
Stunt Crew Network => Cryptic Stunting => Hall Of Fame => Cryptic Public Section => Topic started by: OrangeW on August 09, 2015, 11:42:01 AM

Title: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 09, 2015, 11:42:01 AM
Ask away boys.

Anything goes.



Q. Where did you guys come from?
A. GTA V, from September 2014

Q. Did any of you stunt in SA/VC/IV before?
A. Only I (OrangeW, may know me as darkpwn before) have. The rest started in V
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: VaNilla on August 09, 2015, 12:10:58 PM
I have some questions for you.

Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Xh0sa_NightMare on August 09, 2015, 12:14:30 PM
Who chose the name Cryptic, and why?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 09, 2015, 12:19:16 PM
I have some questions for you.

  • Will all of Cryptic's members move to PC eventually?
  • When will the next Cryptic crew video be released?
  • Who's are the youngest and oldest members of Cryptic Stunting?
  • Orange, given the opportunity to change GTA V, why would you add the Vortex back from San Andreas?
  • Have you ever swam with dolphins? When the answer is yes, did you like it?
  • Have you ever considered communicating via echolocation?
  • Here's a hypothetical for you. When forced to choose between making a horse crew video, and making a kangaroo crew video, which would you pick, and why?
  • Which is your favourite method of stunting? Guitar Hero, or slip streaming?

Thanks for your time.

That's a lot of questions.
Siik'll handle most of these  :lol:

// I lied.

Orange, given the opportunity to change GTA V, why would you add the Vortex back from San Andreas?

Absolutely. Despite being clunky as fuck, and admittedly hard to handle, it's funny as fuck to use and also good for grinding.

Also, it looks like a slug.

Will all of Cryptic's members move to PC eventually?

Probably. There's only a few of us on PC (Me, AIR HAWK, DJ Ender, Rz Editz). Totally wish there were more though :(

When will the next Cryptic crew video be released?


Who's are the youngest and oldest members of Cryptic Stunting?

DJ Ender is the youngest (13), I AIR I HAWK I is the oldest (18, turning 19). We're pretty young :lol:

Have you ever swam with dolphins? When the answer is yes, did you like it?

[20:24:25] SiikCaliber - Cryptic Stunting: i swam with dolphins and i liked stroking them
[20:24:32] SiikCaliber - Cryptic Stunting: felt nice
[20:24:34] SiikCaliber - Cryptic Stunting: yum


[20:24:43] Odin Forfang: mmmmm
[20:24:45] CockedOposscum: mhmmm u like blubber?

Have you ever considered communicating via echolocation?

I did, but we realised we weren't bats or dolphins. :(

Here's a hypothetical for you. When forced to choose between making a horse crew video, and making a kangaroo crew video, which would you pick, and why?

Personally, a Horse Crew video. Can't really do sick tricks with a kangaroo. I mean, look at the Olympics. I don't see no Kangaroo events.

Which is your favourite method of stunting? Guitar Hero, or slip streaming?

Guitar Hero.


Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on August 09, 2015, 12:22:53 PM
Who chose the name Cryptic, and why?

Why we chose it, that's the cryptic part :blink:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: VaNilla on August 09, 2015, 12:31:14 PM
Personally, a Horse Crew video. Can't really do sick tricks with a kangaroo. I mean, look at the Olympics. I don't see no Kangaroo events.

Wrong answer. Kangaroo's can carry bikes to grinds and precisions in their pouches. Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how you secured a crew section.

:Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: SiikCaliber on August 09, 2015, 12:42:44 PM
Who chose the name Cryptic, and why?

I chose it because i wanted to give the impression we were enigmatic, perplexing and abstruse. nah just joking, it sounded cool so why not   :lol:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on August 09, 2015, 12:58:55 PM
Personally, a Horse Crew video. Can't really do sick tricks with a kangaroo. I mean, look at the Olympics. I don't see no Kangaroo events.

Wrong answer. Kangaroo's can carry bikes to grinds and precisions in their pouches. Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how you secured a crew section.

:Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted:

Damn it Orange, I was gonna choose kangoroos
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on August 09, 2015, 01:06:04 PM
I love when nightmare posts something on this website because I get to see that kickass plane stunt   :D
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 09, 2015, 01:06:34 PM
Personally, a Horse Crew video. Can't really do sick tricks with a kangaroo. I mean, look at the Olympics. I don't see no Kangaroo events.

Wrong answer. Kangaroo's can carry bikes to grinds and precisions in their pouches. Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how you secured a crew section.

:Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted:

Damn it Orange, I was gonna choose kangoroos

My reasoning:


Does a Kangaroo have wheels? Well, this beast of a horse does.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: FrankInsanity on August 09, 2015, 03:56:26 PM

My reasoning:


Does a Kangaroo have wheels? Well, this beast of a horse does.

Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: J.Mario on August 10, 2015, 05:28:20 AM
Im just interested in the name of your crew :P So why you guys got "Cryptic" this word to a name?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Afterlife on August 10, 2015, 06:27:04 AM
Im just interested in the name of your crew :P So why you guys got "Cryptic" this word to a name?

Who chose the name Cryptic, and why?
I chose it because i wanted to give the impression we were enigmatic, perplexing and abstruse. nah just joking, it sounded cool so why not   :lol:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Ltab on August 12, 2015, 04:48:57 PM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 12, 2015, 06:49:03 PM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?

All of us except one (CloggedOpossum) live in Europe. A lot of us live in the UK tho. It seems like a lot of stunters live in the UK :). CloggedOpossum lives in the US.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on August 16, 2015, 01:17:15 PM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?

All of us except one (CloggedOpossum) live in Europe. A lot of us live in the UK tho. It seems like a lot of stunters live in the UK :). CloggedOpossum lives in the US.

I live in Chile. But other from me and Clogged everyone else lives in Europe
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: SiikCaliber on August 16, 2015, 02:50:58 PM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?

All of us except one (CloggedOpossum) live in Europe. A lot of us live in the UK tho. It seems like a lot of stunters live in the UK :). CloggedOpossum lives in the US.

Orange you forgot about MrCooper. He lives in chile :)
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: J.Mario on August 16, 2015, 06:39:19 PM
When will you guys release a new kickass teamtage? :P
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Ltab on August 18, 2015, 09:38:20 AM
I live in Chile. But other from me and Clogged everyone else lives in Europe
Ah la wea nunca me dí cuenta que tenías la bandera chilena :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Sheep on August 18, 2015, 10:37:38 AM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: SiikCaliber on August 18, 2015, 02:44:24 PM
When will you guys release a new kickass teamtage? :P

We are working on something pretty big, so probably a few weeks away. But it will definately be worth the wait  ;D
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: SiikCaliber on August 18, 2015, 02:49:52 PM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?

I would have Nomad Union because they were the first stunting crew I had seen in gta v, so that got me thinking if it was possible to start my own team/crew
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 18, 2015, 03:00:38 PM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?

VaNilla, by far. Friendlist guy I know in GTAS, and pretty much knows everything there is to V.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on August 18, 2015, 05:41:47 PM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?

I'd have to say Feym, because of the way he started from 0 and now he's one of the best stunters out there, and I respect the fuck out of his bati stunts
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: CloggedOpossum on August 18, 2015, 10:30:34 PM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?

I'd have to say Feym, because of the way he started from 0 and now he's one of the best stunters out there, and I respect the fuck out of his bati stunts
I agree, feym and veyron are my favorite so far, however I still like all the NU and evolve guys.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: ShuffleCrown on August 19, 2015, 02:56:42 AM
Who is your biggest inspiration for stunting?

I'd have to say Feym, because of the way he started from 0 and now he's one of the best stunters out there, and I respect the fuck out of his bati stunts

Agree m8
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: VaNilla on August 19, 2015, 01:16:22 PM
VaNilla, by far. Friendlist guy I know in GTAS, and pretty much knows everything there is to V.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Marston5000 on August 30, 2015, 04:21:34 AM
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on August 30, 2015, 04:32:24 AM

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Ltab on September 13, 2015, 09:14:11 AM
What music are you guys into?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on September 14, 2015, 08:25:41 AM
What music are you guys into?

Me, everything except Pop and Metal.

I will tolerate/like/adore everything else - I prefer slower music (chill, etc)
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: CloggedOpossum on September 14, 2015, 03:06:20 PM
What music are you guys into?
I really like jazz. Jazz is great because their are so many different types of it. Such as traditional, bebop, ballads, latin, scoopy, ragtime, etc... Theres something for everyone.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Rz Editz on September 16, 2015, 02:11:25 PM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?

I'm from just outside of London ;)
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on September 20, 2015, 06:20:13 AM
What music are you guys into?

I'm not much of a music guy (I probably have less than 60 songs), but the ones I have are mostly tecno, rap and some rock ones. Mostly songs I hear in YouTube since I hate the songs they like in my country
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Afterlife on September 20, 2015, 12:02:57 PM
What music are you guys into?
I'm not much of a music guy (I probably have less than 60 songs), but the ones I have are mostly tecno, rap and some rock ones. Mostly songs I hear in YouTube since I hate the songs they like in my country
reggaeton ftw
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Ltab on September 21, 2015, 07:20:11 AM
What music are you guys into?
I'm not much of a music guy (I probably have less than 60 songs), but the ones I have are mostly tecno, rap and some rock ones. Mostly songs I hear in YouTube since I hate the songs they like in my country
reggaeton ftw
There will be a daddy yankee show in a city near mine this thursday, me estoy meando encima
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: waNEr on October 05, 2015, 06:28:06 AM
Wut, this is the first time I see the name of this crew hahaha. Good job getting the section tho!

Where are y'all from?

I'm from just outside of London ;)

You gotta be into jungle culture, for sure.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: The Big V on October 25, 2015, 10:46:38 AM
How did you find out this community ?

Do you think the stunters in V (lol this sounds like they are in me can bring in this place the activity it had years ago ?

What is the longest time (hours/days/months) you have tried a single spot ?

What is your inside reaction when you land a great stunt - "oh thats ok" and move on , or you sit there still infront of the monitor with your hands shaking and your heart beating that you have finally landed the eventual finisher of your next vid and a possible stunt of the year and then you start jumping around the room ?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 25, 2015, 12:13:04 PM
How did you find out this community ?

Been here since '07 under darkpwn (now RAINBROSKY name on other account, and made this one one 2012).
Introduced the others through me and MrCooper  :happy:

Do you think the stunters in V (lol this sounds like they are in me can bring in this place the activity it had years ago ?

I mean, no offense to GTAS community but most people don't really seem to like V because of gliding and other mechanics, I see no issue with it, but we always try to get people here. As Semm (Vengeance) said on the collab thread, the website is confusing to new comers etc.

What is the longest time (hours/days/months) you have tried a single spot ?

2 and a half months on a big-air spot. VaNilla's tried it and landed lower part (SCUMBAG. :( ), and others have tried to no avail. Just me though, Zeeb's tried a spot for 4-6 months and only landed a different building ;p

What is your inside reaction when you land a great stunt - "oh thats ok" and move on , or you sit there still infront of the monitor with your hands shaking and your heart beating that you have finally landed the eventual finisher of your next vid and a possible stunt of the year and then you start jumping around the room ?

Kinda relief and "noice". I worry more about saving the clip :lol:.

Also, thanks to PM for reminding me - Happy Birthday!  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Afterlife on October 26, 2015, 02:25:55 AM
the website is confusing to new comers
I don't really know how though, I found it very simple to use when I was 12..
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 26, 2015, 02:46:30 AM
the website is confusing to new comers
I don't really know how though, I found it very simple to use when I was 12..

:lol: - agreed here. Some people do find it confusing. I was using it since I was 7 :P
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: Lex on October 26, 2015, 03:44:46 AM
the website is confusing to new comers
I don't really know how though, I found it very simple to use when I was 12..

:lol: - agreed here. Some people do find it confusing. I was using it since I was 7 :P

Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 26, 2015, 08:22:11 AM
the website is confusing to new comers
I don't really know how though, I found it very simple to use when I was 12..

:lol: - agreed here. Some people do find it confusing. I was using it since I was 7 :P


Yep, 2007 under darkpwn. :P
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: ShuffleCrown on October 26, 2015, 09:04:53 AM
7??? uwotm8 :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 26, 2015, 09:41:36 AM
7??? uwotm8 :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted: :Disgusted:

Yep. I pretty much only played on SA:MP, but I remember 99% of the names  :lol:.
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: toty on October 26, 2015, 06:47:10 PM
Orange <3
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 27, 2015, 03:17:04 AM
Orange <3

ToTy <3
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: FrankInsanity on October 27, 2015, 08:16:16 PM
 waNeR <3
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Rainbow on October 28, 2015, 08:32:57 AM
Do you guys like cryptic riddles?  :ninja:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: OrangeW on October 28, 2015, 10:49:49 AM
Do you guys like cryptic riddles?  :ninja:

Yeah, go for it.  :ninja:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: JustAdam on November 04, 2015, 08:00:25 AM
Can my mate illex join into the crew with just 1 stunt?  He is really friendly and active and a legend.

I think i can lend him latest GTA for psp & I'm SURE! that he can do what is impossible in this crew.
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Afterlife on November 04, 2015, 10:40:02 AM
Invite him to DSS.
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: JustAdam on November 04, 2015, 01:39:41 PM
It's not my business.  :mellow:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Elit3 V1PERZz on November 23, 2015, 09:02:43 AM
someone can ask me something lol, im trying to use this site more but im not usually into forums and stuff
p.s- can we swear on here im not sure since im new XD
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Rainbow on November 23, 2015, 07:42:51 PM
someone can ask me something lol, im trying to use this site more but im not usually into forums and stuff
p.s- can we swear on here im not sure since im new XD
Your every day household swear words are fine to use here. Just don't start throwing rocks with statements like "I don't think Simon is the best editor ever". Or "Anime is for weeaboo losers". Because that'll get you into a flame war/banned in no time. And VaNilla is a bit sensitive when it comes to the word "paulio".  :Disgusted:

Other than that you'll be fine  :P
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Simon on November 23, 2015, 07:46:58 PM
Anime is for weeaboo losers
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Lex on November 23, 2015, 10:49:39 PM
Paulio? why?
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: VaNilla on November 24, 2015, 01:05:28 AM
wat :ninja:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Lex on November 24, 2015, 02:06:13 AM
wat :ninja:

Hi Paulio!  :wub:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Elit3 V1PERZz on November 24, 2015, 01:50:03 PM
What have i started XD
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on December 05, 2015, 07:56:46 PM
I answer questions a month later cause im cool :mellow:

How did you find out this community ?

Well, YouTube had NU's Prophecy as recommended videos to watch, after i saw the thing i was completely mindblown, and i inmediately subbed to redkeymon. After a while of watching their team videos, i decided to go to this "" that was advertised at the beggining and end of all their videos, but i had no idea what was going on. I made an account about a year later when i got my ps4 and decided to be a stunter myself, and i wanted to use gtas as a gateway into the community. But later i learned gtas's community and youtube's V community are 2 separate things.

Do you think the stunters in V (lol this sounds like they are in me can bring in this place the activity it had years ago ?

Not unless we make this website appealing to new incomers, because internet companies have succeded in making their web interfaces retardedly easy to understand and interact, and now people are used to it, so gtas must follow that trend. Whenever someone from the yt community comes here he always says how "complicated" this we site looks

What is the longest time (hours/days/months) you have tried a single spot ?

I tried Summit's opener for 70+ hours distributed throughout about 4 months of trying

What is your inside reaction when you land a great stunt - "oh thats ok" and move on , or you sit there still infront of the monitor with your hands shaking and your heart beating that you have finally landed the eventual finisher of your next vid and a possible stunt of the year and then you start jumping around the room ?

Well, imo i have high standards, but i'm not very talented and i don't play gta 24/7, so hitting stunts has become sort of rare to me. So, whenever i manage to hit a stunt i freak the fuck out lol
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: VaNilla on December 06, 2015, 12:00:15 AM
I have high standards, but i'm not very talented and i don't play gta 24/7.

You are very talented ;).
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Lex on December 06, 2015, 12:14:14 AM
How many are you in Cryptic?
Title: Re: Ask Us Anything!
Post by: perpetualperplex on December 08, 2015, 09:29:52 AM
Do you think the stunters in V (lol this sounds like they are in me can bring in this place the activity it had years ago ?

Not unless we make this website appealing to new incomers, because internet companies have succeded in making their web interfaces retardedly easy to understand and interact, and now people are used to it, so gtas must follow that trend. Whenever someone from the yt community comes here he always says how "complicated" this we site looks

I have tried to get some SBMX members to use this site, I was met with "is there an app for it"  :neen:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: waNEr on December 10, 2015, 11:52:19 AM
Anime is for weeaboo losers

But this is actually true

Question: Would/have you guys stunt in VC or SA?
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: MrCooper on December 12, 2015, 05:31:52 AM
Anime is for weeaboo losers

But this is actually true

Question: Would/have you guys stunt in VC or SA?

OrangeW was the only one in the crew who had stunted in GTA's before V, but he's no longer in the crew  :(

So, I'll speak for myslef. No, I've never stunted in SA/VC, and I don't really intend to. I have little knowledge on the overall mechanics of the game (stunting wise), and I don't really want to spend my time learning them because even if I manage to learn stuff, my stunts would be really underwhelming compared to what's been achieved in the last 10+ years

If i stunt in other games, I want to start in a more leveled field of playing. JC3 just came out, I wanna get it for Christmas
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: Bass on January 07, 2016, 04:20:56 AM
Anyone here at Cryptic on pc that can help me improve my stunting skills?
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: ShawnNaesHD on April 16, 2016, 06:13:31 AM
how do i rc ? i have a cool stunt that makes me really good to join a team but i need to rc  :Disgusted:
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: LegendGamer112 on January 10, 2017, 01:23:46 PM
Are you guys still recruiting members?
Title: Re: Ask Cryptic Anything!
Post by: waNEr on January 10, 2017, 05:20:27 PM
u guys still exist
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