
Stunt Crew Network => Modus Operandi => Modus Operandi Public Section => Topic started by: Srcry on March 23, 2015, 06:06:38 PM

Title: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Srcry on March 23, 2015, 06:06:38 PM
MediaFire HQ ( (
The wait is finally over. I'm proud to present the new video from the Modus Operandi Stunting Unit. Please enjoy GOBSMACKED.

Welcome Knapman!

Special thanks to whoever unbanned me.

Full review template:
Code: [Select]
1:13 - 1:23 MtS:
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman:
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper:
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah:
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER:
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA:
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai:
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman:
2:22 – 2:33 Edga:
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper:
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA:
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo:
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER:
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper:
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER:
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA:
3:26 – 3:33 MtS:
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah:
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman:
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery:
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA:
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper:
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA:
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER:
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery:
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo:
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper:
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA:
5:23 – 5:32 MtS:
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER:
5:40 – 5:56 MtS:



***Totally Fucked Productions 2015***
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Flippa on March 23, 2015, 06:20:32 PM
Pretty sick vid guys! Keep it up!
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Srcry on March 23, 2015, 06:23:19 PM
Pretty sick vid guys! Keep it up!
Thanks Nathan. :wub:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: toty on March 23, 2015, 06:47:33 PM
MO plz
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Cooper on March 23, 2015, 06:52:26 PM
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: TurBo on March 23, 2015, 08:19:00 PM
So let me begin with apologizing for not having landed like 8 spots I had planned, life kicked in just when I was going to stunt and land the rest.

The video is fantastic, I love this style of editing with the analogue feel, the sounds aswell, the way it's brought together is fantastic in my eyes.

Lovely stunting display of variety and creativity crafted with a bunch of people who know about the natural stunting world a thing or two, the amount of vehicles, aswell as spots people set to themselves as 'target' and accomplished is admirable and the video is great, good to be on.

I am so glad I have landed my old-boost-spot which I was highly doubting I'd get throughout the years, that's one of those I set as target, that's for sure.

Welcome abroad Knapman, it's a blast to have you onboard.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: jakuba on March 23, 2015, 11:36:26 PM
pretty amazing stunting you guys, loved almost everything
special shout-out to Soccery for those grab2grinds ;D but everyone had some awesome ones
For a sec I actually thought you were gonna edit main part to BoC, thank god you didn't :lol:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Xtramus on March 24, 2015, 12:17:01 AM
Thanks for landing the ramp 2 grab 2 grind, I was getting tired of that spot. Other than that solid vid, will comment more later
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Simon on March 24, 2015, 01:03:14 AM
Great stunts, FIGHTER, Knapman and MtS stood out  :mellow: Too bad Sorcery edited  :(
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Srcry on March 24, 2015, 01:13:18 AM
Simon, you never fail to impress me. You're a true stunting champion. I'm glad you enjoyed the last video I'll ever make.

Yours truly,
-Sorcery (aka tallanominal, aka Scarywindow, aka Daffy, aka Patrick Duffy, etc.)

Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Erney on March 24, 2015, 01:59:44 AM
Full review by Ern

1:13 - 1:23 MtS: Sick opener, I love to watch natural bumps to bb.
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman: I was thinking about it yesterday, but found another spot. Kewl precision with sanchez, love it.
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper: Ths tracks are really hard to grind, so gj landing that.
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah: Nothing special, but I like car stunts, so I kind of like it.
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: Isn't that old by boxXx? Still nice tho
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA: Simple little drop bump, kewl.
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai: Sick double grind, great find!
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman: I though it was old, fuck me. Amazing precision, love this kind of stunts.
2:22 – 2:33 Edga: That was really tight, great execution.
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper: Really smooth ledge grind.
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA: Not bad :P
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo: I like teh freeway combos.  :a-cheer:
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER: Love your p2b's, this one isn't exception.
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper: And another great looking p2b, gj with that.
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER: I'm still impressed that people can find new spots on this overwhored arena, cool stunt :)
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA: Damn, that looks hard. Love to see stunts like this.
3:26 – 3:33 MtS: Incredible prec with really slow shit.
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah: Sweet tank bump and nice rotation.
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman: Looooove grabs 2 grind, amazing one.
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery: Same as in Knapman one, love it.
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA: BB precision's are really hard in vc, so it had to be really pain to land it. Wonderful one.
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper: Good find.
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA: If grind could be a little bit longer... still nice tho.
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER: Massive p2b. It was damn good.
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery: Holy shit. Best combo I've ever seen. Best stunt here in my opinion.  :wub:
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo: That was really huge.
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper: I don't like it, maybe because it was landed in SA, in VC it ain't looking better imo.
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: Another stunt here, you guys over bitched this place. It was really cool "bump kick" to grind.
5:23 – 5:32 MtS: Fine prec.
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: Lovlely p2b2wallride. Nice to see it landed on highest roof.
5:40 – 5:56 MtS: I've spent too much time to bitch it and I just nailed it like 3 times? props for land that.

Editing: You used to be a good editor, but you started to making awful editing, I couldn't ejnoy it.

Soundtrack: I love every song you put, they are chill and making good mood in the video. 8/10

Overall: Solid 9/10

Keep coming with more vids!
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ZeRo_ on March 24, 2015, 02:02:14 AM
Awesome video guys, so refreshing to see that the VC still is still somehow alive, makes me want to go and land some more of my spots. :jajaja:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Daffy on March 24, 2015, 02:39:24 AM
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: Lovlely p2b2wallride. Nice to see it landed on highest roof.
Correction, it's not the highest part of the roof. However, it's the tiniest  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Erney on March 24, 2015, 02:42:01 AM
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: Lovlely p2b2wallride. Nice to see it landed on highest roof.
Correction, it's not the highest part of the roof. However, it's the tiniest  :cc_detective:

Ooops.  :ninja:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: MaCi on March 24, 2015, 03:10:39 AM
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: Isn't that old by boxXx? Still nice tho

BoxXx landed the lower part from the other bump.

Full review incoming.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Daffy on March 24, 2015, 03:30:21 AM
1:13 - 1:23 MtS: Beautiful stunt, great use of the environment and a lovely way to kick of the video with some smooth acrobatics. 8/10
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman: I'm fairly sure I've seen something similar, sorry. 5/10
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper: I love the idea, but the ledgegrind itself is so short it almost seems like a fluke, if not for the creative runup. 6.5/10
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah: The lower parts been done, the extra bump to the top was nice though. 6/10
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: Great execution on a spot that requires a tough angle, doesn't wow me after seeing a lot of things done there though. 7/10
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA: Parkour on a bike? I like the idea of driving off a roof and then hitting a bump but it felt like an unimpressive place to do it at. 5/10
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai: Great spot, I don't like the fact that it's almost impossible to complete the full second grind but I think you used the most of it. 7.5/10
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman: Nice precision, good impact-absorbtion. 7/10
2:22 – 2:33 Edga: A generic, ubiquitus spot that can be done anywhere, the downhill angle makes the grind easier too. 4.5/10
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper: Good spot, awesome execution... you starting a used car business? 8/10
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA: Alright bump, same roof's been landed from the same bump from a different angle though. 5/10
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo: I'm biased in the sense that I don't like stuckies so I won't rate it, I'll say it's my favorite stunt with my least favorite method.
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER: Generic P2B. 5/10
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper: Generic P2B again, impressive landing though 6/10.
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER: Pretty sure that's old.
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA: Very nice, a bit similar to the opener but with enough space between them they're both enjoyable invidually. 8/10
3:26 – 3:33 MtS: lmao, very nice. 8/10
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah: O.L.D. A.S. F.U.C.K. OLD/10
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman: Decent, although I felt there were many superiour combos to that spot in the same area in this video. 6.5/10
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery: Better. 7.5/10
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA: Beautiful boost, great use of the environment, lovely landing of the precison part and the fact that you used a taxi over a cabbie <3. 9/10
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper: A more impressive use of the 'bump after drop'-scenario, I'm impressed by your rotation-control there too. 8/10
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA: Felt random and the grind was short. 5/10
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER: About, fucking, time! I know how much of a tease that spot can be, well done dude! 9/10
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery: Again, I don't like glitchy stunts so I won't rate it but, if you had to do a double-grind at a spot that has texture glitches that's a good one to pick.
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo: Brutal taxi stats to a precision-(kinda), always a favorite. 9.5/10
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper: I just love this kinda thinking, beautiful execution (is the packer really necessary though?). 8.5/10
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: An alright combo, again better combos there earlier in the video though. 6.5/10
5:23 – 5:32 MtS: Beatiful precision, simple as that. 9/10
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: Kudos for sticking the tiniest part. 7/10
5:40 – 5:56 MtS: One of those spots most of us has tried but not been able to stick with until it's done, your a very patient man Mateus. Mad props for the effort alone on a landmark-kinda spot, put the same effort into all things you do in life and you'll go far. 10/10

Editing: Though I'm not necessarily a fan of the retro-80's 'Miami Hotline'-kinda editing you do, I think you managed to pull it off and do it in a way that I can enjoy from an editor point-of-view as you're starting to master it on a technical level.

Soundtrack: Loved it, matches the general visual look of the game a tee to... felt like I should have been watching with an Hawain shirt.

PS: Your welcome on the un-banning.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Herb on March 24, 2015, 03:34:42 AM
Awesome stuff guys, everyone really put their all into the vid. Stands outs for me were Mts' Caddy stunt, his opener, his finisher, Fighter's everything, Sorcery and Knapman's grab grind combo's, Trubo's boost to bb, Edga's polebump to grind, all of VN's stuff, and Cooper's smooth ass ledge grind at the LC park. Thanks again to Joe for the kickass editing. And also thanks to everyone for letting me in  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ostin on March 24, 2015, 04:38:18 AM
So glad this is finally released. Took us kinda long to wrap it all together but the fact that there is no SAiVC and no stuckies in the vid is mindblowing to me.

Thanks a lot for those full reviews done and forthcoming.
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA: Alright bump, same roof's been landed from the same bump from a different angle though.
Will you care to post the vid with the same bump ?
This exact double bump was not landed in all these years cause it's fucking annoying. You get the second bump once in ~80 tries and it does not mean you're gonna land it. I don't want a medal for it, just stating information.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: FTO on March 24, 2015, 04:40:52 AM
Sorcery's airgrab to double grind and the taxi precisions were really impressive.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: VaNilla on March 24, 2015, 05:06:52 AM
Awesome! MtS, Sorcery and TurBo killed it for me, but all of you had nice stunts.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: FIGHTER on March 24, 2015, 05:13:10 AM
Daffy i have no clue where its old actually....
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: J.Mario on March 24, 2015, 05:14:47 AM
 SICK SICK SICK!!! :o  DAMN those shocking precisions of MtS and those airgrab to grinds of Sorcery!!
  and I really love Sorcery's fresh+mood-sense editing. yeh, good job guys!  ;D
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Daffy on March 24, 2015, 05:16:52 AM
Will you care to post the vid with the same bump ?
This exact double bump was not landed in all these years cause it's fucking annoying. You get the second bump once in ~80 tries and it does not mean you're gonna land it. I don't want a medal for it, just stating information.
(Almost) the same bump then, so similar that I wouldn't spend time on it :cc_detective:
( (
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: J.Mario on March 24, 2015, 05:23:23 AM
 besides, that delight Intro is worth commenting :lol:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ostin on March 24, 2015, 05:45:58 AM
Will you care to post the vid with the same bump ?
This exact double bump was not landed in all these years cause it's fucking annoying. You get the second bump once in ~80 tries and it does not mean you're gonna land it. I don't want a medal for it, just stating information.
(Almost) the same bump then, so similar that I wouldn't spend time on it :cc_detective:
( (
You gotta be kidding or trolling  :rolleyes:
Single bump-recoil of a different object is so similar to my double bump, yes.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Daffy on March 24, 2015, 05:53:38 AM
No I'm not, I'm looking at it visually as someone with the main goal of making solid videos.
If something that's so similar to something that been done before is worth spending hours on for you, that's all and well for YOU.
But that puts no obligation on me as a viewer to like it, none whatsoever, taste is subjective and if it's a worthwhile stunt to YOU, it should remain a worthwhile stunt to YOU... unless you wanna  be a needy bitch about it begging for social validation for the things that are unique to YOU.
Go fuck yourself dude, if you can't handle not getting social worshipping shot up your ass constantly then this is not the place for you.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Srcry on March 24, 2015, 05:55:00 AM
You are awesome.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Rusch69 on March 24, 2015, 06:03:04 AM
I can't be arsed to get into detail, but stunting wise I wasn't this impressed by a VC video in a long while.
Excellent stuff my niggers, this gotta be the first video I'm going to download in months. (Y)
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Max_ on March 24, 2015, 07:05:46 AM
Guys :wub: lovely video, sick stunts and beautifull ideas all over the place. Can't name any standouts because there were too many. could spot a few oldies here and there but they didn't drag down the quality of the vid
Editing wise it was super relaxed and chilled to watch as always :)
Keep it groovy
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: FIGHTER on March 24, 2015, 07:10:57 AM
Guys :wub: lovely video, sick stunts and beautifull ideas all over the place. Can't name any standouts because there were too many. could spot a few oldies here and there but they didn't drag down the quality of the vid
Editing wise it was super relaxed and chilled to watch as always :)
Keep it groovy

which were old :) ? thanks for the comment anyways! 

EDIT: Thanks Sheeptea, my first p2b is old by Mugetsu
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Max_ on March 24, 2015, 07:30:37 AM
Guys :wub: lovely video, sick stunts and beautifull ideas all over the place. Can't name any standouts because there were too many. could spot a few oldies here and there but they didn't drag down the quality of the vid
Editing wise it was super relaxed and chilled to watch as always :)
Keep it groovy

which were old :) ? thanks for the comment anyways! 

1:25 I'm pretty sure that's old, could bet my ass I saw that before (was trying the same some time ago, then I saw an old vid where the stunts was landed so I stoped trying.. can't tell you the name of the vid though)
3:36 I'm pretty sure about that
1:43  can remeber something being landed there aswell, I'm nut sure if it was the lower platform or the one you got onto, so sorry If I'm wrong about that :)
6:39 old by me
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Herb on March 24, 2015, 07:33:57 AM
I need you guys to find out what vid my tankbump is old from, as I have no recollection of ever seeing it done. It's bugging the shit out of me now.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Omma! on March 24, 2015, 08:16:16 AM
Fantastic video! Taxi boosts and Sorcery grab to 2x grind were my favorite, but actually I enjoyed every stunt in there, just too lazy to point out all my favorite stunts :D

Also Herb I'm sure I've seen that stunt years ago when I started in VC, but I just can't rememeber if it was done with PCJ or Infernus
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Herb on March 24, 2015, 08:32:04 AM
Fantastic video! Taxi boosts and Sorcery grab to 2x grind were my favorite, but actually I enjoyed every stunt in there, just too lazy to point out all my favorite stunts :D

Also Herb I'm sure I've seen that stunt years ago when I started in VC, but I just can't rememeber if it was done with PCJ or Infernus
Oh yeah it's been done countless times with PCJ, with a menagerie of different assisting vehicles.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Ltab on March 24, 2015, 08:46:18 AM
I literally burst in laugh with that intro :lol: pretty unexpected.

Great video guys! I can't recall the stunts I liked the most 'cause I'm a bit sleepy but I def enjoyed some boosts, grinds and bumps! :P

By the way Fighter, good job landing that LC P2B at 4:30. I wanted to land it but I already got a bit tired of trying it so it's okay :happy: I have edged the roof a couple of times and landed it once but backwards, so I obviously fell :( (

Lovely video once again guizzzze :euro:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: TrYp on March 24, 2015, 09:28:46 AM
Fighter owned the vid so hard, holy shit man props on that LC natbump and p2b, a lot WH guys including me had a lot of time on those.
Others were really meh, even though Mts had some okay stunts, but honestly didn't like the rest.

However this is the first Sorcery edit ever that I actually enjoyed.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Rainbow on March 24, 2015, 09:38:24 AM
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed it and I'll do a review while eating dinner  :P Knapman's sanchez stunt is old by TBV and I am pretty sure Herb's tankbump is old but cannot for the life of me remember where and by who  :ninja: Not commenting on the editing yet because I first watched it without sound. The boosts and grab to grind(s) were sick and very very enjoyable. And yes Marcel you also did a good job  :ajaja:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: PM on March 24, 2015, 10:35:08 AM
KnapWHO??!!!!!!!!!! :blink:
2:55, 4:42 & finisher SERIOUSLY? NO! FUCK!
ya'll are just sick patients

this vid - everything of the year...
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Samurai on March 24, 2015, 11:16:29 AM
good shit! Thanks for lettin me hang around and letting me a guest stunt (thx for the idea mts) again! Wish i had more but it surely wasn't needed!

Much appreciated, really enjoyed the video!

Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ostin on March 24, 2015, 12:00:31 PM
No I'm not, I'm looking at it visually as someone with the main goal of making solid videos.
If something that's so similar to something that been done before is worth spending hours on for you, that's all and well for YOU.
But that puts no obligation on me as a viewer to like it, none whatsoever, taste is subjective and if it's a worthwhile stunt to YOU, it should remain a worthwhile stunt to YOU... unless you wanna  be a needy bitch about it begging for social validation for the things that are unique to YOU.
Go fuck yourself dude, if you can't handle not getting social worshipping shot up your ass constantly then this is not the place for you.
wat :blink:
You say I strive for validation, worshipping and so on. This is not the case. You aren't impressed with my poledropbump2bb ? Fine. You say my firetruck grind felt random ? Fine, whatever.
But you didn't exactly dislike the doublebump, you said it's alright and stated that someone already had done same bump. I read it and started to worry "Shiit, how did I miss it ? What video has the same bump ?..." So I asked a question.
Then you came up with Neo's recoil which felt so careless and I was like "What the fuck ? Is he serious ?! No, he can't be"
So I advanced arguments for it not being same (different object, different type of bump). Because a question of similarity isn't so subjective, it has little to do with taste.
I'm not saying the stunt is unique. Knew I won't get any praise for it from the start. But it does not deserve this depreciation either. Based on uncertain (false) similarity.

Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Rainbow on March 24, 2015, 12:15:42 PM
Kind of a double post but who cares  :P

1:13 - 1:23 MtS: Clever stunt man, I'm pretty sure given another few years I would've never seen that. Great opener.
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman: As I said, old by TBV. Still a nice execution though. Linky linky (
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper: Nice find and a good execution. Solid stunt.
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah: Decent. Could be new but pretty obvious.
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: Lucker  :ninja: Gj there.
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA: Another stunt I would've never found. Nice one.
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai: I actually told Simon this was impossible to do, and that you would never have enough speed to finish the whole grind without getting stuck. Well so far I was wrong about one of the two. Good job  :jajaja:
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman: Nice stunt, but I am not really a fan of the execution. Still solid though.
2:22 – 2:33 Edga: After seeing TD do the whole rail in the opposite way this is not really impressive. Still good to see you in the vid  :happy:
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper: Not a fan of all those extra vehicles parked to the side but the stunt itself was executed super duper smoothly. Tried it myself but coulden't really finish the grind properly. Nice one.
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA: After having a closer look that looks really annoying. Must be a bitch to get a proper second bump. Good effort.
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo: Not the best executed grind right there, but the idea alone makes it one of my favorites of the video. Kudos for that!
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER: Not a fan, but it's new and the airtime looks nice for such a short run-up.
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper: Again, not a fan. Nice landing though, that part is annoying to stay on.
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER: Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Would've never found this as well.
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA: Awwwwwyis. Lovely execution and cool stunt.
3:26 – 3:33 MtS: I lol'd. One of my favorites of the video.
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah: Old? Dunno really but good effort anyway. Those tank bumps are random as hell.
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman: Excellent. Well executed grab2grinds never fail to amaze me.
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery: Loved it. Great execution and even better spot. You both missed the prec by an inch though  :P
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA: Oh you lucker! Was it your intention to land the top or a happy accident? Awesome in both cases anyway.
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper: Yet another way to get onto that rail! Ossim!
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA: Good to see a firetruck in here! Nice one.
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER: I will never ever try that in my life  :P Great stunt!
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery: Didn't know what to expect since you did so many here, was happily suprised. Probably my favorite stunt in the video, killer stunt man!
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwyeah. After telling me about this spot for ages you landed it. Excellent effort dude.
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper: Kaneda did it with a freeway from the grassramp, which I personally like better. Good stunt though.
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: Cute stunt that is probably harder than it looks. Nice one.
5:23 – 5:32 MtS: Ossim. I like freeway precs.
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: When you showed me the clip I expected the Bluster landing. Took a second before I realised you actually landed this instead. Awesome stunt.
5:40 – 5:56 MtS: ERMEHGEWD. My inner taxi fanboy is screaming!  :cheernutz: Looks insanely hard man, good job!

Editing: Liked it. Felt like a video made by you and it fit with the song very well.

Soundtrack: I like the credits song more but this is nice as well.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Diaz on March 24, 2015, 01:09:23 PM
One of a kind crew and video. Otherwise I'd say these little "creative" stuff are not good at all, but somehow there were some really good looking combos in here. The few boosts totally owned the video, as well as some of Fighter's stunts and MTS was also solid, especially at the finisher, just mad. Editing was hipster and everything related to that, typical from Sorcery but somehow it worked well with the stunts together, the overall flow of the video was good. All in all good job guys, hope you will keep up stunting!
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Gryzlek on March 24, 2015, 01:16:23 PM
Very nice jumpy jumps, loved all those grab/grind combos (Samurai's one was my favorite, what a sick idea)

Hope it's not your last video :a-cheer:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: SyperDimon on March 24, 2015, 01:36:23 PM
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: PrzemOO on March 24, 2015, 01:42:36 PM
Was that my skin in the intro? :lol:

Awesome video guys, you're the best.  :mellow:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Afterlife on March 24, 2015, 03:36:35 PM
awesome video-
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: MaCi on March 24, 2015, 03:37:47 PM
1:13 - 1:23 MtS: Fucking insane bump, can't believe how you even came up with the idea in the first place. 9.5/10
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman: Very impressive way to reach that roof naturally! 7.5/10
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper: I used to try that in the opposite direction, not my taste of execution but you did well. 5/10
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah: Might have been a tough one but it's not that impressive or stylish in my eyes 3/10
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: I'm really happy to see it landed after two own overshots. Fucking great dude. 8.5/10
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA: Good job I guess but it's not really doing it for me. 4/10
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai: This is exactly a type of stunt I'd like to land, great one! 7/10
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman: Now that's the shit dude! Me approve! 7/10
2:22 – 2:33 Edga: Nah, that was pretty boring mate...sorry. 4/10
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper: Fantastic execution, very well done! Couldn't for the world imagine that was new...7/10
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA: Not that awesome but I bet it was friggin' hard 5/10
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo: Everything but the grind was great, good job anyway. 6/10
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER: Well, didn't really impress me there. 4/10
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper: A little cooler than the stunt before. 5/10
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER: Nice way to reach that grind. 5/10
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA: Oh dear, never thought of that. I used to bump the other side and aim for the BB near the water. 7/10
3:26 – 3:33 MtS: Haha, cute. 6/10
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah: Same as your other stunt. 3/10
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman: A bit stylish and probably hard but in the end not that creative. 5/10
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery: Just like the one before. 5/10
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA: Huh. Didn't see that coming. 6.5/10
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper: Now that was pretty damn nice. 7/10
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA: Cool idea. 6/10
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER: Glad to see that landed too, great fucking job again mate. 9/10
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery: You in your essay. 7.5/10
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo: I've lost interest in taxi stunts more and more but this was fucking awesome dude. 8/10
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper: I don't mind the Packer being used, that was very, very cool. 8/10
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: Not my cup of tea but it was alright. 5/10
5:23 – 5:32 MtS: Hot 'n heavy!! Really dig it! 8.5/10
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: Ooh, nice wallrides man. 7/10
5:40 – 5:56 MtS: Surprise factor meter DING DING DING. Impressive as hell. 9.25/10

Editing: You're fucked up/10 (Loved it :P) The intro was fucking hilarious and overall pretty much what I expected but in a good way.

Soundtrack: Good songs, fits perfectly.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: MtS on March 24, 2015, 04:19:26 PM
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: wviMis on March 24, 2015, 06:56:54 PM
   ;Dgood video!!!!!!!
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Argy on March 24, 2015, 08:33:10 PM
so many great stunts that I cant pick a favourite, loved the video :a-cheer: hope to see more of you in the future
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: TurBo on March 25, 2015, 12:54:41 AM
Wish I could grind more on that bitch rail[it's a freeway ledge grind by the way, it's too thick even for a freeway to lock on from both sides], this is pretty much all you can get out of it, I could provide a rep to show you how it went and I'll suggest to explore it, sadly you gotta slip off it before you crash into the invisible collision that will make you bail everytime. (

Thanks for the comments.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: J.Mario on March 25, 2015, 06:21:03 AM
Fighter owned the vid so hard,
  No man, everyone owned this. to be honest MO just like the second ATS in GTAS :sleep: Truly an awesome crew
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: RedX on March 25, 2015, 10:16:37 AM
Fantastic vid! Great effort from everyone and enjoyable editing. Good to see you back in action Knapman, it's been a while since I saw your name :P
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ostin on March 25, 2015, 05:57:04 PM
this gotta be the first video I'm going to download in months. (Y)
Yeah, cause youtube quality is barely watchable :lol:

4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA: Oh you lucker! Was it your intention to land the top or a happy accident? Awesome in both cases anyway.
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: Cute stunt that is probably harder than it looks. Nice one.
1. When I take my boosting mouse from the box, I know what exactly I'm gonna do. Though didn't have much hope for actually landing it. When it  happened (three weeks later) I screamed like a psycho and scared the fuck out of my pets and family.  :ajaja:
2. For inexperienced lame grinder that I am it was a hard stunt. I couldn't overcome that jut at the end, bailed and bailed. Then Daffy gave me a tip and I finally managed to land.

Thanks again for the comments, mates  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Urban Legend on March 26, 2015, 08:24:00 AM
First off I have to say thank you for the Seinfeld sound bit. Man, so unexpected. The video wasn't exactly a head banger but more of just a foot tapper. But lots of little gems in between. My reviews have always been different. I can't review someones good's like rating someones vacation on facebook. LAME I already been to Cancun... jk so just let me say a few shits

Great to see the old names...Sam and Vice Ninja. The first and last stunts were the best. My favorite was the first one..jesus. Intro was great.. Sorcery had that grab 2 touch and grind.

good video good video
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Caio on March 26, 2015, 11:34:30 AM
I don't want to get this topic down in the forums, so first of all


Alright, lets get things going

Guys, you are sick, it's impressive, after 10 years of GTAS on the same 2 maps, you can still pull off a video like this, full of nice ideas: the opener and ostin's boost2bb were my favorites. Good to see Knapman back in action. Fighter did a great job with those bigairs, especially that huge on in LC to the pink building, I guess everyone tried it at least once and knows how it is a pain in the ass to land, great, great stunt. Overall, it was an awesome video :D

And sorry for not being able to submit anything for this one, got really inactive since the last couple of year  :(
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Plani on March 26, 2015, 01:47:25 PM
Neat video guys! The stunting level really impressed me. This is probably one of the best VC stunting videos ever, without a doubt. Editing was really great and the stunts were mindblowing, wtf.

Good job Matheus and crew <3
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Named on March 26, 2015, 11:35:12 PM
Just... MtS for president, of course happy birthday for him, Turbo, Sorcery and Fighter just stood out for me, but MtS, that cabbie prec and golf car prec :wub:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: ostin on March 27, 2015, 08:24:31 AM
Link for higher bitrate version added to the first post.  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Neo Anderson on March 27, 2015, 12:08:28 PM
Jesus guys, I loved everything about this video, every stunt, the editing, the intro, the outro.  Absolutely a fantastic video, they way VC stunting should be and that intro, friggin' outrageous.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 27, 2015, 01:02:42 PM
One smasher of a video guys. Intro was pure gold, well done on that. Everyone really performed but especially liked the stuff Fighter, MtS and Sorcery did. Editing was pure fcking art.  :ajaja:

Wish I could come up with more praise words but FUCKING urticaria :man:
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: MaCi on March 27, 2015, 01:22:23 PM
Yeah uh, just wanted to add that I think FIGHTER was awesome because I really thought he was out of the game for some reason  :P
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: FIGHTER on March 27, 2015, 02:18:56 PM
Yeah uh, just wanted to add that I think FIGHTER was awesome because I really thought he was out of the game for some reason  :P

nah, :D quitting gtas isnt possible haha : >
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: MtS on March 27, 2015, 04:18:02 PM
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Luky on March 28, 2015, 06:23:52 AM
Another amazing video from you guys, some great ideas in there. Sorcery's AG to double grind blew me the fuck away, so did MtS's opener and the taxi precisions from MtS and Vice Ninja. Also great to see FIGHTER in action again, those were some super smooth big-airs dude, especially liked the LC p2b to the pink roof, I know how hard that motherfucker is. Almost every stunt was to my liking, and the editing was enjoyable too. Can't wait for another video from you guys!
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Veno on March 28, 2015, 07:29:28 AM
Sorcery, You crazy motherfucker, amazing stuff.
Mts, nice to see You in action, awesome finisher.
Loved it.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Cooper on April 01, 2015, 07:55:33 PM
I love this video
thanks for the comments, welcome knapdude
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: NEM on April 03, 2015, 07:39:31 AM
I wanted to write something longer and detailed, but I was too lazy to and I might feel like an ignorant, but I'm just gonna say this video was fucking epic, I've seen it like 10 times already and it's so enjoyable, looks godamn classy! Great work from all of you guys, hope to see more crew videos from you :)
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Artifex on April 05, 2015, 01:28:48 AM
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Xtramus on April 15, 2015, 01:10:50 PM
As I promised: a slightly longer review.

Stunt-wise, there were a couple of oldies (or ideas that are similar to oldies), but it didn't drag the video down. It was very solid from the two grab 2 grinds onward (not that there weren't any good stunts before those, but all of those that followed those stunts were very good). Standouts were the stuckystoppie 2 dropbump 2 grind, both grab 2 grinds, the finisher and the boost 2 billboard near/at the LC airport.

Sorcery's editing and music will never be my favorite but I suppose it was better than usual.
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: PtRvY on May 11, 2015, 10:22:43 AM
I figure I'm too late. Just seen this for the first time - great work on the editing as usual, Sorcery.

Standouts were, without a doubt, TurBo's freeway thing (my favourite by far), Knapman/Sorcery's grab2grinds (you guys really raped those Prawn Island bridge rails in this one), and Sorcery's grab2doublegrind (speechless).

It's perhaps not as catchy as your first one, but the stunts are overall better in my opinion. 9.5/10
Title: Re: {Modus Operandi} <<<GOBSMACKED>>>
Post by: Nitzkit on October 09, 2020, 08:50:54 PM
Intro: For the love of god, the coding for this is so insane it should be given an award LOL

1:13 - 1:23 MtS: Crazy bump, those low ledges are a pain.
1:23 - 1:28 Knapman:wtf? impressive
1:29 – 1:34 Cooper:niiice
1:34 – 1:39 Sheikah:not bad
1:39 – 1:49 FIGHTER: crazy bump to crane
1:50 – 1:55 ViCe NiNjA:interesting
1:56 – 2:11 Samurai: Sam with the technical stunts...nice one man.
2:11 – 2:22 Knapman: was that on purpose? very nice
2:22 – 2:33 Edga:very cool
2:33 – 2:43 Cooper:niiice but whats with all those gang cars?
2:44 – 2:49 ViCe NiNjA:awesome bump!
2:49 – 3:00 TurBo:wwwwwaaaahhhhtttt????? tf...loved it!
3:00 – 3:08 FIGHTER: The p2b man at it again!
3:08 – 3:12 Cooper: ooooo this one was nice too
3:13 – 3:20 FIGHTER: nice find on that bump to grind!
3:20 – 3:26 ViCe NiNjA: impressive! would never thought of it
3:26 – 3:33 MtS: LOL
3:33 – 3:41 Sheikah:cool looking
3:42 – 3:49 Knapman:so good
3:50 – 4:02 Sorcery:oh shit not again! lol
4:03 – 4:14 ViCe NiNjA:In russia this is how we park taxi...
4:14 – 4:24 Cooper:fuck...i've tried that...very nice dude!
4:25 – 4:30 ViCe NiNjA:wtf
4:30 – 4:41 FIGHTER: niiiiiiiiice. love it
4:42 – 4:51 Sorcery: I just man!
4:51 – 5:01 TurBo:very cool
5:01 – 5:12 Cooper:looks nice, maybe old? looks like it but its nice
5:13 – 5:23 ViCe NiNjA: swweeett grindage
5:23 – 5:32 MtS:really? geez get this man some sort of award
5:32 – 5:39 FIGHTER: thats how you get high...
5:40 – 5:56 MtS:thats some damn precision right there

Editing:The camera work in this video is sooooo smooth and it all just flows so nicely. amazing!

Soundtrack: Liked it! Seinfeld thing cracked me up.
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