General => General Discussion => Video Editing/Compression => Topic started by: Instel on October 19, 2010, 02:40:00 PM
all is in teh title, be sure to watch in on 720px, gd watching
lil' test (
Share comments, i'd apreciate it to improve, thanks :euro:
I somewhat like it.
But I wish there were more editors like Dundee :l
sad for you, I'm not like him :P
more comments ? :euro:
wut ?
pretty boring , and i didnt like this timecyc or cc at all :S
Ronald Jenkees ;>
pretty boring , and i didnt like this timecyc or cc at all :S
I'll ask you to don't comment anymore on my topics since now, you fucking ass hole :euro:
yup mmm <:
writed on youtube
Pretty cool :ajaja:
not your best edit but the stunt is good ;)
A bit GDL-like, which should be positive. So, nice job.
ty mate :euro:
cba to watch it atm. I'll make sure to watch it later when I get a chance and leave a comment here. :wub:
sure :wub:
That was quite good actually. Intro was a bit boring but that was still alright. Loved the CC(or that was timecyc) and editing overall was nice as well.
pretty boring , and i didnt like this timecyc or cc at all :S
I'll ask you to don't comment anymore on my topics since now, you fucking ass hole :euro:
why ? : > jdi ske jen pense sa suck j'y peut rien :cc_detective:
you're just a little bitch, and nobody cares about your opinion, ty :euro: