
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas => SA Chat & Support => Topic started by: Rusch69 on August 27, 2011, 07:00:55 PM

Title: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on August 27, 2011, 07:00:55 PM
Legit stunting vol. 1.1

Just post your videos in the sections where they really belong to and you shouldn't get in touch with this stuff. Consult more experienced stunters when you have doubts about stunts you're working with for your stunt video projects. Try to stop modding in it's earliest stages. Stay clean.

I've digged this up again to keep it more up-to-date from now on generally (mainly the blacklist thing + actions). Basically nothing changed about MMM's earlier concept for treatments and actions towards modders & modded stunt videos. You're not supposed to discuss in here. We (PrzemOO, JL & Rusch) are more likely the handling hand of the viewers and not the "detectives" all alone as you may think. If you think an action towards a video or somebody was incorrect, feel free to tell in here and we could work it out. Below you find a separated overview and a blacklist.

The following stuff will only affect stunters and their videos, which got posted in the "SA Un-Modded Video Releases" section (if required!).

Things which will be considered about the actions towards modders & modded stunt videos:

- All the comments in the specific topics (so dare helping by opening your mouth)
- How "new" the ascertained modder is to GTAS
- How much work was invested
- Did the specific stunter show off his replay(s) after a request?
- Did the editor know about stunts being modded?
- Is the modder a repeat offender?

Consequences for modded videos:

- The topic will be moved to the "SA Modded Video Releases" section
- The modders get warnings or suspensions¹ furthermore
- Reposting it in the "SA Un-Modded Video Releases" section results in a suspension¹

Consequences for extremely modded videos:

- The topic will be removed
- The modders get warnings or suspensions¹ furthermore
- Reposting it in the "SA Un-Modded Video Releases" section results in a suspension¹

¹ Suspensions:

- Will last 30 days
- Repeat offenders will get +15 days with every new suspension


Caught modders get listed below with their number of warnings/suspensions and videos.
Blacklist got reset on 28th august '11

ApocalypS: All I want, Back from hell; 2 warnings; 0 suspensions
Aurora: Bayside, 1 warning; 0 suspensions
Biel: 1 warning; 0 suspensions
BlackDeath: Wavves; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
Blackxot: VSG - Welcome 2013!, 1 warning, 0 suspensions
Blast: Valakas, Appears from the darkness; 2 warning(s), 0 suspensions
Chevvy: Fuck you; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
Dan: Vid./Best of; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
eXawn: PopXawne; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
ExRer: Buried Alive, Last Voyage, Bright Skies, SD - Renaissance; 4 warning(s); 2 suspensions
Felly: LSD; 0 warning; 0 suspensions
FD_God: Toxic, Solo; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
IceD: SMDT; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
JaiK: Rolling balls, Random super modded video I forgot the name of after removing; 2 warning(s); 1 suspension
ki4o: SMBU Unleashed; 2 warning(s); 0 suspensions
mehmet: Valakas; 1 warning, 0 suspensions
mike: Shine; 1 warning, 0 suspensions
Mugetsu: Ragnarok; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
mxz: LOOK; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
NoLimit; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
NOS: Mossavil; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
REVO: Pass Out; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
Scavenger: Best of, Amendment; 2 warning(s); 0 suspensions
SH00T3R: Seize The Day; 0 warnings; 0 suspensions
SharingaN: ED - Sceptical, SD - Apotheosis; 2 warning(s); 0 suspensions
Smut: SMBU Unleashed; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
stunta4life: New mini solo, Broken Road, Four Wheels; 3 warning(s); 1 suspensions
Squeak: Hospitals; 1 warning, 0 suspensions
StatiC: No Way Back ASC - Still Broken; 2 warning(s); 0 suspensions
Sonico: VSG - Welcome 2013!, 1 warning, 0 suspensions
Souther: Mossavil, ED - Sceptical, EXTRATERRESTRIAL, SD - Apotheosis, The End is Where We Begin; 3 warning(s); 4 suspensions
Tornado: Solstice IV, Anastasia; 2 warning(s), 0 suspensions
SyperDimon: Wrong look; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
valuboi: Burning Flag; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
vmx: Best of vmx; 1 warning; 0 suspensions
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Noah on August 27, 2011, 07:15:39 PM
What about editors purposely allowing modded stunts in their videos? Will they be punished aswell?
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: MV on August 27, 2011, 09:59:17 PM
What about editors purposely allowing modded stunts in their videos? Will they be punished aswell?
They should post in the Modded section..
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on August 28, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
Nubie said it. My very first sentence also says it directly.
But that case is rare as you can't always really say if the editor noticed any modding, but people like Sharingan, Stranger & Co. are clear circumstances for example.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: lilj on August 28, 2011, 12:40:35 AM
i always wounder, what about those free mouse scroll mice ?, eample the logitc g700, you can let the scrolling wheel scroll for 30 - 20 sec just by a littile toch, imagne what kind of boost you would get out of it, does it count as modding ?
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on August 28, 2011, 12:57:13 AM
Well I'm not really the one to ask about Cabbie stuff in general as I never stunt with it. Sadly rollboosting is accepted nowadays, so I guess any mouse is allowed for it. It may gives unfair advantages, but the same actually applies to FPS in-game. With FL off being allowed, we basically can't do shit against hardware advantages. I fear that mouse issue to become an excuse like the FPS-rate used to for ridiculous air times, but you actually don't know what hardware the person really has. Suspiciousness never pops out of nowhere though.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Raekah on August 30, 2011, 02:26:10 AM
Nice to see you taking over the job Andre :) someone seems to be missing frommm the job.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: bluedagger on August 30, 2011, 03:25:33 AM
This is ridinkidonkey. I trust you guys with being reasonable though so :)
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: MxZz. on November 03, 2012, 06:14:51 PM
Just wondering, why the fuck did I get a warning for look? :lol:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: MxZz. on December 04, 2012, 05:53:47 AM
Still wondering why did I get a warning on that video.. Would be nice to see the guy, who did put the warning, replying to my question.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on December 04, 2012, 07:05:50 AM
Me probably, I don't recall the video and therefore can't tell. A warning actually does not harm a member at all, this is just for the record.
There are recently some changes related to the SA board in discussion to improve the situation for both parties. No clue how long it'll still take as the progress seems frozen yet again ... <_<
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Urban Legend on May 01, 2013, 03:11:19 PM
Hohohoho wow there is a Blacklist? :S
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Named on July 30, 2014, 07:20:15 AM
Sorry for bumping this topic but i have a question, what about Baseline, i don't see him at the black list :hmm:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on July 30, 2014, 11:38:18 AM
Quote from above:
Quote from: Rusch69
Blacklist got reset on 28th august '11

If it was an all the time list, it would probably be 4 times this long. Especially in 2008 there was a massive amount of modders. This is now redundant since JL & PrzemOO won't keep it going I guess. :P
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Named on July 30, 2014, 08:57:33 PM
Alright, but some of these old modders got permanently banned, like Baseline?  :cheersad:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rust on July 30, 2014, 11:12:23 PM
Do slowitdown moves you here? I've already asked some members and, I was told it mostly affect on your taxi boosting and, in some cases, also the common stunting you do. As in, any kind of stunt you do which requires fast response from the stunter. Do simple stunts, like a roof to grind, landed with slowitdown in background makes it already modded even if it didn't affect at all the land or the game physics?

Quite new to this engine and I'd like to seek some help before screw it all. I've already landed 2 or 3 stunts with this cheat on but, I never wanted to release them as I was actually wondering about this and, I won't release them as they're really weak. :P
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: PtRvY on July 31, 2014, 12:05:36 AM
Taxi boosting should be most affected by this, especially if you're using the rollboosting method - the more you roll the mouse in that short period of time you're touching a wall, the higher you'll get - simple as that, and if you're slowing time down you can likely manage a lot more rolls of the mouse, altering your stunt.

As for other stunts, it could both be a help and an enemy (depending on how quickly/slowly reaction is needed). I'd definitely steer clear of it if I were you.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on July 31, 2014, 02:21:07 AM
Alright, but some of these old modders got permanently banned, like Baseline?  :cheersad:

Baseline was permanently banned for his behaviour. MMM & I started this anti-mods stuff in 2011 and we had no influence before that time.

@Rust: Just don't use any cheats and stick to the ones that USCM allows (ghost town & infinite health/armor). I do think the nitro & hydraulics ones are stupid tho as they enable abilities for vehicles that aren't supported by default. The Sandking is the most common example, it can have hydraulics, but no nitro by default. Yet people use nitro with it, which I am not cool with eventhough it somewhat is tolerated.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rust on July 31, 2014, 09:37:35 AM
Is there a way to find out when someone is using the cheat on background?
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Named on August 06, 2014, 08:51:38 AM
Ok Rusch, just one more question, one guy called Macc was banned in 2010 or 2011 i guess, he was one cool and fresh stunter, got banned after he released one of his last solos, he already have received warnings before his solo and got banned after releasing, or he got banned permanently only because his last solo?
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: JaiK on August 07, 2014, 11:26:48 AM
What about baseline, ss, macc, roachpeach, tacojoe and all the other massive modders? :)))) yeah this topic sucks. The video that is claimed that I modded doesnt even exist and I dont recall getting any warning before I got randomly banned for 30 days or some shit.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rusch69 on August 07, 2014, 03:48:32 PM
@Rust: I don't think there is, but correct me if I'm wrong. MMM has been testing that thing for a while back then. All I remember is he said it was rather bad/useless to use for stunting. I do remember an unreleased stunt by him which got landed with that enabled, but he did not release it. Not that I care anymore, but you better do not use it. It's a moral thing imo.


@Named: Punishments were individual and I do not remember his case in particular. I don't have access to the logs anymore, so I can't tell. People got warned silently in most cases, because otherwise they would have started pointless discussions all the time. Warning aren't really harmful as all I did was giving the user +5% per modded video, but they still would've whined. It was rather supposed to be a log for the record.


Baseline was permanently banned for his behaviour. MMM & I started this anti-mods stuff in 2011 and we had no influence before that time.
The other guys you mentioned modded before 2011. The topic doesn't suck, you do for modding. As I stated above, warnings often were given silently for a good reason. ;)

Quote from: Rusch69
JaiK: Rolling balls, Random super modded video I forgot the name of after removing; 2 warning(s); 1 suspension
That video does not exist indeed. I can't help it if you fail to understand what that note means. We both know you haven't just modded twice so why do you even argue? :lol:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Lex on August 07, 2014, 08:07:44 PM
I think most of my stunt is Ghostown and Aezakmi (never wanted)  :lol: is this allow? and why everytime i fall on bike and smash in the ground like tomatoe i died? is USCM didn't not put it or there is a way to god mode in USCM? any way i'm in GAMEPAD  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Lex on August 30, 2014, 07:59:05 PM
need the answer?  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: STREEM on August 30, 2014, 11:11:30 PM
you cant ask because you are on the blacklist
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Lex on August 30, 2014, 11:37:24 PM
you cant ask because you are on the blacklist

can i watch the blacklisted people?
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: jooker on August 30, 2014, 11:51:07 PM
Yes, but you have to burn your computer down after that. Also forget the internet...or you know what? Just go to an abandoned island. This is serious.
Title: Re: Legit stunting vol. 1.1
Post by: Rust on August 31, 2014, 05:58:04 PM
I think most of my stunt is Ghostown and Aezakmi (never wanted)  :lol: is this allow? and why everytime i fall on bike and smash in the ground like tomatoe i died? is USCM didn't not put it or there is a way to god mode in USCM? any way i'm in GAMEPAD  :a-cheer:
Hey gamepad. These function are set as default with USCM...
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