GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas => SA Stunting Challenges => Topic started by: KillaMarci on March 01, 2007, 03:20:22 PM
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Go for it
Nice! Good luck guys.
where is that ? is it in las venturas?
where is that ? is it in las venturas?
Cool, trying
Very nice stunt KM
Not possible IMO. You cant get full speed, and its very hard to get a decent bump from that setup.
OLD FOR ME... IMPOSSIBLE: no enouth runup
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well i knew the guy landed it in this video, but i tryed this stunt for ages and i never was any close... infact its sounds a bit strange... i dont accuse anyone, i invite everybody to test this spot maybe i just didnt hit the tank in the right way
It's possible, because on SAMP I was trying this and went over highest level . That Maize guy modded it though.
It's definitely possible, just a little uncomfortable. Good challenge, KillaMarci
Looks too floaty for me, and ive never seen someone get that much height from barely touching the tank.
Although his other stunts were noobish.
Yeah I agree with the modded speculations, actually started laughing when I saw it. Maybe possible, hell of a stunt anyway.
It's possible, because on SAMP I was trying this and went over highest level . That Maize guy modded it though.
Yeah looks possible.Maize is a faggot
there is not the fact of:" look or not look possible", just spawn there and try yourself. u'll finally see its impossible.
i suggest you to goto sa-mp in group and try it.
just be smart dont trust in people that use sobeit and similar shit on sa-mp.
btw why this obvious spot wasnt landed since 2 years of san andreas stunting? maybe u're understimating veteran stunters. this sucks a lot... :|
it didnt look modded to me, i mean if you think about it he bumped the tank with his front two wheels, when i bump with the front wheels of the car i get alot of height so i think its legit.
modded . . . you can see it 100% to much float...
Soo modded... Someone here who dosn't mod shud land it
Soo modded... Someone here who dosn't mod shud land it
Its possible but fuckin hard.
BTW. Don´t bump old topics.