
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Topic started by: Max_ on July 29, 2016, 02:41:33 PM

Title: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Max_ on July 29, 2016, 02:41:33 PM

"History repeates" as my teacher always said, and that is the case this year aswell. The sequel to the "History Of Violence" collab is here! Many thanks to everyone that contributed something for this and helped me getting this released. Special shoutouts to Blaze for creating the banner and helping me with the voice acting intro script and promagic for the other voice act aswell.

Editor: Max

Line-Up: Bark, Tomiboy, Vanilla, Fighter, Lorano, Odd Della Robbia, Max, ZeRo, Nem, MaCi, FlatFace, Blaze, Frank, Cooper, Ltab


Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Erney on July 29, 2016, 02:43:34 PM
This sequel was private or I missed organization topic?



It turned out so great. I felt like I was was watching first part again but with less stunters. I've expected another sequel on Halloween tbh :P. Evreyone had amazing and enjoyable stunts to watch. My fav stunt was Zero's sanchez wallride but as I said, everyone had good stunts. Editing was pretty much the same as in first part but I've enjoyed again. Hope you'lll organize another this year on Halloween. :)
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Blaze on July 29, 2016, 02:56:01 PM
This sequel was private or I missed organization topic?


to tldr it Max was really hyped on this one Burzum song and wanted to edit a video to it and I had a bunch of leftover reps from a throwaway collab I did so I sent him those and it eventually spiralled off into AHOV II; dunno if he invited people privately or what.

anyway 666 bro worship satan you'll cowards don't even smoke crack. fucking rad concept, editing and execution on it from Max and some great stunts all around. Glad to have helped out on this one, I'll do a longer review later but for now that shit was tight
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: ARS on July 29, 2016, 03:18:58 PM
Editing and GFXing are on top lvl, very like it! Stunting was nice too, Max is like BGH, always organizing collabs and participace in every video, gj dude. :a-cheer:
Bark's boost to pink roof is sick! Some olds here, but anyway i liked every stunt in this video and just enjoyed watching it. Too lazy to write full review, sry.. :P
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: FrankInsanity on July 29, 2016, 03:45:01 PM
Vanilla's Indoor Mansion Wallride, Maci's Construction Doube Grind and his Ramp to Palm Ramp to Roof were my favs. Bark made a perfect reland on Barney's Stoppie
666 bro worship satan you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

This collab is fucking awesome!  ;D
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: FIGHTER on July 29, 2016, 03:59:10 PM
Turned out great.:)
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Biel on July 29, 2016, 05:47:48 PM
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Cooper on July 29, 2016, 06:31:51 PM
awesome job max, i love it when videos haves or has, please correct me lots of effort editing wise including a theme, unique skins, intro and stuff :P saw some great stunts, some olds but who gives a shit :lol: (i think i already saw blaze's stunts before in another video) and its nice to see ltab in a video :wub: oye
but i think that the first part is better cause of the song xD fucking master piece
once again, awesome job, and thanks for the invitation

666 bro worship satan you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

oh and you forgot to add me 2 the stunters list
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: J.Mario on July 29, 2016, 06:42:25 PM
What I could say is FU Q MAXXXX!! I thought you would just release the vid on the day of Halloween..So I thought I can land something for this collab later couple months.. :lol:
Anyway this is a masterpiece again with those outstanding stunts, liked SS's and Bark's the most! :wub:
The editing is sick as always, passions poured out in mind, thanks for bringing us such a passionated collaboration! :P
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Feuer on July 29, 2016, 07:50:26 PM
i didnt even know about this video

Pretty rad video, despite me ending up in it with the worst stunts ever.
That PCJ is sick btw, shoutout to Blaze I assume.

Krasses Video. Ausnahmsweise darfst du heute ohne Dresche ins Bett, Max.
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: JustCaus3 on July 29, 2016, 11:46:32 PM
Somewhat of a masterpiece guys. Everyone had great stuff but street fighter, gnarls barkley, max payne and vanilla ice had the best stuff imo  :ajaja:

Usually the videos where every map is used, always saivc seems somehow out of place. Not in this one though. The atmosphere was great and it wasn't interrupted. Great job on the editing.  :ajaja:

Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Xtramus on July 30, 2016, 02:09:16 AM
Great video, loved a whole lot of the stunts. Editing-wise not my cup of tea but the concept was very well done so kudos for that! Will be watching again :)
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Art   on July 30, 2016, 07:11:55 AM
coobs wallride combo, macis double grind and zeros sanchez wallride stood out for me, shame some of them stunts (ltab and blaze i guess?) were used before, good job there
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Ltab on July 30, 2016, 12:23:12 PM
This was sick just like the first one, really fucking good editing Max! Always putting lots of effort on it! It was a nice surprise to see myself in this because my name wasn't on the stunters list so I was like w00t.
Many stand outs like zero's sanchez wallride, some of bark's grinds, cooper's SAiVC double grind, and more stuff I'm lazy to mention  :rolleyes:

Props to everyone involved!

shame some of them stunts (ltab and blaze i guess?) were used before, good job there

Actually I never used those stunts, like they are some really old VCSL entries and I just had them hidden in my reps folder but never appeared in a serious vid. I sent them to one of Blaze's latest collabs because he was looking for some cool stunts to quickly make a vid so I sent him some, and a couple of them weren't used (which are these two stunts in this video).
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Herb on July 30, 2016, 03:18:26 PM
Need a download link.
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: VaNilla on July 30, 2016, 04:11:38 PM
Loved so many of the stunts here, Bark's boost to the pink building was superb. Brilliant editing by Max, as usual. :cheernutz: :cheernutz:
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: J.Mario on July 30, 2016, 09:43:17 PM
Need a download link.
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Max_ on July 31, 2016, 09:01:02 AM
Krasses Video. Ausnahmsweise darfst du heute ohne Dresche ins Bett, Max.
Sehr gütig

Oh sry to cooper and ltab, added you to the list :P

Thanks to everyone!! It's really great to read such postive words. This is keeping me motivated for further projects


Download link added
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: PM on July 31, 2016, 10:46:29 AM
A lot of good stunts with a high standard of editing. Everything apart from my voice acting went very well.
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Diaz on August 01, 2016, 07:08:02 AM
Great video guys, everyone did well and the atmosphere was really 'scary' as well thanks to the good editing!
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Bark on August 03, 2016, 01:34:04 PM
Amazing work Max, as usual !  :jajaja: felt like an actual movie with the intro and all, awesome stuff !   :D
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: luli guy on August 04, 2016, 07:45:33 AM
nice gravity on fighters opener
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: ODR on August 08, 2016, 09:48:09 AM
Editing is very cruel, I like the intro! :cheernutz:
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: FIGHTER on August 23, 2016, 01:45:07 PM
nice gravity on fighters opener

lol, that psm is almost a ramp, because of the street : >
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: metalsoad2 on August 24, 2016, 09:42:28 AM
wow great edit! some great stunts too, gj guys :wub:
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: DeathMazhine on August 24, 2016, 12:39:44 PM
nem bored
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: NEM on August 26, 2016, 09:15:00 AM
I'm not bored :|
Title: Re: A History Of Violence II
Post by: Erney on August 26, 2016, 12:51:12 PM
Deathmachine zdech
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