
Stunt Crew Network => Dark Side Stunters => DSS Video Releases => Topic started by: The Big V on April 06, 2020, 09:44:44 AM

Title: [DSS] G3
Post by: The Big V on April 06, 2020, 09:44:44 AM
DSS' original G-series is back after 8 years!


First of all we'd like to thank the VCMP forums - especially Sebastian who did more than making a stunting server for DSS - he is hosting it, adding commands, and being a friend.
Without Sebastian's help this video wouldnt be possible since the tools (save/load, invul vehicles, jetpack etc) that we used in the 0.3z client arent working anymore in the new 0.4 client. He added every possible function and command inside the server, making it as easier to stunt as in SP - save/load like Dannye's SCM, jetpack, possibility to spawn every vehicle (and custom vehicles too), no need to voice-chat or type Go every try - theres a countdown,
and many-many more small stuff that made MP stunting even more fun - the volume of G3's line-up backs this claim up:

The Big V


Maps: LC

Editor and GFX: BixelBG


[spoiler_block]2K YouTube version[/spoiler_block]

Also thanks to Haywire that made the custom Cheetah skin at 0:40, and to Blaze for making the Skimmer skin - visible at 1:34 and 2:52.

Full review template:


0:29-0:39 Faiz & The Big V -
0:40-0:46 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
0:47-1:00 BixelBG & The Big V -
1:01-1:06 BixelBG & Oliver
1:07-1:14 The Big V & Oliver (Bixel's cam) -
1:15-1:25 Gavran & The Big V (Bixel heli cam) -
1:26-1:33 BixelBG & The Big V -
1:34-1:48 ARS & Bixel BG -
1:49-1:57 Puzzle & The Big V -
1:58-2:08 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:09-2:16 Faiz & The Big V -
2:17-2:26 BixelBG & Oliver -
2:27-2:34 Hawywire & The Big V -
2:35-2:38 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:39-2:45 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:46-2:51 Khaimyk & Faiz -
2:52-3:04 Halchter & BixelBG -
3:05-3:12 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:13-3:20 Faiz & The Big V -
3:21-3:24 The Big V & Oliver -
3:25-3:32 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:33-3:38 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:39-3:44 OddDellaRobbia & Make -
3:45-3:50 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:50-3:55 Faiz & The Big V -
3:55-4:00 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
4:00-4:09 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
4:10-4:19 Halchter & Faiz -
4:20-4:27 BixelBG & The Big V -



For anyone willing to play in the server:

[spoiler_block]1 Download VC and VCMP installer here ->
2 Install VCMP_Installer anywhere
3 Start VCMP Browser
4 Tools -> Settings
5 Change Nickname and locate VC's folder -> OK
6 While on Favourites tab click Server -> Add Server
7 Write DSS server's ip and password (PM me for that)
8 We have switched back to VC map now. If someone wants to host the server with the LC map - PM me so I can send the files.

If you get an error when opening the browser client, try the following:
Go in Tools -> Settings
Change the updater URL to

Commands can be seen by typing /cmds in the chat but here are the basic ones:

/goto name - ports to the specified player
/veh name - spawns the vehicle
shift G - starts a countdown (3-2-1-GO!)
shift B - deletes the vehicle you are in
shift A MMB - save loc 1
shift D MMB - save loc 2
shift A LMB - load loc 1
shift D LMB - load loc 2
/skin number - change player skin (custom DSS player skins from 210 to 220)
/col1 number - change main color of the vehicle
/col2 number - change 2nd color of the vehicle
L - turn lights on/off
2 - flip vehicle on wheels
4 - pop all wheels
/hour number - changes time of the day (for morning hours use 07,08, etc)
/weather number - changes the weather
shift [ - jetpack up (in vehicle only)
shift ] - jetpack forward
shift \ - jetpack freeze in place
shift - - jetpack turn left
shift = - jetpack turn right

If you want to stunt with us, add me on discord so we can sync with the time - bionickel #3051[/spoiler_block]
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: khaimyk on April 06, 2020, 09:47:18 AM
Yeah baby  ;D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: luli guy on April 06, 2020, 10:09:22 AM
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: NEM on April 06, 2020, 10:15:04 AM
good stuff
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Danger on April 06, 2020, 10:50:12 AM
I rarely comment something here, but this one could not ignore. It was very epic :o
Surprised that you still have the patience for stunting in vcmp.
Also glad to see LC in multiplayer :happy:
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Turok on April 06, 2020, 10:55:11 AM
I like the logo that Bixel made in the intro and the beginning of the song where the singer talks about stunting related stuff.  :lol: Stuntingwise it was the best amongst the three parts of G. It's a shame you guys managed to land only one stunt involving a bike. The precision at the construction site is my favorite stunt. I liked the edit. It was smooth and not overdone.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: ARS on April 06, 2020, 10:56:30 AM
VC car stunting is not only landings on 30ft roofs LOL! Finally high roofs were touched not only with bikes!
It was really fresh, great fckn job DDS! Happy bonus for me is that I'm part of this video, thanks for letting me in. I had fun playing with you and try those spots and see now that most of them are landed is awesome for me, because i know how hard they are.
This time I enjoyed so much the editing, GFXing and sync were cool, good music choice! Intro, outro, nicknames template with animation looks really decent and modernly. I'm fully enjoyed watching this video, it was great!
You got a nice experience and i'm sure it's going to be improved in next video, because MP stunting has a lot of potentional, keep it up!
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Bixel on April 06, 2020, 11:05:10 AM
AFTER 8 FUCKING YEARS no VCMP, finnally we got our asses online  and managed to landed those mindfucking stunts i've never even though possible. LC proved better for VC:MP stunting because of the high roofs and many ramps, hopefully next video will be freshests of them all VC:MP vids :P also fuck youtube and covid 19 they lowered the bitrate and ruined the video

little fun fact - while me and the Big V were trying the crane (opener) his wife was giving birth at the hospital to his second child. That stunt was so fucking hard and needed to much trying, it almost costed us more than we can afford to sac :D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: The Big V on April 06, 2020, 11:14:12 AM
The precision at the construction site is my favorite stunt.

I wanted to add a small note to that stunt.
My fraps lags most of the time, this is one of the reason I am the "bumper" in most of the stunts wth my participation.
On the bucket landing at the construction site Bixel was the camera (passenger) in the car, hence there is a small warping caused by the ping, thats why the stunt might look a bit weird. But yeah its a multiplayer game, nothing can be done about that.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Erney on April 06, 2020, 12:37:45 PM
Cool video, a lot of cool stuff all around.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Skuller on April 06, 2020, 12:54:33 PM
Feels more like collab organized by DSS than crew video but however. Both stunting and editing were great! My favourite seems to be Haywire's stunt but good job all, looks like you had a lot of fun.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: disciplo on April 06, 2020, 01:10:43 PM
Goddamn, great fucking video. Sick stunts, and a good editing to go with that.
Kudos to all of you.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: SyperDimon on April 06, 2020, 02:57:10 PM
VC car stunting is not only landings on 30ft roofs LOL! Finally high roofs were touched not only with bikes!
It was really fresh, great fckn job DDS! Happy bonus for me is that I'm part of this video, thanks for letting me in. I had fun playing with you and try those spots and see now that most of them are landed is awesome for me, because i know how hard they are.
This time I enjoyed so much the editing, GFXing and sync were cool, good music choice! Intro, outro, nicknames template with animation looks really decent and modernly. I'm fully enjoyed watching this video, it was great!
You got a nice experience and i'm sure it's going to be improved in next video, because MP stunting has a lot of potentional, keep it up!
да что ты говоришь то! умный дохуя? лэндили 60-70 футовые крыши неоднократно.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: .Dakar on April 06, 2020, 03:00:39 PM
fucken sick
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Krypton on April 06, 2020, 03:25:57 PM
This was so kick ass. Awesome job with the editing Bix! Clean, sleak and sexy. enjoyed this muuuch more, but cam angles werent up to you in this one  :P :cc_detective:

stand outs were faiz/TBV at 3:51, Bixels sanchez bump to the bridge was sick, Oliver/TBV crane bucket landing, and bix/halchter at 2:57. but seriously all of them were awesome.

Also cool to see Hay and Puzzle in there, hell yeah. awesome job fellas :cheernutz: ;D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: J.Mario on April 06, 2020, 05:53:17 PM
VC car stunting is not only landings on 30ft roofs LOL! Finally high roofs were touched not only with bikes!
You can even add one more zero after that.  :lol:

Thanks for all the amazing cooperative stunts showing here, have had my eyes full for that I can't really tell which one is my favourite. Editing is #fire btw

Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Silw on April 06, 2020, 11:29:13 PM
Bixel   :lol: now I think you were right calling me Faiz a Skimmer bumper is an understatement. Amazing video it was so fun to watch  :)
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Faiz on April 07, 2020, 12:08:34 AM
Bixel   :lol: now I think you were right calling me Faiz a Skimmer bumper is an understatement. Amazing video it was so fun to watch  :)
ahahha hell yeah Sliw :D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: FIGHTER on April 07, 2020, 12:25:47 AM
sick jobbo, everything was in place, editing, stunts, music! Good job all of you
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: FTO on April 07, 2020, 12:45:23 AM
Interesting video. MP stunting looks full of fun. :P
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Ezraph2001 on April 07, 2020, 01:17:44 AM
I remember watching G2 before but G3 is some new real fly shit, gj  :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Blaze on April 07, 2020, 03:35:30 AM
Knowing the amount of work, time, effort and dedication that went into this makes the end product that much better. Super enjoyable video, my personal favourite aspects of it were some of those classics spots/roofs landed with a new twist ie the Cheetah wallride at the dam - infact all the wallride stuff was dope. Really liked Gavran's Squallo and Puzzle's cheetah stunt. Also, Cheetah PSM to Skimmer bump? that's gotta be a first  :cc_detective:

One of my other favourite things about the whole video wasn't the stunts nor the editing (although that too was great, so well done on that Bixel!) but the reactions in the chat when something got landed  :lol:

Great video.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Diaz on April 07, 2020, 04:10:13 AM
I just love MP videos mainly because of the reasons mentioned earlier. One can feel you guys had lot of fun doing it, the reactions to landing a stunt, the lags, the unprecedently high stunts being done with cars! These all together made the video unique and that's why MP videos are always special. Especially VC ones as you rarely see one, but you guys have been doing it for over a decade now, glad to see this series continues.
I can't pick standouts, just gonna say I loved how you combined the stunts. You did wallrides and bumps before the contact with the moving object, you used cabbie, bike and different cars. And knowing how 'weak' the VC cars are for stunting (sorry, just comparing them to SA ones), it was really enjoyable to see those cars go up that high.
Also, I liked the editing, this dynamic song fitted well these stunts, I'm glad that not a typical rock song was used. And this song sounded *really* familiar from Dragun's collab Virtual Insanity 3  :P

Overall an entertaining video, it was worth the wait. I'm happy the video has so many participants, maybe I check out that VCMP server as well  :D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: ARS on April 07, 2020, 04:15:39 AM
да что ты говоришь то! умный дохуя? лэндили 60-70 футовые крыши неоднократно.
Ты че быкануть решил на меня? лол, да умный! Соболезную, что за 10 лет ты не научился переводить с английского на русский и не понимаешь где идет ирония в тексте. Лучше бы комментарий достойный написал, ленивая ты жопа, а не меня "подловить" пытался. И не стоит мне отвечать здесь, нахуй оффтоп. Если есть какие то вопросы, пиши в диск.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: waNEr on April 07, 2020, 06:21:09 AM
this was genuily enjoyable, i really liked it :D
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Caio on April 07, 2020, 08:21:40 AM
That's one of the most entretaining GTAS videos ever. Loved it! My favorites were the infernus + taxi boost combos and the wallrides + skimmer hits. Sick stunts guys!
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Sheep on April 08, 2020, 08:19:41 AM
Awesome video you guys created. I dig the vibe and style of Bixel's edit.

Also, what happened at 3:20?
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Minq on April 08, 2020, 09:58:23 AM
really nice video guys  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: The Big V on April 08, 2020, 12:19:21 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys!

Also, what happened at 3:20?

Oliver taxi ejected me to the tower, but Bix cut too much of the "boost waiting" part and its barely visible  :lol:

Overall an entertaining video, it was worth the wait. I'm happy the video has so many participants, maybe I check out that VCMP server as well  :D

More than welcome to do so! We already have couple of SA guys in the server with us. Plus we switched to SAiVC map now (only SF though) so it should feel more like home  :euro:

One of my other favourite things about the whole video wasn't the stunts nor the editing (although that too was great, so well done on that Bixel!) but the reactions in the chat when something got landed  :lol:

Oh yeah the stunting adrenaline multiplied by 2 or 3. In the full length clips you could see the chat literally exploding when a worthy stunt got landed.  :jajaja:
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Max_ on April 08, 2020, 12:45:07 PM
Good stuff all around! Those MP stunts look fun, makes me want to hop in there with you guys right now :euro:
I liked puzzles/TBV infernus bump, Faiz/TBV hotring bump at the airport and TBV/Olivers infernus bump at the construction side the most
The edit went good with the song although I am not a fan of overedited vids, it still turned out great :P
good job yall
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Scavenger on April 09, 2020, 08:49:47 AM
Haywire/TBV skimmer bump was the best imo it was so smooth i love it. The video was fun to watch. Good job
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Omma! on April 11, 2020, 06:46:27 AM
Awesome video! Those clip looked so smooth, did you use a special effect while editing or is it just me? Great stunts and edit, kinda had that Skyward 3 feelin.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Cooper on April 11, 2020, 11:15:59 AM
stunning, i can't believe part 3 came out. great job :a-cheer: :a-cheer: i love these kind of videos. the producion is amazing too
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Bixel on April 12, 2020, 12:47:24 AM
Awesome video! Those clip looked so smooth, did you use a special effect while editing or is it just me? Great stunts and edit, kinda had that Skyward 3 feelin.
just watched Skyward 3, lmao you're right :D also there is little to non post production done on the clips except tiny CC, transitions and the equilizer.
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Hoff on April 13, 2020, 08:24:16 AM
Loved it, good job!
Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Jason on April 22, 2020, 11:52:47 PM
I like to do backflip.

Title: Re: [DSS] G3
Post by: Uttergarbage 2 on June 12, 2020, 10:30:40 AM
Wow! You guys have come a long way from the first piece of shit I put out for us 10(?) Years ago!
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