
Stunt Crew Network => Klan Stuntu => Hall Of Fame => KS Video Releases => Topic started by: Mati on November 15, 2012, 10:37:03 AM

Title: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on November 15, 2012, 10:37:03 AM

Hey everyone, today i present new crew movie by Klan Stuntu, called Clique - this video is edited by myself with awesome intro script by Promagic and guested by Ktulu and PrzemOO. It is the first Movie since we got a section on GTAS. Hope you like it :)

[KS]Clique (

Ktulu (G)
PrzemOO (G)

Health - Tears
Jet - Cold Hard Bitch
Rock Mafia - Fly Or Die

Full Review template:
Code: [Select]
1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) -
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) -
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) -
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) -
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) -
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) -
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) -
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) -
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) -
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM)
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) -
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) -
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) -
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) -
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) -
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) -
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) -
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) -
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) -
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) -
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) -
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) -

Music -
Editing -
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Afterlife on November 15, 2012, 10:39:11 AM
First. Full review later.

1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Kinda liked it, memorable stunt. 9/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - Awesome idea, never think about that. 8,5/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Awesome! I'm happy that I see that stunt from you. 10/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - Nice stunt, but I'm not a fan of heli bumps. 7/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - Sweet precision. 9/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - Kinda lame :/. 6/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - I had that idea but not with that execution :o. 10/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - Nice precision. 8/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - Cool, but you should try the precision. 7,5/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - I had that as spot, hard runup :/. 9,5/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Awesome prec. 10/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Not bad, Ktulu, not bad :happy:. 8/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - Nice, but it would look better a full grind. 8/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Lucky but epic. 8/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Liked that rotation, remembered to me Megaton's finisher :wub:. 9/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - I allways liked you're ideas ScreaM.. 9/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Not bad, Prezm00, not bad :happy:. 8/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - Nice useage of packer and stylish prec. 9,5/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Good stunt with a huge distance for that short runup. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Really epic! Laughed at this double boost :lol:. 10/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Nice, but a bit simple.. :( 7/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Cool stunt, liked it. 8/10

Music - Awesome, but I lost it :(.
Editing - Clean and simple, like you're style ;).
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: NEM on November 15, 2012, 10:40:57 AM
first fuck you afterlife -,- , second

e: Great crew vid , seriously .. I was surprised a lot. Just ''lost'' NumeRo's palm prec , i landed it after first try so i thought it's too easy :lol: , whatever. Stunts were cool and editing was amazing Tracker ! Good job everyone and keep it up.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Art   on November 15, 2012, 10:44:43 AM
ok 3rd

gotta say im really annoyed, excepted MUCH better video.
intro was really annoying and boring
i was hoping for better level stuntingwise
feka's first stunt - how is it even possible without tecbug lol wtf
LV airport boost is fucking sexy, so is finisher
editing was  :|
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: NumeRo on November 15, 2012, 10:45:07 AM
love <3
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: TurBo on November 15, 2012, 10:51:16 AM
Way better than the last one and exceeded my expectation, real nice vid with some great standouts I may write here later.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PM on November 15, 2012, 10:52:36 AM
Pretty nice come out.
KS is getting obviously better.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: NumeRo on November 15, 2012, 10:52:44 AM
first fuck you afterlife -,- , second

e: Great crew vid , seriously .. I was surprised a lot. Just ''lost'' NumeRo's palm prec , i landed it after first try so i thought it's too easy :lol: , whatever. Stunts were cool and editing was amazing Tracker ! Good job everyone and keep it up.
blah blah blah
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Dimension on November 15, 2012, 10:54:59 AM
Best crew vid this year. :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Artifex on November 15, 2012, 10:57:20 AM
Cool video but I really disliked the cam angles
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Basium on November 15, 2012, 10:59:34 AM
1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Nice bump you got there, legit distance. 9/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - Not bad. 7/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Very simple cabbie boosting but still nice. 7.5/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - That was cool and creative. 8/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - Legit distance and nice precision. 8.25/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - Stuck method makes it a bit lame but great find there. 8.5/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - That was nice. 8.25/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - That was a friendly boost nice work. 9/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - Precision would've made it epic but still a nice find. 8/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM)-  Pretty nice BB grind from the other side. 8.75/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Nice!. 9/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Very regular. 6/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - That was regular too. 6.5/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Very nice precision good job, but it seems kinda lucky. 9/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Friendly bonk. 9.5/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - Nice combo. 8/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Great distance between the rotation and the roof. 9/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - That was really nice. 9/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Very regular but nice distance between the bump and the BB. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Great boosting combo. 10/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Nice palm precision. 8.75/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - I thought you were going to land the higher precision but that was a nice bump. 9.75/10

Music - Good choice of musics and their combination between each part.
Editing - The CC and the camera angles were perfectly done also the effects were spectacular.. Overall good job, I liked it. 9/10
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Smut on November 15, 2012, 11:00:54 AM
Nice cabbie boost, Feka  :o
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Poti on November 15, 2012, 11:03:43 AM
Good job everyone  :P Sadly I'm not here, I hadn't that much time like before and I didn't land anything -.-  So sorry guys, in next video I'm sure I'll be.
What about video, for me it looks really cool. Maybe it isn't the most spectacular video which I've ever seen, but is really good. Perfectly as first video on this forum. :jajaja: (next one will pwn your fat ass)

Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Art   on November 15, 2012, 11:06:40 AM
1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - reminds me of pks fake tales opener, pretty cool that you did it without walltap
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - can i have replay of this one please? it looks awesome, but imo too high. gonna try it on SP and write something bout this later
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - meh
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - might be old, id rate it 6/10 i guess
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - meh, just highbump2prec located on 10ft building
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - great one, liked that idea of bump
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - not impressive tbh, just that you bumped bb lamps and landed top
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - i had that idea long time ago in my mind, pretty cool spot i guess
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - cool idea on bumping that, but this spot is overwhored by various vehicles
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - meh, simple ramp2grind
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - easy stunt id say, you just landed reynolds stunt with landing farther
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - landed it so many times on SAMP when trying to do ostis' stunt, shame you lost so much speed on that bump, you should go for the top
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - meh, i dont like stunts in that area, this was just freeway bump2"prec"
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - liked that, but id love to see this with longer grind on that bb (or double :ninja:)
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - infernus barrel roll 2 dropbump 2 10ft higher part, i dont find that impressive
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - funny, he gave me this one on SAMP saying that its lame and he is not gonna use it any time (and it had to be landed with backstoppie)
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - good one, lucky i guess? :P
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - liked this one
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - meh
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - totally outstander, awesome thinking here
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - meh
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - great stunt, was trying this but i thought it was too hard
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Sheep on November 15, 2012, 11:06:58 AM
I was expecting more, but the outcome wasn't bad either :)
Shame that you had to use two guests to fill up some space there, I guess.

Not bad KS 7½/10
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Art   on November 15, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
(next one will pwn your fat ass)

everyone was saying that this one will pwn our fat asses
i was missing you in this video, same for roach
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 15, 2012, 11:12:51 AM
ok 3rd

feka's first stunt - how is it even possible without tecbug lol wtf

simple, use bump like cabbie boosts, of course with mouse gear
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Rusch69 on November 15, 2012, 11:16:09 AM
Mind upping the opener replay and Feka's Infernus bump to the LV car park + LS high bump 2 BB top? Those looks more than strange to me. Roll hopping also isn't cool, get rid of that. :P

GJ on that LV high bump 2 vent prec Named. That spot is a dick and I almost had it a few times until Przem came and landed it. Numero's BB top landing in LV was awesome. I also liked Scream's ramp 2 krail 2 bb grind in LS, looked so classical and smooth. Syny's LV car park P2B 2 BB top looks hella fun, why didn't I find that? Feka's Cabbie stunt on the LV airport was stylish, but I seriously think this guy is fishy. Finisher was also good, but deserved a better camera angle.

Editing and songs were okay. Not really much to say about that aspect. All in all this is pretty much what I expected. :P
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Ѕcavenger on November 15, 2012, 11:19:02 AM
1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Don't look great, but good found. 7/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - Lame... I hate rollhopping... 5/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Cool way to get on this roof. 7/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - Awesome stunt one of the best imo. 9/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - It's old. 5/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - Great stuck found. 9/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - Landed with single bump. 6/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - Looks 'slowitdown' 5/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - One of the best stunts in the video. 9/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - It's old. 5/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Looks not so great. 7/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Lost this spot! Fuck you Omar! I hate love you. 10/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - Awesome spot on of the best stunts imo. 9/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Lucky, but awesome. 9/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Easy, funspot from samp. 5/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - It's old. 5/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Fuck you boy. This was crazy! 10/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - Best stunt from KS member in that video. 10/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Didn't know it is possible to top. Good job. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Looks random. But I like the combo. 9/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Cool spot. But no great looking. 7/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) -  Good job. 9/10

Music - Awesome I liked it. 10/10
Editing - Clean and stylish. Some camangles were not good but I liked it. 9/10

Tip: Don't let SSU members guest your crewvideo. They owned it.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PrzemOO on November 15, 2012, 11:19:26 AM
Cool video. The music wasn't really my taste but didn't bother me either and the editing was nice and simple. The colors weren't anything innovative but they somewhat worked out well.

Stunting-wise it had some variety, the standouts for me were Numero's cool billboard bonk to top, Syny's boost to penisrock, Scream's wallride to grind (oh man, that was smooth!), Promagic's precision on the desert and Gryzlek's packerbump. I lost Named's bump to precision which is fine, his execution is slightly better than mine. I'm doubtful about some of the stunts shown in the video; that are: opener; Feka's bump to billboard precision and his carpark landing. Mine and Ktulu's stunts weren't too good in comprasion, you should try to pull off a video with no guests next time lol. I also somewhat missed Poti and Roach in this one, was hoping for some action from them which was a let-down. I also knew Sajtos wouldn't stunt for shit. :lol:

All in all decent video but I think you should be really careful with what you let in the videos to prevent yourself from getting on the wrong path. Good work.

Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 15, 2012, 11:20:25 AM
I'm going to do a full review later, for now i'm just gonna say that i really enjoyed the video, even if the stunting level wasn't that awesome.
Also i have to admit that it's the first editing by Tracker that i fully enjoyed, finally you made a clean, enjoyable video without using any overdone colors or too much effects.
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Looks not clean. Promagic and me tried that spot so long time and it's possible but you had a weird bump and huge height. Maybe share replay please? 9/10 (If unmodded)
I usually wouldn't even care about this kind of opinion coming from someone like you :lol:, but i understand that my stunt could look weird with that kind of angle. Sent you the replay.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 15, 2012, 11:22:23 AM
Mind upping the opener replay and Feka's Infernus bump to the LV car park + LS high bump 2 BB top? Those looks more than strange to me. Roll hopping also isn't cool, get rid of that. :P

GJ on that LV high bump 2 vent prec Named. That spot is a dick and I almost had it a few times until Przem came and landed it. Numero's BB top landing in LV was awesome. I also liked Scream's ramp 2 krail 2 bb grind in LS, looked so classical and smooth. Syny's LV car park P2B 2 BB top looks hella fun, why didn't I find that? Feka's Cabbie stunt on the LV airport was stylish, but I seriously think this guy is fishy. Finisher was also good, but deserved a better camera angle.

Editing and songs were okay. Not really much to say about that aspect. All in all this is pretty much what I expected. :P

oh thanks man!  :wub: it means so much, my leftis...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Squeak on November 15, 2012, 11:31:24 AM
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM Feka and are insane!
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: ARS on November 15, 2012, 11:43:51 AM
I enjoyed these video. Pretty good work over edit, i liked. There are very nice stunts. Almost all stunts are nice. Idk but i think finisher looks not finisher.. As whole video is very nice, beautiful and awesome. Good job!  :wub:
p.s: sorry for my bad english :D
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Basium on November 15, 2012, 11:44:35 AM
but can you make some VC crewvideos?
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 15, 2012, 11:47:26 AM

11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - easy stunt id say, you just landed reynolds stunt with landing farther

Reynolds lame it hard, it took me two weeks, the wall is fuckin tricky, and Trackah choose the worst camagle.
So u'd try it yourself!

ohh and reps of mine: (
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: mistakeys on November 15, 2012, 11:50:31 AM
stunting 1000000/5 edit was great and this is one of the best crew video i've ever seen!
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: TrYp on November 15, 2012, 11:54:37 AM
Laughed hard on the finisher, but feka totally owned this, gj mate
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Art   on November 15, 2012, 11:57:17 AM

11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - easy stunt id say, you just landed reynolds stunt with landing farther

Reynolds lame it hard, it took me two weeks, the wall is fuckin tricky, and Trackah choose the worst camagle.
So u'd try it yourself!

ohh and reps of mine: (

lol, landed this stunt on MP in 5 minutes :lol:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: UndeadX on November 15, 2012, 12:06:06 PM
A couple of nice stunts, but overall I wasn't too impressed. Still, good job  :P

It's a shame that Ktulu lamed that stunt, I've come close to landing the higher part  :(
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: NumeRo on November 15, 2012, 12:11:44 PM
but can you make some VC crewvideos?
maybe...nobody from this lineup stunting in VC just tracker and promagic :D
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: plak on November 15, 2012, 12:12:03 PM
Laughed hard on the finisher, but feka totally owned this, gj mate
Another VC stunter who thinks he can spot mods in SA, there is nothing wrong with the finisher.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 15, 2012, 12:12:29 PM
Full review:

1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - One of my favorite stunts of the video, looks great 9/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - I don't really like the fact you used that weird scroll hopping method, i'd even prefer a tec jump. Still looks okay 6/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Kinda boring and not really impressive tbh, 5/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - The angle made it pretty hard to see, i guess it would look better if you'd land a higher part. 6/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - Great job on landing it 8/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) -  Looks amazing, was that car stucked? I have to say that i have some doubts that stunt, but if it's clear then good job. 9/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - I'm pretty sure i've already seen it landed but with a single bump, still, that execution made it look great. 8/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - Really liked that one, cool find. 8/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - Uhh, kinda overwhored spot, i've already seen it landed with tons of different vehicles. 4/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - Amazing, damn i haven't seen a bb grind in such a long time. Great execution too, 9/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Again, the angle made it hard to understand. Looked fine and i guess it was hard to stay on that thing, 7/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Isn't that old? Didn't really liked it, 5/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - Nice idea, looked pretty good. 7/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Seemed a bit lucky? Impressive, 8,5/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Good idea again and nice exuecition, 7,5/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - An overwhored spot again, even if your version is new then still it was kinda boring. 5,5/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Looked great with all that spins, 7,5/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - Nice idea with bumping that tower, good stunt. 8/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Looked great, i bet it was hard to stay on the top from that angle. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Woah, now that was totally awesome, didn't expected that second bump at all. 10/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Too simple, 5/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Well yeah, i'm not really satisfied with the finisher choice either, i don't think that stunt deserved it. Hopefully i'll be able to land something better for the next CV :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: ZeRo_ on November 15, 2012, 12:16:39 PM
Ace video guys, everyone had some cool stunts but for me Promagic and especially Feka stood out, that boost combo at the airport was damn fine. :P Keep it up, KS! ;)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Reynard The Fox on November 15, 2012, 12:17:38 PM
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Looks not clean. Promagic and me tried that spot so long time and it's possible but you had a weird bump and huge height. Maybe share replay please? 9/10 (If unmodded)
I tried this p2b for 5 minutes and I had a similar bump and almost landed it :P It's a cool p2b. As for the rest of the video; it had some really killer stunts and you guys seriously improved since your last video(most likely because of all the new members). Because of all the cabbie boosts it kinda reminded me of a SS video :P
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Syny on November 15, 2012, 12:19:52 PM
Wrong choice for finisher.
Later, I'll make a complete review, I don't have time now.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 15, 2012, 12:20:31 PM
Laughed hard on the finisher, but feka totally owned this, gj mate
I'm really wondering why am i even replying to another piece of shit who mods himself :lol: Fucking dipshit, you won't event ask for the replay because you obviously can't even spot a modded stunt. Oh well, i'll just have to get used to this kind of faggots.
Go on and keep having fun laughing hard on your retardness.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: MtS on November 15, 2012, 12:23:49 PM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: ExRer on November 15, 2012, 12:24:16 PM
Great video guys :D saw some stunts from promagic before but they was awesome :D liked feka stuff too. Wasnt that cloudwalker boost old ?. Anyway overal a good vid. Edit was good, song too :D 8,5/10
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Named on November 15, 2012, 12:28:26 PM
Oh yes finally the video is out, this edit make the video looks much more impressive i really loved that CC Tracker, Syny and Feka pwned the video, but i liked PM's stuff and Cloudwalkers stuff, i think that Gryzlek stunt isn't so good for finisher but it is an epic stunt good job Gryzlek, thank you guys for support and make me part of that  ;)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: MtS on November 15, 2012, 12:32:23 PM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Diaz on November 15, 2012, 12:50:15 PM
Really good video in my opinion. Feka owned it I guess, he had incredible stunts, liked that infernus doublebump using a stuck, the mtb to the bb stunt and his last boost at the LV airport. Scream also had stylish grinds, as always  he had great ideas. Finisher was also cool, must have been tricky because of the shit angle. But in general everyone had decent stuffs. Opener was a bit weird for me, but I suppose it's because of the cam angle.
This intro was not so necessary I think, but if you guys wanted it it's ok  :)
Editing was pretty solid too, just the cam angles were a bit bad. Music was enjoyable, all in all one of the best KS vids ever. I was expecting something like this after you guys got a section here.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: FELIX on November 15, 2012, 12:51:08 PM
I disliked many camangles but the camangles on both of my stunts were the worst, really. + In my opinion I sent better stunts than those 2 but okay it's not my decision. Overall I liked the video and it's a nice start after the new start of the crew. I would totally offer to edit the next video if its not a too big project. I believe that our next crew video will be better and I hope that some inactive members will submit some stunts then.

I give it a 7/10


1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Nice idea! 8/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - I don't mind the rollhopping, it looks good! 8/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - With another cam angle I would have given a 7/10 to myself, like this it looked like a 5/10.
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - This cam angle is rly bad, makes the stunt almost unratable. 7/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - sweet 8/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - looks cool 7/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - looks sweet but is luck based 8/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - 6/10 it doesn't look too good
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - 4/10 this spot is over, no one is allowed to ever use it, really
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - is it new? if yes nice find! 9/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - 7/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - 7/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - 7/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - 9/10 n1
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - 6/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - 9/10 I like such combos
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - stylish 7/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - rly cool 8/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - nice 7,5/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - 9/10 :ajaja:
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - 8/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - it looks weird because I am a noob but if its unmodded good job landing it! 9/10

Music - plain typicical gtastunting song with a boring nonexciting ending 7/10
Editing - it was good but the cam angles were meh so 7/10
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Felly_eS on November 15, 2012, 12:55:41 PM
FEKA win.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Tg on November 15, 2012, 12:56:20 PM
great vid. some creative stunts, liked numero and ScreaM's stuff. pzm's guest stunt was good too.  ;D
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Squeak on November 15, 2012, 01:00:44 PM
Laughed hard on the finisher, but feka totally owned this, gj mate
I'm really wondering why am i even replying to another piece of shit who mods himself :lol: Fucking dipshit, you won't event ask for the replay because you obviously can't even spot a modded stunt. Oh well, i'll just have to get used to this kind of faggots.
Go on and keep having fun laughing hard on your retardness.

Even if you act like this, it still looks modded
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Kai on November 15, 2012, 01:07:05 PM
That was certainly a nice showing for the debut video :P
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: mehmet on November 15, 2012, 01:09:46 PM
best sa vid this year imo  :wub:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: TrYp on November 15, 2012, 01:12:35 PM
Laughed hard on the finisher, but feka totally owned this, gj mate
Another VC stunter who thinks he can spot mods in SA, there is nothing wrong with the finisher.

Yeah because I absolutely know nothing about SA because I didn't start my stunting carreer in that game, nono.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: plak on November 15, 2012, 01:17:11 PM
A 60ft. bump with an annoying angle, yeah really the kind of stunt you'd mod. :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: TrYp on November 15, 2012, 01:20:19 PM
You can mod a 5ft bump too.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PrzemOO on November 15, 2012, 01:24:41 PM
Yeah because I absolutely know nothing about SA because I didn't start my stunting carreer in that game, nono.
The problem about modders nowadays is they keep 'spotting' mods in other people's videos yet they can't see shit, because they infact don't know what is possible and whatnot without any modifications. The camera wasn't the best on the finisher but the given height and speed it's absolutely reachable, even with such a spin Gryzlek had there. If you had ever cared about this place; which I doubt; please stop playing Mister-Know-It-All in every video topic you visit because you simply don't know the limits - atleast not in San Andreas.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Sajtos on November 15, 2012, 01:29:23 PM
I'm sad i couldnt participate in this one, cause of friggin course my pc had to be taken away
nonetheless I love you guys <3 absolutely beaaast video
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Paull on November 15, 2012, 01:29:40 PM
Amazing video guys, good job  :)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: corevil on November 15, 2012, 02:05:03 PM
nicelly done guys! ;D
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PM on November 15, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
Mind upping the opener replay? (

Edit: Thank you guys so much for all the nice comments. And Sajtos, if you're not gonna participate in the next video, me neither.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Argy on November 15, 2012, 02:55:45 PM
Such an amazing video, I enjoyed the hell out of it and Feka's cabbie stunt at the airport was just insane.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Davve on November 15, 2012, 04:24:18 PM
I liked it! Nice :mellow:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: DeathMazhine on November 15, 2012, 04:48:08 PM
First. Full review later.

1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Kinda liked it, memorable stunt. 9/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - Awesome idea, never think about that. 8,5/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Awesome! I'm happy that I see that stunt from you. 10/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - Nice stunt, but I'm not a fan of heli bumps. 7/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - Sweet precision. 9/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - Kinda lame :/. 6/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - I had that idea but not with that execution :o. 10/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - Nice precision. 8/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - Cool, but you should try the precision. 7,5/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - I had that as spot, hard runup :/. 9,5/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Awesome prec. 10/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Not bad, Ktulu, not bad :happy:. 8/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - Nice, but it would look better a full grind. 8/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Lucky but epic. 8/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Liked that rotation, remembered to me Megaton's finisher :wub:. 9/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - I allways liked you're ideas ScreaM.. 9/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Not bad, Prezm00, not bad :happy:. 8/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - Nice useage of packer and stylish prec. 9,5/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Good stunt with a huge distance for that short runup. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Really epic! Laughed at this double boost :lol:. 10/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Nice, but a bit simple.. :( 7/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Cool stunt, liked it. 8/10

Music - Awesome, but I lost it :(.
Editing - Clean and simple, like you're style ;).
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Syny on November 15, 2012, 05:04:39 PM
Well, here we go.

The video was really good for my eyes. Some stunts have bad cam angles, we should give more attention for this in the next video.
Stood out to Feka, for sure. I peed in my pants when I see for the first time that cabbie boost on LV ainport.
The editing was cool, really enjoyed the song. Good job to everyone of us.  ;D

Overall: 9/10.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Plani on November 15, 2012, 05:52:35 PM
Crew section well deserved guys  ;) Feka's boost was insane and i'm glad to see cloudwalker kicking some asses again. Good job to everyone really, it was an amazing video.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Ltab on November 15, 2012, 06:21:19 PM
Expected some better stuff but oh well
Feka killed this video obviously, great editing too Tracker :)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: __JREN on November 15, 2012, 08:43:35 PM
That was really fast. Nice job!
Feka's boost totally owned.

Apologies for not being able to edit the video.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: MxZz. on November 15, 2012, 10:59:05 PM
first fuck you afterlife -,- , second

e: Great crew vid , seriously .. I was surprised a lot. Just ''lost'' NumeRo's palm prec , i landed it after first try so i thought it's too easy :lol: , whatever. Stunts were cool and editing was amazing Tracker ! Good job everyone and keep it up.
já to skočil už někdy v lednu :D ještě na sampu ale neměl sem nápady tak jsem skočil znova :D
Laming that bump landing the palm is bad.

Anyway, I have to say that feka was awesome. Some other standout, but most of the epic shits were done by promagic and feka, good job guys. That was an amazing crew vid.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: RedX on November 15, 2012, 11:13:45 PM
Great video, enjoyed most of the stunts. The double taxi boost near the end was nuts.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PM on November 15, 2012, 11:57:35 PM
First. Full review later.

1.   1:22 - 1:37 (Promagic) - Kinda liked it, memorable stunt. 9/10
2.   1:38 - 1:47 (Feka) - Awesome idea, never think about that. 8,5/10
3.   1:48 - 1:59 (Cloudwalker) - Awesome! I'm happy that I see that stunt from you. 10/10
4.   2:00 - 2:09 (Daro) - Nice stunt, but I'm not a fan of heli bumps. 7/10
5.   2:10 - 2:17 (Named) - Sweet precision. 9/10
6.   2:18 - 2:25 (Feka) - Kinda lame :/. 6/10
7.   2:26 - 2:40 (Numero) - I had that idea but not with that execution :o. 10/10
8.   2:41 - 2:49 (Syny) - Nice precision. 8/10
9.   2:50 - 2:58 (Tracker) - Cool, but you should try the precision. 7,5/10
10.   2:59 - 3:05 (ScreaM) - I had that as spot, hard runup :/. 9,5/10
11.   3:06 - 3:16 (Feka) - Awesome prec. 10/10
12.   3:17 - 3:24 (Ktulu*) - Not bad, Ktulu, not bad :happy:. 8/10
13.   3:25 - 3:32 (Cloudwalker) - Nice, but it would look better a full grind. 8/10
14.   3:33 - 3:38 (Feka) - Lucky but epic. 8/10
15.   3:39 - 3:46 (Named) - Liked that rotation, remembered to me Megaton's finisher :wub:. 9/10
16.   3:47 - 3:57 (ScreaM) - I allways liked you're ideas ScreaM.. 9/10
17.   3:58 - 4:03 (PrzemOO*) - Not bad, Prezm00, not bad :happy:. 8/10
18.   4:04 - 4:10 (Promagic) - Nice useage of packer and stylish prec. 9,5/10
19.   4:11 - 4:18 (Syny) - Good stunt with a huge distance for that short runup. 8/10
20.   4:19 - 4:33 (Feka) - Really epic! Laughed at this double boost :lol:. 10/10
21.   4:34 - 4:47 (Numero) - Nice, but a bit simple.. :( 7/10
22.   4:48 - 5:02 (Gryzlek) - Cool stunt, liked it. 8/10

Music - Awesome, but I lost it :(.
Editing - Clean and simple, like you're style ;).
That's quite disgusting, isn't it? People should put some effort in full review, instead of copying it, don't you think?
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: NEM on November 16, 2012, 12:16:01 AM
That's just DeathMazhine BROO :lol:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Hugo on November 16, 2012, 12:24:10 AM
Feka  :o
Really awesome vid' ! Best CV of year !
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 16, 2012, 12:28:07 AM
Succes, i have such a beast spots for the next cv, not just lame ones like in this video.
The camangles were totally the worst on any stent. Tracker, that was suprise for me, that you have edited this and not Dragun, it was ok, but only 6/10, nothing special, rushed and and we even such better songs. About my stens: mtb rollhopping: that was first and the last time i've tried rollhopping, and who cares, i have just fun on that spot, its a lefti from 2011
           cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot, i think it deserves more, it was hard, i've done it, but not my spot
           rad2bb: it was luck of course, but such a well done luck, then who cares if it's luck or not
           infcurb2carpark: i've tried this spot in 2009-2010-2011 also whith rhino, but rhino was to high and i've got back bumps on the 90% of tries. One day i tried to drive through between the trees and wall and i've stucked with inf at the 3rd tree from pirateship. Then i realised that if i can find a veichle, which has a good shape, i mean good width and height, i can stuck it and bump it. Then i started to look for, the best car with trainer and the utilityvan was the first, which has got the good datas. Of course i used nitro and hydraulics when i stucked it, but it was so hard, to stuck it well as curb. As u can see, on that day i've landed it.
            cabbiedrop2prec: i used the old method of mine, the dropboost, it was easy, but stylish. I was looking for
another spot, which give me a solution on that object.

Others stens: i loved PM's and Syny's stuff. PM deserved the opener, but i have doubts for the finisher of Gryzlek, but i don't even care. I hade enough moddig accusation in the last years and i'm still clear, so i know what you feel. CW's stuff was soso, i know he be able to catch em' all, next cv...! Named aswell! ALL IN ALL 7/10! cheers

edit: Tracker don't be self-conscious if you edit vids, you are a leader!
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on November 16, 2012, 02:12:39 AM
Apologies for not being able to edit the video.

No problem.  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Demon on November 16, 2012, 03:30:15 AM
Feka and Promagic stood out for me ,I liked your boost combo most,it was actually awesome ,finisher was cool and other stunts were nice as well ,Named also showed some nice stunts,the editing was ok and the song was great, good video overall, great job guys :wub:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Plani on November 16, 2012, 05:58:01 AM
Oh i forgot... A special ''Good job'' to Named and Syny. Great to see you guys starting again in another crew. Good luck manos.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: VaNilla on November 16, 2012, 06:32:00 AM
Great video guys :)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: MtS on November 16, 2012, 07:20:23 AM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: FTO on November 16, 2012, 07:22:42 AM
Great video. Feka stood out.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Syny on November 16, 2012, 08:50:45 AM
cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot.
We were trying this, don't be so egocentric. I found this a long time ago too.
And this doesn't look lame as you said.    :angry:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Reynard The Fox on November 16, 2012, 09:28:56 AM
cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot.
I wouldn't call it laming though it's just a matter of taste. I landed that stunt in 5 minutes because Artifex(me) asked me to land something.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Named on November 16, 2012, 09:47:54 AM
Oh i forgot... A special ''Good job'' to Named and Syny. Great to see you guys starting again in another crew. Good luck manos.

yeah, this too, great job my brazillian fellas  :a-cheer:
Oh i forgot... A special ''Good job'' to Named and Syny. Great to see you guys starting again in another crew. Good luck manos.

Thank you manos, i really appreciate your positive comments, thank you very much  :wub:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: [Bart] on November 16, 2012, 10:28:16 AM
Feka owned the vid, Promagic stood out, too, and I also like some other stunts, like NumeRo´s bb prec, Syny´s boost, Gryzlek´s stunt and Named´s infi stunt.
Editingwise, not the best, but i don´t think its a bad edit.
Great job guys, keep up this good form! :happy:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 17, 2012, 01:26:53 AM
cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot.
I wouldn't call it laming though it's just a matter of taste. I landed that stunt in 5 minutes because Artifex(me) asked me to land something.
cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot.
We were trying this, don't be so egocentric. I found this a long time ago too.
And this doesn't look lame as you said.    :angry:

Syny i think it is, Rey: you did it in 5 minutes, then you call it "not lamed"? Sorry, no problem!
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: A maid on November 17, 2012, 06:30:19 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 17, 2012, 07:32:07 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: kuma on November 17, 2012, 07:57:59 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:

Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: VaNilla on November 17, 2012, 08:44:07 AM
I can't say it's clean for sure because of the angle, but it looks clean to me, and it's certainly possible at the very least.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 17, 2012, 08:48:42 AM
I can't say it's clean for sure because of the angle, but it looks clean to me, and it's certainly possible at the very least.
I was actually going to post a clip with better angle but forgot to,
p2b (
here it is.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Paull on November 17, 2012, 09:56:57 AM
It looks clean to me  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Shifftee on November 17, 2012, 12:05:01 PM
That was epic! I'll watch this every time before I open SA. :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: ScreaM on November 17, 2012, 12:07:43 PM
First of all, I'm sad that I couldn't send better stunts, but some of you guys liked them anyway. I knew Feka will pwn this video, but Promagic have nice stunts too. If Feka thinks his stunts are leftovers, then I can't wait for his next stunts.
This is good as our first video since we got section on GTAS, but I hope next ones will be better. I liked the music and editing, but I was expecting draguN's edit and because of it im quite disappointed. Overall, good video and I hope we'll keep improving.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on November 18, 2012, 04:35:08 AM
Thanks to all for opinions. I think it motivates us to continue.  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Flippa on November 18, 2012, 05:08:24 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: XTO -- on November 20, 2012, 06:18:06 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:

You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?

Either way, I have my doubts on Feka's LS Highbump to precision on the billboard. Besides that, opener was the best stunt (Would have liked to see it more than once).

Editing was pretty simple, didn't have anything special but it was good.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: PrzemOO on November 20, 2012, 07:39:54 AM
You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?
No  :lol:
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: krs on November 20, 2012, 08:48:09 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:

You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?

You do realize that's total bullshit, right? Like someone who can't land a stunt mods it because he thinks it's impossible
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: XTO -- on November 20, 2012, 08:53:24 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:

You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?

You do realize that's total bullshit, right? Like someone who can't land a stunt mods it because he thinks it's impossible

I'm not talking about why someone mods, I'm just saying it's easier to spot modded stuff. I did mod in the past, Shadowsniper modded in the past, Mugetsu modded in the past. Why do you think it's mostly us who point out modded stunts?
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Gryzlek on November 20, 2012, 09:08:23 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:
You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?
And that's exactly where you're wrong. Modders usually think they have capabilities to spot a modded stunt, because they mod/modded themselves. The truth is that a modder can't actually tell shit, because he mods his own stunts, so he can't have the experience to know the possibilities of the game.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Feka on November 20, 2012, 09:48:11 AM
What retard let that finisher pass through the rep checking?
Yeah totally what a fucking retard, he should ask an experienced stunter to check the replays, like someone who modded most of his stunts, and never landed a single new stunt in his whole career :ajaja: :ajaja:!
A guy with so much experience surely would know the possibilities of SA, and never would let such a stunt in the video :ajaja: :jajaja: 1!1 :ajaja:

You do realize that someone who modded before has more capabilities to sight modded stunts, right?

Either way, I have my doubts on Feka's LS Highbump to precision on the billboard. Besides that, opener was the best stunt (Would have liked to see it more than once).

Editing was pretty simple, didn't have anything special but it was good. ( check it!
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: XTO -- on November 20, 2012, 10:16:10 AM
Thanks Feka.

And Grizlek, Im done talking about that. I can't give more fucks to your statement. The opinion is my own and I wouldn't argue about anything if I didn't know what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Named on November 20, 2012, 06:24:58 PM
cabbie2prec: after Reynolds and Syny lame that spot.

The point is, that stunt is good, that stunt looks pretty and sweet, and easy stunts don't mean BAD stunts, that stunt is simple but sick
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: SkilZ on November 22, 2012, 03:54:08 PM
Nice video guys Feka give some awesome idea i really loved CW Freeway stunt love the vid editing are really nice :)
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on January 01, 2013, 03:26:53 AM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Requiem on March 17, 2013, 04:04:33 AM
Any download link?  ;D
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on March 17, 2013, 03:54:34 PM
i upload this vido tomorrow  <_<
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: STREEM on March 24, 2013, 03:36:04 AM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on March 24, 2013, 06:19:46 AM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: STREEM on March 24, 2013, 08:09:04 AM
nice music, fekas doubleboost to prec wow finisher wow
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: ExRer on March 24, 2013, 09:24:22 AM
Enjoyable re-watching
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Mati on March 24, 2013, 03:35:21 PM
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Syny on March 24, 2013, 07:42:12 PM
Enjoyable re-watching

And by the way, just noticed now that youtube muted this video, sad but true.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Shingetsu on March 25, 2013, 01:55:25 AM
Dl link plz
Can i re-upload this on youtube without muted audio like i did with ATS - The Final Cut and Memento ?
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: KeNN on March 26, 2013, 06:12:46 AM
awesome video guys,good job.
Title: Re: [KS] Clique
Post by: Named on July 24, 2013, 09:24:14 AM
That was amazing, one of my best crew videos  ;D
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