GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas => SA Tutorials => Topic started by: infested on December 17, 2006, 01:27:31 AM
This is a method which allows you to set up a bump at just about any place. You can bump the front wheel with another bike, or hit it in the direction where it has the same function as a ramp with a car, so it works for both land vehicles. Here's how to set it up.
#Do the break 2-car rule trick founded by RAD, and have the NRG you're going to bump as the never-disappearing vehicle.
#Spawn a Monster at the place where you want the bump to be set.
#Drive the never-disappearing NRG under the Monster (you have to lean forward) and go into a wheelie.
#You'll notice the back wheel will sink into the ground after a second or so, when it has fully sunk, exit the NRG.
#Now you will be a bit away from the NRG and your Monster. Go get another bike/car and your Monster will probably be gone leaving you with a stucked NRG.
iBSM tutorial @TGA by ShadowSniper (recommended link) (
iBSM tutorial @youtube[/i] (
So I just figured out how Slim get's his Bullet up the air like that. Myself I got like 10-20 ft as most, and I thought (omfg Slim´s patience must be pwnage...)... Yesterday, I accidentally hit the front wheel of the iBSM'ed NRG, so it got a bigger angle. Then it was bumpable from the back side.
Example: You set up the iBSM with the front wheel facing North. You get the car you want to bump with, and hit it coming FROM North FACING South gently, so it get's more stuckied. When you bump it, you should come FROM South FACING North. Have fun
That's awesome, (your outfit i mean)..
Should give it a try
Again infy nice job, getting close to a gigantic rail using this .
i cant get the back wheel to stuck..
Thats awesome man! Gotta try this one!
I really need to break this fucking 2 cars rule... Too lazy meh
I really need to break this fucking 2 cars rule... Too lazy meh
You don't have to break the 2 car rule if you have a spawner, it's a bit more complicated than just spawning a vehicle on PS2 But using the 2 car rule is the way to prove there is a "non-cheat nor modded version" of setting it up.
Hm... I dont get stuck under the Monster.
@Those who can't get it to work. Try letting go of the gas-button while you're in a wheelie under the Monster for like a tenth of a second and then gas again. Usually helps.
Really nice MethoD!
Man this is awesome! I'm gonna have some fun with this for sure! Nice one dude!
hey infy this is an awesome idea! I have final exams this week, but then two weeks of break, so I'm gonna go on a stunting spree with this
iBSM therefor iStunt hah
I have broken 100 ft.
Noes! I got 90ft Randomly .
really nice method i would love to try this but i need to download it again
GJ anyways
As i said on the temp forums, nicely done mate
nice method
i only did his once and after i took the run up it went away... anyway i still dont know how to get it stuck ( without luck )...
good idea...
I was doing this in SA-MP with Feron. On my first try, I got launched onto a 50 foot building
So satisfying! And Feron, Ill help with the more detailed tutorial.
What server do you go on? Us three could make a tut on SAMP .
It would be great if you could make a tutorial for this since it's hard to show something on PS2 (quality, angles and such). So please, go ahead.
1500 posts biatch I is the VETERANIAN
Lmao you have been here a month more than me, look at my posts, IM teh vet .
Added the fact you need to lean forward to get under the Monster, and car tut.
problem with iBSM... i allways fall of the bike when i hit it... deam...
does i need to do like high bump .. lean forward..?
Fo shore cop.. do as the big bump
I don't need to lean forward to bump the iBSM :S You can bump it from the front wheel or from the seat position. You CAN bump it from the side as well, but that's just tricky and not necessary
rofl @ your paint userbar i think that has a typo in it, cant trust my english
I made it that way to make ppl feel sorry for me and MAKE MY GOD DAMN USERBAR
Just found out you can stuck a Sanchez too Sometimes it goes really deep into the ground, sometimes it stucks at the same level as the NRG. I actually got 80ft height from it at first try (bump with RAD´s in an NRG), and from that all I've got is like 60ft and 100ft back or so, never bumped forward
Haven't got any good result from Infernus nor Bullet.
Nice nice, Ill try to tommorw.
nones made a tutorial yet... ( a detailed one )
Anyone up for making such a tutorial? Coz I can't really find anything wrong with the one I've done exept for bad angles (PS2), and that it only covers the original iBSM stuckie version.
I made an easy to understand one (imo) . LQ for infested .
TGA Link (
Edited first post with SS´s tutorial.
Thanks a lot.
Awesome! Finally found it. xP
Now I'm going to do it. Yeah!
OMG! I did some great stunts with this, I love you Infested! And now I'm gonna use that userbar!
hoho just got a 34m bump with it (~110-115ft)
You can iBSM from under a Shamal as well, if you do this, the bike will be stuck at 90* and you won't be able to enter it or un-iBSM it. Haven't tried bumping it, but it should work nicely.
Add this if you want. LINK (
Holy fuckies! This method proved to be even more open than I originally thought. You can bump it in a Rhino, dunno if I have mentioned it in the topic, just do the original iBSM as for bike bumping, and hit it from the same angle as for car bumping.
Also, you can break the WR for quad height easily on an iBSM, as Slim showed.
Set up an iBSM on the shoreline with the seat facing the water, and you can bump it with a boat as well.
Now I just have to figure out how to bump it with a plane or a hovercraft hmm..