
Stunt Crew Network => Dark Side Stunters => DSS Video Releases => Topic started by: The Big V on November 02, 2017, 11:51:45 AM

Title: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: The Big V on November 02, 2017, 11:51:45 AM
Greetings from the dark side, GTAS!

Half a year after our successful crew video, me, Turok and Gavran would like to present you a trio that we really enjoyed working on.

As always we had hard time finding an editor (while this whole time he was right under our noses, thx Enough <3)
but the bright side (pun intended) in this search and delaying was that we managed to land even more stunts for this project.

About the stunts, I wont spoil much, just let you know that we have a good variety of stunting vehicles used as always. Just watch and we hope you enjoy Tenebruh.



The Big V

Editor and logo:

D-link coming soon. Watch on youtube in HQ.

Review template:
TBV Rhino big cliff landing - 0:14-0:26 ?/10
Turok Angled nat bump 2 stadium - 0:26-0:39 ?/10
TBV Perpendicular bush grind - 0:40-0:50 ?/10
Turok Angel double ledge grind - 0:51-1:05 ?/10
Gavran Packer ramp 2 bump 2 roof - 1:06-1:18 ?/10
Turok natbump 2 crane - 1:19-1:31 ?/10
TBV - taxiboost 2 docks precision - 1:32-1:43 ?/10
Turok - bump 2 ledge grind fence - 1:44-1:57 ?/10
Turok Rhino ramp 2 bump 2 airport - 1:58-2:10 ?/10
Gavran - PSM 2 roof - 2:11-2:23 ?/10
TBV - Sanchez doublebump 2 parkinglot top - 2:24-2:37 ?/10
Turok - grind 2 ledge 2 packer transition 2 ledge - 2:38-2:49 ?/10
Gavran - taxi boost 2 stadium - 2:50-3:05 ?/10
TBV - Packer 2 rooframp 2 gap - 3:06-3:22 ?/10
Turok - packer 2 natbump 2 airport - 3:23-3:40 ?/10
Gavran - sidep2b 2 wallride 2 roof - 3:41-3:54 ?/10
Turok - freeway p2b 2 billboard - 3:56-4:02 ?/10
Gavran - sanchez p2b 2 roof - 4:03-4:11 ?/10
Gavran - Sanchez tankbump 2 junks - 4:12-4:21 ?/10
Turok - sidep2b 2 wallride 2 billboard - 4:22-4:33 ?/10
TBV - Freeway stairs 2 bump 2 roof - 4:34-4:47 ?/10
Gavran - PSM 2 roof - 4:48-5:00 ?/10
Turok - Natbump 2 palmwallride 2 roof - 5:01 ?/10

Edit: ?/10

Overall: ?/10

Brief comments: 

Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Enough on November 02, 2017, 11:57:47 AM
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: SkilZ on November 02, 2017, 12:05:21 PM
I love it !

Great stunt, like you said there are a lot of variety :)

Enough did a really good job on editing

Good job guys  ;D
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: SyperDimon on November 02, 2017, 12:13:23 PM
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: PM on November 02, 2017, 01:45:06 PM
That was fast...

The stunts were as awesome as Turok's pics in Tenebra convo. Okay editing, enjoyable. TBV's freeway bump was éPOKIšťéíIťTDSKTOIOčížIťTORGOBM!!!!!!!

2017 is epic.
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Turok on November 02, 2017, 01:53:12 PM
The stunts were as awesome as Turok's pics in Tenebra convo.
Shut up! Whatever happened in the convo, remains in the convo! Apart from that, I'm beyond happy to see this trio come to light. Big love for my two bros
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: TrYp on November 02, 2017, 01:55:43 PM
I am just gonna leave this here.

still, Turok's natural stuff was fucking marvelous. So was TBV's freeway natbump near the beach. That stunt is even hard on a pcj
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Billy on November 02, 2017, 03:08:04 PM
I am just gonna leave this here.

still, Turok's natural stuff was fucking marvelous. So was TBV's freeway natbump near the beach. That stunt is even hard on a pcj

this pcj and sparks *.*
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Plani on November 02, 2017, 03:10:21 PM
Fantastic video. Everyone had great stuff but Turok's stunts were fucking sick. It was great to hear a Chevelle song being used again here too. Awesome job guys! One of the videos i most enjoyed watching this year for sure.
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Rainbow on November 02, 2017, 05:28:45 PM
I am just gonna leave this here.
What kind of weird camera settings do you have? It looks like you're going 30km/h  :lol:

On-topic: Turok stood out without a single filler, and V's freeway vertical natbump was nuts  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Muhammad Farrukh on November 02, 2017, 05:40:39 PM
OMG... Turok u got nice finisher ..
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Faiz on November 02, 2017, 09:58:35 PM
Damn lost 2 spot,but i think that good cuz just only 2 spot :| !
That was fast for a new video, the cc remind to WH-expinox,and some WH video one of best crew of all tim :wub:e , the stunt are so cratetive , like most Turok's finished, TBV's freeway , and Gavan's beach P2B , how Gavan ? You can setup that PSM in VC , i was try to setup that just like OCZ , but it can't able to bump on cuz that door too lager 
Awesome video guy, this definitely will into my folder GTAS ;) :cheernutz: :cheernutz: :wub:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: jakuba on November 03, 2017, 02:20:43 AM
All stunts were great and I loved 4:35. The way the freeway rotated was awesome. I have to say though most of the stunts felt like a play on previously landed spots. I think we're running out of buildings to land on.
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Sheep on November 03, 2017, 05:06:57 AM
Turok is a badass. :ajaja: and I always love V's rhino and freeway stuff. Good shit everyone.
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Biel on November 03, 2017, 05:32:18 AM
2017 was definitely the year of stunting!
That freeway stunt near the beach blew my mind, so fucking sick :ninja:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: IceD on November 03, 2017, 05:38:28 AM
also props on that freeway vertical bump V, looked insane
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Scavenger on November 03, 2017, 07:13:07 AM
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Erney on November 03, 2017, 11:23:38 AM
Too much great stunts, well done
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: ostin on November 03, 2017, 11:31:08 PM
Among best videos of the year. And why isn't there more comments ? It deserves a lot.
I'd write a review if only I wasn't so fucking busy even on weekends. Eh.

Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: The Big V on November 04, 2017, 12:55:46 AM
And why isn't there more comments ?

Because there are no modding accusations  :lol:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Lex on November 04, 2017, 12:57:30 AM
Oh on the birthday you said something (I think you know what I mean)  :a-cheer:

Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Diaz on November 04, 2017, 06:03:09 AM
Strong video after such a short time. Turok stood out imo, overall I preferred the bigairs but the grinds and the tank stunts were great as well. Notable stunts for me were the opener, Gavran's first stunt, TBV's packer2roof2watergap, his vertical freeway madness and the sanchez doublebump2prec near LV airport, Turok's airport landing with that clever runup, his bbprec near sunshine autos and the finisher of course.
The editing along with the song was great and fitted well to these stunts. Overall an amazing video, keep up the work guys!  :jajaja:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: MtS on November 04, 2017, 01:09:19 PM
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: RedX on November 05, 2017, 07:39:17 AM
Wow! What a great video :D So many awesome stunts!!

The rhino airport landing and freeway natbump were my favorites!
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: CrazyClown- on November 05, 2017, 11:21:15 AM
CYKA BLYAD FREEWAY STUNT!!!! Great video  :wub:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Cooper on November 05, 2017, 04:42:04 PM
DSS is back :')
loved turok's stadium bump, the mall angel grind, tbv's wierd freeway rotation bump and lots more. nice to see gavran hitting the stunts. nice video
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: mehmet on November 06, 2017, 02:11:45 AM
da big vigidys freeway stunt was fucking awesome!!! and v had really cool stuff overall also
turok had so good stunts and really sick finisher!!!! could you record that from different angles(even tho the edit was good id  would have seen that a bit better) so nice stunt!
and garvan what ive seen usually lands not that flashy but hard as fuck stunts but these looked hard but had a bit more style to them so that was really fucking cool

good edit good song
only - is that only 3 guys in a crew video BUT i get it. you 4 did amazing job anyway so its just a tiny little -

Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: The Big V on November 06, 2017, 04:30:19 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys. Appreciated!

@Mehmeat - it was just a trio. we do have other active members - luli, skilz, toty, all beast. In some time next year we might come up with another CV
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Turok on November 06, 2017, 02:08:22 PM

^ For those who can't help but masturbate to the finisher. Cheers
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: godson on November 06, 2017, 03:20:56 PM
cool video guys.
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Caio on November 08, 2017, 04:35:15 AM
I'm a bit late to the party but holy fuck, Turok landed some next level hardcore shit there :o and Big V's freeway vertical bump has to be one of the most stylish stunts ever landed!

I liked that  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Max_ on December 01, 2017, 04:33:41 AM
FINALLY got to see and comment on this
You guys completely killed it!!
Freeway madness from tbv, turok all over killed it, every stunt was carnage, gavran killed it too
So sick! Edit was enjoyable aswell
Must be one of the best videos this year
Great job everyone :euro:
Title: Re: [VC] Tenebra
Post by: Minq on December 01, 2017, 08:46:17 AM
Ivan and Ivan + swedistan = win

gj dss
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