GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - Vice City => VC Tutorials => Topic started by: Jason on August 09, 2007, 04:04:07 AM
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i dunno if i explained it right, but whatever.
also, you might need to pause to read the text if you're slow at it
Downloading Need help with ledgegrinds so hope this is good xD
Watching now!
I'm gonna try now, I never really did know how to, thanks haywire!
Watching, i suck in grinds/ledge grind so this could help me
EDIT: Nice tut Hoply it helps me
Wow this really helped me out, i can already see a massive improvement in my ledgegrinds
Thanks Hay, great work on the tut.
Nice tut man. It helped me a lot
Useful tut , and u got a nice ledgegrind there too.
Halped me majorly man, thank you so much.
Great work Hay, though I wasn't good in ledgegrinds at first, then I watched Eddeman's and Barney's ones and I started to learn it. Good tutorial though.
Very helpful, and easy to understand tutorial. Thanks for making it!
watching atm Dude
EDIT: Woo this was nice short good looking tutorial Hay
Thx, Hay. Great explained.
Now I go and whore some ledgegrinds.
Great tut man! Im gonna try these
awesome gonna watch
Hur-HAY nice one man looks pretty help full
Awesome tutorial GJ
Nice...Now make one with a straight-edge ledge with no curves
Useful tut , and u got a nice ledgegrind there too.
ooo ye. thats right
Nice job, thanks.
pretty nice tut, so helpful. gj
Thanks for the tut Haywire, GJ!
I was expecting the other kind of ledge grind, but, oh well, this one was a nice one too very similar (
^^Do you think you could make a tut like that dudes grind? You know, a perfect straight ledge! That'd be very helpful
Thanks for making the tut...but you should of included some... ledges. Your grinded that wall nicely but the tut should of been longer with some other stunts in it.
the same rules apply to every ledge
the same rules apply to every ledge
Haywire is just to lazy to land others.
Good enough Haywire.
postal service ftw...and great tut btw
Can someone re-upload the stuff please cuz the link is dead.
i want thsi too : >