
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Topic started by: Jason on February 06, 2021, 07:20:04 PM

Title: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2021, 07:20:04 PM

There's a problem we've all been facing with stunting; running out of spots. I took it upon myself to provide a solution. Several solutions. Beaver City is the first.

Beaver City, however, is quite small. You wouldn't be able to get many spots out of it. That's what this video is about. Stripping it clean, down to the bones. VULTURES.

I'm extending a thankyou to AllBeast and Darkstar, their knowledge of the game files really helped put this project together. Also thanks to Harmalarm for making the original map for San Andreas.

Oh, and there are a bunch of stunts that were landed that didn't make it into this video. If you would like to try this map, or send stunts you've landed, I'll be making VULTURES: SIDE B, which will be a longer, more relaxed video.






"LC Carma" @ Filebin (



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LQ Streaming @ GTASDB (

Streaming @ YouTube (


Haywire 0:15 -
Sheeptea 0:24 -
MaCi 0:34 -
Darkstar 0:39 -
Max 0:45 -
Haywire 0:53 -
FIGHTER 0:58 -
Nem 1:05 -
Sorcery 1:12 -
Max 1:21 -
Sheeptea 1:27 -
Nem 1:36 -
TurBo 1:41 -
Max 1:51 -
Krypton 1:58 -
Haywire 2:05 -
Aries 2:10 -
ProMagic 2:14 -
Darkstar 2:20 - 
FIGHTER 2:24 -
Nem 2:29 -
Sheeptea 2:34 -
Haywire 2:46 -
Rainbow 2:54 -
Krypton 2:59 -
Max 3:05 -
FIGHTER 3:12 -
Feron 3:19 -
Gryzlek 3:29 -

Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Aries on February 06, 2021, 07:33:56 PM
How am I still first?

Sick city, sick stunts, sick editing. Always blown away by how hard you work on this dude. The intro of the video really felt so crisp and the whole thing was just packed full of beast stunts.

Will do a full review soon, glad I stayed up.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Biel on February 06, 2021, 07:49:24 PM
Absolutely amazing video in every aspect, the intro made me cum my pants, that was super sick! The video in general was epic, good job to everyone involved, I already watched it 3 times in a row. It's always a pleasure for me to watch hardcore vice city videos, blow my mind so hard  :|

Sick sick sickkkk :blink:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: jakuba on February 06, 2021, 07:51:52 PM
I Will watch it in a second but the problem i always had with mods like that is that they have no feeling to them. I have no emotional attachment to any of the structures, infrastructure nor the enviorment. When you watch a typical VC stunt video you can easily tell the location and what it invokes in terms of VC story line as Well as count less hours spent roaming through the city. And finding spots no one have found before you is a huge element of what makes stunting fun for me anyways. Lack of spots combined with creative use of said lacking space is a huge part of fun stunting provides.

E: nice edit. I loved the taxi2vent stunt. Was the vent any functinal or just made for stunts?
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Ezraph2001 on February 06, 2021, 07:53:36 PM
I opened my phone and refreshed the page and just found this. Holy shit. 0:34, 1:41, 3:12, finisher are nice :D I finna join volume 2 for real. Nice edit my dude :D
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2021, 08:06:29 PM
E: nice edit. I loved the taxi2vent stunt. Was the vent any functinal or just made for stunts?

In the original game there was a mission where you had to drive up and across all the roofs, destroying the satellite dishes. You would need to go through the vent towards the end of the mission.

I get what you're saying with the rest of your response too. Probably the reason why SAiVC took a while to gain traction. Some people still avoid it for videos, true VC/LC purists. But we can see what that has done for community numbers in the long term. I'm just trying something out, giving people options.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: jakuba on February 06, 2021, 08:33:37 PM
Oh trust me as a saivc stunter i know what you mean. I have made a stunt mod collab too some years ago. If you played on a New map long enough you get to estimate the difficulty of the spots. As such if you played on the map you might just enjoy the stunts landed on that map. But for someone who has not its just difficult to say what is impressive and what is not. I didnt intend to shit On the vid. Kudos for you for keeping at it.

E: BTW i still show new friends your bert and ernie vids and its always a blast to see their reaction
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2021, 08:35:24 PM
Download the map from the original post, see for yourself!  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Max_ on February 06, 2021, 08:49:05 PM  :P
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Srcry on February 06, 2021, 08:49:10 PM  ;)

Cool to see such a fast paced video pulled off in a map with somewhat limited possibilities.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 06, 2021, 09:00:25 PM
Hell yeah dudes <3
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: .Dakar on February 06, 2021, 09:21:23 PM
welp damn fucking god
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: SkilZ on February 07, 2021, 01:22:31 AM
Sick video ! everytime was amazing !

I won't mention which stunt I liked because they are all really good

Good job to everybody ;D  and to you Haywire who did a great job with the editing i always liked your edits   :a-cheer:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2021, 01:36:13 AM
There's a YouTube link now too, for anybody who prefers :)
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: SyperDimon on February 07, 2021, 01:47:38 AM
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Xtramus on February 07, 2021, 02:06:05 AM
I Will watch it in a second but the problem i always had with mods like that is that they have no feeling to them. I have no emotional attachment to any of the structures, infrastructure nor the enviorment. When you watch a typical VC stunt video you can easily tell the location and what it invokes in terms of VC story line as Well as count less hours spent roaming through the city. And finding spots no one have found before you is a huge element of what makes stunting fun for me anyways. Lack of spots combined with creative use of said lacking space is a huge part of fun stunting provides.

E: nice edit. I loved the taxi2vent stunt. Was the vent any functinal or just made for stunts?

This put my feelings towards mapmods in a very nice way. I fully agree that for all these map mods the lack of experience in the map just removes a large chunk of the impact of stunts. What makes the issue worse is that most map mods just have a bunch of buildings slapped together, with very little in terms of detailed environments like you would see on e.g. the roofs in the Downtown area in VC, or the industrial section on the third island in LC. Basically, little patches of the game that have so many little details in terms of nooks and crannies that are worth exploring for finding new stunts or modifying old spots into nice combos

That said, this video had some very nice stunts and a mad amount of bonus points for having so many landings where the vehicles only *just* makes it onto the roof. I've had a couple of spots where I spent the effort to reland them in a way that adds a bit of style of this type, and I know others who would reland a stunt if they clear the roof by a large margin to give it a bit more of a feeling that the stunt is a tight one. Also, there were some very nice ideas with what appeared to be a rather lackluster map (again, the issue with most mapmods). I also loved the taxi vent precision, you know it's coming when you see the stunt but these types of stunts just look so fucking sweet. All in all a very enjoyable watch!

(PS: it'd be nice if someone would rehash a bunch of VC/LC/SAiVC buildings into a nice mapmod that doesn't look like a bunch of randomly thrown together buildings, maybe that'd make for an enticing mapmod to explore...)
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: -VLD- on February 07, 2021, 02:37:40 AM
Nice map, great stunts.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Aries on February 07, 2021, 03:11:19 AM
I Will watch it in a second but the problem i always had with mods like that is that they have no feeling to them. I have no emotional attachment to any of the structures, infrastructure nor the enviorment. When you watch a typical VC stunt video you can easily tell the location and what it invokes in terms of VC story line as Well as count less hours spent roaming through the city. And finding spots no one have found before you is a huge element of what makes stunting fun for me anyways. Lack of spots combined with creative use of said lacking space is a huge part of fun stunting provides.

E: nice edit. I loved the taxi2vent stunt. Was the vent any functinal or just made for stunts?

Although I very much understand where you're coming from in terms of the feeling of seeing stunts in a familiar city.

But not once in my ...15 years stunting has a stunt ever invoked anything from the VC storyline in my head :D
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: NEM on February 07, 2021, 03:36:18 AM
I'm glad I made Aries land something for this :mellow:

Seeing all the video reactions, I think I'll make one aswell soon! Also thanks Jason for the YT upload
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: PM on February 07, 2021, 04:40:22 AM

just woke up, I'm not showing you my awesome morning hair
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Silw on February 07, 2021, 05:12:28 AM
Nice man! Short and in your face intro. It looked amazing how you started that opener with a Krail and began than with the radding  :jajaja:. TurBo‘s Taxi Boost into that hole in one was my favorite. Also those huge p2b‘s by Rainbow, FIGHTER, Krypton and so on were stunning. I liked also how you recorded FIGHTERS p2b on 3:15 with that angle and his execution. That looked amazing.

Missed a video with so much high air stunts in it. Everybody did great. Oh I forgot to mention Max‘s tankbump was really nice. I wondered how Aries would drop in this video and then bäääääääääämmm he came with a bsm  ;D :lol:. I missed some purple/pink nametag on his stunt though  :P also on the other because some stunters have new skins I couldn‘t recognise. Great video!
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: MtS on February 07, 2021, 05:36:38 AM

Really dig the map atmosphere and the work put into stunts/editing.

Personally never played Carmaggedon but I might as well go and try it out someday thanks to this video.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Sport on February 07, 2021, 06:02:41 AM
I love these big air stunts. I don't really like music but it's ok. It would also be easier for me to understand who land the stunts, because I don't remember the skins of all the stunters  :(. But anyway nice vid guys.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Krypton on February 07, 2021, 07:21:59 AM

Turned out stupendous man, a classic Haywire video ;D

I didnt say it in the reaction but, them camera angles though.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Neotec on February 07, 2021, 09:00:35 AM
great editing and stunts
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Sheep on February 07, 2021, 10:49:03 AM
I demand more Joe live reactions!

About map mods; I'm super impressed how great stunts people landed for this in such a short notice (at least for me, I asked download link like 2 weeks ago)
I even tried some of the landed stunts here and there or thought about them, so its great stunters share the same scheme.
Editing was great, fast phased and music fitted perfectly! Love to see more from upcoming video.

I wanted to try some rhino stuff, but doors were locked lol. I guess it's TurBo who finally landed that vent, well done.
Would love to make live reaction someday, but I don't have webcam :(
edit: Gotta manage somehow with phonecamera next time
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: NEM on February 07, 2021, 11:25:51 AM

 here it goes
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: AllBeast on February 07, 2021, 09:13:56 PM
for good people, who don't need all that shit, which was in that map mod
fixed some textures and other things
also used default lc handling, not modded one, which was included to map mod



link to download only 21.5 mb (

Next time don't forget to call your beast friend to collab
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Jason on February 07, 2021, 10:06:19 PM
Hahahaha, fuck you dude. Yeah I'll have to invite you. But only if you can prove you're as hardcore of a stunter as I am!
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Blaze on February 08, 2021, 04:24:49 AM
I guess were all doing video reviews now :lol:

fuck i didnt realise volume was so low, my bad
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Rainbow on February 08, 2021, 06:01:13 AM
The taxi stuff, Krypton's p2b after mine and the last two stunts by Feron and Gryzlek were my favorites. Oh and MaCi's dropbump and Haywire's BSM  :ajaja: Enjoyed the edit a lot but I have to say I disliked a few of the camera angles, for example the finisher. You cannot judge how hard the stunt is or how high, thought that was poorly chosen, sorry. Loved the mood and pace of the video though.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Ezraph2001 on February 09, 2021, 12:54:24 AM

I would do a compilation where I do everyone's reaction in to 1 video :D

E: hi nem, yes i have to say this but your infy and 2 csm stunts are awesome

lots of big airs from other guys, ossum
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: ARS on February 10, 2021, 12:09:21 PM
Hay's edit is simple but unique somehow, maybe music is the key, idk, but i loved this edit same as spiengraph, maybe some cams were not in my taste, but still it was dope.
damn i fucking love retro games with these pixeled textures, and this map is lovely for me, i liked the atmosphere very much, well done video, gj!
stunts were sick.
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: luli guy on February 16, 2021, 04:35:43 PM
edited by cooper
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Ezraph2001 on February 17, 2021, 01:19:00 AM
edited by cooper

 :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: Diaz on February 28, 2021, 02:26:53 AM
Great video guys, I don't know this map so I don't know the possibilities offered but I liked the amount of bigairs. This went well with the fast-pacedness of the video, overall it was enjoyable so good job everyone involved in this group excursion!
Title: Re: ...VULTURES...
Post by: wviMis on February 27, 2022, 11:44:22 PM
 :lol:Watch this video again. Favorite editing style. And powerful stunts. Itchy hands. To download play.
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