
General => News & Updates => Community Videos => Topic started by: Max_ on February 27, 2016, 06:43:02 AM

Title: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Max_ on February 27, 2016, 06:43:02 AM
Hello folks, so after a long period of time and many countless hours of work we got everything ready for you guys to enjoy!
Some things have been changed though, such as the lineup for the editors of this Community Video. Morbidxxx was supposed to edit this together with me, but for some reason he vanished or we couldn't have the chance to contact him so I had to take the job on my own (hope your doing fine mate!). But everything worked out fine and I am relieved that I can present this to you without any further ado.
A few last thanks to all the stunters that submitted great stunts and the organizers that did a great job!

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Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Feuer on February 27, 2016, 06:47:58 AM
some great stunts

drizzlys grab2grind has to be one of the best executed stunts ever tbh
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: waNEr on February 27, 2016, 06:52:49 AM
Jesus i loved every single second of this video, thanks you guys for making it possible!

"Morbidxxx was supposed to edit this together with me, but for some reason he vanished" I called that shit out as soon as morbidxxx was picked as an editor. :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: RedX on February 27, 2016, 07:00:04 AM
Great video! Really great contributions from everyone :) Loved the ending! ;D

E: Forgot to mention that the editing was amazing!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: J.Mario on February 27, 2016, 07:09:02 AM
Yay it FINALLY comes out!!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: PM on February 27, 2016, 08:00:37 AM
I'm really happy to see that something like this was still possible to happen in 2016, kudos to you Nem!
Another shout-out goes to Max for getting his work done superbly... the cameras... I loved those. Nice choice of music as well and I'm glad you decided not to fuck up the look of the video with a color filter. GJ Max! :)

VaNilla, the very finisher must be a stunt of the year, you fucking animal. :P
Great job everyone else too, there were many mad stunts.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: jakuba on February 27, 2016, 08:01:35 AM
Awesome intro. Great editing. Stunts were allright I liked SS and Vicarious the most. Overall very enjoyable.
Also that last SS stunt. :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on February 27, 2016, 08:12:14 AM
VaNilla, the very finisher must be a stunt of the year, you fucking animal. :P
I'm sorry but it was just a fluke and you cannot stay on sideways like that forever  :unsure:

Anyway, like I told you before Max, the editing was perfect and the music choice as well. Felt like a proper community video and apart from a few oldies and stunts that were used before the stunting level was at a higher level than I expected! Shoutouts to Mehmet's bump2BBgrind, Zero's dropbump2roof, MtS' car stunt, Simon's unmodded version of the hotring bump2roof, the finisher and a few others I cannot fully remember right now  :lol: I'll go over the video later and add those to the list. Very enjoyable video with the right mood and good stunting for the entire length (even the credits could be a nice collab on its own). So 10/10 for me.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Billy on February 27, 2016, 08:20:19 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FrankInsanity on February 27, 2016, 08:21:08 AM
  Max you got my full respect for editing this alone.
"Morbidxxx was supposed to edit this together with me, but for some reason he vanished" I called that shit out as soon as morbidxxx was picked as an editor. :ajaja:

 True dat <_<
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Demon on February 27, 2016, 08:25:31 AM
better than expected. there are really some cool stunts here and there.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on February 27, 2016, 08:39:27 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: DriZzly on February 27, 2016, 08:39:48 AM
some great stunts

drizzlys grab2grind has to be one of the best executed stunts ever tbh

lol thx mate
good job on the video guys :wub:
wouldve like more powerful songs though..
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: VaNilla on February 27, 2016, 08:51:42 AM
Awesome job guys, especially Max. Thanks for using some of my stunts; I wished that some of my better stunts would be used, but I guess that's the same for everyone :D. For reference, my stunts were landed between 2009 and 2011. Favourite stunts were Simon's Hotring double bump, everything by Flatface and MehMet, Rainbow's Taxi precision, Ltab's grind, MtS' godly Infernus stunt, ZeRo's dropbump, Max's palm landing, RNV's PSM, and Sheeptea's hospital bump.

I'm sorry but it was just a fluke and you cannot stay on sideways like that forever  :unsure:

You can stay on forever, I did it without touching my keyboard :ninja:. It was a fluke though :Disgusted:.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Sheep on February 27, 2016, 08:53:19 AM
I dig the intro. I mostly skip all the intros from gta videos because they are just boring and stupid. This time I had this feeling that I'm watching the old comm video intros after many many years (Yeah Baby, Regeneration etc.)

Stunts were nice. I wasn't too picky to spot only old stunts but waner's natbump from the outro was only that I recall. Still kinda hard to pull off.
Editing was classic Max style like I told you on skype, those camera works are your specialty.
SS is one of my fav stunters with MtS. Dudes rock my socks off.

This was my first community video I participated (kinda last call) even after being part of the forums for 6 years.
Thanks for letting me part of this and thanks Max for the special thanks! :happy: :wub:

Favourite stunts were Sheeptea's hospital bump.
Thanks man. Means a lot coming from you!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Artifex on February 27, 2016, 09:23:00 AM
Nice to see some veterans kicking it again. The video itself was a great watch and felt nostalgic as fuck. Good job everyone involved  :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on February 27, 2016, 09:24:59 AM
 ;D Full Review from Blaze  ;D

oh man as soon as this started it felt like a time machine to the old days of gtas with Fracture, Yeah Baby and Interlocked. Was the intro a reference at VC/Stunting being dead cus thats what I assumed it to be lol, real nice scripting from Dev there.

VaNilla - Ramp to Spin to Bridge Grind: I know Sorcery landed this so his jimmies are going to be rustled but nonetheless it's a sick stunt and keeping the grind up for that duration is challenging.
ozibe - Gap to Bump To Roof: Very smart idea but I can't help but feel the higher roof to the left could be landed.
Blaze - Ramp to Wallbonk to Grind: I don't know can you review your own stunts? In hindsight I wish I sent something better but whatever fuck it.
Darkstar - Hotring Double Bump To Roof: Really liked this one, good use of the terrain to get to a pretty high roof for Hotring standards and it looked stylish as fuck.
Dev - CSM Treebonk To Roof: Very stylish, nice to see that roof get landed by something other than a PCJ.
Brainkiller - Bump to Roof: Thought I was tripping when I saw BK in the vid; surprised this hasn't been landed before but executed very well and the rotation made it look even better.
Demon - Gap Bump to Bump to Roof: Good stunt, would be sick for it to be landed from the further back bump that you gap over but I guess the distance for that is too far.
morbidxxx - Rhino Ramp gap to Roof: Damn real good idea I'm surprised it hasn't been done before
Haywire - Packer Cork to Grind: What happened to 720 or reland? :P Just fuckin with ya, good job good bike all is good
Mehmet - Infernus Ramp to Precision: man I prolly couldn't land that shit with a bike nevermind a damn Infernus good job brotha
Max - Sanchez Bump to Sign Precision: Damn son that shit was stylish as fuck but I wouldn't expect anything else from you!
FIGHTER - Rampbump? to Roof: shit looked stylish as fuck and well executed but I can't help but wonder why you're using a plain black bike when Reaper made you that sickass one a few years back.
Cooper - Gap to Bump to Roof: man that bump hit me outta nowhere I was expecting you to go down the alleyway lol nice distance
Skuller - Skimmer bump to Roof: fuck ye always looks sick seeing that roof get landed, good idea for the stunt too really liked it!
CrazyClown - Ledgegrind: I liked the way you hung on to the grind at the end lol not the cleanest of stunts but if everyone landed everything clean with no mistakes it'd be boring as fuck.
MTS - RC Baron: Fucking lol'd now thats a GTAStunting first inb4 whole RC car stuntvids
Bark - Gap to Bump to Roof: oh man spooky scary skeletons and shit great idea dawg
Danger - Bump to Roof: I thought it was gonna be to the roof infront not gap over the damn thing lol nice
Rainbow - Taxi Boost Island Gap to Tracks: bruvwhat the fuck that was fuckign sick mane I was "there's no way you can land that on the tracks" and then it fucking happened. Next up someone do the boost going the other way and land on the bridge beam precs.
Mythic - 360 Stoppie to Prec: I never got the hang of those damn 360 stoppies, that shit was stylish as fuck and the landing on the prec made it even better.
OCZ - CSM to Roof: man I swear the Japanese/Chinese stunters just dont say anything at all then appear outta nowhere and blow our faces off with some fucking sick stunts gj man.
MaCi - Bonk Cork 2 grind: That shit right there was stylish as FUCK (capitals to emphasize how stylish it is), the idea and execution was solid.
Nem - BSM to Roof: real smooth stunt i dunno what else to say lol
flatface - Bump to Grind: first of all wtf flatface in a video, second of all give me your skin and thirdly fuckin nice stunt u strayan cunt
Raskal - Squallo Bump to Grind: Well executed, nice to see some Squallo stunts every now and then!
PM - PSM to tubey...cylindery thing I forgot the name: Damn son you fucking love PSM's, sick stunt u slovakian slut. nice bike also.
imbaA - Submerged Bump Gap: Very stylish take on an old classic spot, I liked it!
SyperDimon - Bump to BB Precision: I liked the flip flop around on the top of the billboard, good execution.
ARS - Wall Ramp to Precision: Another one of those god damn that shit was stylish kinda stunts, good thinking and execution on that spot.
Damerick - FBI Bump to Pillar: i have no idea who you are but that shit was nice

Ltab - Rooftop Combo - thats shit was fucking rad real good use of the runup and combining the stunts purple urkle
morbidxxx - Packer to WR to Bridge: I just realised your name is just the words morbid and xxx combined. xxx death i like it but not as much as I liked the stunt fucking great idea and execution I love seeing those weird V shaped beams get landed.
Danger - Bump to Roof: what can i say its a bump to roof very stylish looked like it took you no effort whatsoever gg (i mean that in a good way)
Burn - Spin to Ledgegrind: That was funky as fuck I like it alot
Drizzly - Grind to Grab: You are one stylish motherfucker
luli - Bump to Hospital Ledge: Was cool to see that landed with a different kinda Sanchez bump, good job.
Samurai - Stoppie To Ledgegrind to Stoppie: I think we were all expecting a stoppie around the corner but that shit right there was even better fucking good job.
NS - BSM to Roof: new phone who dis? good stunt mane real good spot and execution.
MTS - Wallride to Docks: How The fuck you found that spot I don't know but it is SICK.
ZeRo - Some weird ass bump thing: bonk dis bonk dat land roof I liked it stylish as vogue or some shit thats what all the fashion styley kids read rite?
Ruiner - Bump to Thing: that was pretty cool
MaCi - Bump Bonk Gap Land thing???: I fucking suck at describing these stunts but that was well executed and looked cooler than a penguin getting the succ from another penguin with a mouth full of liquid nitrogen.
wviMis - CSM to BB Precision: Smooth as fuck!!!! Great spot and execution man
Krypton - Back Bump to AG to Roof: GTAS #1 Spot Leaker comes through with some stylish fuckin stunt right here good job mane
Pendji - I guess it's a double bump to Prec - land the yellow thing fucker nah just messin that was neato
trYp - Ramp to Roof: your sparks remind me of the first time I took pills that was a fucking sick stunt too man real good use of terrain good execution ggggggggggs
VaNilla - Gap to Grind: shit man world famous V god returns to the grandfather scene with a stylish stunt (sorry that guardian article somewhat rustled my jimmies), good take on a classic spot too kinda reminded me of that BH stunt except yours was 420% more stylish.
Max - Gap to Ramp to Prec: I already said Max never fails to impress didnt I? this reiterates that fucking BAWSE.
RedNoseViking - PSM to weird hat shaped thing: THAT SHIT WAS TIGHTTTTTTTTT
flatface - BSM to Grind: fucker give me your bike or ill come to straya and blunt fakie your dick off nah just playing dude all love here good stunt cunt getrad
AllBeast - BSM island gap: shoulda landed it to prec on the sign or something I can't help but feel that the stunt was a little lacklustre but given the use of the runup and stuff its still very effective and looks good. also ill never get over your fucking player.
Sheeptea - Bump to Hospital: oh hey mr stunting is dead fuck the awards lands a stunt! (im just playing dont fucking crucify me) i liked it very stylish at first I thought it was a BSM then I realised it was a natbump which was even better gg
vice ninja - Bump to Roof: fuck yeah it makes me stoked that the people I started out watching in stunting back in 05/06 are still around still kicking ass good job man
Vicarious - P2B through hole to roof: did you used to make skins years back by any chance your name is familiar as fuck also good bike skin very pink to make the boys wink and a good stunt too!!!!
OCZ - P2B to roof: fuck that shit was damn stylish just straight up bump spin land smooth as fuck good job!!!!!

AroX - Stoppie to Ledgegrind: nice execution I liked the way it stuck on the wall lol
Damerick - Bump to Roof: aint that old? gj either way
Vicarious - Bump to Roof: man you love pink huh NICE gud stunt my friend
wviMis - CSM to Roof: shoulda been in the main part imo I love when people bounce off or ride up a wall to make it all the way, sick stunt dude.
Frank - CSM to Roof: man you be loving these weird runup CSM's lately haha good job bro
PashaBiceps I think that says biceps??? - Bump to Trash thing: stylish as fuck someone land it to the green thing pls
Max - Taxi Boosty Droppy bigbongy: Nice!
Drizzly - Faggio bump to roof: faggio for a fag just kidding u kno i love u rly good stunt bro
plumpegg - taxi booxt to construction: right its been like 8 years what the fuck is a plumpegg? do you work on a farm? is a plump egg the kind of thing you want from a chicken? I DONT KNOW BUT I WANT ANSWERS. anyway good stunt i liked the way it boosted backwards.
Savatage - Bump to Roof: Another that coulda been in the main part imo real stylish
Raskal - Sanchez Wheelie Combo: those fuckers are harder than people think good job dude
flatface - Bump to Grind: damn son back 3 front board nice
Afterlife - Double Grab: STUNT OF THE YEAR RITE HERE FOLKS nah that was actually pretty good though I like dinky little stunts like this
Smut - Ramp 2 Grind: Imo the ending for that shoulda put it in the main part too it's rare to see people stay on grinds there nevermind spin around like Arnax two hours into an MDMA party and not manage to fall over. gj.
Lhvin - CSM to Roof: Nice!
Vicarious - Stoppie to Lampost Bump to Roof: okay this shit was real stylish real real stylish fucking gangsta
WaNeR - haha u g0t credited git gud faggot jk homie fucking NICE stunt
Hugo - BIGAIR!!!!!!!! - NICE!!!! shit was executed wheely good
Ghotc4 - Ship Boost to Crane: shoulda landed the top brotha still very gud
Nem - BSM to Billboard: Didn't someone land that naturally not too long ago? lol
Drizzly - Grind to Grab: THE LANCE VANCE DANCE
Lorano - BSM to Roof: 1. your font looks like it says L()R\\() please change that 2. nice bike 3. cmon u coulda landed the top m8m8
Vanilla - bruv what the fuck: you manage to land more sick stunts on accident than I land on purpose and yeah people will say it's not a proper prec but who gives a fuck that was BOSS and aslong as you stayed on its all good homie.

SS taxi ender, Sheeps hospital bump, Rainbow's boost to tracks, OCZ finisher, Samurai's lg stoppie, MaCi's bonk to cork to grind and Simon's hotring bump.

fuck me everyone round of applause for Max for doing that shit single handedly and managing to put out a well composed and constructed stunt video. Everything fit into place, no overzealous effects or production just raw stunts with fitting camera angles (that one inside the SAiVC LS glass building was sick), a superb soundtrack and the overall classic feel makes me happy as FUCK to have been a part of this and this vid is 2gb that I do not mind taking up.

fucking superb choices you can't go wrong with two of the best bands from the 80s i mean fuck I was gonna use that second song but whatever theres plenty more 80s emoness out there it's a good thing you didn't use lovesong or disintegration or this review would be 10% words and 90% tears.

Overall that was fucking superb. Solid stunts, top class editing and a whole bunch of great stunters and friends all put in a blender to come up with the amalagmation that is Exsequor. Great job to everyone involved in the stunting and production and giving the stunters and editors a great creative outlet over the years.

Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Cooper on February 27, 2016, 09:42:10 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: VaNilla on February 27, 2016, 09:46:52 AM
Enjoyed reading that Blaze :a-cheer:. Sorry to hear Sorcery lost the grind, landed it seven years ago though.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on February 27, 2016, 09:56:37 AM
Rainbow - Taxi Boost Island Gap to Tracks: bruvwhat the fuck that was fuckign sick mane I was "there's no way you can land that on the tracks" and then it fucking happened. Next up someone do the boost going the other way and land on the bridge beam precs.
You mean 3:20 in this?
! No longer available (
Also Mehmet used a Cheetah not an Infernus  :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Feuer on February 27, 2016, 09:58:49 AM
Lorano - BSM to Roof: 1. your font looks like it says L()R\\() please change that 2. nice bike 3. cmon u coulda

noticed that aswell and sent an updated .rar, ah well shit happens
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on February 27, 2016, 10:01:38 AM
Rainbow - Taxi Boost Island Gap to Tracks: bruvwhat the fuck that was fuckign sick mane I was "there's no way you can land that on the tracks" and then it fucking happened. Next up someone do the boost going the other way and land on the bridge beam precs.
You mean 3:20 in this?
! No longer available (
Also Mehmet used a Cheetah not an Infernus  :Disgusted:

holy shit i meant the bigger ones closer to portland side not that one but fuck how did I miss that lol thanks man!

ah shit yeah was a cheetah im tired okay :(
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ARS on February 27, 2016, 10:40:58 AM
Full review template will be added or I can use post by Blaze as a template?
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: UndeadX on February 27, 2016, 10:58:31 AM
Best community video in many many years, great job guys! :mellow:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on February 27, 2016, 11:06:19 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Mati on February 27, 2016, 11:31:51 AM
solid 10
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: GINSENGXXX on February 27, 2016, 11:37:09 AM
love u maci and all of u
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on February 27, 2016, 11:47:22 AM
Full review template will be added or I can use post by Blaze as a template?

copy it if you like but some of the names/correct stunt names/grammar and formatting might be a little wrong

rewatched this a few times now, fucking sick guys really good job everyone involved.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on February 27, 2016, 12:01:37 PM
This was fucking dope, gotta rewatch this a couple of more times to process all the greatness and probably write a review. Kudos to all the stunters for participating and to the organizers too, specially Max for carrying the whole editing process on his back.
And thanks to Vanilla and Blaze for the nice words on my stunt, means a lot ♥
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Cooper on February 27, 2016, 12:10:28 PM
 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: i love you all guys, this video was magic. liked most of the stunts, and it was nice to see lots of veterans in this, i didnt care if they sent old/easy stunts, presence is what counts..stunting is about fun anyways :P huge props to max for editing this (great job dood), and the same goes for nem (tho i think he's a poser). i was a lazy replay checker :lol: its great to be part of this vid and part of this community

Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ZeRo_ on February 27, 2016, 12:43:47 PM
I must admit the final outcome is really impressive, good job everyone involved! The average stunting level was pretty high in my opinion, the standouts for me were MtS, Rainbow, Vanilla, Mehmet and Ltab but everybody had great stuff so the list could go on and on. :ajaja: Also kudos to Max for taking on the editing, looks really good dude!

Feels great to finally be in a video after such a long time! :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Madmax on February 27, 2016, 12:54:11 PM
I've got to admit that I've had a hard time watching VC videos since I've started stunting V. That being said, this video was absolutely solid. Stylish and technical stunts all around. This is one of the best VC videos I've had the pleasure of watching in years.

I didn't believe that VC had anything left to offer after such a long run and you've proven me wrong. Congrats!
The video may even have inspired a few ideas that I want to bring over to V. I will definitely be rewatching this several times to fully grasp the ideas and the technicality.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Dev on February 27, 2016, 12:57:45 PM
Fuck! Dats amazing, I love every single stunts. I will write full review later and advice to write it to everyone! Max did amazing job on edit, cool transitions, music was rly atmospheric :wub: Also I rly much happy to see so much stunters here! :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:
really happy to read some words about my intro :happy:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: jooker on February 27, 2016, 01:02:14 PM
Nice video guys, mehmet, morbid and TrYp rocked it.  :a-cheer: Solid editing, I kinda liked it. Bark isn't Hungarian as far as I know tho.  :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on February 27, 2016, 01:22:59 PM
Oh shit my mistake I know he is from Finland butbI dont even know why I thought he waa from Hungary :(
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Jason on February 27, 2016, 03:57:14 PM
Woo, I wasn't in the credits this time! Haha nah all good, thanks for letting me be a part of this. Great stuff from everybody involved.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: PtRvY on February 27, 2016, 04:06:20 PM
Whoa! It's so nice to see that in 2015 the community dished out a better community video than Trinity or Solidarity! The intro was excellent and had a powerful message, slick scripting and editing throughout. The editing was massively good and had exactly the proper vibe, the first soundtrack reminded me of Lagoon (thanks, now I'll have that video stuck in my head for the next 20 days  :wub: ), and the stunts were consistently enjoyable. I have to say my favourites were Mehmet's (especially 6:24... could well be the stunt of the year, just wow!), ZeRo's, Vicarious' & SS'. Finally, awesome work Nem for pulling this off and bringing in some well-known old faces I never thought I'd see again!  :a-cheer: 10/10
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: jooker on February 27, 2016, 04:35:10 PM
Oh shit my mistake I know he is from Finland butbI dont even know why I thought he waa from Hungary :(
Maybe because of [Bart].  :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Krypton on February 27, 2016, 04:55:30 PM
Sorry for all the impatience to everyone involved, it really pulled off. This is seriously one of the best videos i have seen in a really, really long time, and im glad I was a part of it. MtS's LC infernus stunt was nuts, hats off.
The editing was solid all around, camera angles were beautiful, loved it. Though as somebody said, would have like to see a more powerful song, but thats nitpicking.
Was awesome seeing some old friends didnt think i would be in a video with again haha, thanks nem this is one for the books.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: AroX on February 27, 2016, 04:57:38 PM
Even though I sent my stunt late, so glad I got to be in it at least! This was literally the best thing to watch in 2016. Makes me want to open up and just jam out and stunt again, no doubt. Appreciate everyone's work and effort in the video (editing, stunts, etc.)! Hope to see more in 2016 cause I still got new stuff still waiting to be done lol. ;)

For realzies though, love the edit and every single bit. I'm surprised to see some old members jump back in on this and it brings back A LOT. Probably the best and most memorable Community Video ever made.

I can't say more.

Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: J.Mario on February 27, 2016, 07:22:14 PM
Absoluty a very enjoyable video by such a nice editing especially that camera operation, well done Max! :cc_detective:

Really appreciate everyone's job for stunting around, making such an excellent video for our community. I kinda regret not taking part in this project together with you guys.  :P

Liked MtS's LC infernus wallride2prec, Ltab's VC bump2grind. That's it, I still got many stunts that are my favourite, cannot set out more except above the most impressive two stunts. ;D

Though this project has been drawn on a successful conclusion, I hope guys will still stay active on old GTA series stunting. :D
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Lex on February 28, 2016, 12:29:32 AM
Sheeptea's! hospital bump was  ;D
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Knapman on February 28, 2016, 01:05:53 AM
Wow guys! Absolutely phenomenal stuff from everybody! This video is top caliber, the editing suited a community video feeling perfectly and everything came together flawlessly!
Great job everyone at GTAS!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Omma! on February 28, 2016, 01:31:51 AM
Man are you serious? Fantastic video in every way, I'd never expect a VC video of this length with so many high level stunts, big props to everyone! Great to see some old names aswell. Hopefully I can land something for the next one if it will ever happen :lol: Keep the shit up!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: plumpegg on February 28, 2016, 01:55:04 AM
Superb !nice job !  Ok now its time for 2016 comunity :)) :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: PM on February 28, 2016, 02:20:14 AM
Superb !nice job !  Ok now its time for 2016 comunity :)) :a-cheer:
Or stunting league. :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Billy on February 28, 2016, 02:24:16 AM
Superb !nice job !  Ok now its time for 2016 comunity :)) :a-cheer:
Or stunting league. :P

Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on February 28, 2016, 02:47:56 AM

 ;D Full Review from ;D


VaNilla -
ozibe -
Blaze -
Darkstar -
Dev -
Brainkiller -
Demon -
morbidxxx -
Haywire -
Mehmet -
Max -
Cooper -
Skuller -
CrazyClown -
Bark -
Danger -
Rainbow -
Mythic -
Mehmet -
MaCi -
Nem -
flatface -
Raskal -
PM -
imbaA -
SyperDimon -
Damerick -

Ltab -
morbidxxx -
Danger -
Burn -
Drizzly -
luli -
Samurai -
NS -
ZeRo -
Ruiner -
MaCi -
wviMis -
Krypton -
Pendji -
trYp -
VaNilla -
Max -
flatface -
AllBeast -
Sheeptea -
vice ninja -
Vicarious -

AroX -
Damerick -
Vicarious -
wviMis -
Frank -
PashaBiceps? -
Max -
Drizzly -
plumpegg -
Savatage -
Raskal -
flatface -
Afterlife -
Smut -
Lhvin -
Vicarious -
WaNeR -
Hugo -
Ghotc4 -
Nem -
Drizzly -
Lorano -
Vanilla -






thanks Blaze :wub: :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FELIX on February 28, 2016, 03:06:36 AM
Sweeeeet video, superb stunts and editing! Whish I wouldn't have used this one good SAiVC stunt I ever landed in a collab years ago, would have loved to see it in here instead!

Good job everyone! ;D
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ozibe on February 28, 2016, 03:09:26 AM
Superb !nice job !  Ok now its time for 2016 comunity :)) :a-cheer:
Or stunting league. :P


Awesome video, great stunts, the Best edited video ever,  just perfect, Im proud to be part of this.  I will edit my post soon to writer something more :)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Bark on February 28, 2016, 03:34:36 AM
This was amazing, mad props to Max for taking care of the editing. Made me feel nostalgic, and im proud i had the chance to participate ! :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Diaz on February 28, 2016, 04:20:58 AM
Solid video guys, enjoyed it a lot. It was good to see so many stunters in one big video, and the level of the stunts was high overall. SS, OCZ and Mts come to my mind as standouts, but liked Zero's tricky stunt and Tryp's huge natbump as well. Also big props to you Max for editing this 16 minutes long video on your own, mad work. Shoutout to the organizers, too.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Plani on February 28, 2016, 05:14:41 AM
Didn't expected a community video that would actually look like a community video. Editing was perfect, soundtrack was awesome and the stunts were neat (MtS <3)

Good job to everyone involved.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: hachi on February 28, 2016, 06:02:06 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Skuller on February 28, 2016, 08:04:32 AM
First of all I'd like to say that I'm glad to present bulgaria in this :lol: and I'm a bit dissapointed cuz you didn't used any of my other stunts but oh well not a big dial I landed everything for fun :P About the vid it's definitely much better than I expected - editing and stunting wise so gj to everyone involved!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Argy on February 28, 2016, 08:32:00 AM
Max you make this world a better place. You put so much feel in your editions :wub:

You guys still rocking this game, good job everyone involded :)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Mythic on February 28, 2016, 12:26:23 PM
Amazing video, such an experience! Thank you Max for putting it together, happy to see so many familiar names ;D ;D   :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FrankInsanity on February 28, 2016, 07:16:05 PM
Superb !nice job !  Ok now its time for 2016 comunity :)) :a-cheer:
Or stunting league. :P


 THIS x2
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on February 28, 2016, 07:22:32 PM
or edit 2014 sl.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: TrYp on February 29, 2016, 04:18:15 AM
Had the community video feeling, props for that. Great stuff from most involved, thanks for the organization.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ostin on February 29, 2016, 01:41:26 PM
Eh, i want to do a full as usual but don't have time at all. Maybe later. Hope so.
I hated the second main song and a few stunts were really meh. Apart from that awesome video, better than the previous one in most aspects.

CrazyClown is not from Russia btw. Another country mistake.   
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: waNEr on February 29, 2016, 02:29:33 PM
Eh, i want to do a full as usual but don't have time at all. Maybe later. Hope so.
I hated the second main song and a few stunts were really meh. Apart from that awesome video, better than the previous one in most aspects.

CrazyClown is not from Russia btw. Another country mistake.

Those mistakes weren't made by max, stunters were required to tell the country they're from.

Also, i know GTAStunting channel has a few strikes already but this videos NEEDS to be there
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ostin on February 29, 2016, 03:53:59 PM
Eh, i want to do a full as usual but don't have time at all. Maybe later. Hope so.
I hated the second main song and a few stunts were really meh. Apart from that awesome video, better than the previous one in most aspects.

CrazyClown is not from Russia btw. Another country mistake.
stunters were required to tell the country they're from.
Well, so they did.
Check the list here (

The video has extremely low views count. We should spread it, repost anywhere it is relevant.
And, please, put the keywords "gta stunting", "vice city" into headline and/or description so that random people are able to stumble upon it.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: waNEr on February 29, 2016, 06:43:46 PM
Eh, i want to do a full as usual but don't have time at all. Maybe later. Hope so.
I hated the second main song and a few stunts were really meh. Apart from that awesome video, better than the previous one in most aspects.

CrazyClown is not from Russia btw. Another country mistake.
stunters were required to tell the country they're from.
Well, so they did.
Check the list here (

The video has extremely low views count. We should spread it, repost anywhere it is relevant.
And, please, put the keywords "gta stunting", "vice city" into headline and/or description so that random people are able to stumble upon it.

Most of the GTAStunting videos have low views, even at our best time we were a small community compared to, for example, what cancer V GTA V is.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on February 29, 2016, 07:14:24 PM
Shared over at GTAForums, hopefully that bumps the views/interest a little bit :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FTO on March 01, 2016, 02:29:01 AM
Pretty good. Seeing some familiar old names is always a nice thing.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: jooker on March 01, 2016, 04:30:04 AM
Eh, i want to do a full as usual but don't have time at all. Maybe later. Hope so.
I hated the second main song and a few stunts were really meh. Apart from that awesome video, better than the previous one in most aspects.

CrazyClown is not from Russia btw. Another country mistake.
stunters were required to tell the country they're from.
Well, so they did.
Check the list here (

The video has extremely low views count. We should spread it, repost anywhere it is relevant.
And, please, put the keywords "gta stunting", "vice city" into headline and/or description so that random people are able to stumble upon it.

Most of the GTAStunting videos have low views, even at our best time we were a small community compared to, for example, what cancer V GTA V is.
When GTAS was big, YT was small.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on March 01, 2016, 06:26:40 AM
somebody could post it on reddit

+ Everyone had a chance to correct his country in case I was mistaken, the organizing topic was there almost for a year.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Raskal on March 01, 2016, 06:47:52 AM
Yay! Glad I could be a part of this! Well done to everyone involved, this video really did give me that nostalgic feeling. Awesome work!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: MaCi on March 01, 2016, 11:57:05 AM
Hands down to Max, that was a beautiful watch. Great job, I didn't know you could do "normal" edits  :lol:
Stunting wise it was a blast, didn't know the VC maps still could deliver. Shout out to the old farts that sent stunts, made me really happy to see. I would also like to point out Mehmet's bump to BB grind, Flat Face's first watergap grind, Ltab's grind, luli's double bump, VaNilla's second grind, Sheeptea's natbump...hell, all the stunts were really good but those stood out for me. Oh, and Vicarious p2b was so fucking cool.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: KiTz on March 02, 2016, 04:34:20 AM
I liked alot stunting and editing the choice of The Cure was a great idea to the edit!! Reminded me to oldschool community videos, that's an awesome feeling  :wub:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: JeriChopper on March 02, 2016, 01:01:45 PM
There's actually alot people from Finland :D  SUOMI MAINITTU :D
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rust on March 02, 2016, 03:29:12 PM
I am pretty impressed by the outcome of this video, it seemed very complex at first. Hats off to Dev and Max for the incredible screenplay and to everyone involved, it feels good to see so many good old stunters in here, specially Flat Face, Haywire and Brainkiller. I would also like to congratulate you Nem for organising the whole thing and I am glad I could slightly help it. Looking forward for future projects!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: MtS on March 02, 2016, 11:23:18 PM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Max_ on March 03, 2016, 05:48:47 AM
Thanks so much to every single comment you guys left :wub:

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the edit and that it maybe woke up some old stunting spirits
Let's have fun with this game for a few more years aight

Favourite stunts for me were MtS's crazy lc infernus spot, that stunt got me thinking 'how do you keep coming up with stuff like that' while recording
Also OCZ had great stuff, SS's grinds, Rainbow's boost, Mehmet's everything and Ltab's combo was neato

Thanks @ Blaze for full review!

Oh also, sorry about asking it here but, I'd love to know the name of the intro's song, heh : 3

It's the soundtrack of 'Myst II: Riven' called 'Moeity Caves'
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Szuhos on March 03, 2016, 10:07:22 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Hugo on March 06, 2016, 07:54:21 AM
Wow, thank you Max for this awesome work !
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on March 07, 2016, 02:51:24 PM
This shit deserves more views.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: plak on March 07, 2016, 05:05:26 PM
great job gtas :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Seeker on March 07, 2016, 10:31:30 PM
Didn't expect such a great vid, nice  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Noah on March 31, 2016, 05:45:24 PM
My initial reaction after watching this video was a major realization that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is completely void of spots. I mean the fact that you people are landing stuff, creative stuff, after all these years is just beyond me, myself being someone who struggled to find spots already back in 2012.
But really though, I feel like the stunting part is over for this game. That is, when I look at what this video entails and what's being performed. We're resorting to RC planes to get our spots in, when the truth of the matter is that we've completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too.

I applaud the effort of creating yet another community video though, of which I thoroughly enjoyed accompanied by a glass of danish bitter at 3am in the morning.
I had some good memories from this place, many infact, and to see that you guys are still going strong awakens a strangely emotional response within me. A persistent bunch, GTAS.

10:48 by Tryp was the only modded stunt as far as I'm aware. Damn Max, so close yet so far away.  :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on March 31, 2016, 06:02:28 PM
But really though, I feel like the stunting part is over for this game. That is, when I look at what this video entails and what's being performed. We're resorting to RC planes to get our spots in, when the truth of the matter is that we've completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too.
RC planes have been used since 2007, if not earlier, for stunting. My spot folder and glimpses of the spots of others tell me it's far from done in VC/LC. And SAiVC has barely even reached it's potential anyway because a lot of people just don't stunt in it much, like myself. Good too see you around though, and next time I'm near the Nordic countries you'll have to show me your trial skills Mr. Macaskill  :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on March 31, 2016, 06:11:42 PM
we've completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too.

It feels like that because the spots "left" are hard as fuck. LC is pretty much in the same situation as VC and SAiVC is a big ass map with tons of spots left, but as Rainbow said people don't really stunt on it that much. I love SAiVC but since I had some weird computer crashes and shit about two years ago it started lagging and shit so I couldn't get something done properly. Thanks for watching the video Noah.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Noah on March 31, 2016, 06:32:07 PM
I was absolutely certain someone would drop by and disagree with my lack of faith in regards to stunt-spots. I am glad it was you.  :P Don't get me wrong, I carry a fair amount of landable .jpgs stashed away somewhere safe, but the things people were landing in this comvid caused me to think.

I still live near Oslo. Currently working at Norway's biggest airport, so please do let me know if you're ever planning to travel in my direction.
As for the trials.. My expensive-ass 24" Inspired Elements still remains stationed away in some dark corner of my decrepit basement, haha. I just couldn't get the hang of it, nor find anyone in my general area who enjoyed riding, so that's that... Maybe I'll pull it out once the snow melts away, but it'll probably end the same way it did in 2012 when I ordered the bike.
Cheers Rainbow, nice to see you again.

Hello Ltab, yes, the remaining "shockers" are still at large. Let's leave that to WH, amirite? No seriously though, there are some great spots left, primarily in SAiVC imo.
I've tried landing some of my own spots, but to no avail. I wouldn't know what to do with the .reps anyway, since I'm in no way involved with the community anymore. I however appreciate your input, get on saivc and disprove my unfaith.  ;D
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rust on March 31, 2016, 06:36:52 PM
we've completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too.

It feels like that because the spots "left" are hard as fuck. LC is pretty much in the same situation as VC and SAiVC is a big ass map with tons of spots left, but as Rainbow said people don't really stunt on it that much. I love SAiVC but since I had some weird computer crashes and shit about two years ago it started lagging and shit so I couldn't get something done properly. Thanks for watching the video Noah.
SAiVC is not too far away to die, either. Although I have always found SAiVC stunting somewhat lame, I suppose people still enjoy to roam around. By the way, good to see you again, Noah.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on March 31, 2016, 10:58:22 PM
TrYp's stunt wasn't modded.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Max_ on April 01, 2016, 06:01:56 AM
@Noah I had my doubts aswell, that's why I asked Simon to double check it and we came to the conclusion that they were fine

And vc/lc/saivc is also far from extinction. Many more spots/stunts and vids to come ;)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: mehmet on April 06, 2016, 08:26:20 AM
@Noah I had my doubts aswell, that's why I asked Simon to double check it and we came to the conclusion that they were fine

all i know from tryp is that he used to mod, came back and modded, came back join wh and now everyone says he does not... but the way he goes down that road and almost stands up on the bike and the front wont go down looks weird as fuck.... but i wont judge it tho i would not know since ive not seen the rep + its old spot and landed a little different way(roof next to it)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on April 06, 2016, 09:29:59 AM
If you think there's no spots left you must have a very boring mind.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Krypton on April 12, 2016, 01:19:10 AM
Plenty of spots left hehe ^^ :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Raskal on April 20, 2016, 09:28:17 PM
You know it babe
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Outlaw Penguin on May 04, 2016, 12:09:35 PM
wish I was this good at VC :3 nice vid guys.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Noah on May 12, 2016, 04:00:45 PM
If you think there's no spots left you must have a very boring mind.

You're edgy man, maybe we just have different ideas of what a good spot is.
However in all honesty, calculating the VC/LC mapsize (excluding saivc in this instance) it isn't completely unfair to say that a vast majority of the quality stunts have been landed. It might not be an issue of needing sick mlg creativity as if stunting in a 2002 PC game is somehow related to biology.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on May 12, 2016, 05:58:27 PM
It's a pretty considerable difference between the the obvious quality stunts being landed and having "completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too" - no active or even inactive stunter can deny that it's becoming increasingly harder to find spots in the 3D era games but there's still a plethora of them to be landed otherwise we wouldn't even be having this discussion in the topic of a 16 1/2 minute stunt video made 13 years after the games release, 12 years after the origins of stunting on a forum that still manages to put out a consistent stream of stunt videos.

There's been a fair amount of stunters joining us recently, whether they be new to the stunting scene or migrating from other forums/communities. The Chinese stunting community will pop up every few months and drop a crazy crew video or collaboration full of mind bending new spots that leave us dumbfounded (i.e that Chinese collab with the LC BSM sign bump ender) although I suppose they have the advantage of not being dragged down by the cesspit of stunting is dead/no spots left/etc comments you'll see on here and actually land spots instead of arguing semantics.

Maybe we do have conflicting ideas of what makes a spot good and you enjoy seeing someone hit the highest roof possible whereas I'd rather watch Max find a new way to innovate and hit some left field spot out of the blue in a way nobody has even considered doing so we can agree to disagree on what makes a stunt/spot enjoyable but I'll reiterate my previous post and say again if you think there's no spots left you must have a very boring mind; I don't know when you last stunted but give that pink Vice City .exe a double click, keep an open mind, look for spots outside the main roads of the map and you'll be pleasantly surprised  ;)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: VaNilla on May 13, 2016, 10:01:20 AM
I personally have folders full of worthwhile spots, which I'd love to try if I still had time to stunt Vice City. Same for SA/IV/V and all the games in the series.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: mehmet on May 15, 2016, 05:12:07 AM
give those away if you dont have time to land those  :ninja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: DriZzly on May 15, 2016, 06:10:07 AM
yea and give em to mehmet  :ninja:
ill assure u he'll land em !
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on May 30, 2016, 09:32:20 AM
The more I think about it the more I think this may be the best VC community video that's been created and maybe one of the best stunt videos of all time. It's a perfect amalgamation of the techniques, tools and mods that have been created and evolved over the last 13 years. In the video you have a plethora of different methods and ideas executed by people all over the world, displayed on skins by some of the best skinners out of the community, captured and edited using tools developed solely to enhance the stunt videos we put out which is then watched by a resilient community that even after 13/14 years of our niche hobby existing simply refuses to die; it's a perfect example of how far stunting has came and shows how much we've broken the games pre-defined boundaries and pushed it to its maximum capabilities all in the pursuit of landing a stunt.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on June 06, 2016, 02:48:46 PM
The more I think about it the more I think this may be the best VC community video that's been created and maybe one of the best stunt videos of all time. It's a perfect amalgamation of the techniques, tools and mods that have been created and evolved over the last 13 years. In the video you have a plethora of different methods and ideas executed by people all over the world, displayed on skins by some of the best skinners out of the community, captured and edited using tools developed solely to enhance the stunt videos we put out which is then watched by a resilient community that even after 13/14 years of our niche hobby existing simply refuses to die; it's a perfect example of how far stunting has came and shows how much we've broken the games pre-defined boundaries and pushed it to its maximum capabilities all in the pursuit of landing a stunt.

that's deep m8
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on June 06, 2016, 11:59:32 PM
so deep u gon need a snorkel fam
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FrankInsanity on June 07, 2016, 01:19:02 AM
So deep I found petrol
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FIGHTER on June 07, 2016, 01:59:20 AM
It's a pretty considerable difference between the the obvious quality stunts being landed and having "completed VC - and probably LC/SAiVC too" - no active or even inactive stunter can deny that it's becoming increasingly harder to find spots in the 3D era games but there's still a plethora of them to be landed otherwise we wouldn't even be having this discussion in the topic of a 16 1/2 minute stunt video made 13 years after the games release, 12 years after the origins of stunting on a forum that still manages to put out a consistent stream of stunt videos.

There's been a fair amount of stunters joining us recently, whether they be new to the stunting scene or migrating from other forums/communities. The Chinese stunting community will pop up every few months and drop a crazy crew video or collaboration full of mind bending new spots that leave us dumbfounded (i.e that Chinese collab with the LC BSM sign bump ender) although I suppose they have the advantage of not being dragged down by the cesspit of stunting is dead/no spots left/etc comments you'll see on here and actually land spots instead of arguing semantics.

Maybe we do have conflicting ideas of what makes a spot good and you enjoy seeing someone hit the highest roof possible whereas I'd rather watch Max find a new way to innovate and hit some left field spot out of the blue in a way nobody has even considered doing so we can agree to disagree on what makes a stunt/spot enjoyable but I'll reiterate my previous post and say again if you think there's no spots left you must have a very boring mind; I don't know when you last stunted but give that pink Vice City .exe a double click, keep an open mind, look for spots outside the main roads of the map and you'll be pleasantly surprised  ;)

The game isnt really dead, I got as Vanilla said alot of spots, although they require you so much time, so its getting frustrating and boring.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on June 07, 2016, 02:48:00 AM
I think it's also to do with the fact we don't have as much free time as we did when we first signed up as teens since most of us are adults now and spending all summer cooped up in our room stunting or 3/4/5/etc hours in VC/SA/etc after doing a 9-5 or nightshift is the last thing on our minds, but it still feels fun and rewarding killing a few hours to land a spot you've had for years, racing for spots with friends/crewmates and putting out the occasional video :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on June 07, 2016, 08:41:52 AM
but it still feels fun and rewarding killing a few hours to land a spot you've had for years, racing for spots with friends/crewmates and putting out the occasional video :cc_detective:

damn true, I spent last wednesday, thursday and friday only stunting because I had some free time and me and the other argentinean dudes were organizing a little vid so I landed some spots I had in mind, and a couple of other ones I found on the way. They aren't legendary shit or 200ft p2bs but I sure had a good time landing them :P
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Krypton on July 04, 2016, 02:28:01 PM
There are plenty of spots left dont be mad you cant find them  :ninja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Vicarious on July 18, 2016, 03:00:35 AM
I think I'm king of the credits with 3 stunts in there!

Cool vid. My favourite stunt was ARS at around 7:50.

Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ARS on July 18, 2016, 03:35:08 AM
I think I'm king of the credits with 3 stunts in there!

Cool vid. My favourite stunt was ARS at around 7:50.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: pasha on July 31, 2016, 09:28:09 AM
thanks for put me in outro idiot  :)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: FrankInsanity on July 31, 2016, 07:35:07 PM
thanks for put me in outro idiot  :)

 what's the problem?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on August 01, 2016, 08:09:45 AM
thanks for put me in outro idiot  :)

Land a better stunt then? The vid was delayed a shit ton so there was adequate time to land something main part worthy.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: GINSENGXXX on August 02, 2016, 02:42:41 AM
thanks for put me in outro idiot  :)
dont feel bad, look, my stunts are really sh*t, if I sent some of my stunts for this vid, all of my stunts would get rejected, thats why i never apply to a collab or something  :sleep:, but atleast you appear in the vid  :happy:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Cooper on August 02, 2016, 10:14:00 AM
actually some credit stunts should go on the main part and vice versa but what ever :P its still a kick ass vid
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on August 02, 2016, 10:19:00 AM
I find outros of community videos quite entertaining for some reason, so I wouldn't consider being in outro a bad thing.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Cooper on August 02, 2016, 04:30:46 PM
its all fault of the fucking organizer
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: GINSENGXXX on August 07, 2016, 12:57:13 AM
blame rust
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Raskal on August 25, 2016, 07:48:20 PM
Credit stunts were tight, I enjoyed every second of this video!  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Urban Legend on August 26, 2016, 03:33:17 PM
Wow, nice work on organizing this. I cannot remember such a diverse cast and group of stunts. THIS is how I like to see stunts. I've always wished to see my stunts like many of these. Great job editors and GTAS
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Aries on September 11, 2016, 12:30:01 PM
Can someone upload this or send me a link or something? Would be nice to see.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Gryzlek on September 11, 2016, 12:34:28 PM
YT link is in the first post, you just need to click on the "No longer available" text (there's a problem with embedding on the forums currently)!
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Aries on September 11, 2016, 01:17:40 PM
Thanks man.

Wow, such a great video. Some great new names on the scene it seems, and good to see some people still going after all these years!

Some massive stunts in there, good to see SAiVC get good use. The pond-ramp to roof was awesome!

Hopefully I can be in the next one  :unsure: :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Max_ on January 24, 2017, 04:35:04 AM
Btw here is the Beta version of the video.
I wasn't statisfied with it and got frustrated so I restarted with the project from scratch again and edited the now final version you all know.
For anyone that is interested in watching the video with different songs and a different mood, this might be worth a watch.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: ARS on January 24, 2017, 04:53:33 AM
Final version is more better and sequence of stunts in final version is better, but this beta is pretty watchable.. :happy:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on January 24, 2017, 05:36:50 AM
So many stunts I have never seen before  :o And now I finally remember where I send that double boost to  :lol:

EDIT://Talking about that beta above.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on January 24, 2017, 06:31:40 AM
little surprised you only got to see the video just now jaja
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on January 24, 2017, 07:15:13 AM
little surprised you only got to see the video just now jaja
I'm talking about the beta linked above.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Sheep on January 24, 2017, 09:44:38 AM
Darkstar - Holland and Bark - Hungary is wrong in the beta, is it not?

We need more movies with Tool as background music. Gives a good vibe.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on January 25, 2017, 08:43:08 AM
Oh my bad, was wondering when you would release that, Max
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Max_ on January 25, 2017, 07:02:26 PM
Oh my bad, was wondering when you would release that, Max
I just wanted to wait till all the stunts that didn't make it into the final version were released, so I wouldn't spoiler any unreleased stunts.
But I didn't see that happening any time soon so I just posted it anyways :euro:

Darkstar - Holland and Bark - Hungary is wrong in the beta, is it not?

We need more movies with Tool as background music. Gives a good vibe.
Yep that was still wrong, well spotted ;)
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: VaNilla on January 26, 2017, 01:25:08 AM
Watching this back, it has become clear that this is one of my favourite VC videos ever made :cheernutz:.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Krypton on February 28, 2017, 04:05:34 PM
Agreed, hard to believe it was made in 2015
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: punsikorn on January 16, 2019, 12:53:47 AM
some great stunts :lol:
royal online (
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on January 16, 2019, 04:59:59 PM
i love this shit

e/ rewatching this made me realize i'm very grateful to be in what's most likely the last VC community video ever, and that so many legends managed to send stuff (great stuff) even if it was just a simple stunt

and my bump2grind combo was probably the last "hard" stunt i will ever land, that shit was hard because the fence is visible from the outside but it is literally fucking invisible from the inside.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on August 23, 2022, 04:54:38 PM
gotta bump this shit just to say: i have once again realized this vid goes hard from start to finish, it's history right here!

new comm vid when
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on August 24, 2022, 12:48:14 PM
Christ, it's been 6 years already?!

With the success and considerably large turnout for sheikah's 48h collaboration, maybe it's time for a 2022 community video :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on August 26, 2022, 01:24:04 AM
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Herb on August 26, 2022, 05:17:37 AM
Please no
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: NEM on August 26, 2022, 07:55:01 AM
Please no

Yeah sorry man, that I've organized two huge community videos plus numerous collabs.

Like youre the person to do it :)
youre supposed to be glad becuase if you were the one to do it you would never pull it off

Honestly I love people like you. I've spent a godamn decade to make this community alive. Again. spent years organizing both projects and all you got to say is PLEASE NO?

God grow up you're over 40 probably and you still have to be toxic about it?

Again srew you, you've oragnized a dumb 48h collab in the last 15 years and you have the balls to say THIS? Really? For my effort and time organizing everything this is nothing but an insult and I regret ever inviting you to anything :)

I love this community but if anyone comes up with this and tells me to not organize such a project (not that you've ever pulled off aynthing that BIG).
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: VaNilla on August 26, 2022, 08:55:13 AM
Hmm benefit of the doubt, but what if Sheikah was just making a joke about Thanos? It's a shame if not, but let's all chill man, GTAStunting drama never leaves those involved looking better on the outside, trust me :ninja:. Everyone I know respects your contributions to organising videos, don't worry :P. Side note, this video still smacks :euro:. If I'm ready to come back in time I'd love to try something for the next one, no matter who's organising it :wub:.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: The Big V on August 26, 2022, 09:20:06 AM
Please no
Why tho?  :|
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Herb on August 26, 2022, 12:55:16 PM
Please no
Why tho?  :|
Would be handled better by someone like Blaze imho
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: AllBeast on August 26, 2022, 01:14:13 PM
Please no
Why tho?  :|
Would be handled better by someone like Blaze imho
looks like you have too much big balls
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Blaze on August 26, 2022, 01:36:35 PM
Please no
Why tho?  :|
Would be handled better by someone like Blaze imho

I'd respectfully disagree as given that GTAS is a community that is sadly dwindling, I don't think we have the luxury of picking and choosing who organizes community projects and in my eyes anyone who is willing to put in the time, effort and dedication for a community video deserves commendation. With a proven track record of being able to get projects done, I see no reason as to why if the community was interested, that Nem couldn't be the one handling it (if he genuinely wants to at least). Even if there is some underlying hostility between yourself and Nem there's no denying he did a brilliant job with not only the organization of Exsequor, in which he managed to pull a few OG's out of retirement which is a feat in itself but also his previous collaborations and projects - Final Call, Dystopia, Satan extra etc all have stacked lineups with a high quality of stunts and great editing to boot.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Herb on August 26, 2022, 02:33:18 PM
Please no
Why tho?  :|
Would be handled better by someone like Blaze imho
looks like you have too much big balls
Huge  :lol:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Ltab on August 26, 2022, 02:56:47 PM
I'd respectfully disagree as given that GTAS is a community that is sadly dwindling, I don't think we have the luxury of picking and choosing who organizes community projects and in my eyes anyone who is willing to put in the time, effort and dedication for a community video deserves commendation.

yeah i agree, besides whoever organises something big like a comm vid gets input and help from a bunch of other people, so in the end i feel like the project will come out somehow aimed at a general consensus

If I'm ready to come back in time I'd love to try something for the next one, no matter who's organising it :wub:.

let's gooo  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Rainbow on August 27, 2022, 02:13:41 AM
Nem is free to organise one. But this time don't go borderline harass people on social media sites to come back out of retirement or submit a stunt for the video. Didn't you also contact a friend of a stunter somewhere to get them to tell that stunter to submit a stunt? Or get annoyed at people when they didn't want to submit a stunt 'because what else were they doing with their time'? I've seen too many screenshots of conversations that those stunters really did not appreciate. But ye 'best man for the job and all'.
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Sheep on August 27, 2022, 05:45:32 AM
This video came out year I quit stunting
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: puzzLe on August 27, 2022, 02:20:44 PM
I'd love to (help) organize a new comm vid, regardless of who ends up doing it though, it's probably a good idea to start stunting for it already :a-cheer: This will happen one way or another :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Herb on August 27, 2022, 02:42:09 PM
I'd love to (help) organize a new comm vid, regardless of who ends up doing it though, it's probably a good idea to start stunting for it already :a-cheer: This will happen one way or another :ajaja:
Definitely need one before everything dies  :ninja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: The Big V on August 28, 2022, 04:29:42 AM
But this time don't go borderline harass people on social media sites to come back out of retirement or submit a stunt for the video.
How is asking for a replay a harass lmao  :lol: And even if it was taken as "harass" by some snowflakes they were probably the ones that didnt contribute at all, while everyone else had fun being a part of a collab/s that came out in the year of lock downs where everyone was supposed to stay isolated. And to add to my point, most of the vets that were contacted by Nem, actually returned to stunting for real and are probably still active to this day, Im not saying thats only because of Nem, but Im sure Nem played his part there by reminding them that this place still exists.
Im not falling for the "I've seen too many screenshots" meme, post them or your point will not be taken seriously  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Artifex on August 29, 2022, 04:15:57 AM
If this is happening I'm up to help and stunt  :ajaja:
Title: Re: Exsequor - VC/LC/SAiVC Community Video 2015
Post by: Smut on August 29, 2022, 01:35:43 PM
If this is happening I'm up to help and stunt  :ajaja:
Someone make a topic already!
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