GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas => SA Tutorials => Topic started by: DeathCobra on March 02, 2007, 05:01:17 PM
Couldnt find a proper RADs tut vid and Ive had a fair few people asking if there was one, so I decided to make one myself. This includes:
Regular Method
Examples of using Regular Method
Bump Method
[LQ]YouTube (
[HQ]Filefront (;6847449;;/fileinfo.html%5bHQ)
TGA HQ here (
Awesome tut man
TGA HQ here (
Thanks BK...
FF linky up
Pretty decent vid mate, although you didnt include anything about where to do it or to avoid bumps, but i guess people will figure that out on their own.
Nice tut mate .
Good work mate.
But you said "start the wheelie at 30mph..." Why?
Because thats a good point to start the wheelie, too early and it takes longer to get up speed, and too late and it takes longer to bring the front wheel up.
Great tut, glad you did it with FL on as it's more accurate showing of when you would bump something (you can easily pass over bumps in ground FL off) and you shake FL on. I found this to be a great tut, good job.
Good tut m8, very useful for in the future.
nice tut... but an old method...
BUT i still like old speed - up method.. couse i hate do rad's ... for me easyer is to take a lil bit longer run up but with classsic method ( pressing lean forwards key )
Great Tutorial...
nice tut... but an old method...
You really think I was claiming this as my method?
Nice tut vid mate
great tuto
nice tut... but an old method...
You really think I was claiming this as my method?
He was joking Watched the vid, I'm gonna start Rad-ing at that speed, can't say I have noticed the difference before but you are probably right
hmmmm beutifull metod i go to instel GTA SA and try it THX death cobra ))) goood job
This one helped
Great work on the tutorial DC. I guess this will help all these noobs here at GTAS.
Great work on the tutorial DC. I guess this will help all these noobs here at GTAS.
Yeah, it sure helped me a lot, couldn't do them before.
I've found a way to get EVEN MORE out of your intensive RAD´sing!
When you have gotten to a wheelie where the back scrapes the ground, let go of the gas just a little, so that the back stops scraping (keep tapping forward), and hit the gas again. If timed right, you will be in a wheelie which will not go down. So now you get the effect of a usual RAD´s but without the friction from the back scraping.
Have fun reaching higher heights
I already do that...
Well.. I haven't seen anyone do it in any vid, so I figured it was something no one knew about.
Hasn't been posted, so now it is.