GTA Series => VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Time Limit Videos => Topic started by: theonly_one on December 18, 2007, 11:12:39 AM
This is a 1h collab that Sony and i pulled off yesterday
The editing is made in like 20 minutes so dont nag about that its crap, cause im alreaddy know that.
And oh, none of us ara members in KST, i just forgot to change the bikes before recording, sorry
Cowboys from hell streaming -----------------> (
1st, watching....
song used by nitz, watching.
Hm... ok video, didn`t like the editing much, some stunts were good, like the first one
Here's a long review and no one will ever read it.
INTRO: Fast and simple, well done.
0.50: Great stunt, well done Sony.
1.06: One of your favourite stunts, huh? ^^
1.21: Nice height there and good landing.
1.29: Another favourite stunt mate? Nice on that one.
1.42: That was N-I-C-E! Hard with not that big landing area.
1.57: Well done with that one Sony Cool landing too ^^
2.10: A bit easy mabye, but good.
2.29: Great natural bump there.
2.43: One of the best stunt you've landed in a time limited.
2.56: Hm..ten seconds to deadline?
Once again a fine editing work mate.
Not over-edited or under-edited.
SONGS: Love Pantera.
Metallicas "Fight Fire with Fire" is cooler for know what I mean
OVERALL: 9/10, loads of good stunts in a short time is worth a nine.
song used by nitz, watching.
He was just the second one who used it. kandeda edited Nitz's and iguano's collab once and he used theis song
I liked it, good job man
i didn't like the editing how you showed the stunt twice.
watching.. but the music is from nitzkits best of .. cant think of the name .. anyway watching
it was ok
honestly, i didnt like it...
editing: as time goes by, youre editing goes down... u aint improving "3"
stunts: im so sick and tired of bumps... "4"
music: that sucked so hard "2"
ok vid
honestly, i didnt like it...
editing: as time goes by, youre editing goes down... u aint improving "3"
stunts: im so sick and tired of bumps... "4"
music: that sucked so hard "2"
I love you
song used by nitz, watching.
Song used at a concert I have on DVD in Moscow.
So fucking choke on that.