
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Stunting Challenges => Topic started by: Xtramus on March 29, 2013, 06:29:01 AM

Title: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on March 29, 2013, 06:29:01 AM
The Pwnage Game 2.0

A shoutout to Nitzkit for the original Pwnage Game! You can find that HERE (

The Pwnage Game aims at landing a roof with as many stunts as possible; someone else must then re-perform these stunts and try to do land a new roof with as many stunts as possible. If you successfully complete the Pwnage you must post another challenge video within the next 72 hours. If you don't, anyone can post a video of the next Pwnage.

Pwnages can be done in both VC and LC.

Replays of both new Pwnages as well as completed Pwnages must be sent to me via PM, which will be checked should modding suspicion arise.


Skipping stunts
A total of 2 stunts can be skipped; for the first stunt you skip you must add two landings. If you want to skip another stunt, you must add three other landings (so if you skip two stunts, you add 5 others).

Steal a Pwnage!
The Steal a Pwnage rule is basically, That who ever completes a roof pwnage and adds the most extra landings with in the first 72 hours is the winner of that roof pwnage and is able to post the next one.
A Pwnage may only be stolen once.

Cancelling a steal: Once you have completed a pwnage and have a new one ready to go, you can post the LINK (a working one) to cancel anyone else from stealing yours.

Teams of 2 stunters Pwnages: Pwnages may only be created, teams of 2 cannot complete a pwnage where the original video was created by 1 stunter.

Re-Pwning an old Roof: If you want to do a roof pwnage of a roof that has already been pwned, you must put at least 5 extra landings than what the original video had.

For roofs that are 100ft+ high the following rules don't apply: Only 2 BSMs (you may use as many BSMs as you wish), Only one p2b per bike (You may use as many p2bs as you wish with the same bikes, but in different locations)

Roof Pwnage #1 New  ( Xtramus
Roof Pwnage #1 Completed ( by MikeyMouse
Roof Pwnage #2 New ( by MikeyMouse
Roof Pwnage #2 Completed ( by Simon
Roof Pwnage #3 New ( by Simon
Roof Pwnage #3 Completed ( by MtS
Roof Pwnage #4 New ( by Caio
Roof Pwnage #4 Completed ( by Simon
Roof Pwnage #5 New ( by Simon
Roof Pwnage #5 Completed ( by JustCaus3
Roof Pwnage #6 New ( by Xtramus
Roof Pwnage #6 Completed ( by FlatFace

Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on March 29, 2013, 06:38:43 AM
Nice set of rules. Maybe we you should list that stunts used in the other roof pwnage game should not count. Like Simon can just repost his replays with an extra landing and we are stuck yet again  :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Shingetsu on March 29, 2013, 06:42:16 AM
The Pwnage game has reborn   :a-cheer: :cheernutz:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 06:53:57 AM
2 down  :cc_detective:.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 07:10:44 AM
Let's see how quick I can get this stuck  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on March 29, 2013, 07:17:09 AM
If you guys can nade boost then it should take longer then an hour.  :P I'll pass on this one and maybe do it later on.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on March 29, 2013, 08:03:04 AM
^Dont let Simon go :unsure:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 08:21:32 AM
I have never grenade boosted, i'm throwing the grenades on the edge of the building, and jumping over them as they explode, but i'm not getting any extra distance in my jump, what am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Cooper on March 29, 2013, 08:27:09 AM
Yay gonna give it a try :a-cheer:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 08:49:16 AM
I have never grenade boosted, i'm throwing the grenades on the edge of the building, and jumping over them as they explode, but i'm not getting any extra distance in my jump, what am I doing wrong?
Probably turn off invincibility
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 08:52:05 AM
Yeah that was the issue, how you doing so far Simon? I've got 2 more to go, might have to replace one of them because I can't stay on the damn building.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on March 29, 2013, 08:59:13 AM
Have fun doing that ramp 2 roof, it was a bitch to reland (and people said it was old and easy, huh... :P). I'll give you a hint and say you need to tap the edge.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 09:26:26 AM
That's the one I can't do and 'may' have to replace, we'll see
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: TurBo on March 29, 2013, 09:50:48 AM
How are you guys turning the player's invincibility off?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 10:02:28 AM
crouch and look behind (c + 3 for me)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: TurBo on March 29, 2013, 10:08:17 AM
Thanks but weirdly it still doesn't get my player to launch off it.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 10:25:20 AM
Done, will record and stuff now, gimme 30 mins or so.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 11:27:04 AM
Welp, had to get home from a LAN so only managed to do 2 stunts before going. I could probably still do this and add more stunts as well to steal it  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 11:29:03 AM
Hmmmmmm, I better get the next roof pwnage done tonight then  :cc_detective:.

E/ Here's the complete one and the reps if need be.

Roof Pwnage 1 Complete - MikeyMouse ( (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Brainkiller on March 29, 2013, 01:23:49 PM
:neen: I don't like the replacement stunts rule

defeats the point of landing a hard stunt, nobody will bother landing it when they can just replace it with 2 easy stunts

How about setting a time limit or something, if nobody completes the pwnage after 10 days then you are allowed to use replacement stunts? 
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 29, 2013, 01:51:26 PM
Fuck yes that you reincarnated this. (Hope it's the correct word)  :lol: Waiting for mikeymouse's pwnage.  :ajaja:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on March 29, 2013, 01:58:05 PM
How about setting a time limit or something, if nobody completes the pwnage after 10 days then you are allowed to use replacement stunts?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 02:16:26 PM
Waiting for mikeymouse's pwnage.  :ajaja:
Don't be so quick, someone could steal it  :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on March 29, 2013, 02:28:52 PM
Waiting for mikeymouse's pwnage.  :ajaja:
Don't be so quick, someone could steal it  :euro:
... and land 4 stunts pwnage so we need to wait more than 2 years for next one :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 03:31:19 PM
^New rule states that you need to land 5 stunts  :(

Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 03:54:21 PM
Damn you, i've got 9 stunts landed for the next pwnage so idk what happens now, if i'm recording and you're recording, shall I still post the next one or what?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 03:59:53 PM
You can have it if you want  :lol:
I'm just having fun anyway, and would probably try and screw you over in the next one. I was thinking of going for one in LC. People would hate me, heh  :mellow:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Sheep on March 29, 2013, 04:01:21 PM
Damn you, i've got 9 stunts landed for the next pwnage so idk what happens now, if i'm recording and you're recording, shall I still post the next one or what?
Cancelling a steal: Once you have completed a pwnage and have a new one ready to go, you can post the LINK (a working one) to cancel anyone else from stealing yours.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 29, 2013, 04:23:56 PM

RP'v2' 1 (

Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 04:46:34 PM
Nice one man, not sure whether to post mine yet or try for two more stunts, i'll spend another hour trying them, if no luck then i'll post mine.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on March 29, 2013, 06:07:33 PM
Second one, pretty easy to be honest, wanted to land a couple of real hard ones but didn't get round to it, enjoy.

Roof Pwnage 2 - MikeyMouse ( (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 30, 2013, 04:49:48 PM
Youtube. (

Reps. (

Thanks to Sheep for the top notch kawaii desu edit !

E: Working on a new one. 2 landed. 2 hard ones to go and a random taxi boost  :mellow:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 31, 2013, 11:15:08 AM
Double posting for new pwnage.

RoofPwnage 'V2' 3 ( (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on March 31, 2013, 11:44:55 AM
And now we need to actually put in effort. Landed the taxi and sanchez one. P2B, nat bump and angel will be a bitch but still going.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 31, 2013, 11:54:48 AM
Angel one shouldn't take you too long if you get a decent setup, Same goes for the p2b. Double bump is a bitch though.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Dev on March 31, 2013, 01:13:47 PM
Double posting for new pwnage.

RoofPwnage 'V2' 3 ( (

LC HD? :wub:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on April 03, 2013, 01:35:25 PM
It was fun while it lasted.  :lol:

Is someone trying this?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 03, 2013, 01:52:10 PM
Someone completed it, editing as we speak I believe. GUESS WHO
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on April 03, 2013, 01:57:29 PM
Is  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 03, 2013, 02:27:23 PM
No, actually not :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on April 03, 2013, 02:38:26 PM
Daffy or Demon? Otherwise mehmet? I suck at guessing. Barney?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on April 03, 2013, 06:24:34 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Named on April 04, 2013, 08:56:43 AM
me?  :euro:

Roof Pwnage 'V2' 3 Completed ( (

Porra vei na boa Matias, vtnc  :|
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on April 04, 2013, 12:15:18 PM
Nice job MtS, any idea when we can expect the new Pwnage?

I updated the first post with the Pwnages btw.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on April 04, 2013, 01:54:45 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: TrYp on April 07, 2013, 10:25:52 AM
Time is up I guess? :ninja:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on April 07, 2013, 03:33:47 PM
Yea, MtS is trying to make a RP that's so hard that he can't do it :P

Anyway, now I guess anyone can make a new challenge, but I think MtS will finish his in a couple of days :)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on April 07, 2013, 04:54:02 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on April 08, 2013, 07:20:51 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rust on April 09, 2013, 04:21:15 PM
Uploading new at the moment.

My internet got pretty fucked, so I'm not gonna upload it now, ew.

Someone else can go.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on April 13, 2013, 08:01:22 AM
New challenge :D

RP 2.0 #4 Challenge (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Herb on April 13, 2013, 08:54:38 AM
You're back to using your old skin Caio?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on April 13, 2013, 10:07:26 AM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 13, 2013, 01:48:54 PM
I've landed all of them, but too lazy to edit it together and upload. Anyone want to do it?  :P

E: (
Here are the replays  ;)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Dev on April 13, 2013, 02:37:09 PM
i love this skin  :wub:

agreed. I also love that old skin and "Random Meaning" atmopshere. ;)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on April 13, 2013, 03:22:47 PM
Good job Simon!!!

btw, I did the third landing with a stuck freeway instead of a pcj :P Not a big difference to me though
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 13, 2013, 03:42:44 PM
^oh, there was so much grass there that I just assumed it was a pcj, not really looking. I can redo it if people think I should :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Herb on April 13, 2013, 05:07:34 PM
Good job, was trying this myself, but I couldn't stuck the packer for the psm and couldn't get a good bump for the freeway p2b.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 15, 2013, 03:20:10 PM
I guess time is up? Still working on it, I need to land 3 stunts. I know all the spots I just need to nail then. But they are fucking annoying  :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on April 15, 2013, 03:53:08 PM
You still have a whole day :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 15, 2013, 04:02:16 PM
The fun part is that after I posted that I landed 2 of the stunts  :jajaja:

1 left guize  :cheernutz:

E: Did a shit csm instead, because fuck that stunt  :jajaja:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 16, 2013, 12:35:55 PM
Double post because YOLO!

Reps: (

RPv2 5 (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MikeyMouse on April 16, 2013, 01:07:52 PM
Might as well give it a go, what vehicle is the csm? A landstalker maybe?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 16, 2013, 01:08:40 PM
Regina or something I think
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on April 16, 2013, 04:40:42 PM
After that p2b I thought.. can't get worse. And then the natbump.. again I thought can't get worse.. AND THEN THAT. >.< My hopes are gone.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rust on April 16, 2013, 06:04:22 PM
After that p2b I thought.. can't get worse. And then the natbump.. again I thought can't get worse.. AND THEN THAT. >.< My hopes are gone.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on April 19, 2013, 07:24:55 AM
Damn you Simon, y u do dis?

I'll start trying it today :P Maybe I'm lucky :D
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: TurBo on April 19, 2013, 07:34:36 AM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Herb on April 19, 2013, 07:32:25 PM
We should ban Simon from this and HECG.  :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: GDL on April 20, 2013, 02:18:56 AM
Let's just pretend we didn't see Simon posting a new RP.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: godson- on April 20, 2013, 12:52:54 PM
good job darkstar! this would probably be completed by someone.... in a year.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on April 22, 2013, 02:08:32 PM
I guess multiple people can do this one then  :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: imbaA on April 22, 2013, 02:56:52 PM
C'mon. Be honest, you know its will be completed by someone in a year/month...
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on May 04, 2013, 04:59:54 PM
So, Simon killed the game again. Can I create Pwnage Game 3.0? :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Urban Legend on May 04, 2013, 05:37:38 PM
That roof is so nasty... your a killer man.

i know Im an idiot sometimes but can someone explain the rules? I'm supposed to do everything Simon did? And then some?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rust on May 04, 2013, 06:02:13 PM
I'm supposed to do everything Simon did? And then some?
Yes, it's basically like an HECG, you land all of the stunts he did, then you record/upload the reps and then post them here, then someone else will come to make a new roof to land and the history repeats.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Urban Legend on May 04, 2013, 08:45:05 PM
Awesome. I thought you had to do everything +1
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: imbaA on May 15, 2013, 10:42:51 AM
We need a hero...
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rust on May 25, 2013, 09:20:27 PM
Shit is going to take months :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on May 26, 2013, 10:30:16 AM
^That's silly, it only took me a few days. People just need to stop giving up so easily  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on May 26, 2013, 01:31:55 PM
Yea Simon, but, in my opinion, this game is supposed to be fun, and some of those stunts you did are some hardcore spots (the 2 natural bike ones) that take a quite long time to land and it gets frustrating instead of challenging. That's not the point of the game to me.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on May 26, 2013, 02:50:11 PM
I find hard stunts more fun that easy ones, but I guess that's just me..
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on May 26, 2013, 02:57:22 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: luli guy on May 26, 2013, 03:00:05 PM
^That's silly, it only took me a few days. People just need to stop giving up so easily  :a-cheer:

people have better things to do
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: IceD on May 26, 2013, 05:26:22 PM
There is no need to take too hard on simon, he did what he does best, he had fun, it might not be fun for other people, and if it isn't just try another game.

I personally think the harder the better, unfortunally I don't have my joypad otherwise I would try this whenever I could and as much as possible. :)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: MtS on May 26, 2013, 10:48:04 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Sheep on May 26, 2013, 10:55:53 PM
I'll do it.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on May 27, 2013, 05:52:20 AM
^no you won't
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Sheep on May 27, 2013, 06:52:01 AM
^no you won't
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on May 27, 2013, 08:06:42 AM
placing 200 credits on Art
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Lolko on May 27, 2013, 09:54:12 AM
100 cred for sheep :lol:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Gryzlek on May 27, 2013, 09:58:38 AM
^no you won't
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
1000 credits you won't do it.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Max_ on May 27, 2013, 10:12:57 AM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: FELIX on May 27, 2013, 12:55:48 PM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
now you can relax guys
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on May 27, 2013, 01:00:35 PM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
So you are saying that, IF nobody does it, you will GIVE them all your credits? Well that's a demotivational to try.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on May 27, 2013, 01:48:18 PM
now send me those 350k credits you got in bank :wacko:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Max_ on May 27, 2013, 02:22:17 PM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
So you are saying that, IF nobody does it, you will GIVE them all your credits? Well that's a demotivational to try.  :rolleyes:
Exactly, but theres still one question in the room. Who was the first who didn't do it?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: FELIX on May 27, 2013, 03:46:30 PM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
So you are saying that, IF nobody does it, you will GIVE them all your credits? Well that's a demotivational to try.  :rolleyes:
Exactly, but theres still one question in the room. Who was the first who didn't do it?

me, proof:

all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
now you can relax guys

^first one to quote + I didn't open VC for over 1 year
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on May 27, 2013, 10:14:04 PM
I can safely say I'm the only one who isn't allowed to do it. Which means, that I have the highest chance of not completing it, meaning they should be mine :D
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Shingetsu on May 27, 2013, 10:41:12 PM
all my credits if noone of you guys do it.
So you are saying that, IF nobody does it, you will GIVE them all your credits? Well that's a demotivational to try.  :rolleyes:
Exactly, but theres still one question in the room. Who was the first who didn't do it?
Question of the year !
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: FELIX on May 27, 2013, 10:41:45 PM
I can safely say I'm the only one who isn't allowed to do it. Which means, that I have the highest chance of not completing it, meaning they should be mine :D
but then again you already did it :p
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: imbaA on June 09, 2013, 03:14:28 AM
Create new Pwnage Game and ban Simon from it. This is only solution of Pwnage Game.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on February 03, 2014, 11:58:29 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Pendji on July 01, 2014, 02:33:24 PM
I'd give it a shot if i could find the god damn car.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on July 01, 2014, 05:23:23 PM
I think it's Regina  :ajaja:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on July 04, 2014, 10:38:42 AM
I've tried a few of the landings on and off but that natbump is just too annoying...
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on July 04, 2014, 11:05:31 AM
^Just keep trying until you get it  :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: TurBo on July 04, 2014, 08:41:57 PM
Damn simon, I'm going for that rp again, I'm sure I'll fail again.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on July 04, 2014, 09:00:52 PM
^Just keep trying until you get it  :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 08, 2017, 01:07:02 PM
I had to do 2 replacement jumps for that balas nat bump... there's just no way.

And for the love of what is holy, if you throw some rule book at me....
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on March 08, 2017, 02:02:19 PM
Looks OK with me, great fucking job mate!

Will you also make a new Pwnage?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 08, 2017, 02:16:31 PM
Most likely not. Not at least in 72 hrs..  :ninja:

the bsm is old by Aries i think  :ajaja:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Ltab on March 08, 2017, 03:01:07 PM
nice job! is the finisher new? I wonder how I never thought about it lol

fuck that balas bump
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Simon on March 09, 2017, 02:04:32 AM
I'll make another one  :mellow:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 09, 2017, 02:35:06 AM
Oh no you don't...  :lol:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Caio on March 09, 2017, 05:04:38 AM
Someone please do another before Simon posts a Hyman Condo RP

@Ltab: finisher was landed by Aries in.... uh that video with Lostprophet's song Everyday Combat that I forgot the name.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Rainbow on March 09, 2017, 07:17:13 AM
If Simon is a real man he will complete ZeroX' 8th line challenge instead of giving us annoying stunts to do  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 09, 2017, 08:31:27 AM
ZeroX is real men of genius, sanchez bsm to finish it off  :hmm:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on March 10, 2017, 03:40:56 AM
Good job JC! Simon is such a game breaker  :lol:
Anyway, what is that 'Zerox' 8th line challenge' ?
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: IceD on March 10, 2017, 06:02:50 AM
Good job JC! Simon is such a game breaker  :lol:
Anyway, what is that 'Zerox' 8th line challenge' ?
search for it on the forums, it's basiclly a sequence challenge long time ago no one could ever redo rofl
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on March 10, 2017, 11:10:38 AM
Only if the search function would work..
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 10, 2017, 11:30:30 AM
Only if the search function would work..
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Erney on March 10, 2017, 11:57:01 AM
Only if the search function would work..

Refresh page with search function when error will show up like 5 times and it would work ^^
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Ltab on March 10, 2017, 12:38:47 PM
wow I forgot about that line challenge haha might actually give it a go agian
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on March 10, 2017, 02:13:55 PM
I don't know shit about VC so I can't see why this is such a hardass line.. Don't get me wrong, it surely is if all of you haven't been able to do it, it just doesn't seem to be that hard to me.
At what point is it that hard? All part?   :D
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Gryzlek on March 10, 2017, 02:30:22 PM
I don't know shit about VC so I can't see why this is such a hardass line.. Don't get me wrong, it surely is if all of you haven't been able to do it, it just doesn't seem to be that hard to me.
At what point is it that hard? All part?   :D
If you think it's easy, gonna try it jew !
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: jakuba on March 10, 2017, 02:56:14 PM
Was that plant bump even landed before? It seems insane.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Art   on March 11, 2017, 06:43:58 AM
Was that plant bump even landed before? It seems insane.

balas in some wh vc video, id say devour 2 but im not sure
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Kai on March 11, 2017, 07:21:51 AM
Yup that is correct. (
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: jakuba on March 11, 2017, 07:37:29 AM
I always remembered it as a drop bump. Does it mean that ltab's (?) drop bump there was a first?

#trusttheprocess  :ajaja:

e: the one here, I don't remember what vid it's originally from or who landed it
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Ltab on March 11, 2017, 11:13:24 PM
damn kukiel I think I never watched that video haha, yeah balas' stunt was released first and my drumpbum was released on 2012 like almost two years after devour 2
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on March 12, 2017, 04:34:32 AM
I don't know shit about VC so I can't see why this is such a hardass line.. Don't get me wrong, it surely is if all of you haven't been able to do it, it just doesn't seem to be that hard to me.
At what point is it that hard? All part?   :D
If you think it's easy, gonna try it jew !
You simply stole that nig!
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on May 09, 2017, 09:13:34 AM
Seeing as how nobody is posting a new one, I figured I might as well do one myself.

Roof Pwnage 6 @ YouTube (

Just to be on the safe side of things - the tank used for the Zebra landing can be gotten onto the roof with a Packer + some runup on a clean install. I didn't include all the possible landings to make it a bit less challenging than the last Pwnage to be completed. Simon, please don't go and fuck the game up that hard again :P
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Flat Face on May 15, 2017, 08:39:25 AM
Saw your upload on youtube out of the blue and thought "oh that's random, might be some fun to muck around with".

Cut to me spending hours on what I thought would be simple things  :|

I wanted to have nitzkit lift me onto the roof in the end but didn't want to spend hours mucking around editing models and such
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Xtramus on May 15, 2017, 10:29:04 AM
Landing 5 was to the lower part (should be higher part), but you added two landings so I'd say those can serve as replacement stunts. Good job!
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Flat Face on May 15, 2017, 11:02:24 AM
yeah I wasn't going to use it but gave up. F### that BSM..

I'll give a new one a go soon but anyone else feel free to make one before me
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Nitzkit on May 27, 2017, 03:07:18 PM
What's going on here?  :hmm:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Flat Face on June 03, 2017, 08:31:14 AM
Yo Momma!

No but I seriously spent probably more time editing/animating and crap than I did actually stunting. all for a video 3 people are going to see..
(time to make mahself a new sig I spose)

EDIT: to do 10 you need to make yourself vulnerable (crouch+look behind)

EDIT 2: if you'd like our large hero from the beginning

I'll upload a couple green screen clips soon in case wants to use them in their completion
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Afterlife on June 03, 2017, 01:53:16 PM
great dude! love that you took time to give it an extra touch.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: ostin on June 03, 2017, 03:02:37 PM
Great job dude! This entertained me a lot ;D
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Nitzkit on June 03, 2017, 06:15:16 PM
 :lol: that was funny lol ... sorry about me getting in the way and all lol  ;)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on June 04, 2017, 02:08:37 AM
great dude! love that you took time to give it an extra touch.
Also, I think your landings were great both in quality and quantity.
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: ARS on June 05, 2017, 09:50:11 AM
Man nice job with this editing stuff! :ajaja: One question, i'm still not sure if the different player model effect on stunting? No it doesn't mean that i think that you stunting with changed player model, old stunters like you will stunt on default tommy (who knows, maybe not xd), i just want to be 100% sure, since when i stunt in LC with Claude, i don't see any differences.. Anyway i always using default tommy on every mapmod to be calm for myself. :D
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Flat Face on June 05, 2017, 09:46:15 PM
Thanks for the positive comments guys  :wub:

Nah I stunt with the character from the video and it really doesn't have an effect on the physics, I remember in like 07-8 or something the other dude who rigged characters said he messed with the weights (a LOT) in the character rig and he thought it felt slightly different in game.
He apparently set every vertex to the max weight all on one bone or something and it had a slight difference, but
I wasn't able to reproduce anything similar so even if it does have an effect, it would be less of a difference than playing VC on 2 different computers (one might have a fragged HDD and cause some lag occasionally or something)

I will say that the widescreen fix made stunting seem a lot easier lol, being able to see properly and not have everything distorted really helps apparently :P

Here's the widescreen fix (also fixes the mouse not working bug, though so does the "silent patch" which fixes some other bugs, I haven't tried to see if they work together so I'm sticking with the widescreen fix)

and if you want to play VC in first person like the intro, it works pretty damn perfectly (if you have dannyes, get into a car and change to first person view, if you do it on foot the jetpack comes on and it glitches)
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: PM on June 06, 2017, 03:54:28 AM
Lovely FF! :cc_detective:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Gryzlek on September 30, 2021, 06:08:18 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Ltab on October 01, 2021, 05:36:14 AM

GGs dude, nice watch
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Angle.Fire on March 20, 2024, 06:12:24 PM
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on March 22, 2024, 06:08:10 AM
Great effort to revive this series!
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Argy on March 22, 2024, 09:49:39 PM
wow that was insane
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Ltab on April 01, 2024, 11:59:33 PM
Roof pwnage #9 and #10 by Gryzlek & Ltab, live edition :euro:
Title: Re: The Pwnage Game 2.0
Post by: Diaz on April 05, 2024, 09:16:36 AM
Great job, some of these were huge!
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