:37 TANK BUMP 2 GRIND: Probably the best stunt in the video. Looks super creative and outstanding.
2:38-3:00 PCJ BUMP 2 BONK 2 GRIND 2 BACKWARD GRIND: cool stunt
3:01-3:12 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 GRIND 2 GRIND: Nice tripple grind
3:13-3:24 TAXI BOOST 2 ROOM: Looks really bad to be honest
3:25-3:41 PCJ BUMP 2 GRIND 2 BUMP 2 GRIND: okay stunt
3:51-4:00 PCJ WALLRIDE 2 BILLBOARD: Banger stunt
4:01-4:12 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND 2 CSM 2 GRIND: Good stunt, but car stuck isn't that cool
4:13-4:23 PCJ RAMP 2 GRIND: okay stunt
4:25-4:47 PCJ RAMP 2 RAMP 2 PRECISION: I have to share baselines opinion about this one.
4:48-5:01 PCJ RAMP 2 BUMP 2 ROOF: sick stunt
5:02-5:20 PCJ TANK BUMP 2 ROOF: Cherry on top amazing stunt

Stunts: 9/10

Editing: 8.5/10 

Overall it was really amazing and one of the best solos of all time
thank you

Weird flex.
what you mean?
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: luli guy on June 05, 2021, 06:21:09 PM
I don't get it. You're claiming you're better than / as good as Barney or something? Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man. Also your precision landings are random as fuck. You jumped over an entire park just to land on a fence? You have got to be kidding me... You're 5 years behind where Barney was 5 years ago. Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D

Also, the music is trash. The dynamic range of that song is so low it sounds pleasant to my ears, like a pop song. Choose an album next time that has an average DR of more than 7 -

i love how this community is filled with grown ass weeaboos who wanna act tough, never gets old

edit: if you have aspergers syndrome, sorry about what i said
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Feuer on June 11, 2021, 02:18:32 AM
Top tier thread

fun video
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on June 11, 2021, 09:37:08 PM
Cars stuck in fences won't make your grinds any less boring, sorry. Barney doesn't stuck cars and tanks behind every bump to feel like a man.

The double grind with the infernus assistance is a legendary spot, dude. If you find this boring, its no wonder you modded your stunts. And where the fuck did he stuck a tank? The finisher isnt a stuck method if you imply that. In any case, the finisher was originally Barney's spot, which he failed to land at his greatest times, ya summerfeg.

But no matter how much you cry, Barney is long inactive and All Beast is kicking ass in the year of 2021. FACTS  :P

Other than that, a decent above average stunt collection you got there!  ;D
So let me get this straight, you took a shit on his solo out of jealosy or for whatever butthurt reasons you have, but you gave him a pat in the back that his stunting isn't bad after all. Here's my recommendations for ya - keep modding, bullshitting and doing fake accounts, you're obviously better at that than at stunting  ;)

But, I kinda agree that barney still untoppable. but allbeast solo is best this year
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: wviMis on June 15, 2021, 10:23:57 PM

I found out that this year everyone was Barney
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Mythic on June 22, 2021, 08:01:08 AM
Badass video mate ;D
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Lex on June 24, 2021, 08:46:19 AM
Turbo,Zero,AllBeast,Max....... And Skuller

I found out that this year everyone was Barney
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Diaz on June 25, 2021, 02:45:39 AM
Top tier thread
Laughed hard on this one, it's so true, felt like old days  :lol:

Anyway sorry for the late comment, I just watched the video now.
Overall a very high level video, I appreciated the great variety in stunts AND the well executed, fully finished grinds as well. Some of my favs are:
- zebra double boost (totally did not expect that second boost + you still managed to land a precision, good job)
- 1:38 double grind (I have seen this fence being grinded like 1000 times and always thought, why nobody tries somehow to reach the second fence, that would be so dope. Never expected to see this solution to connect the two fences, brilliant idea and it was so stylish)
- 2:30 rhino stunt (cannot see where this one was going, but the way you to got 'stuck' to that roof is just amazing; upside down, using the ability of the vehicle to go a full circle - you maxed out this place I believe)
- 2:50 stylish grindcombo, I did not find it random, props for doing the whole grind
- 3:25 totally unexpected boost, I was aware of that hidden place but never seen this one coming. It was also unique that you left the car mid-air and actually 'landed' something interesting
- 4:05 wallride2bbprec (very smoothly landed, this reminded me of a SA stunt which is always a big plus for me)
- 4:15 amazing double grind combo, the connection between the two fences were so stylish
- 4:50 prec at the end of the park (hard to say why but I really liked this one, this stunt doesn't require much height but the distance you covered was remarkable, you crossed the whole park to land that precision so stylishly, probably that's why I liked it so much at the end)
- 5:05 jump2bump2roof (amazing runup and great use of the terrain, you reached great height with such a short place to work within)
- finisher, classic spot that even I'm very aware of, good to see it's finally landed

Editing was okay and fitting for these stunts, all in all one of the best solos of recent times in my opinion.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: ineeda on August 13, 2021, 07:56:43 AM
congrat the finisher fannlly landed  :a-cheer: .i think that replay worth 1 bitcoin if it can be sold as a NFT
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: Urban Legend on November 02, 2021, 11:59:41 PM
Hahaha. This shit... It's funny. But I thought Barney hasn't been around for 1, 2+ years? So whatever you THINK you did is irrelevant.
But then again, I'm not sure whats going on here. You just made it a joke. You cant make a mockery of an original stunter from wayyy back. Ur so after the fact. 😆

Won't comment any further but that tank grind was gangstarr.
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: AllBeast on November 03, 2021, 03:20:45 AM
Hahaha. This shit... It's funny. But I thought Barney hasn't been around for 1, 2+ years? So whatever you THINK you did is irrelevant.
But then again, I'm not sure whats going on here. You just made it a joke. You cant make a mockery of an original stunter from wayyy back. Ur so after the fact. 😆

Won't comment any further but that tank grind was gangstarr.
thank you, if my next video will happen, no more jokes, only hardcore sex
Title: Re: Impossible is nothing
Post by: David^ on November 03, 2021, 04:56:19 AM
My English is not very good, so I can only use Google translation.

Handsome character model + delicate PCJ600 + supppppppppppppppppppppppper awesome stunts = AllBeast SOLO

The stunts are so powerful,and I like the color of the video very much.I learned from the beginning of stunt that allbeast of DSS is a BSM master,Your character model is impressive.It's impressive to cooperate with your stunt,Thank you for bringing us such a good video!!
(Previously, the dream of playing stunts was to enter DSS, haha)
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